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package autorest
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// Copyright 2017 Microsoft Corporation
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//  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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//  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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//  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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//  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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//  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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//  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
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//  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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//  limitations under the License.
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import (
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// EncodedAs is a series of constants specifying various data encodings
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type EncodedAs string
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const (
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	// EncodedAsJSON states that data is encoded as JSON
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	EncodedAsJSON EncodedAs = "JSON"
Packit 63bb0d
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	// EncodedAsXML states that data is encoded as Xml
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	EncodedAsXML EncodedAs = "XML"
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// Decoder defines the decoding method json.Decoder and xml.Decoder share
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type Decoder interface {
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	Decode(v interface{}) error
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// NewDecoder creates a new decoder appropriate to the passed encoding.
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// encodedAs specifies the type of encoding and r supplies the io.Reader containing the
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// encoded data.
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func NewDecoder(encodedAs EncodedAs, r io.Reader) Decoder {
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	if encodedAs == EncodedAsJSON {
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		return json.NewDecoder(r)
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	} else if encodedAs == EncodedAsXML {
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		return xml.NewDecoder(r)
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	return nil
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// CopyAndDecode decodes the data from the passed io.Reader while making a copy. Having a copy
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// is especially useful if there is a chance the data will fail to decode.
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// encodedAs specifies the expected encoding, r provides the io.Reader to the data, and v
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// is the decoding destination.
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func CopyAndDecode(encodedAs EncodedAs, r io.Reader, v interface{}) (bytes.Buffer, error) {
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	b := bytes.Buffer{}
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	return b, NewDecoder(encodedAs, io.TeeReader(r, &b)).Decode(v)
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// TeeReadCloser returns a ReadCloser that writes to w what it reads from rc.
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// It utilizes io.TeeReader to copy the data read and has the same behavior when reading.
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// Further, when it is closed, it ensures that rc is closed as well.
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func TeeReadCloser(rc io.ReadCloser, w io.Writer) io.ReadCloser {
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	return &teeReadCloser{rc, io.TeeReader(rc, w)}
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type teeReadCloser struct {
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	rc io.ReadCloser
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	r  io.Reader
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func (t *teeReadCloser) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
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	return t.r.Read(p)
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func (t *teeReadCloser) Close() error {
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	return t.rc.Close()
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func containsInt(ints []int, n int) bool {
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	for _, i := range ints {
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		if i == n {
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			return true
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	return false
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func escapeValueStrings(m map[string]string) map[string]string {
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	for key, value := range m {
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		m[key] = url.QueryEscape(value)
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	return m
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func ensureValueStrings(mapOfInterface map[string]interface{}) map[string]string {
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	mapOfStrings := make(map[string]string)
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	for key, value := range mapOfInterface {
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		mapOfStrings[key] = ensureValueString(value)
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	return mapOfStrings
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func ensureValueString(value interface{}) string {
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	if value == nil {
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		return ""
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	switch v := value.(type) {
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	case string:
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		return v
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	case []byte:
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		return string(v)
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Packit 63bb0d
		return fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)
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// MapToValues method converts map[string]interface{} to url.Values.
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func MapToValues(m map[string]interface{}) url.Values {
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	v := url.Values{}
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	for key, value := range m {
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		x := reflect.ValueOf(value)
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		if x.Kind() == reflect.Array || x.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
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			for i := 0; i < x.Len(); i++ {
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				v.Add(key, ensureValueString(x.Index(i)))
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		} else {
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			v.Add(key, ensureValueString(value))
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	return v
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// AsStringSlice method converts interface{} to []string.
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// s must be of type slice or array or an error is returned.
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// Each element of s will be converted to its string representation.
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func AsStringSlice(s interface{}) ([]string, error) {
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	v := reflect.ValueOf(s)
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	if v.Kind() != reflect.Slice && v.Kind() != reflect.Array {
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		return nil, NewError("autorest", "AsStringSlice", "the value's type is not a slice or array.")
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	stringSlice := make([]string, 0, v.Len())
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	for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
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		stringSlice = append(stringSlice, fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.Index(i)))
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	return stringSlice, nil
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// String method converts interface v to string. If interface is a list, it
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// joins list elements using the separator. Note that only sep[0] will be used for
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// joining if any separator is specified.
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func String(v interface{}, sep ...string) string {
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	if len(sep) == 0 {
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		return ensureValueString(v)
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	stringSlice, ok := v.([]string)
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	if ok == false {
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		var err error
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		stringSlice, err = AsStringSlice(v)
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		if err != nil {
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			panic(fmt.Sprintf("autorest: Couldn't convert value to a string %s.", err))
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	return ensureValueString(strings.Join(stringSlice, sep[0]))
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// Encode method encodes url path and query parameters.
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func Encode(location string, v interface{}, sep ...string) string {
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	s := String(v, sep...)
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	switch strings.ToLower(location) {
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	case "path":
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		return pathEscape(s)
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	case "query":
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		return queryEscape(s)
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		return s
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func pathEscape(s string) string {
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	return strings.Replace(url.QueryEscape(s), "+", "%20", -1)
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func queryEscape(s string) string {
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	return url.QueryEscape(s)
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// ChangeToGet turns the specified http.Request into a GET (it assumes it wasn't).
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// This is mainly useful for long-running operations that use the Azure-AsyncOperation
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// header, so we change the initial PUT into a GET to retrieve the final result.
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func ChangeToGet(req *http.Request) *http.Request {
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	req.Method = "GET"
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	req.Body = nil
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	req.ContentLength = 0
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	return req
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// IsTokenRefreshError returns true if the specified error implements the TokenRefreshError
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// interface.  If err is a DetailedError it will walk the chain of Original errors.
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func IsTokenRefreshError(err error) bool {
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	if _, ok := err.(adal.TokenRefreshError); ok {
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		return true
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	if de, ok := err.(DetailedError); ok {
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		return IsTokenRefreshError(de.Original)
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	return false
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// IsTemporaryNetworkError returns true if the specified error is a temporary network error or false
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// if it's not.  If the error doesn't implement the net.Error interface the return value is true.
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func IsTemporaryNetworkError(err error) bool {
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	if netErr, ok := err.(net.Error); !ok || (ok && netErr.Temporary()) {
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		return true
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	return false
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// DrainResponseBody reads the response body then closes it.
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func DrainResponseBody(resp *http.Response) error {
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	if resp != nil && resp.Body != nil {
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		_, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, resp.Body)
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		return err
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	return nil
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