/* libp11, a simple layer on to of PKCS#11 API * Copyright (C) 2005 Olaf Kirch * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 MichaƂ Trojnara * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * This file implements the handling of RSA keys stored on a * PKCS11 token */ #include "libp11-int.h" #include #include #include static int rsa_ex_index = 0; static RSA *pkcs11_rsa(PKCS11_KEY *key) { EVP_PKEY *evp_key = pkcs11_get_key(key, key->isPrivate); RSA *rsa; if (evp_key == NULL) return NULL; rsa = EVP_PKEY_get0_RSA(evp_key); EVP_PKEY_free(evp_key); return rsa; } /* PKCS#1 v1.5 RSA signature */ /* TODO: remove this function in libp11 0.5.0 */ int pkcs11_sign(int type, const unsigned char *m, unsigned int m_len, unsigned char *sigret, unsigned int *siglen, PKCS11_KEY *key) { RSA *rsa = pkcs11_rsa(key); if (rsa == NULL) return -1; return RSA_sign(type, m, m_len, sigret, siglen, rsa); } /* Setup PKCS#11 mechanisms for encryption/decryption */ static int pkcs11_mechanism(CK_MECHANISM *mechanism, const int padding) { memset(mechanism, 0, sizeof(CK_MECHANISM)); switch (padding) { case RSA_PKCS1_PADDING: mechanism->mechanism = CKM_RSA_PKCS; break; case RSA_NO_PADDING: mechanism->mechanism = CKM_RSA_X_509; break; case RSA_X931_PADDING: mechanism->mechanism = CKM_RSA_X9_31; break; default: P11err(P11_F_PKCS11_MECHANISM, P11_R_UNSUPPORTED_PADDING_TYPE); return -1; } return 0; } /* RSA private key encryption (also invoked by OpenSSL for signing) */ /* OpenSSL assumes that the output buffer is always big enough */ int pkcs11_private_encrypt(int flen, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, PKCS11_KEY *key, int padding) { PKCS11_SLOT *slot = KEY2SLOT(key); PKCS11_CTX *ctx = KEY2CTX(key); PKCS11_KEY_private *kpriv = PRIVKEY(key); PKCS11_SLOT_private *spriv = PRIVSLOT(slot); CK_MECHANISM mechanism; CK_ULONG size; int rv; size = pkcs11_get_key_size(key); if (pkcs11_mechanism(&mechanism, padding) < 0) return -1; CRYPTO_THREAD_write_lock(PRIVCTX(ctx)->rwlock); /* Try signing first, as applications are more likely to use it */ rv = CRYPTOKI_call(ctx, C_SignInit(spriv->session, &mechanism, kpriv->object)); if (!rv && kpriv->always_authenticate == CK_TRUE) rv = pkcs11_authenticate(key); if (!rv) rv = CRYPTOKI_call(ctx, C_Sign(spriv->session, (CK_BYTE *)from, flen, to, &size)); if (rv == CKR_KEY_FUNCTION_NOT_PERMITTED) { /* OpenSSL may use it for encryption rather than signing */ rv = CRYPTOKI_call(ctx, C_EncryptInit(spriv->session, &mechanism, kpriv->object)); if (!rv && kpriv->always_authenticate == CK_TRUE) rv = pkcs11_authenticate(key); if (!rv) rv = CRYPTOKI_call(ctx, C_Encrypt(spriv->session, (CK_BYTE *)from, flen, to, &size)); } CRYPTO_THREAD_unlock(PRIVCTX(ctx)->rwlock); if (rv) { CKRerr(CKR_F_PKCS11_PRIVATE_ENCRYPT, rv); return -1; } return size; } /* RSA private key decryption */ int pkcs11_private_decrypt(int flen, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, PKCS11_KEY *key, int padding) { PKCS11_SLOT *slot = KEY2SLOT(key); PKCS11_CTX *ctx = KEY2CTX(key); PKCS11_KEY_private *kpriv = PRIVKEY(key); PKCS11_SLOT_private *spriv = PRIVSLOT(slot); CK_MECHANISM mechanism; CK_ULONG size = flen; CK_RV rv; if (pkcs11_mechanism(&mechanism, padding) < 0) return -1; CRYPTO_THREAD_write_lock(PRIVCTX(ctx)->rwlock); rv = CRYPTOKI_call(ctx, C_DecryptInit(spriv->session, &mechanism, kpriv->object)); if (!rv && kpriv->always_authenticate == CK_TRUE) rv = pkcs11_authenticate(key); if (!rv) rv = CRYPTOKI_call(ctx, C_Decrypt(spriv->session, (CK_BYTE *)from, size, (CK_BYTE_PTR)to, &size)); CRYPTO_THREAD_unlock(PRIVCTX(ctx)->rwlock); if (rv) { CKRerr(CKR_F_PKCS11_PRIVATE_DECRYPT, rv); return -1; } return size; } /* TODO: remove this function in libp11 0.5.0 */ int pkcs11_verify(int type, const unsigned char *m, unsigned int m_len, unsigned char *signature, unsigned int siglen, PKCS11_KEY *key) { (void)type; (void)m; (void)m_len; (void)signature; (void)siglen; (void)key; /* PKCS11 calls go here */ P11err(P11_F_PKCS11_VERIFY, P11_R_NOT_SUPPORTED); return -1; } /* * Get RSA key material */ static RSA *pkcs11_get_rsa(PKCS11_KEY *key) { RSA *rsa; PKCS11_KEY *keys; unsigned int i, count; BIGNUM *rsa_n = NULL, *rsa_e = NULL; /* Retrieve the modulus */ if (key_getattr_bn(key, CKA_MODULUS, &rsa_n)) return NULL; /* Retrieve the public exponent */ if (!key_getattr_bn(key, CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, &rsa_e)) { if (!BN_is_zero(rsa_e)) /* A valid public exponent */ goto success; BN_clear_free(rsa_e); rsa_e = NULL; } /* The public exponent was not found in the private key: * retrieve it from the corresponding public key */ if (!PKCS11_enumerate_public_keys(KEY2TOKEN(key), &keys, &count)) { for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { BIGNUM *pubmod = NULL; if (!key_getattr_bn(&keys[i], CKA_MODULUS, &pubmod)) { int found = BN_cmp(rsa_n, pubmod) == 0; BN_clear_free(pubmod); if (found && !key_getattr_bn(&keys[i], CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, &rsa_e)) goto success; } } } /* Last resort: use the most common default */ rsa_e = BN_new(); if (rsa_e && BN_set_word(rsa_e, RSA_F4)) goto success; failure: if (rsa_n) BN_clear_free(rsa_n); if (rsa_e) BN_clear_free(rsa_e); return NULL; success: rsa = RSA_new(); if (rsa == NULL) goto failure; #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100005L && !defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) RSA_set0_key(rsa, rsa_n, rsa_e, NULL); #else rsa->n = rsa_n; rsa->e = rsa_e; #endif return rsa; } PKCS11_KEY *pkcs11_get_ex_data_rsa(const RSA *rsa) { return RSA_get_ex_data(rsa, rsa_ex_index); } static void pkcs11_set_ex_data_rsa(RSA *rsa, PKCS11_KEY *key) { RSA_set_ex_data(rsa, rsa_ex_index, key); } static void pkcs11_update_ex_data_rsa(PKCS11_KEY *key) { EVP_PKEY *evp = key->evp_key; RSA *rsa; if (evp == NULL) return; if (EVP_PKEY_base_id(evp) != EVP_PKEY_RSA) return; rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(evp); pkcs11_set_ex_data_rsa(rsa, key); RSA_free(rsa); } /* * Build an EVP_PKEY object */ static EVP_PKEY *pkcs11_get_evp_key_rsa(PKCS11_KEY *key) { EVP_PKEY *pk; RSA *rsa; rsa = pkcs11_get_rsa(key); if (rsa == NULL) return NULL; pk = EVP_PKEY_new(); if (pk == NULL) { RSA_free(rsa); return NULL; } EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA(pk, rsa); /* Also increments the rsa ref count */ if (key->isPrivate) RSA_set_method(rsa, PKCS11_get_rsa_method()); /* TODO: Retrieve the RSA private key object attributes instead, * unless the key has the "sensitive" attribute set */ #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x01010000L /* RSA_FLAG_SIGN_VER is no longer needed since OpenSSL 1.1 */ rsa->flags |= RSA_FLAG_SIGN_VER; #endif pkcs11_set_ex_data_rsa(rsa, key); RSA_free(rsa); /* Drops our reference to it */ return pk; } /* TODO: remove this function in libp11 0.5.0 */ int pkcs11_get_key_modulus(PKCS11_KEY *key, BIGNUM **bn) { RSA *rsa = pkcs11_rsa(key); const BIGNUM *rsa_n; if (rsa == NULL) return 0; #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100005L && !defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) RSA_get0_key(rsa, &rsa_n, NULL, NULL); #else rsa_n=rsa->n; #endif *bn = BN_dup(rsa_n); return *bn == NULL ? 0 : 1; } /* TODO: remove this function in libp11 0.5.0 */ int pkcs11_get_key_exponent(PKCS11_KEY *key, BIGNUM **bn) { RSA *rsa = pkcs11_rsa(key); const BIGNUM *rsa_e; if (rsa == NULL) return 0; #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100005L && !defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) RSA_get0_key(rsa, NULL, &rsa_e, NULL); #else rsa_e=rsa->e; #endif *bn = BN_dup(rsa_e); return *bn == NULL ? 