/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Voltaire, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Mellanox Technologies LTD. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ /* * Abstract: * Implementation of SLtoVL and VL Arbitration testing flow.. * Top level is osmt_run_slvl_and_vlarb_records_flow: * osmt_query_all_ports_vl_arb * osmt_query_all_ports_slvl_map * */ #ifndef __WIN__ #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "osmtest.h" static ib_api_status_t osmtest_write_vl_arb_table(IN osmtest_t * const p_osmt, IN FILE * fh, IN const ib_vl_arb_table_record_t * const p_rec) { int i; cl_status_t status = IB_SUCCESS; OSM_LOG_ENTER(&p_osmt->log); fprintf(fh, "VL_ARBITRATION_TABLE\n" "lid 0x%X\n" "port_num 0x%X\n" "block 0x%X\n", cl_ntoh16(p_rec->lid), p_rec->port_num, p_rec->block_num); fprintf(fh, " "); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) fprintf(fh, "| %-2u ", i); fprintf(fh, "|\nVL: "); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) fprintf(fh, "|0x%02X", p_rec->vl_arb_tbl.vl_entry[i].vl); fprintf(fh, "|\nWEIGHT:"); for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) fprintf(fh, "|0x%02X", p_rec->vl_arb_tbl.vl_entry[i].weight); fprintf(fh, "|\nEND\n\n"); /* Exit: */ OSM_LOG_EXIT(&p_osmt->log); return (status); } /********************************************************************** * GET A SINGLE PORT INFO BY NODE LID AND PORT NUMBER **********************************************************************/ ib_api_status_t osmt_query_vl_arb(IN osmtest_t * const p_osmt, IN ib_net16_t const lid, IN uint8_t const port_num, IN uint8_t const block_num, IN FILE * fh) { osmtest_req_context_t context; ib_api_status_t status = IB_SUCCESS; osmv_user_query_t user; osmv_query_req_t req; ib_vl_arb_table_record_t record, *p_rec; OSM_LOG_ENTER(&p_osmt->log); OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG, "Getting VL_Arbitration Table for port with LID 0x%X Num:0x%X\n", cl_ntoh16(lid), port_num); /* * Do a blocking query for this record in the subnet. * The result is returned in the result field of the caller's * context structure. * * The query structures are locals. */ memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); memset(&user, 0, sizeof(user)); memset(&context, 0, sizeof(context)); context.p_osmt = p_osmt; record.lid = lid; record.port_num = port_num; record.block_num = block_num; user.p_attr = &record; req.query_type = OSMV_QUERY_VLARB_BY_LID_PORT_BLOCK; req.timeout_ms = p_osmt->opt.transaction_timeout; req.retry_cnt = p_osmt->opt.retry_count; req.flags = OSM_SA_FLAGS_SYNC; req.query_context = &context; req.pfn_query_cb = osmtest_query_res_cb; req.p_query_input = &user; req.sm_key = 0; if (p_osmt->opt.with_grh) { req.with_grh = 1; memcpy(&req.gid, &p_osmt->sm_port_gid, 16); } status = osmv_query_sa(p_osmt->h_bind, &req); if (status != IB_SUCCESS) { OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 0405: " "ib_query failed (%s)\n", ib_get_err_str(status)); goto Exit; } status = context.result.status; if (status != IB_SUCCESS) { OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 0466: " "ib_query failed (%s)\n", ib_get_err_str(status)); if (status == IB_REMOTE_ERROR) { OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "Remote error = %s\n", ib_get_mad_status_str(osm_madw_get_mad_ptr (context.result. p_result_madw))); } goto Exit; } /* ok it worked */ p_rec = osmv_get_query_result(context.result.p_result_madw, 0); if (fh) { osmtest_write_vl_arb_table(p_osmt, fh, p_rec); } Exit: /* * Return the IB query MAD to the pool as necessary. */ if (context.result.p_result_madw != NULL) { osm_mad_pool_put(&p_osmt->mad_pool, context.result.p_result_madw); context.result.p_result_madw = NULL; } OSM_LOG_EXIT(&p_osmt->log); return (status); } static ib_api_status_t osmt_query_all_ports_vl_arb(IN osmtest_t * const p_osmt, IN FILE * fh) { cl_status_t status = CL_SUCCESS; cl_qmap_t *p_tbl; port_t *p_src_port; uint8_t block, anyErr = 0; OSM_LOG_ENTER(&p_osmt->log); OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE, "Obtaining ALL Ports VL Arbitration Tables\n"); /* * Go over all ports that exist in the subnet * get the relevant