Blame opensm/main.c

Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Voltaire, Inc. All rights reserved.
Packit 13e616
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Mellanox Technologies LTD. All rights reserved.
Packit 13e616
 * Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Packit 13e616
 * Copyright (c) 2009 HNR Consulting. All rights reserved.
Packit 13e616
 * Copyright (c) 2009 System Fabric Works, Inc. All rights reserved.
Packit 13e616
 * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 ZIH, TU Dresden, Federal Republic of Germany. All rights reserved.
Packit 13e616
 * Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Tokyo Institute of Technology. All rights reserved.
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
 * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two
Packit 13e616
 * licenses.  You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU
Packit 13e616
 * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file
Packit 13e616
 * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the
Packit 13e616
 * BSD license below:
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
 *     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
Packit 13e616
 *     without modification, are permitted provided that the following
Packit 13e616
 *     conditions are met:
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
 *      - Redistributions of source code must retain the above
Packit 13e616
 *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
Packit 13e616
 *        disclaimer.
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
 *      - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
Packit 13e616
 *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
Packit 13e616
 *        disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
Packit 13e616
 *        provided with the distribution.
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Packit 13e616
 * Abstract:
Packit 13e616
 *    Command line interface for opensm.
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#  include <config.h>
Packit 13e616
#endif				/* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
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#include <stdio.h>
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#include <stdlib.h>
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#include <getopt.h>
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#include <unistd.h>
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#include <signal.h>
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#include <sys/types.h>
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#include <sys/stat.h>
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#include <fcntl.h>
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#include <complib/cl_types.h>
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#include <complib/cl_debug.h>
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#include <opensm/osm_file_ids.h>
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#include <vendor/osm_vendor_api.h>
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#include <opensm/osm_version.h>
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#include <opensm/osm_opensm.h>
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#include <opensm/osm_console.h>
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#include <opensm/osm_console_io.h>
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#include <opensm/osm_perfmgr.h>
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Packit 13e616
volatile unsigned int osm_exit_flag = 0;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
static volatile unsigned int osm_hup_flag = 0;
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static volatile unsigned int osm_usr1_flag = 0;
Packit 13e616
static char *pidfile;
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static void mark_exit_flag(int signum)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (!osm_exit_flag)
Packit 13e616
		printf("OpenSM: Got signal %d - exiting...\n", signum);
Packit 13e616
	osm_exit_flag = 1;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
static void mark_hup_flag(int signum)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	osm_hup_flag = 1;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
static void mark_usr1_flag(int signum)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	osm_usr1_flag = 1;
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Packit 13e616
static sigset_t saved_sigset;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
static void block_signals()
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	sigset_t set;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	sigaddset(&set, SIGINT);
Packit 13e616
	sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM);
Packit 13e616
	sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	sigaddset(&set, SIGUSR1);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &set, &saved_sigset);
Packit 13e616
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Packit 13e616
static void setup_signals()
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	struct sigaction act;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	act.sa_handler = mark_exit_flag;
Packit 13e616
	act.sa_flags = 0;
Packit 13e616
	sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL);
Packit 13e616
	sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL);
Packit 13e616
	act.sa_handler = mark_hup_flag;
Packit 13e616
	sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, NULL);
Packit 13e616
	sigaction(SIGCONT, &act, NULL);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	act.sa_handler = mark_usr1_flag;
Packit 13e616
	sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, NULL);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &saved_sigset, NULL);
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static void show_usage(void)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	printf("\n------- OpenSM - Usage and options ----------------------\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("Usage:   opensm [options]\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	printf("--version\n          Prints OpenSM version and exits.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--config, -F <file-name>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          The name of the OpenSM config file. When not specified\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          " OSM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE
Packit 13e616
	       " will be used (if exists).\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--create-config, -c <file-name>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          OpenSM will dump its configuration to the specified file and exit.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This is a way to generate OpenSM configuration file template.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--guid, -g <GUID in hex>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option specifies the local port GUID value\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          with which OpenSM should bind.  OpenSM may be\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          bound to 1 port at a time.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          If GUID given is 0, OpenSM displays a list\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          of possible port GUIDs and waits for user input.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Without -g, OpenSM tries to use the default port.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--lmc, -l <LMC>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option specifies the subnet's LMC value.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          The number of LIDs assigned to each port is 2^LMC.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          The LMC value must be in the range 0-7.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          LMC values > 0 allow multiple paths between ports.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          LMC values > 0 should only be used if the subnet\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          topology actually provides multiple paths between\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          ports, i.e. multiple interconnects between switches.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Without -l, OpenSM defaults to LMC = 0, which allows\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          one path between any two ports.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--priority, -p <PRIORITY>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option specifies the SM's PRIORITY.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This will effect the handover cases, where master\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          is chosen by priority and GUID.  Range goes\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          from 0 (lowest priority) to 15 (highest).\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--subnet_prefix <prefix>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Set the subnet prefix to something other than the\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          default value of 0xfe80000000000000\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--smkey, -k <SM_Key>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option specifies the SM's SM_Key (64 bits).\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This will effect SM authentication.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Note that OpenSM version 3.2.1 and below used the\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          default value '1' in a host byte order, it is fixed\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          now but you may need this option to interoperate\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          with old OpenSM running on a little endian machine.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--reassign_lids, -r\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option causes OpenSM to reassign LIDs to all\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          end nodes. Specifying -r on a running subnet\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          may disrupt subnet traffic.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Without -r, OpenSM attempts to preserve existing\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          LID assignments resolving multiple use of same LID.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--routing_engine, -R <engine name>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option chooses routing engine(s) to use instead of default\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Min Hop algorithm.  Multiple routing engines can be specified\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          separated by commas so that specific ordering of routing\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          algorithms will be tried if earlier routing engines fail.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          If all configured routing engines fail, OpenSM will always\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          attempt to route with Min Hop unless 'no_fallback' is\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          included in the list of routing engines.