// Package api provides primitives to interact the openapi HTTP API.
// Code generated by github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen DO NOT EDIT.
package api
import (
// ComposeLogs defines model for ComposeLogs.
type ComposeLogs struct {
ImageLogs []interface{} `json:"image_logs"`
KojiImportLogs interface{} `json:"koji_import_logs"`
KojiInitLogs interface{} `json:"koji_init_logs"`
// ComposeRequest defines model for ComposeRequest.
type ComposeRequest struct {
Distribution string `json:"distribution"`
ImageRequests []ImageRequest `json:"image_requests"`
Koji Koji `json:"koji"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Release string `json:"release"`
Version string `json:"version"`
// ComposeResponse defines model for ComposeResponse.
type ComposeResponse struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
KojiBuildId int `json:"koji_build_id"`
// ComposeStatus defines model for ComposeStatus.
type ComposeStatus struct {
ImageStatuses []ImageStatus `json:"image_statuses"`
KojiBuildId *int `json:"koji_build_id,omitempty"`
KojiTaskId int `json:"koji_task_id"`
Status string `json:"status"`
// ImageRequest defines model for ImageRequest.
type ImageRequest struct {
Architecture string `json:"architecture"`
ImageType string `json:"image_type"`
Repositories []Repository `json:"repositories"`
// ImageStatus defines model for ImageStatus.
type ImageStatus struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
// Koji defines model for Koji.
type Koji struct {
Server string `json:"server"`
TaskId int `json:"task_id"`
// Repository defines model for Repository.
type Repository struct {
Baseurl string `json:"baseurl"`
Gpgkey *string `json:"gpgkey,omitempty"`
// Status defines model for Status.
type Status struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
// PostComposeJSONBody defines parameters for PostCompose.
type PostComposeJSONBody ComposeRequest
// PostComposeRequestBody defines body for PostCompose for application/json ContentType.
type PostComposeJSONRequestBody PostComposeJSONBody
// ServerInterface represents all server handlers.
type ServerInterface interface {
// Create compose
// (POST /compose)
PostCompose(ctx echo.Context) error
// The status of a compose
// (GET /compose/{id})
GetComposeId(ctx echo.Context, id string) error
// Get logs for a compose.
// (GET /compose/{id}/logs)
GetComposeIdLogs(ctx echo.Context, id string) error
// status
// (GET /status)
GetStatus(ctx echo.Context) error
// ServerInterfaceWrapper converts echo contexts to parameters.
type ServerInterfaceWrapper struct {
Handler ServerInterface
// PostCompose converts echo context to params.
func (w *ServerInterfaceWrapper) PostCompose(ctx echo.Context) error {
var err error
// Invoke the callback with all the unmarshalled arguments
err = w.Handler.PostCompose(ctx)
return err
// GetComposeId converts echo context to params.
func (w *ServerInterfaceWrapper) GetComposeId(ctx echo.Context) error {
var err error
// ------------- Path parameter "id" -------------
var id string
err = runtime.BindStyledParameter("simple", false, "id", ctx.Param("id"), &id)
if err != nil {
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid format for parameter id: %s", err))
// Invoke the callback with all the unmarshalled arguments
err = w.Handler.GetComposeId(ctx, id)
return err
// GetComposeIdLogs converts echo context to params.
func (w *ServerInterfaceWrapper) GetComposeIdLogs(ctx echo.Context) error {
var err error
// ------------- Path parameter "id" -------------
var id string
err = runtime.BindStyledParameter("simple", false, "id", ctx.Param("id"), &id)
if err != nil {
return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid format for parameter id: %s", err))
// Invoke the callback with all the unmarshalled arguments
err = w.Handler.GetComposeIdLogs(ctx, id)
return err
// GetStatus converts echo context to params.
func (w *ServerInterfaceWrapper) GetStatus(ctx echo.Context) error {
var err error
// Invoke the callback with all the unmarshalled arguments
err = w.Handler.GetStatus(ctx)
return err
// This is a simple interface which specifies echo.Route addition functions which
// are present on both echo.Echo and echo.Group, since we want to allow using
// either of them for path registration
type EchoRouter interface {
CONNECT(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
DELETE(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
GET(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
HEAD(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
OPTIONS(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
PATCH(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
POST(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
PUT(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
TRACE(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
// RegisterHandlers adds each server route to the EchoRouter.
func RegisterHandlers(router EchoRouter, si ServerInterface) {
wrapper := ServerInterfaceWrapper{
Handler: si,
router.POST("/compose", wrapper.PostCompose)
router.GET("/compose/:id", wrapper.GetComposeId)
router.GET("/compose/:id/logs", wrapper.GetComposeIdLogs)
router.GET("/status", wrapper.GetStatus)