/* * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Professor Benoit Macq * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Kaori Hagihara * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include "opj_inttypes.h" #include "index_manager.h" #include "box_manager.h" #include "manfbox_manager.h" #include "mhixbox_manager.h" #include "codestream_manager.h" #include "marker_manager.h" #include "faixbox_manager.h" #include "boxheader_manager.h" #ifdef SERVER #include "fcgi_stdio.h" #define logstream FCGI_stdout #else #define FCGI_stdout stdout #define FCGI_stderr stderr #define logstream stderr #endif /*SERVER*/ /** * chekc JP2 box indexing * * @param[in] toplev_boxlist top level box list * @return if correct (true) or wrong (false) */ OPJ_BOOL check_JP2boxidx(boxlist_param_t *toplev_boxlist); /** * set code index parameters (parse cidx box) * Annex I * * @param[in] cidx_box pointer to the reference cidx_box * @param[out] codeidx pointer to index parameters * @return if succeeded (true) or failed (false) */ OPJ_BOOL set_cidxdata(box_param_t *cidx_box, index_param_t *codeidx); index_param_t * parse_jp2file(int fd) { index_param_t *jp2idx; box_param_t *cidx; metadatalist_param_t *metadatalist; boxlist_param_t *toplev_boxlist; Byte8_t filesize; if (!(filesize = (Byte8_t)get_filesize(fd))) { return NULL; } if (!(toplev_boxlist = get_boxstructure(fd, 0, filesize))) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: Not correctl JP2 format\n"); return NULL; } if (!check_JP2boxidx(toplev_boxlist)) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Index format not supported\n"); delete_boxlist(&toplev_boxlist); return NULL; } if (!(cidx = search_box("cidx", toplev_boxlist))) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Box cidx not found\n"); delete_boxlist(&toplev_boxlist); return NULL; } jp2idx = (index_param_t *)opj_malloc(sizeof(index_param_t)); if (!set_cidxdata(cidx, jp2idx)) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: Not correctl format in cidx box\n"); opj_free(jp2idx); delete_boxlist(&toplev_boxlist); return NULL; } delete_boxlist(&toplev_boxlist); metadatalist = const_metadatalist(fd); jp2idx->metadatalist = metadatalist; #ifndef SERVER fprintf(logstream, "local log: code index created\n"); #endif return jp2idx; } void print_index(index_param_t index) { int i; fprintf(logstream, "index info:\n"); fprintf(logstream, "\tCodestream Offset: %#" PRIx64 "\n", index.offset); fprintf(logstream, "\t Length: %#" PRIx64 "\n", index.length); fprintf(logstream, "\tMain header Length: %#" PRIx64 "\n", index.mhead_length); print_SIZ(index.SIZ); print_COD(index.COD); fprintf(logstream, "Tile part information: \n"); print_faixbox(index.tilepart); fprintf(logstream, "Tile header information: \n"); for (i = 0; i < (int)(index.SIZ.XTnum * index.SIZ.YTnum); i++) { print_mhixbox(index.tileheader[i]); } fprintf(logstream, "Precinct packet information: \n"); for (i = 0; i < index.SIZ.Csiz; i++) { fprintf(logstream, "Component %d\n", i); print_faixbox(index.precpacket[i]); } print_allmetadata(index.metadatalist); } void print_SIZ(SIZmarker_param_t SIZ) { int i; fprintf(logstream, "\tImage and Tile SIZ parameters\n"); fprintf(logstream, "\t Rsiz: %#x\n", SIZ.Rsiz); fprintf(logstream, "\t Xsiz, Ysiz: (%d,%d) = (%#x, %#x)\n", SIZ.Xsiz, SIZ.Ysiz, SIZ.Xsiz, SIZ.Ysiz); fprintf(logstream, "\t XOsiz, YOsiz: (%d,%d) = (%#x, %#x)\n", SIZ.XOsiz, SIZ.YOsiz, SIZ.XOsiz, SIZ.YOsiz); fprintf(logstream, "\t