Blame testing_files/scap-mycheck-oval.xml

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<oval_definitions xmlns="" xmlns:oval-def="" xmlns:ind-def="" xmlns:oval="" xmlns:lin-def="" xmlns:unix-def="">
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        <oval:product_name>vim, emacs</oval:product_name>
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        <definition class="compliance" id="" version="1">
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            <title>Ensure that /root/must_exist.txt file exists.</title>
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            <reference ref_id="TBD" source="CCE"/>
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              Testing check.
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            <criterion comment="Check /root/must_exist.txt file exists" test_ref=""/>
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        <unix-def:file_test check="all" check_existence="at_least_one_exists" comment="Check /root/must_exist.txt file exists" id="" version="1">
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          <unix-def:object object_ref=""/>
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        <unix-def:file_object comment="Check existance of /root/must_exist.txt" id="" version="1">
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          <unix-def:path operation="pattern match">^/root$</unix-def:path>
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