package main import ( "crypto/tls" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "path" "time" "" "" "" osbuild "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type OSBuildJobImpl struct { Store string Output string KojiServers map[string]koji.GSSAPICredentials } func packageMetadataToSignature(pkg osbuild.RPMPackageMetadata) *string { if pkg.SigGPG != "" { return &pkg.SigGPG } else if pkg.SigPGP != "" { return &pkg.SigPGP } return nil } func osbuildStagesToRPMs(stages []osbuild.StageResult) []koji.RPM { rpms := make([]koji.RPM, 0) for _, stage := range stages { switch metadata := stage.Metadata.(type) { case *osbuild.RPMStageMetadata: for _, pkg := range metadata.Packages { rpms = append(rpms, koji.RPM{ Type: "rpm", Name: pkg.Name, Epoch: pkg.Epoch, Version: pkg.Version, Release: pkg.Release, Arch: pkg.Arch, Sigmd5: pkg.SigMD5, Signature: packageMetadataToSignature(pkg), }) } default: continue } } return rpms } func (impl *OSBuildJobImpl) Run(job worker.Job) error { outputDirectory, err := ioutil.TempDir(impl.Output, job.Id().String()+"-*") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error creating temporary output directory: %v", err) } defer func() { err := os.RemoveAll(outputDirectory) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error removing temporary output directory (%s): %v", outputDirectory, err) } }() var args worker.OSBuildJob err = job.Args(&args) if err != nil { return err } exports := args.Exports if len(exports) == 0 { // job did not define exports, likely coming from an older version of composer // fall back to default "assembler" exports = []string{"assembler"} } else if len(exports) > 1 { // this worker only supports returning one (1) export return fmt.Errorf("at most one build artifact can be exported") } start_time := time.Now() osbuildOutput, err := RunOSBuild(args.Manifest, impl.Store, outputDirectory, exports, os.Stderr) if err != nil { return err } end_time := time.Now() streamOptimizedPath := "" // NOTE: Currently OSBuild supports multiple exports, but this isn't used // by any of the image types and it can't be specified during the request. // Use the first (and presumably only) export for the imagePath. exportPath := exports[0] if osbuildOutput.Success && args.ImageName != "" { var f *os.File imagePath := path.Join(outputDirectory, exportPath, args.ImageName) if args.StreamOptimized { f, err = vmware.OpenAsStreamOptimizedVmdk(imagePath) if err != nil { return err } streamOptimizedPath = f.Name() } else { f, err = os.Open(imagePath) if err != nil { return err } } err = job.UploadArtifact(args.ImageName, f) if err != nil { return err } } var r []error for _, t := range args.Targets { switch options := t.Options.(type) { case *target.LocalTargetOptions: if !osbuildOutput.Success { continue } var f *os.File imagePath := path.Join(outputDirectory, exportPath, options.Filename) if options.StreamOptimized { f, err = vmware.OpenAsStreamOptimizedVmdk(imagePath) if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } } else { f, err = os.Open(imagePath) if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } } err = job.UploadArtifact(options.Filename, f) if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } case *target.VMWareTargetOptions: if !osbuildOutput.Success { continue } credentials := vmware.Credentials{ Username: options.Username, Password: options.Password, Host: options.Host, Cluster: options.Cluster, Datacenter: options.Datacenter, Datastore: options.Datastore, } tempDirectory, err := ioutil.TempDir(impl.Output, job.Id().String()+"-vmware-*") if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } defer func() { err := os.RemoveAll(tempDirectory) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error removing temporary directory for vmware symlink(%s): %v", tempDirectory, err) } }() // create a symlink so that uploaded image has the name specified by user imageName := t.ImageName + ".vmdk" imagePath := path.Join(tempDirectory, imageName) err = os.Symlink(streamOptimizedPath, imagePath) if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } err = vmware.UploadImage(credentials, imagePath) if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } case *target.AWSTargetOptions: if !osbuildOutput.Success { continue } a, err := awsupload.New(options.Region, options.AccessKeyID, options.SecretAccessKey) if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } key := options.Key if key == "" { key = uuid.New().String() } _, err = a.Upload(path.Join(outputDirectory, options.Filename), options.Bucket, key) if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } /* TODO: communicate back the AMI */ _, err = a.Register(t.ImageName, options.Bucket, key, options.ShareWithAccounts, common.CurrentArch()) if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } case *target.AzureTargetOptions: if !osbuildOutput.Success { continue } credentials := azure.Credentials{ StorageAccount: options.StorageAccount, StorageAccessKey: options.StorageAccessKey, } metadata := azure.ImageMetadata{ ContainerName: options.Container, ImageName: t.ImageName, } const azureMaxUploadGoroutines = 4 err := azure.UploadImage( credentials, metadata, path.Join(outputDirectory, options.Filename), azureMaxUploadGoroutines, ) if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } case *target.KojiTargetOptions: // Koji for some reason needs TLS renegotiation enabled. // Clone the default http transport and enable renegotiation. transport := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone() transport.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{ Renegotiation: tls.RenegotiateOnceAsClient, } kojiServer, _ := url.Parse(options.Server) creds, exists := impl.KojiServers[kojiServer.Hostname()] if !exists { r = append(r, fmt.Errorf("Koji server has not been configured: %s", kojiServer.Hostname())) continue } k, err := koji.NewFromGSSAPI(options.Server, &creds, transport) if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } defer func() { err := k.Logout() if err != nil { log.Printf("koji logout failed: %v", err) } }() if !osbuildOutput.Success { err = k.CGFailBuild(int(options.BuildID), options.Token) if err != nil { log.Printf("CGFailBuild failed: %v", err) } continue } f, err := os.Open(path.Join(outputDirectory, options.Filename)) if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } hash, filesize, err := k.Upload(f, options.UploadDirectory, options.KojiFilename) if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } hostOS, err := distro.GetRedHatRelease() if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } build := koji.ImageBuild{ BuildID: options.BuildID, TaskID: options.TaskID, Name: options.Name, Version: options.Version, Release: options.Release, StartTime: start_time.Unix(), EndTime: end_time.Unix(), } buildRoots := []koji.BuildRoot{ { ID: 1, Host: koji.Host{ Os: hostOS, Arch: common.CurrentArch(), }, ContentGenerator: koji.ContentGenerator{ Name: "osbuild", Version: "0", // TODO: put the correct version here }, Container: koji.Container{ Type: "none", Arch: common.CurrentArch(), }, Tools: []koji.Tool{}, RPMs: osbuildStagesToRPMs(osbuildOutput.Build.Stages), }, } output := []koji.Image{ { BuildRootID: 1, Filename: options.KojiFilename, FileSize: uint64(filesize), Arch: common.CurrentArch(), ChecksumType: "md5", MD5: hash, Type: "image", RPMs: osbuildStagesToRPMs(osbuildOutput.Stages), Extra: koji.ImageExtra{ Info: koji.ImageExtraInfo{ Arch: "noarch", }, }, }, } _, err = k.CGImport(build, buildRoots, output, options.UploadDirectory, options.Token) if err != nil { r = append(r, err) continue } default: r = append(r, fmt.Errorf("invalid target type")) } } var targetErrors []string for _, err := range r { targetErrors = append(targetErrors, err.Error()) } var uploadstatus string = "failure" if len(targetErrors) == 0 { uploadstatus = "success" } err = job.Update(&worker.OSBuildJobResult{ Success: osbuildOutput.Success && len(targetErrors) == 0, OSBuildOutput: osbuildOutput, TargetErrors: targetErrors, UploadStatus: uploadstatus, }) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error reporting job result: %v", err) } return nil }