0 : 1; } /* TODO: make this function static in libp11 0.5.0 */ int pkcs11_get_key_size(PKCS11_KEY *key) { RSA *rsa = pkcs11_rsa(key); if (rsa == NULL) return 0; return RSA_size(rsa); } #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100005L || defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) int (*RSA_meth_get_priv_enc(const RSA_METHOD *meth)) (int flen, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding) { return meth->rsa_priv_enc; } int (*RSA_meth_get_priv_dec(const RSA_METHOD *meth)) (int flen, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding) { return meth->rsa_priv_dec; } #endif static int pkcs11_rsa_priv_dec_method(int flen, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding) { PKCS11_KEY *key = pkcs11_get_ex_data_rsa(rsa); int (*priv_dec) (int flen, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding); if (check_key_fork(key) < 0) { priv_dec = RSA_meth_get_priv_dec(RSA_get_default_method()); return priv_dec(flen, from, to, rsa, padding); } return PKCS11_private_decrypt(flen, from, to, key, padding); } static int pkcs11_rsa_priv_enc_method(int flen, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding) { PKCS11_KEY *key = pkcs11_get_ex_data_rsa(rsa); int (*priv_enc) (int flen, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding); if (check_key_fork(key) < 0) { priv_enc = RSA_meth_get_priv_enc(RSA_get_default_method()); return priv_enc(flen, from, to, rsa, padding); } return PKCS11_private_encrypt(flen, from, to, key, padding); } static int pkcs11_rsa_free_method(RSA *rsa) { RSA_set_ex_data(rsa, rsa_ex_index, NULL); return 1; } static void alloc_rsa_ex_index() { if (rsa_ex_index == 0) { while (rsa_ex_index == 0) /* Workaround for OpenSSL RT3710 */ rsa_ex_index = RSA_get_ex_new_index(0, "libp11 rsa", NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rsa_ex_index < 0) rsa_ex_index = 0; /* Fallback to app_data */ } } static void free_rsa_ex_index() { /* CRYPTO_free_ex_index requires OpenSSL version >= 1.1.0-pre1 */ #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100001L && !defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) if (rsa_ex_index > 0) { CRYPTO_free_ex_index(CRYPTO_EX_INDEX_RSA, rsa_ex_index); rsa_ex_index = 0; } #endif } #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100005L || ( defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) && LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x2080000L ) static RSA_METHOD *RSA_meth_dup(const RSA_METHOD *meth) { RSA_METHOD *ret = OPENSSL_malloc(sizeof(RSA_METHOD)); if (ret == NULL) return NULL; memcpy(ret, meth, sizeof(RSA_METHOD)); ret->name = OPENSSL_strdup(meth->name); if (ret->name == NULL) { OPENSSL_free(ret); return NULL; } return ret; } static int RSA_meth_set1_name(RSA_METHOD *meth, const char *name) { char *tmp = OPENSSL_strdup(name); if (tmp == NULL) return 0; OPENSSL_free((char *)meth->name); meth->name = tmp; return 1; } #endif #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100005L || defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) static int RSA_meth_set_flags(RSA_METHOD *meth, int flags) { meth->flags = flags; return 1; } #endif #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100005L || ( defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER) && LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x2080000L ) static int RSA_meth_set_priv_enc(RSA_METHOD *meth, int (*priv_enc) (int flen, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding)) { meth->rsa_priv_enc = priv_enc; return 1; } static int RSA_meth_set_priv_dec(RSA_METHOD *meth, int (*priv_dec) (int flen, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding)) { meth->rsa_priv_dec = priv_dec; return 1; } static int RSA_meth_set_finish(RSA_METHOD *meth, int (*finish)(RSA *rsa)) { meth->finish = finish; return 1; } #endif /* * Overload the default OpenSSL methods for RSA */ RSA_METHOD *PKCS11_get_rsa_method(void) { static RSA_METHOD *ops = NULL; if (ops == NULL) { alloc_rsa_ex_index(); ops = RSA_meth_dup(RSA_get_default_method()); if (ops == NULL) return NULL; RSA_meth_set1_name(ops, "libp11 RSA method"); RSA_meth_set_flags(ops, 0); RSA_meth_set_priv_enc(ops, pkcs11_rsa_priv_enc_method); RSA_meth_set_priv_dec(ops, pkcs11_rsa_priv_dec_method); RSA_meth_set_finish(ops, pkcs11_rsa_free_method); } return ops; } /* This function is *not* currently exported */ void PKCS11_rsa_method_free(void) { free_rsa_ex_index(); } PKCS11_KEY_ops pkcs11_rsa_ops = { EVP_PKEY_RSA, pkcs11_get_evp_key_rsa, pkcs11_update_ex_data_rsa }; /* vim: set noexpandtab: */