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Supported engines: updn, dnup, file, ftree, lash, dor,\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "                             torus-2QoS, nue, dfsssp, sssp\n\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option enables additional analysis for the lash\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          routing engine to precondition switch port assignments\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          in regular cartesian meshes which may reduce the number\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          of SLs required to give a deadlock free routing\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--lash_start_vl <vl number>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Sets the starting VL to use for the lash routing algorithm.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Defaults to 0.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--sm_sl <sl number>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Sets the SL to use to communicate with the SM/SA. Defaults to 0.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--nue_max_num_vls <vl number>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Sets the maximum number of VLs to be used by Nue routing.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Defaults to 1 to enforce deadlock-freedom even if QoS is not\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          enabled. Set to 0 if Nue should automatically determine and\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          choose maximum supported by the fabric, or any integer >= 1.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--connect_roots, -z\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option enforces routing engines (up/down and \n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          fat-tree) to make connectivity between root switches\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          and in this way be IBA compliant. In many cases,\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          this can violate \"pure\" deadlock free algorithm, so\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          use it carefully.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--ucast_cache, -A\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option enables unicast routing cache to prevent\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          routing recalculation (which is a heavy task in a\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          large cluster) when there was no topology change\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          detected during the heavy sweep, or when the topology\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          change does not require new routing calculation,\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          e.g. in case of host reboot.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option becomes very handy when the cluster size\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          is thousands of nodes.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--lid_matrix_file, -M <file name>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option specifies the name of the lid matrix dump file\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          from where switch lid matrices (min hops tables will be\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          loaded.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--lfts_file, -U <file name>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option specifies the name of the LFTs file\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          from where switch forwarding tables will be loaded when using \"file\"\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          routing engine.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--sadb_file, -S <file name>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option specifies the name of the SA DB dump file\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          from where SA database will be loaded.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--root_guid_file, -a <path to file>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Set the root nodes for the Up/Down or Fat-Tree routing\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          algorithm to the guids provided in the given file (one\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          to a line)\n" "\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--cn_guid_file, -u <path to file>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Set the compute nodes for the Fat-Tree or DFSSSP/SSSP routing algorithms\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          to the port GUIDs provided in the given file (one to a line)\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--io_guid_file, -G <path to file>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Set the I/O nodes for the Fat-Tree or DFSSSP/SSSP routing algorithms\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          to the port GUIDs provided in the given file (one to a line)\n\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	       "          Attempt to shift port routes around to remove alignment problems\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          in routing tables\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--scatter-ports <random seed>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Randomize best port chosen for a route\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Assign ports in a random order instead of round-robin\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          If zero disable (default), otherwise use the value as a random seed\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--max_reverse_hops, -H <hop_count>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Set the max number of hops the wrong way around\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          an I/O node is allowed to do (connectivity for I/O nodes on top switches)\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--ids_guid_file, -m <path to file>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Name of the map file with set of the IDs which will be used\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          by Up/Down routing algorithm instead of node GUIDs\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          (format: <guid> <id> per line)\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--guid_routing_order_file, -X <path to file>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Set the order port guids will be routed for the MinHop\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          and Up/Down routing algorithms to the guids provided in the\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          given file (one to a line)\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--torus_config <path to file>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option defines the file name for the extra configuration\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          info needed for the torus-2QoS routing engine.   The default\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          name is \'"OSM_DEFAULT_TORUS_CONF_FILE"\'\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--once, -o\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option causes OpenSM to configure the subnet\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          once, then exit.  Ports remain in the ACTIVE state.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--sweep, -s <interval>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option specifies the number of seconds between\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          subnet sweeps.  Specifying -s 0 disables sweeping.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Without -s, OpenSM defaults to a sweep interval of\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          10 seconds.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--timeout, -t <milliseconds>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option specifies the time in milliseconds\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          used for transaction timeouts.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Timeout values should be > 0.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Without -t, OpenSM defaults to a timeout value of\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          200 milliseconds.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--retries <number>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option specifies the number of retries used\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          for transactions.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Without --retries, OpenSM defaults to %u retries\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          for transactions.\n\n", OSM_DEFAULT_RETRY_COUNT);
Packit 13e616
	printf("--maxsmps, -n <number>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option specifies the number of VL15 SMP MADs\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          allowed on the wire at any one time.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Specifying --maxsmps 0 allows unlimited outstanding\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          SMPs.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Without --maxsmps, OpenSM defaults to a maximum of\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          4 outstanding SMPs.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--console, -q [off|local"
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	       "]\n          This option activates the OpenSM console (default off).\n\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	printf("--console-port, -C <port>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Specify an alternate telnet port for the console (default %d).\n\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	printf("--ignore_guids, -i <equalize-ignore-guids-file>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option provides the means to define a set of ports\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          (by guid) that will be ignored by the link load\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          equalization algorithm.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--hop_weights_file, -w <path to file>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option provides the means to define a weighting\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          factor per port for customizing the least weight\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          hops for the routing.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--port_search_ordering_file, -O <path to file>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option provides the means to define a mapping\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          between ports and dimension (Order) for controlling\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Dimension Order Routing (DOR).\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Moreover this option provides the means to define non\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          default routing port order.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--dimn_ports_file, -O <path to file> (DEPRECATED)\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Use --port_search_ordering_file instead.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option provides the means to define a mapping\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          between ports and dimension (Order) for controlling\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Dimension Order Routing (DOR).\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--honor_guid2lid, -x\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option forces OpenSM to honor the guid2lid file,\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          when it comes out of Standby state, if such file exists\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          under OSM_CACHE_DIR, and is valid. By default, this is FALSE.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--dump_files_dir <directory-name>"
