#!/usr/bin/python3 # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ generate-all-test-cases Script to generate all image test cases based on distro x arch x image-type matrix read from `distro-arch-imagetype-map.json` or passed file. One can filter the matrix just to a subset using `--distro`, `--arch` or `--image-types` arguments. The script is intended to be run from the osbuild-composer sources directory root, for which the image test cases should be (re)generated. Example (builds rhel-8 qcow2 images on aarch64 s390x ppc64le): tools/test-case-generators/generate-all-test-cases \ --output=test/data/manifests \ --image-x86_64 ~/Downloads/Images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-33-1.2.x86_64.qcow2 \ --image-ppc64le ~/Downloads/Images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-33-1.2.ppc64le.qcow2 \ --image-aarch64 ~/Downloads/Images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-33-1.2.aarch64.qcow2 \ --image-s390x ~/Downloads/Images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-33-1.2.s390x.qcow2 \ --arch aarch64 s390x ppc64le \ --distro rhel-8 \ --image-types qcow2 The script spins up an ephemeral QEMU VM (called Runner) per each required architecture. The CWD (sources dir root) is attached to the Runner using virtfs as readonly and later mounted into /mnt/sources on the Runner. The 'output' directory is also attached to the Runner using virtfs as r/w and later mounted into /mnt/output on the Runner. The next execution on Runners is as follows: - Wait for the runner to be configured using cloud-init. - includes installing osbuild, osbuild-composer and golang - Create /mnt/sources and /mnt/output and mount appropriate devices - in /mnt/sources execute tools/test-case-generators/generate-test-cases for each requested distro and image type combination on the particular architecture. Output manifest is written into /mnt/output One can use e.q. Fedora cloud qcow2 images: x86_64: https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/33/Cloud/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-33-1.2.x86_64.qcow2 aarch64: https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/33/Cloud/aarch64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-33-1.2.aarch64.qcow2 ppc64le: https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora-secondary/releases/33/Cloud/ppc64le/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-33-1.2.ppc64le.qcow2 s390x: https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora-secondary/releases/33/Cloud/s390x/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-33-1.2.s390x.qcow2 aarch64 special note: make sure to have the *edk2-aarch64* package installed, which provides UEFI builds for QEMU and AARCH64 (/usr/share/edk2/aarch64/QEMU_EFI.fd) https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/AArch64/Install_with_QEMU Images need to have enough disk space to be able to build images using osbuild. You can resize them using 'qemu-img resize 20G' command. Known issues: - The tool does not work with RHEL qcow2 images, becuase the "9p" filesystem is not supported on RHEL. HW requirements: - The x86_64 VM uses 1 CPU and 1GB of RAM - The aarch64, s390x and ppc64le VMs each uses 2CPU and 2GB of RAM - Unless filtered using `--arch` option, the script starts 4 VMs in parallel Tested with: - Fedora 32 (x86_64) and QEMU version 4.2.1 Not tested: - installation of newer 'osbuild-composer' or 'osbuild' packages from the local 'osbuild' repository, which is configured by cloud-init. Not sure how dnf will behave if there are packages for multiple architectures. """ import argparse import subprocess import json import os import tempfile import shutil import time import socket import contextlib import multiprocessing import logging import yaml import paramiko # setup logging log = logging.getLogger("generate-all-test-cases") log.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] - %(processName)s: %(message)s") sh = logging.StreamHandler() sh.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(sh) # suppress all errors logged by paramiko paramiko.util.log_to_file(os.devnull) class RunnerMountPoint: """ Data structure to represent basic data used by Runners to attach host directory as virtfs to the guest and then to mount it. """ def __init__(self, src_host, dst_guest, mount_tag, readonly): self.src_host = src_host self.dst_guest = dst_guest self.readonly = readonly self.mount_tag = mount_tag @staticmethod def get_default_runner_mount_points(output_dir, sources_dir=None): """ Returns a list of default mount points used by Runners when generating image test cases. """ sources_dir = os.getcwd() if sources_dir is None else sources_dir mount_points = [ RunnerMountPoint(sources_dir, "/mnt/sources", "sources", True), RunnerMountPoint(output_dir, "/mnt/output", "output", False) ] return mount_points class BaseRunner(contextlib.AbstractContextManager): """ Base class representing a QEMU VM runner, which is used for generating image test case definitions. Each architecture-specific runner should inherit from this class and define QEMU_BIN, QEMU_CMD class variable. These will be used to successfully boot VM for the given architecture. """ # name of the QEMU binary to use for running the VM QEMU_BIN = None # the actual command to use for running QEMU VM QEMU_CMD = None def __init__(self, image, user, passwd, cdrom_iso=None, mount_points=None): self._check_qemu_bin() # path to image to run self.image = image # path to cdrom iso to attach (for cloud-init) self.cdrom_iso = cdrom_iso # host directories to share with the VM as virtfs devices self.mount_points = mount_points if mount_points else list() # Popen object of the qemu process self.vm = None self.vm_ready = False # following values are set after the VM is terminated self.vm_return_code = None self.vm_stdout = None self.vm_stderr = None # credentials used to SSH to the VM self.vm_user = user self.vm_pass = passwd # port on host to forward the guest's SSH port (22) to self.host_fwd_ssh_port = None def _check_qemu_bin(self): """ Checks whether QEMU binary used for the particular runner is present on the system. """ try: subprocess.check_call([self.QEMU_BIN, "--version"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as _: raise RuntimeError("QEMU binary {} not found".format(self.QEMU_BIN)) def _get_qemu_cdrom_option(self): """ Get the appropriate options for attaching CDROM device to the VM, if the path to ISO has been provided. This method may be reimplemented by architecture specific runner class if needed. Returns a list of strings to be appended to the QEMU command. """ if self.cdrom_iso: return ["-cdrom", self.cdrom_iso] return list() def _get_qemu_boot_image_option(self): """ Get the appropriate options for specifying the image to boot from. This method may be reimplemented by architecture specific runner class if needed. Returns a list of strings to be appended to the QEMU command. """ return [self.image] def _get_qemu_ssh_fwd_option(self): """ Get the appropriate options for forwarding guest's port 22 to host's random available port. """ # get a random free TCP port. This should work in majority of cases with contextlib.closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as sock: sock.bind(('localhost', 0)) self.host_fwd_ssh_port = sock.getsockname()[1] return ["-net", "user,hostfwd=tcp::{}-:22".format(self.host_fwd_ssh_port)] def _run_qemu_cmd(self, qemu_cmd): """ Assembles the QEMU command to run and executes using subprocess. """ # handle CDROM qemu_cmd.extend(self._get_qemu_cdrom_option()) # handle mount points for mount_point in self.mount_points: src_host = mount_point.src_host tag = mount_point.mount_tag readonly = ",readonly" if mount_point.readonly else "" qemu_cmd.extend(["-virtfs", f"local,path={src_host},mount_tag={tag},security_model=mapped-xattr{readonly}"]) # handle boot image qemu_cmd.extend(self._get_qemu_boot_image_option()) # handle forwarding of guest's SSH port to host qemu_cmd.extend(self._get_qemu_ssh_fwd_option()) log.debug("Starting VM using command: '%s'", " ".join(qemu_cmd)) self.vm = subprocess.Popen( qemu_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) def start(self): """ Starts the QEMU process running the VM """ if not self.QEMU_CMD: raise NotImplementedError("The way to spin up QEMU VM is not implemented") # don't start the qemu process if there is already one running if self.vm is None: self._run_qemu_cmd(list(self.QEMU_CMD)) log.info( "Runner started. You can SSH to it once it has been configured:" +\ "'ssh %s@localhost -p %d' using password: '%s'", self.vm_user, self.host_fwd_ssh_port, self.vm_pass ) def stop(self): """ Stops the QEMU process running the VM """ if self.vm: self.vm.terminate() try: # give the process some time to terminate self.vm.wait(timeout=15) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as _: self.vm.kill() self.vm.wait(timeout=15) if self.vm.stdout: self.vm_stdout = self.vm.stdout.read().decode() if self.vm.stderr: self.vm_stderr = self.vm.stderr.read().decode() self.vm_return_code = self.vm.returncode if self.vm_return_code == 0: log.debug("%s process ended with return code %d\n\n" + \ "stdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s", self.QEMU_BIN, self.vm_return_code, self.vm_stdout, self.vm_stderr) else: log.error("%s process ended with return code %d\n\n" + \ "stdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s", self.QEMU_BIN, self.vm_return_code, self.vm_stdout, self.vm_stderr) self.vm = None self.vm_ready = False def run_command(self, command): """ Runs a given command on the VM over ssh in a blocking fashion. Calling this method before is_ready() returned True has undefined behavior. Returns stdin, stdout, stderr from the run command. """ ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() # don't ask / fail on unknown remote host fingerprint, just accept any ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: ssh.connect("localhost", self.host_fwd_ssh_port, self.vm_user, self.vm_pass) ssh_tansport = ssh.get_transport() channel = ssh_tansport.open_session() # don't log commands when the vm is not yet ready for use if self.vm_ready: log.debug("Running on VM: '%s'", command) channel.exec_command(command) stdout = "" stderr = "" # wait for the command to finish while True: while channel.recv_ready(): stdout += channel.recv(1024).decode() while channel.recv_stderr_ready(): stderr += channel.recv_stderr(1024).decode() if channel.exit_status_ready(): break time.sleep(0.01) returncode = channel.recv_exit_status() except Exception as e: # don't log errors when vm is not ready yet, because there are many errors if self.vm_ready: log.error("Running command over ssh failed: %s", str(e)) raise e finally: # closes the underlying transport ssh.close() return stdout, stderr, returncode def run_command_check_call(self, command): """ Runs a command on the VM over ssh in a similar fashion as subprocess.check_call() """ _, _, ret = self.run_command(command) if ret != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(ret, command) def wait_until_ready(self, timeout=None): """ Waits for the VM to be ready for use (cloud-init configuration finished). If timeout is provided """ now = time.time() while not self.is_ready(): if timeout is not None and time.time() > (now + timeout): raise subprocess.TimeoutExpired("wait_until_ready()", timeout) time.sleep(15) def is_ready(self): """ Returns True if the VM is ready to be used. VM is ready after the cloud-init setup is finished. """ if self.vm_ready: return True # check if the runner didn't terminate unexpectedly before being ready try: if self.vm: self.vm.wait(1) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as _: # process still running pass else: # process not running, call .stop() to log stdout, stderr and retcode self.stop() qemu_bin = self.QEMU_BIN raise RuntimeError(f"'{qemu_bin}' process ended before being ready to use") try: # cloud-init touches /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished after it finishes self.run_command_check_call("ls /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished") except (paramiko.ChannelException, paramiko.ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError, paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException, EOFError, socket.timeout, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as _: # ignore all reasonable paramiko exceptions, this is useful when the VM is still stating up pass else: log.debug("VM is ready for use") self.vm_ready = True return self.vm_ready def mount_mount_points(self): """ This method mounts the needed mount points on the VM. It should be called only after is_vm_ready() returned True. Otherwise it will fail. """ for mount_point in self.mount_points: dst_guest = mount_point.dst_guest mount_tag = mount_point.mount_tag self.run_command_check_call(f"sudo mkdir {dst_guest}") #! FIXME: "9p" filesystem is not supported on RHEL! out, err, ret = self.run_command(f"sudo mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio {mount_tag} {dst_guest} -oversion=9p2000.L") if ret != 0: log.error("Mounting '%s' to '%s' failed with retcode: %d\nstdout: %s\nstderr: %s", mount_tag, dst_guest, ret, out, err) raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( ret, f"sudo mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio {mount_tag} {dst_guest} -oversion=9p2000.L") def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, *exc_details): self.stop() @staticmethod def prepare_cloud_init_cdrom(userdata, workdir): """ Generates a CDROM ISO used as a data source for cloud-init. Returns path to the generated CDROM ISO image. """ iso_path = os.path.join(workdir, "cloudinit.iso") cidatadir = os.path.join(workdir, "cidata") user_data_path = os.path.join(cidatadir, "user-data") meta_data_path = os.path.join(cidatadir, "meta-data") os.mkdir(cidatadir) if os.path.isdir(userdata): with open(user_data_path, "w") as f: script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) subprocess.check_call( [os.path.abspath(f"{script_dir}/../gen-user-data"), userdata], stdout=f) else: shutil.copy(userdata, user_data_path) with open(meta_data_path, "w") as f: f.write("instance-id: nocloud\nlocal-hostname: vm\n") sysname = os.uname().sysname log.debug("Generating CDROM ISO image for cloud-init user data: %s", iso_path) if sysname == "Linux": subprocess.check_call( [ "genisoimage", "-input-charset", "utf-8", "-output", iso_path, "-volid", "cidata", "-joliet", "-rock", "-quiet", "-graft-points", user_data_path, meta_data_path ], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL ) elif sysname == "Darwin": subprocess.check_call( [ "hdiutil", "makehybrid", "-iso", "-joliet", "-o", iso_path, "{cidatadir}" ], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported system '{sysname}' for generating cdrom iso") return iso_path class X86_64Runner(BaseRunner): """ VM Runner for x86_64 architecture """ QEMU_BIN = "qemu-system-x86_64" QEMU_CMD = [ QEMU_BIN, "-M", "accel=kvm:hvf", "-m", "1024", "-object", "rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=rng0", "-device", "virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0", "-snapshot", "-cpu", "max", "-net", "nic,model=virtio", ] class Ppc64Runner(BaseRunner): """ VM Runner for ppc64le architecture """ QEMU_BIN = "qemu-system-ppc64" QEMU_CMD = [ QEMU_BIN, "-m", "2048", # RAM "-smp", "2", # CPUs "-object", "rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=rng0", "-device", "virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0", "-snapshot", "-net", "nic,model=virtio", ] class Aarch64Runner(BaseRunner): """ VM Runner for aarch64 architecture """ # aarch64 requires UEFI build for QEMU # https://rwmj.wordpress.com/2015/02/27/how-to-boot-a-fedora-21-aarch64-uefi-guest-on-x86_64/ # https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/AArch64/Install_with_QEMU QEMU_BIN = "qemu-system-aarch64" QEMU_CMD = [ QEMU_BIN, "-m", "2048", # RAM "-smp", "2", # CPUs "-object", "rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=rng0", "-device", "virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0", "-snapshot", "-monitor", "none", "-machine", "virt", "-cpu", "cortex-a57", "-bios", "/usr/share/edk2/aarch64/QEMU_EFI.fd", # provided by 'edk2-aarch64' Fedora package "-net", "nic,model=virtio", ] class S390xRunner(BaseRunner): """ VM Runner for s390x architecture """ QEMU_BIN = "qemu-system-s390x" QEMU_CMD = [ QEMU_BIN, "-m", "2048", # RAM "-smp", "2", # CPUs "-machine", "s390-ccw-virtio", # disable msa5-base to suppress errors: # qemu-system-s390x: warning: 'msa5-base' requires 'kimd-sha-512' # qemu-system-s390x: warning: 'msa5-base' requires 'klmd-sha-512' "-cpu", "max,msa5-base=no", "-object", "rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=rng0", "-device", "virtio-rng-ccw,rng=rng0", "-monitor", "none", "-snapshot", "-net", "nic,model=virtio", ] def _get_qemu_cdrom_option(self): """ Get the appropriate options for attaching CDROM device to the VM, if the path to ISO has been provided. s390x tries to boot from the CDROM if attached the way as BaseRunner does it. """ if self.cdrom_iso: iso_path = self.cdrom_iso return list(["-drive", f"file={iso_path},media=cdrom"]) else: return list() def _get_qemu_boot_image_option(self): """ Get the appropriate options for specifying the image to boot from. s390x needs to have an explicit 'bootindex' specified. https://qemu.readthedocs.io/en/latest/system/s390x/bootdevices.html """ image_path = self.image return [ "-drive", f"if=none,id=dr1,file={image_path}", "-device", "virtio-blk,drive=dr1,bootindex=1" ] class TestCaseMatrixGenerator(contextlib.AbstractContextManager): """ Class representing generation of all test cases based on provided test cases matrix. The class should be used as a context manager to ensure that cleanup of all resources is done (mainly VMs and processes running them). VM for each architecture is run in a separate process to ensure that generation is done in parallel. """ ARCH_RUNNER_MAP = { "x86_64": X86_64Runner, "aarch64": Aarch64Runner, "ppc64le": Ppc64Runner, "s390x": S390xRunner } def __init__(self, images, ci_userdata, arch_gen_matrix, output, keep_image_info): """ 'images' is a dict of qcow2 image paths for each supported architecture, that should be used for VMs: { "arch1": "", "arch2": "", ... } 'ci_userdata' is path to file / directory containing cloud-init user-data used for generating CDROM ISO image, that is attached to each VM as a cloud-init data source. 'arch_get_matrix' is a dict of requested distro-image_type matrix per architecture: { "arch1": { "distro1": [ "image-type1", "image-type2" ], "distro2": [ "image-type2", "image-type3" ] }, "arch2": { "distro2": [ "image-type2" ] }, ... } 'output' is a directory path, where the generated test case manifests should be stored. 