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# OpenSCAP

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Open Source Security Compliance Solution

## About

The oscap program is a command line tool that allows users to load, scan,
validate, edit, and export SCAP documents.

 * Homepage of the project: [](
 * User Manual: [OpenSCAP User Manual](docs/manual/manual.adoc)
 * Compilation, testing and debugging: [OpenSCAP Developer Manual](docs/developer/developer.adoc)
 * For new contributors: [How to contribute](docs/contribute/contribute.adoc)

## Contributing

We welcome all contributions to the OpenSCAP project. If you would like to contribute, either by fixing existing issues or adding new features, please check out our [contribution guide](docs/contribute/contribute.adoc) to get started. If you would like to discuss anything, ask questions, or if you need additional help getting started, you can either send a message to our FreeNode IRC channel, **#openscap**, or to our [mailing list](

## Use cases

### SCAP Content Validation

 * The following example shows how to validate a given source data stream; all components within the data stream are validated (XCCDF, OVAL, OCIL, CPE, and possibly other components):
oscap ds sds-validate scap-ds.xml

### Scanning

 * To evaluate all definitions within the given OVAL Definition file, run the following command:
oscap oval eval --results oval-results.xml scap-oval.xml
*where scap-oval.xml is the OVAL Definition file and oval-results.xml is the OVAL Result file.*

 * To evaluate all definitions from the OVAL component that are part of a particular data stream within a SCAP data stream collection, run the following command:
oscap oval eval --datastream-id ds.xml --oval-id xccdf.xml --results oval-results.xml scap-ds.xml
*where ds.xml is the given data stream, xccdf.xml is an XCCDF file specifying the OVAL component, oval-results.xml is the OVAL Result file, and scap-ds.xml is a file representing the SCAP data stream collection.*

 * To evaluate a specific profile in an XCCDF file run this command:
oscap xccdf eval --profile Desktop --results xccdf-results.xml --cpe cpe-dictionary.xml scap-xccdf.xml
*where scap-xccdf.xml is the XCCDF document, Desktop is the selected profile from the XCCDF document, xccdf-results.xml is a file storing the scan results, and cpe-dictionary.xml is the CPE dictionary.*

 * To evaluate a specific XCCDF benchmark that is part of a data stream within a SCAP data stream collection run the following command:
oscap xccdf eval --datastream-id ds.xml --xccdf-id xccdf.xml --results xccdf-results.xml scap-ds.xml
*where scap-ds.xml is a file representing the SCAP data stream collection, ds.xml is the particular data stream, xccdf.xml is ID of the component-ref pointing to the desired XCCDF document, and xccdf-results.xml is a file containing the scan results.*

### Document generation

 * without XCCDF rules
oscap xccdf generate guide XCCDF-FILE > XCCDF-GUIDE-FILE

 * with XCCDF rules
oscap xccdf generate guide --profile PROFILE XCCDF-FILE > XCCDF-GUIDE-FILE

 *  generate report from scanning
oscap xccdf generate report XCCDF-RESULT-FILE > XCCDF-REPORT-FILE