Blame schutzbot/

Packit 63bb0d
Packit 63bb0d
set -euxo pipefail
Packit 63bb0d
Packit Service 509fd4
# The project whose -tests package is installed.
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit Service 509fd4
# If it is osbuild-composer (the default), it is pulled from the same
Packit Service 509fd4
# repository as the osbuild-composer under test. For all other projects, the
Packit Service 509fd4
# "dependants" key in Schutzfile is consulted to determine the repository to
Packit Service 509fd4
# pull the -test package from.
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit Service 509fd4
# Colorful output.
Packit Service 509fd4
function greenprint {
Packit Service 509fd4
    echo -e "\033[1;32m${1}\033[0m"
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit 63bb0d
function retry {
Packit 63bb0d
    local count=0
Packit 63bb0d
    local retries=5
Packit 63bb0d
    until "$@"; do
Packit 63bb0d
Packit Service 509fd4
        count=$((count + 1))
Packit 63bb0d
        if [[ $count -lt $retries ]]; then
Packit 63bb0d
            echo "Retrying command..."
Packit 63bb0d
            sleep 1
Packit 63bb0d
Packit 63bb0d
            echo "Command failed after ${retries} retries. Giving up."
Packit 63bb0d
            return $exit
Packit 63bb0d
Packit 63bb0d
Packit 63bb0d
    return 0
Packit 63bb0d
Packit 63bb0d
Packit Service 509fd4
function setup_repo {
Packit Service 509fd4
  local project=$1
Packit Service 509fd4
  local commit=$2
Packit Service 509fd4
  local priority=${3:-10}
Packit Service 509fd4
  greenprint "Setting up dnf repository for ${project} ${commit}"
Packit Service 509fd4
  sudo tee "/etc/yum.repos.d/${project}.repo" << EOF
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit Service 509fd4
name=${project} ${commit}
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit 63bb0d
# Get OS details.
Packit 63bb0d
source /etc/os-release
Packit Service 509fd4
ARCH=$(uname -m)
Packit 63bb0d
Packit 63bb0d
if [[ -n "${RHN_REGISTRATION_SCRIPT:-}" ]] && ! sudo subscription-manager status; then
Packit Service 509fd4
    greenprint "Registering RHEL"
Packit Service 509fd4
    sudo chmod +x "$RHN_REGISTRATION_SCRIPT"
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit 63bb0d
Packit 63bb0d
Packit Service 509fd4
greenprint "Enabling fastestmirror to speed up dnf 🏎️"
Packit Service 509fd4
echo -e "fastestmirror=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit Service 509fd4
greenprint "Adding osbuild team ssh keys"
Packit Service 509fd4
cat schutzbot/team_ssh_keys.txt | tee -a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys > /dev/null
Packit 63bb0d
Packit Service 509fd4
# TODO: include this in the jenkins runner (and split test/target machines out)
Packit Service 509fd4
sudo dnf -y install jq
Packit 63bb0d
Packit Service 509fd4
setup_repo osbuild-composer "${GIT_COMMIT}" 5
Packit 63bb0d
Packit Service 509fd4
OSBUILD_GIT_COMMIT=$(cat Schutzfile | jq -r '.["'"${ID}-${VERSION_ID}"'"].dependencies.osbuild.commit')
Packit Service 509fd4
if [[ "${OSBUILD_GIT_COMMIT}" != "null" ]]; then
Packit Service 509fd4
  setup_repo osbuild "${OSBUILD_GIT_COMMIT}" 10
Packit 63bb0d
Packit 63bb0d
Packit Service 509fd4
if [[ "$PROJECT" != "osbuild-composer" ]]; then
Packit Service 509fd4
  PROJECT_COMMIT=$(jq -r ".[\"${ID}-${VERSION_ID}\"].dependants[\"${PROJECT}\"].commit" Schutzfile)
Packit Service 509fd4
  setup_repo "${PROJECT}" "${PROJECT_COMMIT}" 10
Packit 63bb0d
Packit Service 3a6627
  # Get a list of packages needed to be preinstalled before "${PROJECT}-tests".
Packit Service 3a6627
  # Useful mainly for EPEL.
Packit Service 3a6627
  PRE_INSTALL_PACKAGES=$(jq -r ".[\"${ID}-${VERSION_ID}\"].dependants[\"${PROJECT}\"].pre_install_packages[]?" Schutzfile)
Packit Service 3a6627
Packit Service 3a6627
  if [ "${PRE_INSTALL_PACKAGES}" ]; then
Packit Service 3a6627
    # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # We need to pass multiple arguments here.
Packit Service 3a6627
    sudo dnf -y install ${PRE_INSTALL_PACKAGES}
Packit Service 3a6627
Packit Service 509fd4
Packit 63bb0d
Packit Service bcdfb1
if [ -f "rhel8nightly.repo" ]; then
Packit Service bcdfb1
    greenprint "Preparing repos for nightly build testing"
Packit Service bcdfb1
    sudo mv rhel8nightly.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
Packit Service bcdfb1
    sudo rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/osbuild*.repo
Packit Service bcdfb1
Packit Service bcdfb1
Packit Service 509fd4
greenprint "Installing test packages for ${PROJECT}"
Packit 63bb0d
# Note: installing only -tests to catch missing dependencies
Packit Service 509fd4
retry sudo dnf -y install "${PROJECT}-tests"