VLarbs */ p_tbl = &p_osmt->exp_subn.port_key_tbl; p_src_port = (port_t *) cl_qmap_head(p_tbl); while (p_src_port != (port_t *) cl_qmap_end(p_tbl)) { /* HACK we use capability_mask to know diff a CA port from switch port */ if (p_src_port->rec.port_info.capability_mask) { /* this is an hca port */ for (block = 1; block <= 4; block++) { /* NOTE to comply we must set port number to 0 and the SA should figure it out */ /* since it is a CA port */ status = osmt_query_vl_arb(p_osmt, p_src_port->rec.lid, 0, block, fh); if (status != IB_SUCCESS) { OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 0467: " "Failed to get Lid:0x%X Port:0x%X (%s)\n", cl_ntoh16(p_src_port->rec.lid), 0, ib_get_err_str(status)); anyErr = 1; } } } else { /* this is a switch port */ for (block = 1; block <= 4; block++) { status = osmt_query_vl_arb(p_osmt, p_src_port->rec.lid, p_src_port->rec.port_num, block, fh); if (status != IB_SUCCESS) { OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 0468: " "Failed to get Lid:0x%X Port:0x%X (%s)\n", cl_ntoh16(p_src_port->rec.lid), p_src_port->rec.port_num, ib_get_err_str(status)); anyErr = 1; } } } p_src_port = (port_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_src_port->map_item); } OSM_LOG_EXIT(&p_osmt->log); if (anyErr) { status = IB_ERROR; } return (status); } /******************************************************************************* SLtoVL *******************************************************************************/ static ib_api_status_t osmtest_write_slvl_map_table(IN osmtest_t * const p_osmt, IN FILE * fh, IN const ib_slvl_table_record_t * const p_rec) { int i; cl_status_t status = IB_SUCCESS; OSM_LOG_ENTER(&p_osmt->log); fprintf(fh, "SLtoVL_MAP_TABLE\n" "lid 0x%X\n" "in_port_num 0x%X\n" "out_port_num 0x%X\n", cl_ntoh16(p_rec->lid), p_rec->in_port_num, p_rec->out_port_num); fprintf(fh, "SL:"); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) fprintf(fh, "| %-2u ", i); fprintf(fh, "|\nVL:"); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) fprintf(fh, "| 0x%01X ", ib_slvl_table_get(&p_rec->slvl_tbl, (uint8_t) i)); fprintf(fh, "|\nEND\n\n"); /* Exit: */ OSM_LOG_EXIT(&p_osmt->log); return (status); } /********************************************************************** * GET A SINGLE PORT INFO BY NODE LID AND PORT NUMBER **********************************************************************/ ib_api_status_t osmt_query_slvl_map(IN osmtest_t * const p_osmt, IN ib_net16_t const lid, IN uint8_t const out_port_num, IN uint8_t const in_port_num, IN FILE * fh) { osmtest_req_context_t context; ib_api_status_t status = IB_SUCCESS; osmv_user_query_t user; osmv_query_req_t req; ib_slvl_table_record_t record, *p_rec; OSM_LOG_ENTER(&p_osmt->log); OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG, "Getting SLtoVL Map Table for out-port with LID 0x%X Num:0x%X from In-Port:0x%X\n", cl_ntoh16(lid), out_port_num, in_port_num); /* * Do a blocking query for this record in the subnet. * The result is returned in the result field of the caller's * context structure. * * The query structures are locals. */ memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); memset(&user, 0, sizeof(user)); memset(&context, 0, sizeof(context)); context.p_osmt = p_osmt; record.lid = lid; record.in_port_num = in_port_num; record.out_port_num = out_port_num; user.p_attr = &record; req.query_type = OSMV_QUERY_SLVL_BY_LID_AND_PORTS; req.timeout_ms = p_osmt->opt.transaction_timeout; req.retry_cnt = p_osmt->opt.retry_count; req.flags = OSM_SA_FLAGS_SYNC; req.query_context = &context; req.pfn_query_cb = osmtest_query_res_cb; req.p_query_input = &user; req.sm_key = 0; if (p_osmt->opt.with_grh) { req.with_grh = 1; memcpy(&req.gid, &p_osmt->sm_port_gid, 16); } status = osmv_query_sa(p_osmt->h_bind, &req); if (status != IB_SUCCESS) { OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 0469: " "ib_query failed (%s)\n", ib_get_err_str(status)); goto Exit; } status = context.result.status; if (status != IB_SUCCESS) { OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 0470: " "ib_query failed (%s)\n", ib_get_err_str(status)); if (status == IB_REMOTE_ERROR) { OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "Remote