Blame tests/

Packit 792a06
import os
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import pytest
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from org_fedora_oscap import content_handling as ch
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TESTING_FILES_PATH = os.path.join(
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    os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, "testing_files")
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DS_FILEPATH = os.path.join(
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    TESTING_FILES_PATH, "testing_ds.xml")
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DS_IDS = ""
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PROFILE1_ID = "xccdf_com.example_profile_my_profile"
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PROFILE2_ID = "xccdf_com.example_profile_my_profile2"
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PROFILE3_ID = "xccdf_com.example_profile_my_profile3"
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def ds_handler():
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    return ch.DataStreamHandler(DS_FILEPATH)
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def test_init_invalid_file_path():
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    with pytest.raises(ch.DataStreamHandlingError) as excinfo:
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    assert "Invalid file path" in str(excinfo.value)
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def test_init_not_scap_content():
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    with pytest.raises(ch.DataStreamHandlingError) as excinfo:
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        ch.DataStreamHandler(os.path.join(TESTING_FILES_PATH, "testing_ks.cfg"))
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    assert "not a valid SCAP content file" in str(excinfo.value)
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def test_init_xccdf_content():
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    with pytest.raises(ch.DataStreamHandlingError) as excinfo:
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        ch.DataStreamHandler(os.path.join(TESTING_FILES_PATH, "xccdf.xml"))
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    assert "not a data stream collection" in str(excinfo.value)
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def test_get_data_streams(ds_handler):
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    assert DS_IDS in ds_handler.get_data_streams()
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def test_get_data_streams_checklists(ds_handler):
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    expected_ids = {DS_IDS: [CHK_FIRST_ID, CHK_SECOND_ID]}
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    ds_ids = ds_handler.get_data_streams_checklists()
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    assert expected_ids == ds_ids
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def test_get_checklists(ds_handler):
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    expected_checklists = [CHK_FIRST_ID, CHK_SECOND_ID]
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    chk_ids = ds_handler.get_checklists(DS_IDS)
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    assert expected_checklists == chk_ids
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def test_get_checklists_invalid(ds_handler):
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    with pytest.raises(ch.DataStreamHandlingError) as excinfo:
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        assert "Invalid data stream id given" in str(excinfo.value)
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def test_get_profiles(ds_handler):
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    profile_ids = ds_handler.get_profiles(DS_IDS, CHK_FIRST_ID)
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    # When Benchmark doesn't contain Rules selected by default
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    # the default Profile should not be present
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    assert 2 == len(profile_ids)
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    assert PROFILE1_ID == profile_ids[0].id
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    assert PROFILE2_ID == profile_ids[1].id
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def test_get_profiles_with_default(ds_handler):
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    profile_ids = ds_handler.get_profiles(DS_IDS, CHK_SECOND_ID)
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    # When Benchmark contains Rules selected by default
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    # the default Profile should be present
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    assert 2 == len(profile_ids)
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    assert "default" == profile_ids[0].id
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    assert PROFILE3_ID == profile_ids[1].id