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# Hacking on osbuild-composer
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## Virtual Machine
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*osbuild-composer* cannot be run from the source tree, but has to be installed
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onto a system. We recommend doing this by building rpms, with:
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    make rpm
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This will build rpms from the latest git HEAD (remember to commit changes), for
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the current operating system, with a version that contains the commit hash. The
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packages end up in `./rpmbuild/RPMS/$arch`.
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RPMS are easiest to deal with when they're in a dnf repository. To turn this
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directory into a dnf repository and serve it on localhost:8000, run:
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    createrepo_c ./rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64
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    python3 -m http.server --directory ./rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64 8000
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To start a ephemeral virtual machine using this repository, run:
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    tools/deploy-qemu IMAGE tools/deploy/test
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`IMAGE` has to be a path to an cloud-init-enabled image matching the host
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operating system, because that's what the packages where built for above.
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Note that the Fedora/RHEL cloud images might be too small for some tests
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to pass. Run `qemu-img resize IMAGE 10G` to grow them, cloud-init's growpart
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module will grow the root partition automatically during boot. 
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The second argument points to a directory from which cloud-init user-data is
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generated (see `tools/gen-user-data` for details). The one given above tries to
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mimick what is run on *osbuild-composer*'s continuous integration
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infrastructure, i.e., installing `osbuild-composer-tests` and starting the
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The virtual machine uses qemu's [user networking][1], forwarding port 22 to
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the host's 2222 and 443 to 4430. You can log into the running machine with
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    ssh admin@localhost -p 2222
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The password is `foobar`. Stopping the machine loses all data.
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For a quick compile and debug cycle, we recommend iterating code using thorough
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unit tests before going through the full workflow described above.
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## Containers
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*osbuild-composer* and *osbuild-composer-worker* can be run using Docker
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containers. Building and starting containers is generally faster than building
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RPMs and installing them in a VM, so this method is more convenient for
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developing and testing changes quickly. However, using this method has several
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- It doesn't build the RPMs so the `.spec` file isn't tested.
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- The environment is quite different from production (e.g., installation paths,
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  privileges and permissions).
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- The setup is not complete for all required services, so some functionality
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  isn't available for testing this way (e.g., Koji Hub and all its dependent
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The containers are a good way to quickly test small changes, but before
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submitting a Pull Request, it's recommended to run through all the tests using
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the [Virtual Machine](#virtual-machine) setup described above.
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### Configuration
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Each service (*composer* and *worker*) requires a configuration file and a set
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of certificates. The storage location for these is shared between the
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containers for simplicity. By default it's configured to be at
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`./containers/config`, but this can be changed in the
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[`./distribution/.env`](./distribution/.env) file by modifying the value of the
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`$CONTAIN£R_CONFIG_DIR` variable (both absolute and relative paths work).
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Use the [`tools/`](./tools/ script to
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generate the certificates (using the test OpenSSL config file):
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    ./tools/ ./test/data/x509/openssl.cnf ./containers/config  ./containers/config/ca
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Note that the two arguments `./containers/config` and `./containers/config/ca`
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should be the same location as the `$CONTAINER_CONFIG_DIR` described above
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The services also require a config file each which they expect to be in the
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same directory. The following test files can be copied into it:
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    cp ./test/data/composer/osbuild-composer.toml ./test/data/composer/osbuild-worker.toml ./containers/config/
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The `$CONTAINER_CONFIG_DIR` (default `containers/config`) directory will be mounted inside both containers (see
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the [`docker-composer.yml`](./distribution/docker-compose.yml) file).
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### Build and run
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To build the containers, change into the `distribution/` directory and run:
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    docker-compose build
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To start the containers, change into the `distribution/` directory and run:
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    docker-compose up
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You can send requests to the *osbuild-composer* container directly using the
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generated certificate and client key. For example, from the project root, run:
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    curl -k --cert ./containers/config/client-crt.pem --key ./containers/config/client-key.pem
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To rebuild the containers after a change, add the `--build` flag to the `docker-compose` command:
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    docker-compose up --build