Packit 13e616
	       "          The directory to hold the file dumps.\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--log_file, -f <log-file-name>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option defines the log to be the given file.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          By default, the log goes to /var/log/opensm.log.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          For the log to go to standard output use -f stdout.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--log_limit, -L <size in MB>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option defines maximal log file size in MB. When\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          specified the log file will be truncated upon reaching\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          this limit.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--erase_log_file, -e\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option will cause deletion of the log file\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          (if it previously exists). By default, the log file\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          is accumulative.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--Pconfig, -P <partition-config-file>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option defines the optional partition configuration file.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          The default name is \'"
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	printf("--no_part_enforce, -N (DEPRECATED)\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Use --part_enforce instead.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option disables partition enforcement on switch external ports.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--part_enforce, -Z [both, in, out, off]\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option indicates the partition enforcement type (for switches)\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Enforcement type can be outbound only (out), inbound only (in), both or\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          disabled (off). Default is both.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--allow_both_pkeys, -W\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option indicates whether both full and limited membership\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          on the same partition can be configured in the PKeyTable.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Default is not to allow both pkeys.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--qos, -Q\n" "          This option enables QoS setup.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--qos_policy_file, -Y <QoS-policy-file>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option defines the optional QoS policy file.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          The default name is \'" OSM_DEFAULT_QOS_POLICY_FILE
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	       "          (EXPERIMENTAL) This option enables congestion control configuration.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--cc_key <key>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          (EXPERIMENTAL) This option configures the CCkey to use when configuring\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          congestion control.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--stay_on_fatal, -y\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option will cause SM not to exit on fatal initialization\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          issues: if SM discovers duplicated guids or 12x link with\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          lane reversal badly configured.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          By default, the SM will exit on these errors.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--daemon, -B\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Run in daemon mode - OpenSM will run in the background.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--inactive, -I\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "           Start SM in inactive rather than normal init SM state.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	printf("--perfmgr\n" "           Start with PerfMgr enabled.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--perfmgr_sweep_time_s <sec.>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "           PerfMgr sweep interval in seconds.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	printf("--prefix_routes_file <path to file>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option specifies the prefix routes file.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Prefix routes control how the SA responds to path record\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          queries for off-subnet DGIDs.  Default file is:\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "              " OSM_DEFAULT_PREFIX_ROUTES_FILE "\n\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	       "          Use shared MLID for IPv6 Solicited Node Multicast groups\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          per MGID scope and P_Key.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	       "          Don't use scatter for ports defined in guid_routing_order file\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--log_prefix <prefix text>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Prefix to syslog messages from OpenSM.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--verbose, -v\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option increases the log verbosity level.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          The -v option may be specified multiple times\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          to further increase the verbosity level.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          See the -D option for more information about\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          log verbosity.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--V, -V\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option sets the maximum verbosity level and\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          forces log flushing.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          The -V is equivalent to '-D 0xFF -d 2'.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          See the -D option for more information about\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          log verbosity.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--D, -D <flags>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option sets the log verbosity level.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          A flags field must follow the -D option.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          A bit set/clear in the flags enables/disables a\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          specific log level as follows:\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          BIT    LOG LEVEL ENABLED\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          ----   -----------------\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          0x01 - ERROR (error messages)\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          0x02 - INFO (basic messages, low volume)\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          0x04 - VERBOSE (interesting stuff, moderate volume)\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          0x08 - DEBUG (diagnostic, high volume)\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          0x10 - FUNCS (function entry/exit, very high volume)\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          0x20 - FRAMES (dumps all SMP and GMP frames)\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          0x40 - ROUTING (dump FDB routing information)\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          0x80 - currently unused.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Without -D, OpenSM defaults to ERROR + INFO (0x3).\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Specifying -D 0 disables all messages.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Specifying -D 0xFF enables all messages (see -V).\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          High verbosity levels may require increasing\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          the transaction timeout with the -t option.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--debug, -d <number>\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          This option specifies a debug option.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          These options are not normally needed.\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          The number following -d selects the debug\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          option to enable as follows:\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          OPT   Description\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          ---    -----------------\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          -d0  - Ignore other SM nodes\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          -d1  - Force single threaded dispatching\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          -d2  - Force log flushing after each log message\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          -d3  - Disable multicast support\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          -d10 - Put OpenSM in testability mode\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Without -d, no debug options are enabled\n\n");
Packit 13e616
	printf("--help, -h, -?\n"
Packit 13e616
	       "          Display this usage info then exit.\n\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
static ib_net64_t get_port_guid(IN osm_opensm_t * p_osm, uint64_t port_guid)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	ib_port_attr_t attr_array[MAX_LOCAL_IBPORTS];
Packit 13e616
	uint32_t num_ports = MAX_LOCAL_IBPORTS;
Packit 13e616
	uint32_t i, choice = 0;
Packit 13e616
	ib_api_status_t status;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	for (i = 0; i < num_ports; i++) {
Packit 13e616
		attr_array[i].num_pkeys = 0;
Packit 13e616
		attr_array[i].p_pkey_table = NULL;
Packit 13e616
		attr_array[i].num_gids = 0;
Packit 13e616
		attr_array[i].p_gid_table = NULL;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	/* Call the transport layer for a list of local port GUID values */
Packit 13e616
	status = osm_vendor_get_all_port_attr(p_osm->p_vendor, attr_array,
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (status != IB_SUCCESS) {
Packit 13e616
		printf("\nError from osm_vendor_get_all_port_attr (%x)\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		return 0;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	/* if num_ports is 0 - return 0 */
Packit 13e616
	if (num_ports == 0) {
Packit 13e616
		printf("\nNo local ports detected!\n");
Packit 13e616
		return 0;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	/* If num_ports is 1, then there is only one possible port to use.