'keep_image_info' specifies whether to pass the '--keep-image-info' option to the 'generate-test-cases' script. """ self._processes = list() self.images = images self.ci_userdata = ci_userdata self.arch_gen_matrix = arch_gen_matrix self.output = output self.keep_image_info = keep_image_info # check that we have image for each needed architecture for arch in self.arch_gen_matrix.keys(): if self.images.get(arch, None) is None: raise RuntimeError(f"architecture '{arch}' is in requested test matrix, but no image was provided") @staticmethod def runner_function(arch, runner_cls, image, user, passwd, cdrom_iso, generation_matrix, output, keep_image_info): """ Generate test cases using VM with appropriate architecture. 'generation_matrix' is expected to be already architecture-specific dict of 'distro' x 'image-type' matrix. { "fedora-32": [ "qcow2", "vmdk" ], "rhel-84": [ "qcow2", "tar" ], ... } """ mount_points = RunnerMountPoint.get_default_runner_mount_points(output) go_tls_timeout_retries = 3 # spin up appropriate VM represented by 'runner' with runner_cls(image, user, passwd, cdrom_iso, mount_points=mount_points) as runner: log.info("Waiting for the '%s' runner to be configured by cloud-init", arch) runner.wait_until_ready() runner.mount_mount_points() # don't use /var/tmp for osbuild's store directory to prevent systemd from possibly # removing some of the downloaded RPMs due to "ageing" guest_osbuild_store_dir = "/root/osbuild-store" runner.run_command_check_call(f"sudo mkdir {guest_osbuild_store_dir}") # Log installed versions of important RPMs rpm_versions, _, _ = runner.run_command("rpm -q osbuild osbuild-composer") log.info("Installed packages: %s", " ".join(rpm_versions.split("\n"))) for distro, img_type_list in generation_matrix.items(): for image_type in img_type_list: log.info("Generating test case for '%s' '%s' image on '%s'", distro, image_type, arch) # is the image with customizations? if image_type.endswith("-customize"): with_customizations = True image_type = image_type.rstrip("-customize") else: with_customizations = False gen_test_cases_cmd = "cd /mnt/sources; sudo tools/test-case-generators/generate-test-cases" + \ f" --distro {distro} --arch {arch} --image-types {image_type}" + \ f" --store {guest_osbuild_store_dir} --output /mnt/output/" if with_customizations: gen_test_cases_cmd += " --with-customizations" if keep_image_info: gen_test_cases_cmd += " --keep-image-info" # allow fixed number of retries if the command fails for a specific reason for i in range(1, go_tls_timeout_retries+1): if i > 1: log.info("Retrying image test case generation (%d of %d)", i, go_tls_timeout_retries) stdout, stderr, retcode = runner.run_command(gen_test_cases_cmd) # clean up the osbuild-store dir runner.run_command_check_call(f"sudo rm -rf {guest_osbuild_store_dir}/*") if retcode != 0: log.error("'%s' retcode: %d\nstdout: %s\nstderr: %s", gen_test_cases_cmd, retcode, stdout, stderr) # Retry the command, if there was an error due to TLS handshake timeout # This is happening on all runners using other than host's arch from time to time. if stderr.find("net/http: TLS handshake timeout") != -1: continue else: log.info("Generating test case for %s-%s-%s - SUCCEEDED", distro, arch, image_type) # don't retry if the process ended successfully or if there was a different error break log.info("'%s' runner finished its work", arch) # TODO: Possibly remove after testing / fine tuning the script log.info("Waiting for 1 hour, before terminating the runner (CTRL + c will terminate all VMs)") time.sleep(3600) runner.stop() def generate(self): """ Generates all test cases based on provided data """ # use the same CDROM ISO image for all VMs with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="osbuild-composer-test-gen-") as tmpdir: cdrom_iso = BaseRunner.prepare_cloud_init_cdrom(self.ci_userdata, tmpdir) # Load user / password from the cloud-init user-data if os.path.isdir(self.ci_userdata): user_data_path = os.path.join(self.ci_userdata, "user-data.yml") else: user_data_path = self.ci_userdata with open(user_data_path, "r") as ud: user_data = yaml.safe_load(ud) vm_user = user_data["user"] vm_pass = user_data["password"] # Start a separate runner VM for each required architecture for arch, generation_matrix in self.arch_gen_matrix.items(): process = multiprocessing.Process( target=self.runner_function, args=(arch, self.ARCH_RUNNER_MAP[arch], self.images[arch], vm_user, vm_pass, cdrom_iso, generation_matrix, self.output, self.keep_image_info)) self._processes.append(process) process.start() log.info("Started '%s' runner - %s", arch, process.name) # wait for all processes to finish log.info("Waiting for all runner processes to finish") for process in self._processes: process.join() self._processes.clear() def cleanup(self): """ Terminates all running processes of VM runners. """ # ensure that all processes running VMs are stopped for process in self._processes: process.terminate() process.join(5) # kill the process if it didn't terminate yet if process.exitcode is None: process.kill() process.close() self._processes.clear() def __exit__(self, *exc_details): self.cleanup() def get_args(): """ Returns ArgumentParser instance specific to this script. