Blame vendor/

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package azblob
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import (
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// NewSharedKeyCredential creates an immutable SharedKeyCredential containing the
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// storage account's name and either its primary or secondary key.
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func NewSharedKeyCredential(accountName, accountKey string) (*SharedKeyCredential, error) {
Packit 63bb0d
	bytes, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(accountKey)
Packit 63bb0d
	if err != nil {
Packit 63bb0d
		return &SharedKeyCredential{}, err
Packit 63bb0d
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	return &SharedKeyCredential{accountName: accountName, accountKey: bytes}, nil
Packit 63bb0d
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// SharedKeyCredential contains an account's name and its primary or secondary key.
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// It is immutable making it shareable and goroutine-safe.
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type SharedKeyCredential struct {
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	// Only the NewSharedKeyCredential method should set these; all other methods should treat them as read-only
Packit 63bb0d
	accountName string
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	accountKey  []byte
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// AccountName returns the Storage account's name.
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func (f SharedKeyCredential) AccountName() string {
Packit 63bb0d
	return f.accountName
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func (f SharedKeyCredential) getAccountKey() []byte {
Packit 63bb0d
	return f.accountKey
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// noop function to satisfy StorageAccountCredential interface
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func (f SharedKeyCredential) getUDKParams() *UserDelegationKey {
Packit 63bb0d
	return nil
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// New creates a credential policy object.
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func (f *SharedKeyCredential) New(next pipeline.Policy, po *pipeline.PolicyOptions) pipeline.Policy {
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	return pipeline.PolicyFunc(func(ctx context.Context, request pipeline.Request) (pipeline.Response, error) {
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		// Add a x-ms-date header if it doesn't already exist
Packit 63bb0d
		if d := request.Header.Get(headerXmsDate); d == "" {
Packit 63bb0d
			request.Header[headerXmsDate] = []string{time.Now().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)}
Packit 63bb0d
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		stringToSign, err := f.buildStringToSign(request)
Packit 63bb0d
		if err != nil {
Packit 63bb0d
			return nil, err
Packit 63bb0d
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		signature := f.ComputeHMACSHA256(stringToSign)
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		authHeader := strings.Join([]string{"SharedKey ", f.accountName, ":", signature}, "")
Packit 63bb0d
		request.Header[headerAuthorization] = []string{authHeader}
Packit 63bb0d
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		response, err := next.Do(ctx, request)
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		if err != nil && response != nil && response.Response() != nil && response.Response().StatusCode == http.StatusForbidden {
Packit 63bb0d
			// Service failed to authenticate request, log it
Packit 63bb0d
			po.Log(pipeline.LogError, "===== HTTP Forbidden status, String-to-Sign:\n"+stringToSign+"\n===============================\n")
Packit 63bb0d
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		return response, err
Packit 63bb0d
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// credentialMarker is a package-internal method that exists just to satisfy the Credential interface.
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func (*SharedKeyCredential) credentialMarker() {}
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// Constants ensuring that header names are correctly spelled and consistently cased.
Packit 63bb0d
const (
Packit 63bb0d
	headerAuthorization      = "Authorization"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerCacheControl       = "Cache-Control"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerContentEncoding    = "Content-Encoding"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerContentDisposition = "Content-Disposition"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerContentLanguage    = "Content-Language"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerContentLength      = "Content-Length"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerContentMD5         = "Content-MD5"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerContentType        = "Content-Type"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerDate               = "Date"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerIfMatch            = "If-Match"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerIfModifiedSince    = "If-Modified-Since"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerIfNoneMatch        = "If-None-Match"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerIfUnmodifiedSince  = "If-Unmodified-Since"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerRange              = "Range"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerUserAgent          = "User-Agent"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerXmsDate            = "x-ms-date"
Packit 63bb0d
	headerXmsVersion         = "x-ms-version"
Packit 63bb0d
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// ComputeHMACSHA256 generates a hash signature for an HTTP request or for a SAS.
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func (f SharedKeyCredential) ComputeHMACSHA256(message string) (base64String string) {
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	h := hmac.New(sha256.New, f.accountKey)
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	return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
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func (f *SharedKeyCredential) buildStringToSign(request pipeline.Request) (string, error) {
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	headers := request.Header
Packit 63bb0d
	contentLength := headers.Get(headerContentLength)
Packit 63bb0d
	if contentLength == "0" {
Packit 63bb0d
		contentLength = ""
Packit 63bb0d
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	canonicalizedResource, err := f.buildCanonicalizedResource(request.URL)
Packit 63bb0d
	if err != nil {
Packit 63bb0d
		return "", err
Packit 63bb0d
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	stringToSign := strings.Join([]string{
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		"", // Empty date because x-ms-date is expected (as per web page above)
Packit 63bb0d
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	}, "\n")
Packit 63bb0d
	return stringToSign, nil
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func buildCanonicalizedHeader(headers http.Header) string {
Packit 63bb0d
	cm := map[string][]string{}
Packit 63bb0d
	for k, v := range headers {
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		headerName := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(k))
Packit 63bb0d
		if strings.HasPrefix(headerName, "x-ms-") {
Packit 63bb0d
			cm[headerName] = v // NOTE: the value must not have any whitespace around it.
Packit 63bb0d
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	if len(cm) == 0 {
Packit 63bb0d
		return ""
Packit 63bb0d
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	keys := make([]string, 0, len(cm))
Packit 63bb0d
	for key := range cm {
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		keys = append(keys, key)
Packit 63bb0d
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	ch := bytes.NewBufferString("")
Packit 63bb0d
	for i, key := range keys {
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		if i > 0 {
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		ch.WriteString(strings.Join(cm[key], ","))
Packit 63bb0d
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	return string(ch.Bytes())
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func (f *SharedKeyCredential) buildCanonicalizedResource(u *url.URL) (string, error) {
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	cr := bytes.NewBufferString("/")
Packit 63bb0d
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	if len(u.Path) > 0 {
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		// Any portion of the CanonicalizedResource string that is derived from
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		// the resource's URI should be encoded exactly as it is in the URI.
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		// --
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	} else {
Packit 63bb0d
		// a slash is required to indicate the root path
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	// params is a map[string][]string; param name is key; params values is []string
Packit 63bb0d
	params, err := url.ParseQuery(u.RawQuery) // Returns URL decoded values
Packit 63bb0d
	if err != nil {
Packit 63bb0d
		return "", errors.New("parsing query parameters must succeed, otherwise there might be serious problems in the SDK/generated code")
Packit 63bb0d
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	if len(params) > 0 { // There is at least 1 query parameter
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		paramNames := []string{} // We use this to sort the parameter key names
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		for paramName := range params {
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			paramNames = append(paramNames, paramName) // paramNames must be lowercase
Packit 63bb0d
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		for _, paramName := range paramNames {
Packit 63bb0d
			paramValues := params[paramName]
Packit 63bb0d
Packit 63bb0d
Packit 63bb0d
			// Join the sorted key values separated by ','
Packit 63bb0d
			// Then prepend "keyName:"; then add this string to the buffer
Packit 63bb0d
			cr.WriteString("\n" + paramName + ":" + strings.Join(paramValues, ","))
Packit 63bb0d
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	return string(cr.Bytes()), nil
Packit 63bb0d