/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Voltaire, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Mellanox Technologies LTD. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ /* * Abstract: * Specification of the OpenSM SA Client API. This API uses the basic osm * vendor API to provide SA Client interface. */ #ifndef _OSM_VENDOR_SA_API_H_ #define _OSM_VENDOR_SA_API_H_ #include #ifdef __cplusplus # define BEGIN_C_DECLS extern "C" { # define END_C_DECLS } #else /* !__cplusplus */ # define BEGIN_C_DECLS # define END_C_DECLS #endif /* __cplusplus */ BEGIN_C_DECLS /****d* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_flags_t * NAME * osmv_flags_t * * DESCRIPTION * Access layer flags used to direct the operation of various calls. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef uint32_t osmv_flags_t; #define OSM_SA_FLAGS_SYNC 0x00000001 /* * VALUES * OSM_SA_FLAGS_SYNC * Indicates that the given operation should be performed synchronously. * The call will block until it completes. Callbacks will still be * invoked. * * SEE ALSO * osmv_query_sa *****/ /****d* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_query_type_t * NAME * osmv_query_type_t * * DESCRIPTION * Abstracted queries supported by the access layer. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef enum _osmv_query_type { OSMV_QUERY_USER_DEFINED, OSMV_QUERY_ALL_SVC_RECS, OSMV_QUERY_SVC_REC_BY_NAME, OSMV_QUERY_SVC_REC_BY_ID, OSMV_QUERY_CLASS_PORT_INFO, OSMV_QUERY_NODE_REC_BY_NODE_GUID, OSMV_QUERY_PORT_REC_BY_LID, OSMV_QUERY_PORT_REC_BY_LID_AND_NUM, OSMV_QUERY_VLARB_BY_LID_PORT_BLOCK, OSMV_QUERY_SLVL_BY_LID_AND_PORTS, OSMV_QUERY_PATH_REC_BY_PORT_GUIDS, OSMV_QUERY_PATH_REC_BY_GIDS, OSMV_QUERY_PATH_REC_BY_LIDS, OSMV_QUERY_UD_MULTICAST_SET, OSMV_QUERY_UD_MULTICAST_DELETE, OSMV_QUERY_MULTIPATH_REC, } osmv_query_type_t; /* * VALUES * OSMV_QUERY_USER_DEFINED * Query the SA based on user-defined input. Queries of this type * should reference an osmv_user_query_t structure as input to the * query. * * OSMV_QUERY_SVC_REC_BY_NAME * Query for service records based on the service name. Queries of * this type should reference an ib_svc_name_t structure as input * to the query. * * OSMV_QUERY_SVC_REC_BY_ID * Query for service records based on the service ID. Queries of * this type should reference an ib_net64_t value that indicates * the ID of the service being requested. * * OSMV_QUERY_NODE_REC_BY_NODE_GUID * Query for node information based on the node's GUID. Queries of * this type should reference an ib_net64_t value that indicates * the GUID of the node being requested. * * OSMV_QUERY_PORT_REC_BY_LID * Query for port information based on the port's base LID. Queries * of this type should reference an ib_net16_t value that indicates * the base LID of the port being requested. * * OSMV_QUERY_PORT_REC_BY_LID_AND_NUM * Query for port information based on the port's LID and port num. * Queries of this type should reference an osmv_user_query_t * structure as input to the query. The port num and lid should * be provided by it. * * OSMV_QUERY_PATH_REC_BY_PORT_GUIDS * Query for path records between the specified pair of port GUIDs. * Queries of this type should reference an osmv_guid_pair_t * structure that indicates the GUIDs of the path being requested. * * OSMV_QUERY_PATH_REC_BY_GIDS * Query for path records between the specified pair of port GIDs. * Queries of this type should reference an osmv_gid_pair_t * structure that indicates the GIDs of the path being requested. * * OSMV_QUERY_PATH_REC_BY_LIDS * Query for path records between the specified pair of port LIDs. * Queries of this type should reference an osmv_lid_pair_t * structure that indicates the LIDs of the path being requested. * * NOTES * This enum is used to define abstracted queries provided by the access * layer. Users may issue queries not listed here by sending MADs directly * to subnet administration or a class manager. These queries are * intended to represent those most often used by clients. * * SEE ALSO * osmv_query, osmv_query_req_t, osmv_user_query_t, osmv_gid_pair_t, * osmv_lid_pair_t osmv_guid_pair_t *****/ /****s* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_user_query_t * NAME * osmv_user_query_t * * DESCRIPTION * User-defined query information. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef struct _osmv_user_query { uint8_t method; ib_net16_t attr_id; ib_net16_t attr_offset; ib_net32_t attr_mod; ib_net64_t comp_mask; void *p_attr; } osmv_user_query_t; /* * FIELDS * * method * Method to be used * * attr_id * Attribute identifier of query data. * * attr_offset * Size of the query attribute, in 8-byte words. Users can set * this value by passing in the sizeof( attribute ) into the * ib_get_attr_offset() routine. * * attr_mod * Attribute modifier for query request. * * comp_mask * Indicates the attribute components that are specified for the * query. * * p_attr * References the attribute structure used as input into the query. * This field is ignored if comp_mask is set to 0. * * NOTES * This structure is used to describe a user-defined query. The attribute * ID, attribute offset, component mask, and attribute structure must match * those defined by the IBA specification. Users should refer to chapter * 15 of the IBA specification for additional details. * * SEE ALSO * osmv_query_type_t, ib_get_attr_offset, ib_get_attr_size, osmv_query_sa *****/ /****s* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_gid_pair_t * NAME * osmv_gid_pair_t * * DESCRIPTION * Source and destination GIDs. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef struct _osmv_gid_pair { ib_gid_t src_gid; ib_gid_t dest_gid; } osmv_gid_pair_t; /* * FIELDS * src_gid * Source GID of a path. * * dest_gid * Destination GID of a path. * * NOTES * This structure is used to describe the endpoints of a path. * * SEE ALSO * ib_gid_t *****/ /****s* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_lid_pair_t * NAME * osmv_lid_pair_t * * DESCRIPTION * Source and destination LIDs. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef struct _osmv_lid_pair { ib_net16_t src_lid; ib_net16_t dest_lid; } osmv_lid_pair_t; /* * FIELDS * src_lid * Source LID of a path. * * dest_lid * Destination LID of a path. * * NOTES * This structure is used to describe the endpoints of a path. *****/ /****s* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_guid_pair_t * NAME * osmv_guid_pair_t * * DESCRIPTION * Source and destination GUIDs. These may be port or channel adapter * GUIDs, depending on the context in which this structure is used. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef struct _osmv_guid_pair { ib_net64_t src_guid; ib_net64_t dest_guid; } osmv_guid_pair_t; /* * FIELDS * src_guid * Source GUID of a path. * * dest_guid * Destination GUID of a path. * * NOTES * This structure is used to describe the endpoints of a path. The given * GUID pair may belong to either ports or channel adapters. * * SEE ALSO * ib_guid_t *****/ /****s* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_multipath_req_t * NAME * osmv_multipath_req_t * * DESCRIPTION * Fields from which to generate a MultiPathRecord request. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef struct _osmv_multipath_req_t { ib_net64_t comp_mask; uint16_t pkey; boolean_t reversible; uint8_t num_path; uint8_t sl; uint8_t independence; uint8_t sgid_count; uint8_t dgid_count; ib_gid_t gids[IB_MULTIPATH_MAX_GIDS]; } osmv_multipath_req_t; /* * FIELDS * * NOTES * This structure is used to describe a multipath request. * * SEE ALSO *****/ /****s* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_query_res_t * NAME * osmv_query_res_t * * DESCRIPTION * Contains the results of a subnet administration query. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef struct _osmv_query_res { const void *query_context; ib_api_status_t status; osmv_query_type_t query_type; uint32_t result_cnt; osm_madw_t *p_result_madw; } osmv_query_res_t; /* * FIELDS * query_context * User-defined context information associated with the query * through the osm_vendor_query_sa call. * * status * Indicates the success of the query operation. * * query_type * Indicates the type of query for which the results are being * returned. This matches the query_type specified through the * osm_vendor_query_sa call. * * result_cnt * The number of result structures that were returned by the query. * * p_result_madw * For queries returning IB_SUCCESS or IB_REMOTE_ERROR, this * references the MAD wrapper returned by subnet administration * containing the list of results or the returned error