XTsiz, YTsiz: (%d,%d) = (%#x, %#x)\n", SIZ.XTsiz, SIZ.YTsiz, SIZ.XTsiz, SIZ.YTsiz); fprintf(logstream, "\t XTOsiz, YTOsiz: (%d,%d) = (%#x, %#x)\n", SIZ.XTOsiz, SIZ.YTOsiz, SIZ.XTOsiz, SIZ.YTOsiz); fprintf(logstream, "\t XTnum, YTnum: (%d,%d)\n", SIZ.XTnum, SIZ.YTnum); fprintf(logstream, "\t Num of Components: %d\n", SIZ.Csiz); for (i = 0; i < SIZ.Csiz; i++) { fprintf(logstream, "\t[%d] (Ssiz, XRsiz, YRsiz): (%d, %d, %d) = (%#x, %#x, %#x)\n", i, SIZ.Ssiz[i], SIZ.XRsiz[i], SIZ.YRsiz[i], SIZ.Ssiz[i], SIZ.XRsiz[i], SIZ.YRsiz[i]); } } void print_COD(CODmarker_param_t COD) { int i; fprintf(logstream, "\tCoding style default COD parameters\n"); fprintf(logstream, "\t Progression order: %d [ LRCP=0, RLCP=1, RPCL=2, PCRL=3, CPRL=4]\n", COD.prog_order); fprintf(logstream, "\t Num of layers: %d\n", COD.numOflayers); fprintf(logstream, "\t Decomposition lvl: %d\n", COD.numOfdecomp); for (i = 0; i <= ((COD.Scod & 0x01) ? COD.numOfdecomp : 0); i++) { fprintf(logstream, "\t [%d] XPsiz, YPsiz: (%d,%d) = (%#x, %#x)\n", i, COD.XPsiz[i], COD.YPsiz[i], COD.XPsiz[i], COD.YPsiz[i]); } } void delete_index(index_param_t **index) { int i; delete_metadatalist(&((*index)->metadatalist)); delete_COD((*index)->COD); delete_faixbox(&((*index)->tilepart)); for (i = 0; i < (int)((*index)->SIZ.XTnum * (*index)->SIZ.YTnum); i++) { delete_mhixbox(&((*index)->tileheader[i])); } opj_free((*index)->tileheader); for (i = 0; i < (*index)->SIZ.Csiz; i++) { delete_faixbox(&((*index)->precpacket[i])); } opj_free((*index)->precpacket); opj_free(*index); } void delete_COD(CODmarker_param_t COD) { if (COD.XPsiz) { opj_free(COD.XPsiz); } if (COD.YPsiz) { opj_free(COD.YPsiz); } } OPJ_BOOL check_JP2boxidx(boxlist_param_t *toplev_boxlist) { box_param_t *iptr, *fidx, *prxy; box_param_t *cidx, *jp2c; Byte8_t off; Byte8_t len; int pos; Byte8_t ooff; boxheader_param_t *obh; Byte_t ni; Byte8_t ioff; boxheader_param_t *ibh; iptr = search_box("iptr", toplev_boxlist); fidx = search_box("fidx", toplev_boxlist); cidx = search_box("cidx", toplev_boxlist); jp2c = search_box("jp2c", toplev_boxlist); prxy = gene_childboxbyType(fidx, 0, "prxy"); off = fetch_DBox8bytebigendian(iptr, 0); if (off != (Byte8_t)fidx->offset) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Reference File Index box offset in Index Finder box not correct\n"); } len = fetch_DBox8bytebigendian(iptr, 8); if (len != fidx->length) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Reference File Index box length in Index Finder box not correct\n"); } pos = 0; ooff = fetch_DBox8bytebigendian(prxy, pos); if (ooff != (Byte8_t)jp2c->offset) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Reference jp2c offset in prxy box not correct\n"); } pos += 8; obh = gene_childboxheader(prxy, pos); if (obh->length != jp2c->length || strncmp(obh->type, "jp2c", 4) != 0) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Reference jp2c header in prxy box not correct\n"); } pos += obh->headlen; opj_free(obh); ni = fetch_DBox1byte(prxy, pos); if (ni != 1) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Multiple indexes not supported\n"); return OPJ_FALSE; } pos += 1; ioff = fetch_DBox8bytebigendian(prxy, pos); if (ioff != (Byte8_t)cidx->offset) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Reference cidx offset in prxy box not correct\n"); } pos += 8; ibh = gene_childboxheader(prxy, pos); if (ibh->length != cidx->length || strncmp(ibh->type, "cidx", 4) != 0) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Reference cidx header in prxy box not correct\n"); } pos += ibh->headlen; opj_free(ibh); opj_free(prxy); return OPJ_TRUE; } /** * set code index parameters from cptr box * I.3.2.2 Codestream Finder box * * @param[in] cidx_box pointer to the reference cidx_box * @param[out] jp2idx pointer to index parameters * @return if succeeded (true) or failed (false) */ OPJ_BOOL set_cptrdata(box_param_t *cidx_box, index_param_t *jp2idx); /** * set code index parameters from mhix box for main header * I. Header Index Table box * * @param[in] cidx_box pointer to the reference cidx_box * @param[in] codestream codestream parameters * @param[out] jp2idx pointer to index parameters * @return if succeeded (true) or failed (false) */ OPJ_BOOL set_mainmhixdata(box_param_t *cidx_box, codestream_param_t codestream, index_param_t *jp2idx); /** * set code index parameters from tpix box * I. Tile-part Index Table box * * @param[in] cidx_box pointer to the reference cidx_box * @param[out] jp2idx pointer to index parameters * @return if succeeded (true) or failed (false) */ OPJ_BOOL set_tpixdata(box_param_t *cidx_box, index_param_t *jp2idx); /** * set code index parameters from thix box * I. Tile Header Index Table box * * @param[in] cidx_box pointer to the reference cidx_box * @param[out] jp2idx pointer to index parameters * @return if succeeded (true) or failed (false) */ OPJ_BOOL set_thixdata(box_param_t *cidx_box, index_param_t *jp2idx); /** * set code index parameters from ppix box * I. Precinct Packet Index Table box * * @param[in] cidx_box pointer to the reference cidx_box * @param[out] jp2idx pointer to index parameters * @return if succeeded (true) or failed (false) */ OPJ_BOOL set_ppixdata(box_param_t *cidx_box, index_param_t *jp2idx); OPJ_BOOL set_cidxdata(box_param_t *cidx_box, index_param_t *jp2idx) { box_param_t *manf_box; manfbox_param_t *manf; codestream_param_t codestream; set_cptrdata(cidx_box, jp2idx); codestream = set_codestream(cidx_box->fd, jp2idx->offset, jp2idx->length); manf_box = gene_boxbyType(cidx_box->fd, get_DBoxoff(cidx_box), get_DBoxlen(cidx_box), "manf"); manf = gene_manfbox(manf_box); if (!search_boxheader("mhix", manf)) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: mhix box not present in manfbox\n"); opj_free(jp2idx); return OPJ_FALSE; } set_mainmhixdata(cidx_box, codestream, jp2idx); if (!search_boxheader("tpix", manf)) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: tpix box not present in manfbox\n"); opj_free(jp2idx); return OPJ_FALSE; } set_tpixdata(cidx_box, jp2idx); if (!search_boxheader("thix", manf)) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: thix box not present in manfbox\n"); opj_free(jp2idx); return OPJ_FALSE; } set_thixdata(cidx_box, jp2idx); if (!search_boxheader("ppix", manf)) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: ppix box not present in manfbox\n"); opj_free(jp2idx); return OPJ_FALSE; } set_ppixdata(cidx_box, jp2idx); delete_manfbox(&manf); opj_free(manf_box); return OPJ_TRUE; } OPJ_BOOL set_cptrdata(box_param_t *cidx_box, index_param_t *jp2idx) { box_param_t *box; /**< cptr box*/ Byte2_t dr, cont; if (!(box = gene_boxbyType(cidx_box->fd, get_DBoxoff(cidx_box), get_DBoxlen(cidx_box), "cptr"))) { return OPJ_FALSE; } /* DR: Data Reference. */ /* If 0, the codestream or its Fragment Table box exists in the current file*/ if ((dr = fetch_DBox2bytebigendian(box, 0))) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: Codestream not present in current file\n"); opj_free(box); return OPJ_FALSE; } /* CONT: Container Type*/ /* If 0, the entire codestream appears as a contiguous range of*/ /* bytes within its file or resource.