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="(re)generate image all test cases") parser.add_argument( "--image-x86_64", help="Path to x86_64 image to use for QEMU VM", required=False ) parser.add_argument( "--image-ppc64le", help="Path to ppc64le image to use for QEMU VM", required=False ) parser.add_argument( "--image-aarch64", help="Path to aarch64 image to use for QEMU VM", required=False ) parser.add_argument( "--image-s390x", help="Path to s390x image to use for QEMU VM", required=False ) parser.add_argument( "--distro", help="Filters the matrix for generation only to specified distro", nargs='*', required=False ) parser.add_argument( "--arch", help="Filters the matrix for generation only to specified architecture", nargs='*', required=False ) parser.add_argument( "--image-types", help="Filters the matrix for generation only to specified image types", nargs='*', required=False ) parser.add_argument( "--keep-image-info", action='store_true', help="Skip image info (re)generation, but keep the one found in the existing test case" ) parser.add_argument( "--output", metavar="OUTPUT_DIRECTORY", type=os.path.abspath, help="Path to the output directory, where to store resulting manifests for image test cases", required=True ) parser.add_argument( "--gen-matrix-file", help="Path to JSON file from which to read the test case generation matrix (distro x arch x image type)." + \ " If not provided, '/distro-arch-imagetype-map.json' is read.", type=os.path.abspath ) parser.add_argument( "--ci-userdata", help="Path to a file/directory with cloud-init user-data, which should be used to configure runner VMs", type=os.path.abspath ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--debug", action='store_true', default=False, help="turn on debug logging" ) return parser.parse_args() # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals def main(vm_images, distros, arches, image_types, ci_userdata, gen_matrix_file, output, keep_image_info): if not os.path.isdir(output): raise RuntimeError(f"output directory {output} does not exist") script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) gen_matrix_path = gen_matrix_file if gen_matrix_file else f"{script_dir}/distro-arch-imagetype-map.json" log.info("Loading generation matrix from file: '%s'", gen_matrix_path) with open(gen_matrix_path, "r") as gen_matrix_json: gen_matrix_dict = json.load(gen_matrix_json) # Filter generation matrix based on passed arguments for distro in list(gen_matrix_dict.keys()): # filter the distros list if distros and distro not in distros: del gen_matrix_dict[distro] continue for arch in list(gen_matrix_dict[distro].keys()): # filter the arches list of a distro if arches and arch not in arches: del gen_matrix_dict[distro][arch] continue # filter the image types of a distro and arch if image_types: gen_matrix_dict[distro][arch] = list(filter(lambda x: x in image_types, gen_matrix_dict[distro][arch])) # delete the whole arch if there is no image type left after filtering if len(gen_matrix_dict[distro][arch]) == 0: del gen_matrix_dict[distro][arch] log.debug("gen_matrix_dict:\n%s", json.dumps(gen_matrix_dict, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) # Construct per-architecture matrix dictionary of distro x image type arch_gen_matrix_dict = dict() for distro, arches in gen_matrix_dict.items(): for arch, image_types in arches.items(): try: arch_dict = arch_gen_matrix_dict[arch] except KeyError as _: arch_dict = arch_gen_matrix_dict[arch] = dict() arch_dict[distro] = image_types.copy() log.debug("arch_gen_matrix_dict:\n%s", json.dumps(arch_gen_matrix_dict, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) ci_userdata_path = ci_userdata if ci_userdata else os.path.abspath(f"{script_dir}/../deploy/gen-test-data") log.debug("Using cloud-init user-data from '%s'", ci_userdata_path) with TestCaseMatrixGenerator(vm_images, ci_userdata_path, arch_gen_matrix_dict, output, keep_image_info) as generator: generator.generate() if __name__ == '__main__': args = get_args() if args.debug: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) vm_images = { "x86_64": args.image_x86_64, "aarch64": args.image_aarch64, "ppc64le": args.image_ppc64le, "s390x": args.image_s390x } try: main( vm_images, args.distro, args.arch, args.image_types, args.ci_userdata, args.gen_matrix_file, args.output, args.keep_image_info ) except KeyboardInterrupt as _: log.info("Interrupted by user")