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OSBuild Test Data

This directory contains data used by the osbuild test-suite. Since many formats do not allow comments, this file shortly describes their purpose.


  • ./os-release/: This directory is consumed by the unit-tests of the os-release parser. The directory contains example os-release files (see os-release(5)). Their directory name is the expected output of the parser.

  • ./manifests/: This directory contains osbuild manifests used throughout the test-suite.

Manifests prefixed with f30, f31, etc. are manifests that produce fedora images. If they have base as part of their name, they include a base set of packages which we very loosely define as @core plus the packages our test-suite needs. If they have build as part of their name, they have a very restricted package set which includes just what is needed in a build-root for osbuild. The fedora prefix is used for manifests that are kept up to date to the newest fedora release, and thus do not expose a specific f30, f32, etc. behavior.

The rhel prefix is used for Red Hat Enterprise Linux images. Since they are not available publicly, the test-suite usually skips them.

The filesystem manifest is used to test assemblers. These tests doesn't need a big filesystem tree representing a whole operating system. Instead, this manifest's tree is constructed just from the filesystem package and is marked using the selinux stage.

Manifests ending on .mpp.json are fed through the ManifestPreProcessors and then stored in the same directory with an .json extension (replacing .mpp.json). generated files are committed to the repository. Nevertheless, if you need to regenerate them, use make test-data.

  • ./sources/: This directory contains test-data for runtime tests of the source-engines. It contains a directory that is served via HTTP in the tests, and a directory of test-cases what to expect when using the attached sources.json.

  • scripts: This directory contains scripts used from other tests, i.e. although they are executables they are at the same time test-data to the actual (unit) tests.