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// Copyright 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT
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// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
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Package azblob allows you to manipulate Azure Storage containers and blobs objects.
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URL Types
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The most common types you'll work with are the XxxURL types. The methods of these types make requests
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against the Azure Storage Service.
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 - ServiceURL's          methods perform operations on a storage account.
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    - ContainerURL's     methods perform operations on an account's container.
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       - BlockBlobURL's  methods perform operations on a container's block blob.
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       - AppendBlobURL's methods perform operations on a container's append blob.
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       - PageBlobURL's   methods perform operations on a container's page blob.
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       - BlobURL's       methods perform operations on a container's blob regardless of the blob's type.
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Internally, each XxxURL object contains a URL and a request pipeline. The URL indicates the endpoint where each HTTP
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request is sent and the pipeline indicates how the outgoing HTTP request and incoming HTTP response is processed.
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The pipeline specifies things like retry policies, logging, deserialization of HTTP response payloads, and more.
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Pipelines are threadsafe and may be shared by multiple XxxURL objects. When you create a ServiceURL, you pass
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an initial pipeline. When you call ServiceURL's NewContainerURL method, the new ContainerURL object has its own
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URL but it shares the same pipeline as the parent ServiceURL object.
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To work with a blob, call one of ContainerURL's 4 NewXxxBlobURL methods depending on how you want to treat the blob.
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To treat the blob as a block blob, append blob, or page blob, call NewBlockBlobURL, NewAppendBlobURL, or NewPageBlobURL
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respectively. These three types are all identical except for the methods they expose; each type exposes the methods
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relevant to the type of blob represented. If you're not sure how you want to treat a blob, you can call NewBlobURL;
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this returns an object whose methods are relevant to any kind of blob. When you call ContainerURL's NewXxxBlobURL,
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the new XxxBlobURL object has its own URL but it shares the same pipeline as the parent ContainerURL object. You
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can easily switch between blob types (method sets) by calling a ToXxxBlobURL method.
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If you'd like to use a different pipeline with a ServiceURL, ContainerURL, or XxxBlobURL object, then call the XxxURL
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object's WithPipeline method passing in the desired pipeline. The WithPipeline methods create a new XxxURL object
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with the same URL as the original but with the specified pipeline.
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Note that XxxURL objects use little memory, are goroutine-safe, and many objects share the same pipeline. This means that
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XxxURL objects share a lot of system resources making them very efficient.
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All of XxxURL's methods that make HTTP requests return rich error handling information so you can discern network failures,
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transient failures, timeout failures, service failures, etc. See the StorageError interface for more information and an
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example of how to do deal with errors.
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URL and Shared Access Signature Manipulation
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The library includes a BlobURLParts type for deconstructing and reconstructing URLs. And you can use the following types
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for generating and parsing Shared Access Signature (SAS)
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 - Use the AccountSASSignatureValues type to create a SAS for a storage account.
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 - Use the BlobSASSignatureValues type to create a SAS for a container or blob.
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 - Use the SASQueryParameters type to turn signature values in to query parameres or to parse query parameters.
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To generate a SAS, you must use the SharedKeyCredential type.
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When creating a request pipeline, you must specify one of this package's credential types.
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 - Call the NewAnonymousCredential function for requests that contain a Shared Access Signature (SAS).
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 - Call the NewSharedKeyCredential function (with an account name & key) to access any account resources. You must also use this
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   to generate Shared Access Signatures.
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HTTP Request Policy Factories
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This package defines several request policy factories for use with the pipeline package.
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Most applications will not use these factories directly; instead, the NewPipeline
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function creates these factories, initializes them (via the PipelineOptions type)
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and returns a pipeline object for use by the XxxURL objects.
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However, for advanced scenarios, developers can access these policy factories directly
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and even create their own and then construct their own pipeline in order to affect HTTP
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requests and responses performed by the XxxURL objects. For example, developers can
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introduce their own logging, random failures, request recording & playback for fast
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testing, HTTP request pacing, alternate retry mechanisms, metering, metrics, etc. The
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possibilities are endless!
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Below are the request pipeline policy factory functions that are provided with this
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 - NewRetryPolicyFactory           Enables rich retry semantics for failed HTTP requests.
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 - NewRequestLogPolicyFactory      Enables rich logging support for HTTP requests/responses & failures.
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 - NewTelemetryPolicyFactory       Enables simple modification of the HTTP request's User-Agent header so each request reports the SDK version & language/runtime making the requests.
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 - NewUniqueRequestIDPolicyFactory Adds a x-ms-client-request-id header with a unique UUID value to an HTTP request to help with diagnosing failures.
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Also, note that all the NewXxxCredential functions return request policy factory objects which get injected into the pipeline.
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package azblob
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// 	TokenCredential     Use this to access resources using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).