======================================================================== This package provides windows version of - Base HPI library (libopenhpi.dll) - OpenHPI utils library (libopenhpiutils.dll) - OpenHPI marshal library (libopenhpimarshal.dll) - OpenHPI transport library (libopenhpitransport.dll) - OpenHPI clients: -- hpialarms.exe -- hpidomain.exe -- hpiel.exe -- hpievents.exe -- hpifan.exe -- hpigensimdata.exe -- hpiinv.exe -- hpionIBMblade.exe -- hpipower.exe -- hpireset.exe -- hpisensor.exe -- hpisettime.exe -- hpithres.exe -- hpitop.exe -- hpitree.exe -- hpiwdt.exe -- hpixml.exe -- ohdomainlist.exe -- ohhandler.exe -- ohparam.exe - OpenHPI daemon as a console Windows application (openhpid.exe) -- Slave plug-in (libslave.dll) -- Test Agent plug-in (libtest_agent.dll) The package also provides necessary glib2 libraries: - libglib-2.0-0.dll - libgthread-2.0-0.dll - libgmodule-2.0-0.dll NB: glib2 libraries were obtained in binary form from http://www.gtk.org/download-windows.html and were included without any change. NB: glib2 is distributed under LGPL2 license. The package can include additional auxiliary libraries. ======================================================================== Dependencies: The only dependence (save for mingw compiler) is glib2. Windows version can be obtained at http://www.gtk.org/download-windows.html ======================================================================== Current windows build system supports only mingw compiler. http://www.mingw.org/ However the built libraries can be use as ordinary windows DLL in projects with any compiler. ======================================================================== Build instructions: - Get mingw (cross or native). - Get archive with glib2 for windows and unpack it somewhere. - Enter OpenHPI source tree root directory. - Modify Makefile.mingw32.def: -- ARCH in order to point architecture for produced binaries -- TOOLCHAIN_PATH in order that CC, CXX, AS and RC point to correct files. -- GLIB_DIR: in order that GLIB_INCLUDES and GLIB_LIBS point to valid directories with glib headers and libraries. - Run "make -f Makefile.mingw32". - Run "make -f Makefile.mingw32 out". - The openhpi-${VERSION}-win32-${ARCH} sub-directory will contain all produced stuff. - For gcc4-based compiler (i.e. mingw-w64.sourceforge.net ) you need to copy more libs: -- libgcc_s_*.dll -- libstdc++-*.dll - Optional step - strip produced exe and dll files. ======================================================================== Client Usage instructions: There are two ways: Way 1) prepare openhpiclient.conf and set env. var. OPENHPICLIENT_CONF to its path Way 2) set env. var. OPENHPI_DAEMON_HOST to OpenHPI daemon address. ======================================================================== Library Usage instructions: Header file SaHpi.h contains declarations on provided HPI functions. Header file oHpi.h contains declarations on provided OpenHPI extension functions. Make sure to use the oHpi.h and SaHpi.h files from openhpi-3.3.0-win32-x86 or openhpi-3.3.0-win32-amd64 directory, not the ones from trunk/include directory. The functions are in libopenhpi.dll. Define "SAHPI_API" macro as "__declspec(dllimport)". For mingw compiler it can be just linked. For MSVC: - There is def file libopenhpi.def - With lib tool you can create import library - Command example "lib /machine:i386 /def:libopenhpi.def" - Point produced import library in Project settings For application running and distribution:: - copy necessary libraries to your application dir. And see Client Usage instructions about configuring OpenHPI daemon address to connect. ======================================================================== Library Known Issues: =================================================== Seems mingw has its own copy of environment variables. So the code: _putenv("OPENHPI_DAEMON_HOST=..."); rv = saHpiSessionOpen(...) does not work in MSVC as expected. But setting any variable before running executable works! =================================================== Seems client applications do not close sockets. The sockets remain in TIME_WAIT state. It can exhaust system resources. ======================================================================== Daemon Usage instructions: Only Slave plug-in and Test agent plug-in are now ported under Windows. - prepare openhpi.conf - openhpid.exe -v -c "path to openhpi.conf" As an optional step you can do - set OPENHPI_UID_MAP="path to uid map file" before running openhpid.exe. The uid map file will be used for persistent resource id <-> entity path mapping. NB: -v is optional flag for verbose messages. ======================================================================== Troubleshouting: Mailing list: openhpi-devel@lists.sourceforge.net or IRC channel #openhpi on FreeNode.