Blame man/ostree-init.xml

rpm-build 0fba15
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Copyright 2014 Anne LoVerso <>
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0+
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
rpm-build 0fba15
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
rpm-build 0fba15
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
rpm-build 0fba15
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
rpm-build 0fba15
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
Lesser General Public License for more details.
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
rpm-build 0fba15
License along with this library; if not, write to the
rpm-build 0fba15
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
rpm-build 0fba15
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
<refentry id="ostree">
rpm-build 0fba15
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rpm-build 0fba15
        <title>ostree init</title>
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rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
        <refentrytitle>ostree init</refentrytitle>
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
        <refpurpose>Initialize a new empty repository</refpurpose>
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
                <command>ostree init</command> <arg choice="opt" rep="repeat">OPTIONS</arg>
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
            Creates a new empty repository.
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
                    Initialize repository in given mode
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                    (<literal>bare</literal>, <literal>bare-user</literal>,
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                    <literal>bare-user-only</literal>, <literal>archive</literal>).
rpm-build 0fba15
                    The default is <literal>bare</literal>. Note that for
rpm-build 0fba15
                    <literal>archive</literal> the repository configuration file
rpm-build 0fba15
                    will actually have <literal>archive-z2</literal>, as that's
rpm-build 0fba15
                    the historical name.</para>
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
                    <para>See the manual for differences between these modes.
rpm-build 0fba15
                    Briefly, <literal>bare</literal> mode stores files as they
rpm-build 0fba15
                    are, so they can be directly hardlinked,
rpm-build 0fba15
                    <literal>bare-user</literal> uses extended attributes to
rpm-build 0fba15
                    store ownership and xattr information, allowing non-root
rpm-build 0fba15
                    operations, <literal>bare-user-only</literal> does not store
rpm-build 0fba15
                    ownership information, and <literal>archive</literal> stores
rpm-build 0fba15
                    files compressed, to be served over the network.
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
                    Set the collection ID of the repository. Remotes in clones
rpm-build 0fba15
                    of this repository must configure the same value in order to
rpm-build 0fba15
                    pull refs which originated in this repository over peer to
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
                    <para>This collection ID must be persistent and globally
rpm-build 0fba15
                    unique. It is formatted as a reverse DNS name (like a D-Bus
rpm-build 0fba15
                    interface). It must be set to a reverse DNS domain under your
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
                    <para>This option may be omitted (the default) to leave
rpm-build 0fba15
                    peer to peer distribution unsupported for the repository. A
rpm-build 0fba15
                    collection ID may be added to an existing repository in
rpm-build 0fba15
                    future to enable peer to peer distribution from that point
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
                    <para>If the collection ID is changed for the repository
rpm-build 0fba15
                    in future, peer to peer distribution of refs from the
rpm-build 0fba15
                    repository will break for all peers who do not update their
rpm-build 0fba15
                    remote configuration to the new collection ID.
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15
rpm-build 0fba15