/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Voltaire, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Mellanox Technologies LTD. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ /* * Abstract: * Implementation of multicast functions. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include #include #include #include #define FILE_ID OSM_FILE_MULTICAST_C #include #include #include #include #include static osm_mgrp_box_t *mgrp_box_new(uint16_t mlid) { osm_mgrp_box_t *mbox = malloc(sizeof(*mbox)); if (!mbox) return NULL; memset(mbox, 0, sizeof(*mbox)); mbox->mlid = mlid; cl_qlist_init(&mbox->mgrp_list); return mbox; } void mgrp_box_delete(osm_mgrp_box_t *mbox) { osm_mtree_destroy(mbox->root); free(mbox); } void mgrp_delete(IN osm_mgrp_t * p_mgrp) { osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *p_mcm_alias_guid, *p_next_mcm_alias_guid; osm_mcm_port_t *p_mcm_port, *p_next_mcm_port; CL_ASSERT(p_mgrp); p_next_mcm_alias_guid = (osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *) cl_qmap_head(&p_mgrp->mcm_alias_port_tbl); while (p_next_mcm_alias_guid != (osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *) cl_qmap_end(&p_mgrp->mcm_alias_port_tbl)) { p_mcm_alias_guid = p_next_mcm_alias_guid; p_next_mcm_alias_guid = (osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_mcm_alias_guid->map_item); osm_mcm_alias_guid_delete(&p_mcm_alias_guid); } p_next_mcm_port = (osm_mcm_port_t *) cl_qmap_head(&p_mgrp->mcm_port_tbl); while (p_next_mcm_port != (osm_mcm_port_t *) cl_qmap_end(&p_mgrp->mcm_port_tbl)) { p_mcm_port = p_next_mcm_port; p_next_mcm_port = (osm_mcm_port_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_mcm_port->map_item); osm_mcm_port_delete(p_mcm_port); } free(p_mgrp); } void osm_mgrp_box_delete(osm_mgrp_box_t *mbox) { osm_mgrp_t *mgrp; while (cl_qlist_count(&mbox->mgrp_list)) { mgrp = cl_item_obj(cl_qlist_remove_head(&mbox->mgrp_list), mgrp, list_item); mgrp_delete(mgrp); } mgrp_box_delete(mbox); } osm_mgrp_t *osm_mgrp_new(IN osm_subn_t * subn, IN ib_net16_t mlid, IN ib_member_rec_t * mcmr) { osm_mgrp_t *p_mgrp; osm_mgrp_box_t *mbox; p_mgrp = (osm_mgrp_t *) malloc(sizeof(*p_mgrp)); if (!p_mgrp) return NULL; memset(p_mgrp, 0, sizeof(*p_mgrp)); cl_qmap_init(&p_mgrp->mcm_port_tbl); cl_qmap_init(&p_mgrp->mcm_alias_port_tbl); p_mgrp->mlid = mlid; p_mgrp->mcmember_rec = *mcmr; mbox = osm_get_mbox_by_mlid(subn, p_mgrp->mlid); if (!mbox && !(mbox = mgrp_box_new(cl_ntoh16(p_mgrp->mlid)))) { free(p_mgrp); return NULL; } cl_qlist_insert_tail(&mbox->mgrp_list, &p_mgrp->list_item); subn->mboxes[mbox->mlid - IB_LID_MCAST_START_HO] = mbox; cl_fmap_insert(&subn->mgrp_mgid_tbl, &p_mgrp->mcmember_rec.mgid, &p_mgrp->map_item); subn->p_osm->sa.dirty = TRUE; return p_mgrp; } void osm_mgrp_cleanup(osm_subn_t * subn, osm_mgrp_t * mgrp) { osm_mgrp_box_t *mbox; osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *mcm_alias_guid; osm_mcm_port_t *mcm_port; if (mgrp->full_members) return; while (cl_qmap_count(&mgrp->mcm_alias_port_tbl)) { mcm_alias_guid = (osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *) cl_qmap_head(&mgrp->mcm_alias_port_tbl); cl_qmap_remove_item(&mgrp->mcm_alias_port_tbl, &mcm_alias_guid->map_item); osm_mcm_alias_guid_delete(&mcm_alias_guid); } while (cl_qmap_count(&mgrp->mcm_port_tbl)) { mcm_port = (osm_mcm_port_t *) cl_qmap_head(&mgrp->mcm_port_tbl); cl_qmap_remove_item(&mgrp->mcm_port_tbl, &mcm_port->map_item); cl_qlist_remove_item(&mcm_port->port->mcm_list, &mcm_port->list_item); osm_mcm_port_delete(mcm_port); } if (mgrp->well_known) return; cl_fmap_remove_item(&subn->mgrp_mgid_tbl, &mgrp->map_item); mbox = osm_get_mbox_by_mlid(subn, mgrp->mlid); cl_qlist_remove_item(&mbox->mgrp_list, &mgrp->list_item); if (cl_is_qlist_empty(&mbox->mgrp_list)) { subn->mboxes[cl_ntoh16(mgrp->mlid) - IB_LID_MCAST_START_HO] = NULL; mgrp_box_delete(mbox); } free(mgrp); subn->p_osm->sa.dirty = TRUE; } static void mgrp_send_notice(osm_subn_t * subn, osm_log_t * log, osm_mgrp_t * mgrp, unsigned num) { ib_mad_notice_attr_t notice; ib_api_status_t status; notice.generic_type = 0x80 | IB_NOTICE_TYPE_SUBN_MGMT; /* is generic subn mgt type */ ib_notice_set_prod_type_ho(¬ice, 4); /* A Class Manager generator */ notice.g_or_v.generic.trap_num = CL_HTON16(num); /* The sm_base_lid is saved in network order already. */ notice.issuer_lid = subn->sm_base_lid; /* following o14-12.1.11 and table 120 p726 */ /* we need to provide the MGID */ memcpy(¬ice.data_details.ntc_64_67.gid, &mgrp->mcmember_rec.mgid, sizeof(ib_gid_t)); /* According to page 653 - the issuer gid in this case of trap is the SM gid, since the SM is the initiator of this trap. */ notice.issuer_gid.unicast.prefix = subn->opt.subnet_prefix; notice.issuer_gid.unicast.interface_id = subn->sm_port_guid; if ((status = osm_report_notice(log, subn, ¬ice))) OSM_LOG(log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7601: " "Error sending trap reports (%s)\n", ib_get_err_str(status)); } static boolean_t is_qmap_empty_for_port(IN const cl_qmap_t * const p_map, IN const osm_port_t *port) { size_t count = 0; cl_map_item_t *item; osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *mcm_alias_guid; for (item = cl_qmap_head(p_map); item != cl_qmap_end(p_map); item = cl_qmap_next(item)) { mcm_alias_guid = (osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *) item; if (mcm_alias_guid->p_base_mcm_port->port == port) { count++; break; } } return (count == 0); } static boolean_t is_qmap_empty_for_mcm_port(IN const cl_qmap_t * const p_map, IN const osm_mcm_port_t *mcm_port) { size_t count = 0; cl_map_item_t *item; osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *mcm_alias_guid; for (item = cl_qmap_head(p_map); item != cl_qmap_end(p_map); item = cl_qmap_next(item)) { mcm_alias_guid = (osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *) item; if (mcm_alias_guid->p_base_mcm_port == mcm_port) { count++; break; } } return (count == 0); } static osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *insert_alias_guid(IN osm_mgrp_t * mgrp, IN osm_mcm_alias_guid_t * p_mcm_alias_guid) { osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *p_mcm_alias_guid_check; /* insert into mcm alias guid table */ p_mcm_alias_guid_check = (osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *) cl_qmap_insert(&mgrp->mcm_alias_port_tbl, p_mcm_alias_guid->alias_guid, &p_mcm_alias_guid->map_item); if (p_mcm_alias_guid_check != (osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *) &p_mcm_alias_guid->map_item) { /* alias GUID is a duplicate */ osm_mcm_alias_guid_delete(&p_mcm_alias_guid); return p_mcm_alias_guid_check; } return NULL; } osm_mcm_port_t *osm_mgrp_add_port(IN osm_subn_t * subn, osm_log_t * log, IN osm_mgrp_t * mgrp, osm_port_t *port, IN ib_member_rec_t *mcmr, IN boolean_t proxy) { osm_mcm_port_t *mcm_port; osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *p_mcm_alias_guid, *p_mcm_alias_guid_check; cl_map_item_t *prev_item; uint8_t prev_join_state = 0, join_state = mcmr->scope_state; uint8_t prev_scope, full_join_state; if (OSM_LOG_IS_ACTIVE_V2(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE)) { char gid_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; OSM_LOG(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE, "GUID 0x%016" PRIx64 " Port 0x%016" PRIx64 " joining " "MC group %s (mlid 0x%x)\n", cl_ntoh64(mcmr->port_gid.unicast.interface_id), cl_ntoh64(port->guid), inet_ntop(AF_INET6, mgrp->mcmember_rec.mgid.raw, gid_str, sizeof(gid_str)), cl_ntoh16(mgrp->mlid)); } mcm_port = osm_mcm_port_new(port, mgrp); if (!mcm_port) return NULL; p_mcm_alias_guid = osm_mcm_alias_guid_new(mcm_port, mcmr, proxy); if (!p_mcm_alias_guid) { osm_mcm_port_delete(mcm_port); return NULL; } /* prev_item = cl_qmap_insert(...) Pointer to the item in the map with the specified key. If insertion was successful, this is the pointer to the item. If an item with the specified key already exists in the map, the pointer to that item is returned. */ prev_item = cl_qmap_insert(&mgrp->mcm_port_tbl, port->guid, &mcm_port->map_item); if (prev_item != &mcm_port->map_item) { /* mcm port already exists */ osm_mcm_port_delete(mcm_port); mcm_port = (osm_mcm_port_t *) prev_item; p_mcm_alias_guid->p_base_mcm_port = (osm_mcm_port_t *) prev_item; p_mcm_alias_guid_check = insert_alias_guid(mgrp, p_mcm_alias_guid); if (p_mcm_alias_guid_check) { /* alias GUID already exists */ p_mcm_alias_guid = p_mcm_alias_guid_check; ib_member_get_scope_state(p_mcm_alias_guid->scope_state, &prev_scope, &prev_join_state); p_mcm_alias_guid->scope_state = ib_member_set_scope_state(prev_scope, prev_join_state | join_state); } } else { insert_alias_guid(mgrp, p_mcm_alias_guid); cl_qlist_insert_tail(&port->mcm_list, &mcm_port->list_item); osm_sm_reroute_mlid(&subn->p_osm->sm, mgrp->mlid); } /* o15.0.1.11: copy the join state */ mcmr->scope_state = p_mcm_alias_guid->scope_state; full_join_state = IB_JOIN_STATE_FULL | IB_JOIN_STATE_SEND_ONLY_FULL; if ((join_state & full_join_state) && !(prev_join_state & full_join_state) && ++mgrp->full_members == 1) mgrp_send_notice(subn, log, mgrp, SM_MGID_CREATED_TRAP); /* 66 */ subn->p_osm->sa.dirty = TRUE; return mcm_port; } boolean_t osm_mgrp_remove_port(osm_subn_t * subn, osm_log_t * log, osm_mgrp_t * mgrp, osm_mcm_alias_guid_t * mcm_alias_guid, ib_member_rec_t *mcmr) { uint8_t join_state = mcmr->scope_state & 0xf; uint8_t port_join_state, new_join_state, full_join_state; boolean_t mgrp_deleted = FALSE; /* * according to the same o15-0.1.14 we get the stored * JoinState and the request JoinState and they must be * opposite to leave - otherwise just update it */ port_join_state = mcm_alias_guid->scope_state & 0x0F; new_join_state = port_join_state & ~join_state; if (OSM_LOG_IS_ACTIVE_V2(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE)) { char gid_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; OSM_LOG(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE, "GUID 0x%" PRIx64 " Port 0x%" PRIx64 " leaving MC group %s (mlid 0x%x)\n", cl_ntoh64(mcm_alias_guid->alias_guid), cl_ntoh64(mcm_alias_guid->p_base_mcm_port->port->guid), inet_ntop(AF_INET6, mgrp->mcmember_rec.mgid.raw, gid_str, sizeof(gid_str)), cl_ntoh16(mgrp->mlid)); } if (new_join_state & IB_JOIN_STATE_FULL || (new_join_state && (mgrp->full_members > (port_join_state & IB_JOIN_STATE_FULL) ? 