code. * * NOTES * A query result structure is returned to a client through their * osmv_pfn_query_cb_t routine to notify them of the results of a subnet * administration query. If the query was successful or received an error * from subnet administration, p_result_madw will reference a MAD wrapper * containing the results. The MAD referenced by p_result_madw is owned by * the user and remains available even after their callback returns. Users * must call osm_mad_pool_put() to return the MAD wrapper back to the * mad pool when they are done accessing the results. * * To retrieve individual result structures from the p_result_madw, users * may call osmv_get_query_result(). * * SEE ALSO * osmv_query_sa, osmv_pfn_query_cb_t, ib_api_status_t, * osmv_query_status_t, osmv_query_type_t, * osmv_get_query_result *****/ /****f* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_get_query_result * NAME * osmv_get_query_result * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves a result structure from a MADW returned by a call to * osmv_query_sa(). * * SYNOPSIS */ static inline void *osmv_get_query_result(IN osm_madw_t * p_result_madw, IN uint32_t result_index) { ib_sa_mad_t *p_sa_mad; CL_ASSERT(p_result_madw); p_sa_mad = (ib_sa_mad_t *) osm_madw_get_mad_ptr(p_result_madw); CL_ASSERT(p_sa_mad); CL_ASSERT(ib_get_attr_size(p_sa_mad->attr_offset) * (result_index + 1) + IB_SA_MAD_HDR_SIZE <= p_result_madw->mad_size); return (p_sa_mad->data + (ib_get_attr_size(p_sa_mad->attr_offset) * result_index)); } /* * PARAMETERS * p_result_madw * [in] This is a reference to the MAD returned as a result of the * query. * * result_index * [in] A zero-based index indicating which result to return. * * NOTES * This call returns a pointer to the start of a result structure from a * call to osmv_query_sa(). The type of result structure must be known to * the user either through the user's context or the query_type returned as * part of the osmv_query_res_t structure. * * SEE ALSO * osmv_query_res_t, osm_madw_t *****/ /****f* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_get_query_path_rec * NAME * osmv_get_query_path_rec * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves a path record result from a MAD returned by a call to * osmv_query_sa(). * * SYNOPSIS */ static inline ib_path_rec_t *osmv_get_query_path_rec(IN osm_madw_t * p_result_madw, IN uint32_t result_index) { ib_sa_mad_t __attribute__((__unused__)) *p_sa_mad; CL_ASSERT(p_result_madw); p_sa_mad = (ib_sa_mad_t *) osm_madw_get_mad_ptr(p_result_madw); CL_ASSERT(p_sa_mad && p_sa_mad->attr_id == IB_MAD_ATTR_PATH_RECORD); return ((ib_path_rec_t *) osmv_get_query_result(p_result_madw, result_index)); } /* * PARAMETERS * p_result_madw * [in] This is a reference to the MAD returned as a result of the * query. * * result_index * [in] A zero-based index indicating which result to return. * * NOTES * This call returns a pointer to the start of a path record result from * a call to osmv_query_sa(). * * SEE ALSO * osmv_query_res_t, osm_madw_t, osmv_get_query_result, ib_path_rec_t *****/ /****f* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_get_query_portinfo_rec * NAME * osmv_get_query_portinfo_rec * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves a port info record result from a MAD returned by a call to * osmv_query_sa(). * * SYNOPSIS */ static inline ib_portinfo_record_t *osmv_get_query_portinfo_rec(IN osm_madw_t * p_result_madw, IN uint32_t result_index) { ib_sa_mad_t __attribute__((__unused__)) *p_sa_mad; CL_ASSERT(p_result_madw); p_sa_mad = (ib_sa_mad_t *) osm_madw_get_mad_ptr(p_result_madw); CL_ASSERT(p_sa_mad && p_sa_mad->attr_id == IB_MAD_ATTR_PORTINFO_RECORD); return ((ib_portinfo_record_t *) osmv_get_query_result(p_result_madw, result_index)); } /* * PARAMETERS * p_result_madw * [in] This is a reference to the MAD returned as a result of the * query. * * result_index * [in] A zero-based index indicating which result to return. * * NOTES * This call returns a pointer to the start of a port info record result * from a call to osmv_query_sa(). * * SEE ALSO * osmv_query_res_t, osm_madw_t, osmv_get_query_result, ib_portinfo_record_t *****/ /****f* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_get_query_node_rec * NAME * osmv_get_query_node_rec * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves a node record result from a MAD returned by a call to * osmv_query_sa(). * * SYNOPSIS */ static inline ib_node_record_t *osmv_get_query_node_rec(IN osm_madw_t * p_result_madw, IN uint32_t result_index) { ib_sa_mad_t __attribute__((__unused__)) *p_sa_mad; CL_ASSERT(p_result_madw); p_sa_mad = (ib_sa_mad_t *) osm_madw_get_mad_ptr(p_result_madw); CL_ASSERT(p_sa_mad && p_sa_mad->attr_id == IB_MAD_ATTR_NODE_RECORD); return ((ib_node_record_t *) osmv_get_query_result(p_result_madw, result_index)); } /* * PARAMETERS * p_result_madw * [in] This is a reference to the MAD returned as a result of the * query. * * result_index * [in] A zero-based index indicating which result to return. * * NOTES * This call returns a pointer to the start of a node record result from * a call to osmv_query_sa(). * * SEE ALSO * osmv_query_res_t, osm_madw_t, osmv_get_query_result, ib_node_record_t *****/ /****f* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_get_query_svc_rec * NAME * osmv_get_query_svc_rec * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves a service record result from a MAD returned by a call to * osmv_query_sa(). * * SYNOPSIS */ static inline ib_service_record_t *osmv_get_query_svc_rec(IN osm_madw_t * p_result_madw, IN uint32_t result_index) { ib_sa_mad_t __attribute__((__unused__)) *p_sa_mad; CL_ASSERT(p_result_madw); p_sa_mad = (ib_sa_mad_t *) osm_madw_get_mad_ptr(p_result_madw); CL_ASSERT(p_sa_mad && p_sa_mad->attr_id == IB_MAD_ATTR_SERVICE_RECORD); return ((ib_service_record_t *) osmv_get_query_result(p_result_madw, result_index)); } /* * PARAMETERS * p_result_madw * [in] This is a reference to the MAD returned as a result of the * query. * * result_index * [in] A zero-based index indicating which result to return. * * NOTES * This call returns a pointer to the start of a service record result from * a call to osmv_query_sa(). * * SEE ALSO * osmv_query_res_t, osm_madw_t, osmv_get_query_result, ib_service_record_t *****/ /****f* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_get_query_mc_rec * NAME * osmv_get_query_mc_rec * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves a multicast record result from a MAD returned by a call to * osmv_query_sa(). * * SYNOPSIS */ static inline ib_member_rec_t *osmv_get_query_mc_rec(IN osm_madw_t * p_result_madw, IN uint32_t result_index) { ib_sa_mad_t __attribute__((__unused__)) *p_sa_mad; CL_ASSERT(p_result_madw); p_sa_mad = (ib_sa_mad_t *) osm_madw_get_mad_ptr(p_result_madw); CL_ASSERT(p_sa_mad && p_sa_mad->attr_id == IB_MAD_ATTR_MCMEMBER_RECORD); return ((ib_member_rec_t *) osmv_get_query_result(p_result_madw, result_index)); } /* * PARAMETERS * p_result_madw * [in] This is a reference to the MAD returned as a result of the * query. * * result_index * [in] A zero-based index indicating which result to return. * * NOTES * This call returns a pointer to the start of a service record result from * a call to osmv_query_sa(). * * SEE ALSO * osmv_query_res_t, osm_madw_t, osmv_get_query_result, ib_member_rec_t *****/ /****f* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_get_query_inform_info_rec * NAME * osmv_get_query_inform_info_rec * * DESCRIPTION * Retrieves an InformInfo record result from a MAD returned by * a call to osmv_query_sa(). * * SYNOPSIS */ static inline ib_inform_info_record_t *osmv_get_query_inform_info_rec(IN osm_madw_t * p_result_madw, IN uint32_t result_index) { ib_sa_mad_t __attribute__((__unused__)) *p_sa_mad; CL_ASSERT(p_result_madw); p_sa_mad = (ib_sa_mad_t *) osm_madw_get_mad_ptr(p_result_madw); CL_ASSERT(p_sa_mad && p_sa_mad->attr_id == IB_MAD_ATTR_INFORM_INFO_RECORD); return ((ib_inform_info_record_t *) osmv_get_query_result(p_result_madw, result_index)); } /* * PARAMETERS * p_result_madw * [in] This is a reference to the MAD returned as a result of the * query. * * result_index * [in] A zero-based index indicating which result to return. * * NOTES * This call returns a pointer to the start of a service record result from * a call to osmv_query_sa(). * * SEE ALSO * osmv_query_res_t, osm_madw_t, osmv_get_query_result, ib_inform_info_record_t *****/ /****f* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_pfn_query_cb_t * NAME * osmv_pfn_query_cb_t * * DESCRIPTION * User-defined callback invoked on completion of subnet administration * query. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef void (*osmv_pfn_query_cb_t) (IN osmv_query_res_t * p_query_res); /* * PARAMETERS * p_query_res * [in] This is a reference to a structure containing the result of * the query. * * NOTES * This routine is invoked to notify a client of the result of a subnet * administration query. The p_query_rec parameter references the result * of the query and, in the case of a successful query, any information * returned by subnet administration. * * In the kernel, this callback is usually invoked using a tasklet, * dependent on the implementation of the underlying verbs provider driver. * * SEE ALSO * osmv_query_res_t *****/ /****s* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_query_req_t * NAME * osmv_query_req_t * * DESCRIPTION * Information used to request an access layer provided query of subnet * administration. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef struct _osmv_query_req { osmv_query_type_t query_type; const void *p_query_input; ib_net64_t sm_key; uint32_t timeout_ms; uint32_t retry_cnt; osmv_flags_t flags; const void *query_context; osmv_pfn_query_cb_t pfn_query_cb; int with_grh; ib_gid_t gid; } osmv_query_req_t; /* * FIELDS * query_type * Indicates the type of query that the access layer should * perform. * * p_query_input * A pointer to the input for the query. The data referenced by * this structure is dependent on the type of query being requested * and is determined by the specified query_type. * * sm_key * The SM_Key to be provided with the SA MAD for authentication. * Normally 0 is used. * * timeout_ms * Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait for a response for * this query until retrying or timing out the request. * * retry_cnt * Specifies the number of times that the query will be retried * before failing the request. * * flags * Used to describe the mode of operation. Set to IB_FLAGS_SYNC to * process the called routine synchronously. * * query_context * User-defined context information associated with this query. * The context data is returned to the user as a part of their * query callback. * * pfn_query_cb * A user-defined callback that is invoked upon completion of the * query. * * with_grh * Indicates that SA queries should be sent with GRH. * * gid * Used to store the SM/SA GID. * * NOTES * This structure is used when requesting an osm vendor provided query * of subnet administration. Clients specify the type of query through * the query_type field. Based on the type of query, the p_query_input * field is set to reference the appropriate data structure. * * The information referenced by the p_query_input field is one of the * following: * * -- a NULL terminated service name * -- a service id * -- a single GUID * -- a pair of GUIDs specified through an osmv_guid_pair_t structure * -- a pair of GIDs specified through an osmv_gid_pair_t structure * * SEE ALSO * osmv_query_type_t, osmv_pfn_query_cb_t, osmv_guid_pair_t, * osmv_gid_pair_t *****/ /****f* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_bind_sa * NAME * osmv_bind_sa * * DESCRIPTION * Bind to the SA service and return a handle to be used for later * queries. * * * SYNOPSIS */ osm_bind_handle_t osmv_bind_sa(IN osm_vendor_t * const p_vend, IN osm_mad_pool_t * const p_mad_pool, IN ib_net64_t port_guid); /* * PARAMETERS * p_vend * [in] an osm_vendor object to work with * * p_mad_pool * [in] mad pool to obtain madw from * * port_guid * [in] the port guid to attach to. * * RETURN VALUE * Bind handle to be used for later SA queries or OSM_BIND_INVALID_HANDLE * * NOTES * * SEE ALSO * osmv_query_sa *********/ /****f* OpenSM Vendor SA Client/osmv_query_sa * NAME * osmv_query_sa * * DESCRIPTION * Query the SA given an SA query request (similar to IBAL ib_query). * * SYNOPSIS */ ib_api_status_t osmv_query_sa(IN osm_bind_handle_t h_bind, IN const osmv_query_req_t * const p_query_req); /* * PARAMETERS * h_bind * [in] bind handle for this port. Should be previously * obtained by calling osmv_bind_sa * * p_query_req * [in] an SA query request structure. * * RETURN VALUE * IB_SUCCESS if completed successfuly (or in ASYNC mode * if the request was sent). * * NOTES * * SEE ALSO * osmv_bind_sa *********/ END_C_DECLS #endif /* _OSM_VENDOR_SA_API_H_ */