Packit 13e616
	 * Use it. */
Packit 13e616
	if (num_ports == 1) {
Packit 13e616
		printf("Using default GUID 0x%" PRIx64 "\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		return attr_array[0].port_guid;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	/* If port_guid is 0 - use the first connected port */
Packit 13e616
	if (port_guid == 0) {
Packit 13e616
		for (i = 0; i < num_ports; i++)
Packit 13e616
			if (attr_array[i].link_state > IB_LINK_DOWN)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		if (i == num_ports)
Packit 13e616
			i = 0;
Packit 13e616
		printf("Using default GUID 0x%" PRIx64 "\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		return attr_array[i].port_guid;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (p_osm->subn.opt.daemon)
Packit 13e616
		return 0;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	/* More than one possible port - list all ports and let the user
Packit 13e616
	 * to choose. */
Packit 13e616
	while (1) {
Packit 13e616
		printf("\nChoose a local port number with which to bind:\n\n");
Packit 13e616
		for (i = 0; i < num_ports; i++)
Packit 13e616
			/* Print the index + 1 since by convention, port
Packit 13e616
			 * numbers start with 1 on host channel adapters. */
Packit 13e616
			printf("\t%u: GUID 0x%" PRIx64 ", lid %u, state %s\n",
Packit 13e616
			       i + 1, cl_ntoh64(attr_array[i].port_guid),
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		printf("\n\t0: Exit\n");
Packit 13e616
		printf("\nEnter choice (0-%u): ", i);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		if (scanf("%u", &choice) <= 0) {
Packit 13e616
			char junk[128];
Packit 13e616
			if (scanf("%127s", junk) <= 0)
Packit 13e616
				printf("\nError: Cannot scan!\n");
Packit 13e616
		} else if (choice == 0)
Packit 13e616
			return 0;
Packit 13e616
		else if (choice <= num_ports)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		printf("\nError: Lame choice! Please try again.\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	printf("Choice guid=0x%" PRIx64 "\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	return attr_array[choice].port_guid;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
static void remove_pidfile(void)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (pidfile)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
static int daemonize(osm_opensm_t * osm)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	pid_t pid;
Packit 13e616
	int fd;
Packit 13e616
	FILE *f;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
Packit 13e616
	if (fd < 0) {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		return -1;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	} else if (pid > 0)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if ((pid = fork()) < 0) {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	} else if (pid > 0)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (pidfile) {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		f = fopen(pidfile, "w");
Packit 13e616
		if (f) {
Packit 13e616
			fprintf(f, "%d\n", getpid());
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		} else {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	dup2(fd, 0);
Packit 13e616
	dup2(fd, 1);
Packit 13e616
	dup2(fd, 2);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	return 0;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
int osm_manager_loop(osm_subn_opt_t * p_opt, osm_opensm_t * p_osm)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	int console_init_flag = 0;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (is_console_enabled(p_opt)) {
Packit 13e616
		if (!osm_console_init(p_opt, &p_osm->console, &p_osm->log))
Packit 13e616
			console_init_flag = 1;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	   Sit here forever - dwell or do console i/o & cmds
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	while (!osm_exit_flag) {
Packit 13e616
		if (console_init_flag) {
Packit 13e616
			if (osm_console(p_osm))
Packit 13e616
				console_init_flag = 0;
Packit 13e616
		} else
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		if (osm_usr1_flag) {
Packit 13e616
			osm_usr1_flag = 0;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		if (osm_hup_flag) {
Packit 13e616
			osm_hup_flag = 0;
Packit 13e616
			/* a HUP signal should only start a new heavy sweep */
Packit 13e616
			p_osm->subn.force_heavy_sweep = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (is_console_enabled(p_opt))
Packit 13e616
		osm_console_exit(&p_osm->console, &p_osm->log);
Packit 13e616
	return 0;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
#define SET_STR_OPT(opt, val) do { \
Packit 13e616
	opt = val ? strdup(val) : NULL ; \
Packit 13e616
} while (0)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	osm_opensm_t osm;
Packit 13e616
	osm_subn_opt_t opt;
Packit 13e616
	ib_net64_t sm_key = 0;
Packit 13e616
	ib_api_status_t status;
Packit 13e616
	uint32_t temp, dbg_lvl;
Packit 13e616
	boolean_t run_once_flag = FALSE;
Packit 13e616
	int32_t vendor_debug = 0;
Packit 13e616
	int next_option;
Packit 13e616
	char *conf_template = NULL;
Packit 13e616
	const char *config_file = NULL;
Packit 13e616
	uint32_t val;
Packit 13e616
	const char *const short_option =
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	   In the array below, the 2nd parameter specifies the number
Packit 13e616
	   of arguments as follows:
Packit 13e616
	   0: no arguments
Packit 13e616
	   1: argument
Packit 13e616
	   2: optional
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	const struct option long_option[] = {
Packit 13e616
		{"version", 0, NULL, 12},
Packit 13e616
		{"config", 1, NULL, 'F'},
Packit 13e616
		{"create-config", 1, NULL, 'c'},
Packit 13e616
		{"debug", 1, NULL, 'd'},
Packit 13e616
		{"guid", 1, NULL, 'g'},
Packit 13e616
		{"ignore_guids", 1, NULL, 'i'},
Packit 13e616
		{"hop_weights_file", 1, NULL, 'w'},
Packit 13e616
		{"dimn_ports_file", 1, NULL, 'O'},
Packit 13e616
		{"port_search_ordering_file", 1, NULL, 'O'},
Packit 13e616
		{"lmc", 1, NULL, 'l'},
Packit 13e616
		{"sweep", 1, NULL, 's'},
Packit 13e616
		{"timeout", 1, NULL, 't'},
Packit 13e616
		{"verbose", 0, NULL, 'v'},
Packit 13e616
		{"D", 1, NULL, 'D'},
Packit 13e616
		{"log_file", 1, NULL, 'f'},
Packit 13e616
		{"log_limit", 1, NULL, 'L'},
Packit 13e616