1 : 0))) { mcm_alias_guid->scope_state = new_join_state | (mcm_alias_guid->scope_state & 0xf0); OSM_LOG(log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG, "updating GUID 0x%" PRIx64 " port 0x%" PRIx64 " JoinState 0x%x -> 0x%x\n", cl_ntoh64(mcm_alias_guid->alias_guid), cl_ntoh64(mcm_alias_guid->p_base_mcm_port->port->guid), port_join_state, new_join_state); mcmr->scope_state = mcm_alias_guid->scope_state; } else { mcmr->scope_state = mcm_alias_guid->scope_state & 0xf0; OSM_LOG(log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG, "removing alias GUID 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", cl_ntoh64(mcm_alias_guid->alias_guid)); cl_qmap_remove_item(&mgrp->mcm_alias_port_tbl, &mcm_alias_guid->map_item); if (is_qmap_empty_for_port(&mgrp->mcm_alias_port_tbl, mcm_alias_guid->p_base_mcm_port->port)) { /* last alias in mcast group for this port */ OSM_LOG(log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG, "removing port 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", cl_ntoh64(mcm_alias_guid->p_base_mcm_port->port->guid)); cl_qmap_remove_item(&mgrp->mcm_port_tbl, &mcm_alias_guid->p_base_mcm_port->map_item); cl_qlist_remove_item(&mcm_alias_guid->p_base_mcm_port->port->mcm_list, &mcm_alias_guid->p_base_mcm_port->list_item); if (is_qmap_empty_for_mcm_port(&mgrp->mcm_alias_port_tbl, mcm_alias_guid->p_base_mcm_port)) /* last alias in mcast group for this mcm port */ osm_mcm_port_delete(mcm_alias_guid->p_base_mcm_port); osm_sm_reroute_mlid(&subn->p_osm->sm, mgrp->mlid); } osm_mcm_alias_guid_delete(&mcm_alias_guid); } full_join_state = IB_JOIN_STATE_FULL | IB_JOIN_STATE_SEND_ONLY_FULL; /* no more full members so the group will be deleted after re-route but only if it is not a well known group */ if ((port_join_state & full_join_state) && !(new_join_state & full_join_state) && --mgrp->full_members == 0) { mgrp_send_notice(subn, log, mgrp, SM_MGID_DESTROYED_TRAP); /* 67 */ osm_mgrp_cleanup(subn, mgrp); mgrp_deleted = TRUE; } subn->p_osm->sa.dirty = TRUE; return (mgrp_deleted); } void osm_mgrp_delete_port(osm_subn_t * subn, osm_log_t * log, osm_mgrp_t * mgrp, osm_port_t * port) { osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *mcm_alias_guid, *next_mcm_alias_guid; ib_member_rec_t mcmrec; boolean_t mgrp_deleted = FALSE; next_mcm_alias_guid = (osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *) cl_qmap_head(&mgrp->mcm_alias_port_tbl); while (!mgrp_deleted && next_mcm_alias_guid != (osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *) cl_qmap_end(&mgrp->mcm_alias_port_tbl)) { mcm_alias_guid = next_mcm_alias_guid; next_mcm_alias_guid = (osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *) cl_qmap_next(&next_mcm_alias_guid->map_item); if (mcm_alias_guid->p_base_mcm_port->port == port) { mcmrec.scope_state = 0xf; mgrp_deleted = osm_mgrp_remove_port(subn, log, mgrp, mcm_alias_guid, &mcmrec); } } } osm_mcm_port_t *osm_mgrp_get_mcm_port(IN const osm_mgrp_t * p_mgrp, IN ib_net64_t port_guid) { cl_map_item_t *item = cl_qmap_get(&p_mgrp->mcm_port_tbl, port_guid); if (item != cl_qmap_end(&p_mgrp->mcm_port_tbl)) return (osm_mcm_port_t *) item; return NULL; } osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *osm_mgrp_get_mcm_alias_guid(IN const osm_mgrp_t * p_mgrp, IN ib_net64_t port_guid) { cl_map_item_t *item = cl_qmap_get(&p_mgrp->mcm_alias_port_tbl, port_guid); if (item != cl_qmap_end(&p_mgrp->mcm_alias_port_tbl)) return (osm_mcm_alias_guid_t *) item; return NULL; }