Blame src/Matlab/PAPIMatrixMatrix.m

Packit 577717
function PAPIMatrixMatrix
Packit 577717
Packit 577717
% Compute a Matrix Matrix multiply 
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% on square arrays sized from 50 to 500,
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% in steps of 50. 
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% Use the PAPI mex function with two different methods:
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% - The PAPI High Level flops call
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% - PAPI High Level start/stop calls
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% For each size, display:
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% - number of floating point operations
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% - theoretical number of operations
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% - difference
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% - per cent error
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% - mflops/s
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fprintf(1,'\nPAPI Matrix Matrix Multiply Test');
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fprintf(1,'\nUsing the High Level PAPI("flops") call');
Packit 577717
fprintf(1,'\n%12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s\n', 'n', 'ops', '2n^3', 'difference', '% error', 'mflops')
Packit 577717
for n=50:50:500,
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    PAPI('stop'); % reset the counters to zero
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    PAPI('flops'); % start counting flops
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    [count, mflops] = PAPI('flops'); % read the flops data
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    fprintf(1,'%12d %12d %12d %12d %12.2f %12.2f\n',n,count,2*n^3,count - 2*n^3, (1.0 - ((2*n^3) / count)) * 100,mflops)
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Packit 577717
fprintf(1,'\nPAPI Matrix Matrix Multiply Test');
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fprintf(1,'\nUsing PAPI start and stop');
Packit 577717
fprintf(1,'\n%12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s\n', 'n', 'ops', '2n^3', 'difference', '% error', 'flops/cycle')
Packit 577717
for n=50:50:500,
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    PAPI('start', 'PAPI_TOT_CYC', 'PAPI_FP_OPS');
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    [cyc, ops] = PAPI('stop');
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    fprintf(1,'%12d %12d %12d %12d %12.2f %12.6f\n',n,ops,2*n^3,ops - 2*n^3, (1.0 - ((2*n^3) / ops)) * 100,ops/cyc)
Packit 577717