		{"erase_log_file", 0, NULL, 'e'},
Packit 13e616
		{"Pconfig", 1, NULL, 'P'},
Packit 13e616
		{"no_part_enforce", 0, NULL, 'N'},
Packit 13e616
		{"part_enforce", 1, NULL, 'Z'},
Packit 13e616
		{"allow_both_pkeys", 0, NULL, 'W'},
Packit 13e616
		{"qos", 0, NULL, 'Q'},
Packit 13e616
		{"qos_policy_file", 1, NULL, 'Y'},
Packit 13e616
		{"congestion_control", 0, NULL, 128},
Packit 13e616
		{"cc_key", 1, NULL, 129},
Packit 13e616
		{"maxsmps", 1, NULL, 'n'},
Packit 13e616
		{"console", 1, NULL, 'q'},
Packit 13e616
		{"V", 0, NULL, 'V'},
Packit 13e616
		{"help", 0, NULL, 'h'},
Packit 13e616
		{"once", 0, NULL, 'o'},
Packit 13e616
		{"reassign_lids", 0, NULL, 'r'},
Packit 13e616
		{"priority", 1, NULL, 'p'},
Packit 13e616
		{"subnet_prefix", 1, NULL, 16},
Packit 13e616
		{"smkey", 1, NULL, 'k'},
Packit 13e616
		{"routing_engine", 1, NULL, 'R'},
Packit 13e616
		{"ucast_cache", 0, NULL, 'A'},
Packit 13e616
		{"connect_roots", 0, NULL, 'z'},
Packit 13e616
		{"lid_matrix_file", 1, NULL, 'M'},
Packit 13e616
		{"lfts_file", 1, NULL, 'U'},
Packit 13e616
		{"sadb_file", 1, NULL, 'S'},
Packit 13e616
		{"root_guid_file", 1, NULL, 'a'},
Packit 13e616
		{"cn_guid_file", 1, NULL, 'u'},
Packit 13e616
		{"io_guid_file", 1, NULL, 'G'},
Packit 13e616
		{"port-shifting", 0, NULL, 11},
Packit 13e616
		{"scatter-ports", 1, NULL, 14},
Packit 13e616
		{"max_reverse_hops", 1, NULL, 'H'},
Packit 13e616
		{"ids_guid_file", 1, NULL, 'm'},
Packit 13e616
		{"guid_routing_order_file", 1, NULL, 'X'},
Packit 13e616
		{"stay_on_fatal", 0, NULL, 'y'},
Packit 13e616
		{"honor_guid2lid", 0, NULL, 'x'},
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		{"console-port", 1, NULL, 'C'},
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		{"daemon", 0, NULL, 'B'},
Packit 13e616
		{"pidfile", 1, NULL, 'J'},
Packit 13e616
		{"inactive", 0, NULL, 'I'},
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		{"perfmgr", 0, NULL, 1},
Packit 13e616
		{"perfmgr_sweep_time_s", 1, NULL, 2},
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		{"prefix_routes_file", 1, NULL, 3},
Packit 13e616
		{"consolidate_ipv6_snm_req", 0, NULL, 4},
Packit 13e616
		{"do_mesh_analysis", 0, NULL, 5},
Packit 13e616
		{"lash_start_vl", 1, NULL, 6},
Packit 13e616
		{"sm_sl", 1, NULL, 7},
Packit 13e616
		{"retries", 1, NULL, 8},
Packit 13e616
		{"log_prefix", 1, NULL, 9},
Packit 13e616
		{"torus_config", 1, NULL, 10},
Packit 13e616
		{"guid_routing_order_no_scatter", 0, NULL, 13},
Packit 13e616
		{"nue_max_num_vls", 1, NULL, 15},
Packit 13e616
		{"dump_files_dir", 1, NULL, 17},
Packit 13e616
		{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}	/* Required at the end of the array */
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	/* force stdout to be line-buffered */
Packit 13e616
	setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	/* Make sure that the opensm and complib were compiled using
Packit 13e616
	   same modes (debug/free) */
Packit 13e616
	if (osm_is_debug() != cl_is_debug()) {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			"ERROR: OpenSM and Complib were compiled using different modes\n");
Packit 13e616
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: OpenSM debug:%d Complib debug:%d \n",
Packit 13e616
			osm_is_debug(), cl_is_debug());
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	printf("%s\n", OSM_VERSION);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	do {
Packit 13e616
		next_option = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, short_option,
Packit 13e616
					       long_option, NULL);
Packit 13e616
		switch (next_option) {
Packit 13e616
		case 'F':
Packit 13e616
			config_file = optarg;
Packit 13e616
			printf("Config file is `%s`:\n", config_file);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	} while (next_option != -1);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	optind = 0;		/* reset command line */
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (!config_file)
Packit 13e616
		config_file = OSM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (osm_subn_parse_conf_file(config_file, &opt) < 0)
Packit 13e616
		printf("\nFail to parse config file \'%s\'\n", config_file);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	printf("Command Line Arguments:\n");
Packit 13e616
	do {
Packit 13e616
		next_option = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, short_option,
Packit 13e616
					       long_option, NULL);
Packit 13e616
		switch (next_option) {
Packit 13e616
		case 12:	/* --version - already printed above */
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'F':
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'c':
Packit 13e616
			conf_template = optarg;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Creating config file template \'%s\'.\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'o':
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			   Run once option.
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			run_once_flag = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Run Once\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'r':
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			   Reassign LIDs subnet option.
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			opt.reassign_lids = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Reassign LIDs\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'i':
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			   Specifies ignore guids file.
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.port_prof_ignore_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Ignore Guids File = %s\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'w':
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.hop_weights_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Hop Weights File = %s\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'O':
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.port_search_ordering_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Port Search Ordering/Dimension Ports File = %s\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'g':
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			   Specifies port guid with which to bind.
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			opt.guid = cl_hton64(strtoull(optarg, NULL, 16));
Packit 13e616