*/ if ((cont = fetch_DBox2bytebigendian(box, 2))) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: Can't cope with fragmented codestreams yet\n"); opj_free(box); return OPJ_FALSE; } jp2idx->offset = (OPJ_OFF_T)fetch_DBox8bytebigendian(box, 4); jp2idx->length = fetch_DBox8bytebigendian(box, 12); opj_free(box); return OPJ_TRUE; } /** * set SIZ marker information * A.5 Fixed information marker segment * A.5.1 Image and tile size (SIZ) * * @param[in] sizmkidx pointer to SIZ marker index in mhix box * @param[in] codestream codestream parameters * @param[out] SIZ SIZ marker parameters pointer * @return if succeeded (true) or failed (false) */ OPJ_BOOL set_SIZmkrdata(markeridx_param_t *sizmkidx, codestream_param_t codestream, SIZmarker_param_t *SIZ); /** * set code index parameters from COD marker in codestream * A.6 Functional marker segments * A.6.1 Coding style default (COD) * * @param[in] codmkidx pointer to COD marker index in mhix box * @param[in] codestream codestream parameters * @param[out] COD COD marker parameters pointer * @return if succeeded (true) or failed (false) */ OPJ_BOOL set_CODmkrdata(markeridx_param_t *codmkidx, codestream_param_t codestream, CODmarker_param_t *COD); OPJ_BOOL set_mainmhixdata(box_param_t *cidx_box, codestream_param_t codestream, index_param_t *jp2idx) { box_param_t *mhix_box; mhixbox_param_t *mhix; markeridx_param_t *sizmkidx; markeridx_param_t *codmkidx; if (!(mhix_box = gene_boxbyType(cidx_box->fd, get_DBoxoff(cidx_box), get_DBoxlen(cidx_box), "mhix"))) { return OPJ_FALSE; } jp2idx->mhead_length = fetch_DBox8bytebigendian(mhix_box, 0); mhix = gene_mhixbox(mhix_box); opj_free(mhix_box); sizmkidx = search_markeridx(0xff51, mhix); set_SIZmkrdata(sizmkidx, codestream, &(jp2idx->SIZ)); codmkidx = search_markeridx(0xff52, mhix); set_CODmkrdata(codmkidx, codestream, &(jp2idx->COD)); delete_mhixbox(&mhix); return OPJ_TRUE; } OPJ_BOOL set_tpixdata(box_param_t *cidx_box, index_param_t *jp2idx) { box_param_t *tpix_box; /**< tpix box*/ box_param_t *faix_box; /**< faix box*/ if (!(tpix_box = gene_boxbyType(cidx_box->fd, get_DBoxoff(cidx_box), get_DBoxlen(cidx_box), "tpix"))) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: tpix box not present in cidx box\n"); return OPJ_FALSE; } if (!(faix_box = gene_boxbyType(tpix_box->fd, get_DBoxoff(tpix_box), get_DBoxlen(tpix_box), "faix"))) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: faix box not present in tpix box\n"); return OPJ_FALSE; } jp2idx->tilepart = gene_faixbox(faix_box); opj_free(tpix_box); opj_free(faix_box); return OPJ_TRUE; } OPJ_BOOL set_thixdata(box_param_t *cidx_box, index_param_t *jp2idx) { box_param_t *thix_box, *manf_box, *mhix_box; manfbox_param_t *manf; boxheader_param_t *ptr; mhixbox_param_t *mhix; Byte8_t pos; OPJ_OFF_T mhixseqoff; Byte2_t tile_no; if (!(thix_box = gene_boxbyType(cidx_box->fd, get_DBoxoff(cidx_box), get_DBoxlen(cidx_box), "thix"))) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: thix box not present in cidx box\n"); return OPJ_FALSE; } if (!