error = %s\n", ib_get_mad_status_str(osm_madw_get_mad_ptr (context.result. p_result_madw))); } goto Exit; } /* ok it worked */ p_rec = osmv_get_query_result(context.result.p_result_madw, 0); if (fh) { osmtest_write_slvl_map_table(p_osmt, fh, p_rec); } Exit: /* * Return the IB query MAD to the pool as necessary. */ if (context.result.p_result_madw != NULL) { osm_mad_pool_put(&p_osmt->mad_pool, context.result.p_result_madw); context.result.p_result_madw = NULL; } OSM_LOG_EXIT(&p_osmt->log); return (status); } static ib_api_status_t osmt_query_all_ports_slvl_map(IN osmtest_t * const p_osmt, IN FILE * fh) { cl_status_t status = CL_SUCCESS; cl_qmap_t *p_tbl; port_t *p_src_port; uint8_t in_port, anyErr = 0, num_ports; node_t *p_node; const cl_qmap_t *p_node_tbl; OSM_LOG_ENTER(&p_osmt->log); /* * Go over all ports that exist in the subnet * get the relevant SLtoVLs */ OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE, "Obtaining ALL Ports (to other ports) SLtoVL Maps\n"); p_tbl = &p_osmt->exp_subn.port_key_tbl; p_node_tbl = &p_osmt->exp_subn.node_lid_tbl; p_src_port = (port_t *) cl_qmap_head(p_tbl); while (p_src_port != (port_t *) cl_qmap_end(p_tbl)) { /* HACK we use capability_mask to know diff a CA port from switch port */ if (p_src_port->rec.port_info.capability_mask) { /* this is an hca port */ /* NOTE to comply we must set port number to 0 and the SA should figure it out */ /* since it is a CA port */ status = osmt_query_slvl_map(p_osmt, p_src_port->rec.lid, 0, 0, fh); if (status != IB_SUCCESS) { OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 0471: " "Failed to get Lid:0x%X In-Port:0x%X Out-Port:0x%X(%s)\n", cl_ntoh16(p_src_port->rec.lid), 0, 0, ib_get_err_str(status)); anyErr = 1; } } else { /* this is a switch port */ /* get the node */ p_node = (node_t *) cl_qmap_get(p_node_tbl, p_src_port->rec.lid); if (p_node == (node_t *) cl_qmap_end(p_node_tbl)) { OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 0472: " "Failed to get Node by Lid:0x%X\n", p_src_port->rec.lid); goto Exit; } num_ports = p_node->rec.node_info.num_ports; for (in_port = 1; in_port <= num_ports; in_port++) { status = osmt_query_slvl_map(p_osmt, p_src_port->rec.lid, p_src_port->rec. port_num, in_port, fh); if (status != IB_SUCCESS) { OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 0473: " "Failed to get Lid:0x%X In-Port:0x%X Out-Port:0x%X (%s)\n", cl_ntoh16(p_src_port->rec.lid), p_src_port->rec.port_num, in_port, ib_get_err_str(status)); anyErr = 1; } } } p_src_port = (port_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_src_port->map_item); } Exit: OSM_LOG_EXIT(&p_osmt->log); if (anyErr) { status = IB_ERROR; } return (status); } /* * Run a vl arbitration queries and sl2vl maps queries flow: * Good flow: * - for each physical port on the network - obtain the VL Arb * - for each CA physical port obtain its SLtoVL Map * - for each SW physical port (out) obtain the SLtoVL Map to each other port * BAD flow: * - Try get with multiple results * - Try gettable * - Try providing non existing port */ ib_api_status_t osmt_run_slvl_and_vlarb_records_flow(IN osmtest_t * const p_osmt) { ib_api_status_t status; FILE *fh; ib_net16_t test_lid; uint8_t lmc; OSM_LOG_ENTER(&p_osmt->log); fh = fopen("qos.txt", "w"); if (!fh) { OSM_LOG(&p_osmt->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 0474: " "Failed to open file qos.txt for writing\n"); status = IB_ERROR; goto Exit; } /* go over all ports in the subnet */ status = osmt_query_all_ports_vl_arb(p_osmt, fh); if (status != IB_SUCCESS) { goto Exit; } status = osmt_query_all_ports_slvl_map(p_osmt, fh); if (status != IB_SUCCESS) { goto Exit; } /* If LMC > 0, test non base LID SA QoS Record requests */ status = osmtest_get_local_port_lmc(p_osmt, p_osmt->local_port.lid, &lmc); if (status != IB_SUCCESS) goto Exit; if (lmc != 0) { test_lid = cl_ntoh16(p_osmt->local_port.lid + 1); status = osmt_query_vl_arb(p_osmt, test_lid, 0, 1, NULL); if (status != IB_SUCCESS) goto Exit; status = osmt_query_slvl_map(p_osmt, test_lid, 0, 0, NULL); if (status != IB_SUCCESS) goto Exit; } Exit: if (fh) fclose(fh); OSM_LOG_EXIT(&p_osmt->log); return status; }