			if (!opt.guid)
Packit 13e616
				/* If guid is 0 - need to display the
Packit 13e616
				 * guid list */
Packit 13e616
				opt.guid = INVALID_GUID;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
				printf(" Guid <0x%" PRIx64 ">\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 's':
Packit 13e616
			val = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			/* Check that the number is not too large */
Packit 13e616
			if (((uint32_t) (val * 1000000)) / 1000000 != val)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
					"ERROR: sweep interval given is too large. Ignoring it.\n");
Packit 13e616
			else {
Packit 13e616
				opt.sweep_interval = val;
Packit 13e616
				printf(" sweep interval = %d\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 't':
Packit 13e616
			val = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			opt.transaction_timeout = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			if (val == 0)
Packit 13e616
				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: timeout value 0 is invalid. Ignoring it.\n");
Packit 13e616
			else {
Packit 13e616
				opt.transaction_timeout = val;
Packit 13e616
				printf(" Transaction timeout = %u\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'n':
Packit 13e616
			opt.max_wire_smps = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			if (opt.max_wire_smps == 0 ||
Packit 13e616
			    opt.max_wire_smps > 0x7FFFFFFF)
Packit 13e616
				opt.max_wire_smps = 0x7FFFFFFF;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Max wire smp's = %d\n", opt.max_wire_smps);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'q':
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			 * OpenSM interactive console
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			if (strcmp(optarg, OSM_DISABLE_CONSOLE) == 0
Packit 13e616
			    || strcmp(optarg, OSM_LOCAL_CONSOLE) == 0
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			    || strcmp(optarg, OSM_REMOTE_CONSOLE) == 0
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			    || strcmp(optarg, OSM_LOOPBACK_CONSOLE) == 0
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
				SET_STR_OPT(opt.console, optarg);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
				printf("-console %s option not understood\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'C':
Packit 13e616
			opt.console_port = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'd':
Packit 13e616
			dbg_lvl = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" d level = 0x%x\n", dbg_lvl);
Packit 13e616
			if (dbg_lvl == 0) {
Packit 13e616
				printf(" Debug mode: Ignore Other SMs\n");
Packit 13e616
				opt.ignore_other_sm = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
			} else if (dbg_lvl == 1) {
Packit 13e616
				printf(" Debug mode: Forcing Single Thread\n");
Packit 13e616
				opt.single_thread = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
			} else if (dbg_lvl == 2) {
Packit 13e616
				printf(" Debug mode: Force Log Flush\n");
Packit 13e616
				opt.force_log_flush = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
			} else if (dbg_lvl == 3) {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
				    (" Debug mode: Disable multicast support\n");
Packit 13e616
				opt.disable_multicast = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			 * NOTE: Debug level 4 used to be used for memory
Packit 13e616
			 * tracking but this is now deprecated
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			else if (dbg_lvl == 5)
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
				printf(" OpenSM: Unknown debug option %d"
Packit 13e616
				       " ignored\n", dbg_lvl);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'l':
Packit 13e616
			temp = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			if (temp > 7) {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
					"ERROR: LMC must be 7 or less.\n");
Packit 13e616
				return -1;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			opt.lmc = (uint8_t) temp;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" LMC = %d\n", temp);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'D':
Packit 13e616
			opt.log_flags = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" verbose option -D = 0x%x\n", opt.log_flags);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'f':
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.log_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'L':
Packit 13e616
			opt.log_max_size = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Log file max size is %u MBytes\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'e':
Packit 13e616
			opt.accum_log_file = FALSE;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Creating new log file\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'J':
Packit 13e616
			pidfile = optarg;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'P':
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.partition_config_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'N':
Packit 13e616
			opt.no_partition_enforcement = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'Z':
Packit 13e616
			if (strcmp(optarg, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_BOTH) == 0
Packit 13e616
			    || strcmp(optarg, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_IN) == 0
Packit 13e616
			    || strcmp(optarg, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_OUT) == 0
Packit 13e616
			    || strcmp(optarg, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_OFF) == 0) {
Packit 13e616
				SET_STR_OPT(opt.part_enforce, optarg);
Packit 13e616
				if (strcmp(optarg, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_BOTH) == 0)
Packit 13e616
					opt.part_enforce_enum = OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_TYPE_BOTH;
Packit 13e616
				else if (strcmp(optarg, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_IN) == 0)
Packit 13e616
					opt.part_enforce_enum = OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_TYPE_IN;
Packit 13e616
				else if (strcmp(optarg, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_OUT) == 0)
Packit 13e616
					opt.part_enforce_enum = OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_TYPE_OUT;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