(manf_box = gene_boxbyType(thix_box->fd, get_DBoxoff(thix_box), get_DBoxlen(thix_box), "manf"))) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: manf box not present in thix box\n"); opj_free(thix_box); return OPJ_FALSE; } manf = gene_manfbox(manf_box); ptr = manf->first; mhixseqoff = manf_box->offset + (OPJ_OFF_T)manf_box->length; pos = 0; tile_no = 0; jp2idx->tileheader = (mhixbox_param_t **)opj_malloc(jp2idx->SIZ.XTnum * jp2idx->SIZ.YTnum * sizeof(mhixbox_param_t *)); while (ptr) { if (!(mhix_box = gene_boxbyType(thix_box->fd, mhixseqoff + (OPJ_OFF_T)pos, get_DBoxlen(thix_box) - manf_box->length - pos, "mhix"))) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: mhix box not present in thix box\n"); delete_manfbox(&manf); opj_free(manf_box); opj_free(thix_box); return OPJ_FALSE; } mhix = gene_mhixbox(mhix_box); pos += mhix_box->length; ptr = ptr->next; opj_free(mhix_box); jp2idx->tileheader[tile_no++] = mhix; } delete_manfbox(&manf); opj_free(manf_box); opj_free(thix_box); return OPJ_TRUE; } OPJ_BOOL set_ppixdata(box_param_t *cidx_box, index_param_t *jp2idx) { box_param_t *ppix_box, *faix_box, *manf_box; manfbox_param_t *manf; /**< manf*/ boxheader_param_t *bh; /**< box headers*/ faixbox_param_t *faix; /**< faix*/ OPJ_OFF_T inbox_offset; int comp_idx; if (!(ppix_box = gene_boxbyType(cidx_box->fd, get_DBoxoff(cidx_box), get_DBoxlen(cidx_box), "ppix"))) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: ppix box not present in cidx box\n"); return OPJ_FALSE; } inbox_offset = get_DBoxoff(ppix_box); if (!(manf_box = gene_boxbyType(ppix_box->fd, inbox_offset, get_DBoxlen(ppix_box), "manf"))) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: manf box not present in ppix box\n"); opj_free(ppix_box); return OPJ_FALSE; } opj_free(ppix_box); manf = gene_manfbox(manf_box); bh = search_boxheader("faix", manf); inbox_offset = manf_box->offset + (OPJ_OFF_T)manf_box->length; opj_free(manf_box); jp2idx->precpacket = (faixbox_param_t **)opj_malloc(jp2idx->SIZ.Csiz * sizeof( faixbox_param_t *)); for (comp_idx = 0; bh != NULL; bh = bh->next, comp_idx++) { if (jp2idx->SIZ.Csiz <= comp_idx) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: num of faix boxes is not identical to num of components in ppix box\n"); return OPJ_FALSE; } if (!(faix_box = gene_boxbyOffset(cidx_box->fd, inbox_offset))) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: faix box not present in ppix box\n"); return OPJ_FALSE; } faix = gene_faixbox(faix_box); jp2idx->precpacket[comp_idx] = faix; inbox_offset = faix_box->offset + (OPJ_OFF_T)faix_box->length; opj_free(faix_box); } delete_manfbox(&manf); return OPJ_TRUE; } OPJ_BOOL set_SIZmkrdata(markeridx_param_t *sizmkidx, codestream_param_t codestream, SIZmarker_param_t *SIZ) { marker_param_t sizmkr; int i; sizmkr = set_marker(codestream, sizmkidx->code, sizmkidx->offset, sizmkidx->length); SIZ->Lsiz = fetch_marker2bytebigendian(sizmkr, 0); if (sizmkidx->length != SIZ->Lsiz) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: marker %#x index is not correct\n", sizmkidx->code); return OPJ_FALSE; } SIZ->Rsiz = fetch_marker2bytebigendian(sizmkr, 2); SIZ->Xsiz = fetch_marker4bytebigendian(sizmkr, 4); SIZ->Ysiz = fetch_marker4bytebigendian(sizmkr, 8); SIZ->XOsiz = fetch_marker4bytebigendian(sizmkr, 12); SIZ->YOsiz = fetch_marker4bytebigendian(sizmkr, 16); SIZ->XTsiz = fetch_marker4bytebigendian(sizmkr, 20); SIZ->YTsiz = fetch_marker4bytebigendian(sizmkr, 24); SIZ->XTOsiz = fetch_marker4bytebigendian(sizmkr, 28); SIZ->YTOsiz = fetch_marker4bytebigendian(sizmkr, 32); SIZ->Csiz = fetch_marker2bytebigendian(sizmkr, 36); SIZ->XTnum = (SIZ->Xsiz - SIZ->XTOsiz + SIZ->XTsiz - 1) / SIZ->XTsiz; SIZ->YTnum = (SIZ->Ysiz - SIZ->YTOsiz + SIZ->YTsiz - 1) / SIZ->YTsiz; for (i = 0; i < (int)SIZ->Csiz; i++) { SIZ->Ssiz[i] = fetch_marker1byte(sizmkr, 38 + i * 3); SIZ->XRsiz[i] = fetch_marker1byte(sizmkr, 39 + i * 3); SIZ->YRsiz[i] = fetch_marker1byte(sizmkr, 40 + i * 3); } return OPJ_TRUE; } OPJ_BOOL set_CODmkrdata(markeridx_param_t *codmkidx, codestream_param_t codestream, CODmarker_param_t *COD) { marker_param_t codmkr; int i; codmkr = set_marker(codestream, codmkidx->code, codmkidx->offset, codmkidx->length); COD->Lcod = fetch_marker2bytebigendian(codmkr, 0); if (codmkidx->length != COD->Lcod) { fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Error: marker %#x index is not correct\n", codmkidx->code); return OPJ_FALSE; } COD->Scod = fetch_marker1byte(codmkr, 2); COD->prog_order = fetch_marker1byte(codmkr, 3); COD->numOflayers = fetch_marker2bytebigendian(codmkr, 4); COD->numOfdecomp = fetch_marker1byte(codmkr, 7); if (COD->Scod & 0x01) { COD->XPsiz = (Byte4_t *)opj_malloc((OPJ_SIZE_T)(COD->numOfdecomp + 1) * sizeof( Byte4_t)); COD->YPsiz = (Byte4_t *)opj_malloc((OPJ_SIZE_T)(COD->numOfdecomp + 1) * sizeof( Byte4_t)); for (i = 0; i <= COD->numOfdecomp; i++) { /*precinct size*/ COD->XPsiz[i] = (Byte2_t)pow(2, fetch_marker1byte(codmkr, 12 + i) & 0x0F); COD->YPsiz[i] = (Byte2_t)pow(2, (fetch_marker1byte(codmkr, 12 + i) & 0xF0) >> 4); } } else { COD->XPsiz = (Byte4_t *)opj_malloc(sizeof(Byte4_t)); COD->YPsiz = (Byte4_t *)opj_malloc(sizeof(Byte4_t)); COD->XPsiz[0] = COD->YPsiz[0] = 1 << 15; /* pow(2,15); */ } return OPJ_TRUE; } /* very very generic name see NOMINMAX */ #ifdef min #undef min #endif #ifdef max #undef max #endif Byte4_t max(Byte4_t n1, Byte4_t n2); Byte4_t min(Byte4_t n1, Byte4_t n2); range_param_t get_tile_range(Byte4_t Osiz, Byte4_t siz, Byte4_t TOsiz, Byte4_t Tsiz, Byte4_t tile_XYid, int level); range_param_t get_tile_Xrange(SIZmarker_param_t SIZ, Byte4_t tile_id, int level) { return get_tile_range(SIZ.XOsiz, SIZ.Xsiz, SIZ.XTOsiz, SIZ.XTsiz, tile_id % SIZ.XTnum, level); } range_param_t get_tile_Yrange(SIZmarker_param_t SIZ, Byte4_t tile_id, int level) { return get_tile_range(SIZ.YOsiz, SIZ.Ysiz, SIZ.YTOsiz, SIZ.YTsiz, tile_id / SIZ.XTnum, level); } range_param_t get_tile_range(Byte4_t Osiz, Byte4_t siz, Byte4_t TOsiz, Byte4_t Tsiz, Byte4_t tile_XYid, int level) { range_param_t range; int n; range.minvalue = max(Osiz, TOsiz + tile_XYid * Tsiz); range.maxvalue = min(siz, TOsiz + (tile_XYid + 1) * Tsiz); for (n = 0; n < level; n++) { range.minvalue = (Byte4_t)ceil(range.minvalue / 2.0); range.maxvalue = (Byte4_t)ceil(range.maxvalue / 2.0); } return range; } Byte4_t get_tile_XSiz(SIZmarker_param_t SIZ, Byte4_t tile_id, int level) { range_param_t tile_Xrange; tile_Xrange = get_tile_Xrange(SIZ, tile_id, level); return tile_Xrange.maxvalue - tile_Xrange.minvalue; } Byte4_t get_tile_YSiz(SIZmarker_param_t SIZ, Byte4_t tile_id, int level) { range_param_t tile_Yrange; tile_Yrange = get_tile_Yrange(SIZ, tile_id, level); return tile_Yrange.maxvalue - tile_Yrange.minvalue; } /* TODO: what is this code doing ? will all compiler be able to optimize the following ? */ Byte4_t max(Byte4_t n1, Byte4_t n2) { if (n1 < n2) { return n2; } else { return n1; } } Byte4_t min(Byte4_t n1, Byte4_t n2) { if (n1 < n2) { return n1; } else { return n2; } } OPJ_BOOL isJPTfeasible(index_param_t index) { if (1 < get_nmax(index.tilepart)) { return OPJ_TRUE; } else { return OPJ_FALSE; } }