					opt.part_enforce_enum = OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_TYPE_OFF;
Packit 13e616
			} else
Packit 13e616
				printf("-part_enforce %s option not understood\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'W':
Packit 13e616
			opt.allow_both_pkeys = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'Q':
Packit 13e616
			opt.qos = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'Y':
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.qos_policy_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" QoS policy file \'%s\'\n", optarg);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 128:
Packit 13e616
			opt.congestion_control = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 129:
Packit 13e616
			opt.cc_key = strtoull(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" CC Key 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", opt.cc_key);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'y':
Packit 13e616
			opt.exit_on_fatal = FALSE;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Staying on fatal initialization errors\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'v':
Packit 13e616
			opt.log_flags = (opt.log_flags << 1) | 1;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Verbose option -v (log flags = 0x%X)\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'V':
Packit 13e616
			opt.log_flags = 0xFF;
Packit 13e616
			opt.force_log_flush = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Big V selected\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'p':
Packit 13e616
			temp = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			if (temp > 15) {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
					"ERROR: priority must be between 0 and 15\n");
Packit 13e616
				return -1;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			opt.sm_priority = (uint8_t) temp;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Priority = %d\n", temp);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 16:
Packit 13e616
			opt.subnet_prefix = cl_hton64(strtoull(optarg, NULL, 16));
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Subnet_Prefix = <0x%" PRIx64 ">\n", cl_hton64(opt.subnet_prefix));
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'k':
Packit 13e616
			sm_key = cl_hton64(strtoull(optarg, NULL, 16));
Packit 13e616
			printf(" SM Key <0x%" PRIx64 ">\n", cl_hton64(sm_key));
Packit 13e616
			opt.sm_key = sm_key;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'R':
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.routing_engine_names, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Activate \'%s\' routing engine(s)\n", optarg);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'z':
Packit 13e616
			opt.connect_roots = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Connect roots option is on\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'A':
Packit 13e616
			opt.use_ucast_cache = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Unicast routing cache option is on\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'M':
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.lid_matrix_dump_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Lid matrix dump file is \'%s\'\n", optarg);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'U':
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.lfts_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" LFTs file is \'%s\'\n", optarg);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'S':
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.sa_db_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" SA DB file is \'%s\'\n", optarg);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'a':
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.root_guid_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Root Guid File: %s\n", opt.root_guid_file);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'u':
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.cn_guid_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Compute Node Guid File: %s\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'G':
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.io_guid_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" I/O Node Guid File: %s\n", opt.io_guid_file);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 11:
Packit 13e616
			opt.port_shifting = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Port Shifting is on\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 14:
Packit 13e616
			opt.scatter_ports = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Scatter Ports is on\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'H':
Packit 13e616
			opt.max_reverse_hops = atoi(optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Max Reverse Hops: %d\n", opt.max_reverse_hops);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'm':
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.ids_guid_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" IDs Guid File: %s\n", opt.ids_guid_file);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'X':
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.guid_routing_order_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" GUID Routing Order File: %s\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'x':
Packit 13e616
			opt.honor_guid2lid_file = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Honor guid2lid file, if possible\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'B':
Packit 13e616
			opt.daemon = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Daemon mode\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'I':
Packit 13e616
			opt.sm_inactive = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" SM started in inactive state\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 1:
Packit 13e616
			opt.perfmgr = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 2:
Packit 13e616
			opt.perfmgr_sweep_time_s = atoi(optarg);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
#endif				/* ENABLE_OSM_PERF_MGR */
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 3:
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.prefix_routes_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 4:
Packit 13e616
			opt.consolidate_ipv6_snm_req = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 5:
Packit 13e616
			opt.do_mesh_analysis = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 6:
Packit 13e616
			temp = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			if (temp >= IB_MAX_NUM_VLS) {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
					"ERROR: starting lash vl must be between 0 and 15\n");
Packit 13e616
				return -1;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			opt.lash_start_vl = (uint8_t) temp;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" LASH starting VL = %d\n", opt.lash_start_vl);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 7:
Packit 13e616
			temp = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			if (temp > 15) {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
					"ERROR: SM's SL must be between 0 and 15\n");
Packit 13e616
				return -1;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			opt.sm_sl = (uint8_t) temp;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" SMSL = %d\n", opt.sm_sl);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 8:
Packit 13e616
			opt.transaction_retries = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Transaction retries = %u\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 9:
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.log_prefix, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf("Log prefix = %s\n", opt.log_prefix);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 10:
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.torus_conf_file, optarg);
Packit 13e616
			printf("Torus-2QoS config file = %s\n", opt.torus_conf_file);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 13:
Packit 13e616
			opt.guid_routing_order_no_scatter = TRUE;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 15:
Packit 13e616
			temp = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
Packit 13e616
			if (temp >= IB_MAX_NUM_VLS) {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
					"ERROR: maximum #VLs for nue routing must be between 0 and %d\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
				return -1;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			opt.nue_max_num_vls = (uint8_t) temp;
Packit 13e616
			printf(" Nue maximum #VLs = %d\n", opt.nue_max_num_vls);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 17:
Packit 13e616
			SET_STR_OPT(opt.dump_files_dir, optarg);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case 'h':
Packit 13e616
		case '?':
Packit 13e616
		case ':':
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		case -1:
Packit 13e616
			break;	/* done with option */
Packit 13e616
		default:	/* something wrong */
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	} while (next_option != -1);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (opt.log_file != NULL)
Packit 13e616
		printf(" Log File: %s\n", opt.log_file);
Packit 13e616
	/* Done with options description */
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (conf_template) {
Packit 13e616
		status = osm_subn_write_conf_file(conf_template, &opt;;
Packit 13e616
		if (status)
Packit 13e616
			printf("\nosm_subn_write_conf_file failed!\n");
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (vendor_debug)
Packit 13e616
		osm_vendor_set_debug(osm.p_vendor, vendor_debug);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (opt.daemon) {
Packit 13e616
		if (INVALID_GUID == opt.guid) {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
				"ERROR: Invalid GUID specified; exiting because of daemon mode\n");
Packit 13e616
			return -1;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (complib_init_v2() != CL_SUCCESS) {
Packit 13e616
		printf("\ncomplib_init_v2 error\n");
Packit 13e616
		return -1;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	status = osm_opensm_init(&osm, &opt;;
Packit 13e616
	if (status != IB_SUCCESS) {
Packit 13e616
		const char *err_str = ib_get_err_str(status);
Packit 13e616
		if (err_str == NULL)
Packit 13e616
			err_str = "Unknown Error Type";
Packit 13e616
		printf("\nError from osm_opensm_init: %s.\n", err_str);
Packit 13e616
		/* We will just exit, and not go to Exit, since we don't
Packit 13e616
		   want the destroy to be called. */
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		return status;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	   If the user didn't specify a GUID on the command line,
Packit 13e616
	   then get a port GUID value with which to bind.
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (opt.guid == 0 || cl_hton64(opt.guid) == CL_HTON64(INVALID_GUID))
Packit 13e616
		opt.guid = get_port_guid(&osm, opt.guid);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (opt.guid == 0)
Packit 13e616
		goto Exit2;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	status = osm_opensm_init_finish(&osm, &opt;;
Packit 13e616
	if (status != IB_SUCCESS) {
Packit 13e616
		const char *err_str = ib_get_err_str(status);
Packit 13e616
		if (err_str == NULL)
Packit 13e616
			err_str = "Unknown Error Type";
Packit 13e616
		printf("\nError from osm_opensm_init_finish: %s.\n", err_str);
Packit 13e616
		goto Exit2;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	status = osm_opensm_bind(&osm, opt.guid);
Packit 13e616
	if (status != IB_SUCCESS) {
Packit 13e616
		printf("\nError from osm_opensm_bind (0x%X)\n", status);
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		    ("Perhaps another instance of OpenSM is already running\n");
Packit 13e616
		goto Exit;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (run_once_flag == TRUE) {
Packit 13e616
		while (!osm_exit_flag) {
Packit 13e616
			status =
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
							  sweep_interval *
Packit 13e616
							  1000000, TRUE);
Packit 13e616
			if (!status)
Packit 13e616
				osm_exit_flag = 1;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	} else {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		 *         Sit here until signaled to exit
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
		osm_manager_loop(&opt, &osm;;
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
	if (osm.mad_pool.mads_out) {
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
			"There are still %u MADs out. Forcing the exit of the OpenSM application...\n",
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616
Packit 13e616