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# How to contribute
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Patches are more than welcome at OpenCryptoki, be it to fix a bug or to add a
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new feature. To make your life, and also our life, easy there are a few steps
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that we need the contributors to follow.
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## Getting started 
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* Read and study the [PKCS #11 standard]( v2.20 or, preferably, v2.40.
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* Make sure to subscribe to our [technical discussion mailing-list](
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* Make sure you have a [GitHub account](
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* Submit a ticket for your issue, assuming one does not already exist.
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  * Clearly describe the issue, including steps to reproduce when it is a bug.
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  * Make sure you fill in the earliest version that you know has the issue.
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  * In case of a bug, try to attach some logs. Enable tracing on OpenCryptoki by
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  running `export OPENCRYPTOKI_TRACE_LEVEL=<level>`. For more information about
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  trace level check the [FAQ](FAQ).
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  * Include information from your environment (OS, gcc version, and any other
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  related packages version).
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  * In case of a new hardware token, please provide a way for us to have access
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  to an environment that contains such hardware or a way to run automated tests
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  through Jenkins or other similar tool.
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* Fork the repository on GitHub.
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## Making changes
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* Create a topic/issue branch from the `master` branch.
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* Please avoid working directly on the `master` branch.
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* If the changes are too big, please separate it into smaller, logical, commits.
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This will improve commit history and code review.
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* Follow the [coding style](doc/ guidelines.
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* Check for unnecessary whitespace with `git diff --check` before committing.
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* Make sure your commit messages are in the proper format and sign your patch:
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    Add CONTRIBUTING guideline
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    The file describes the guidelines that every Contributor
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    should follow to get their code integrated into OpenCryptoki. This will
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    improve Contributors/Maintainers work.
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    Signed-off-by: YOUR_NAME <>
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* Make sure you have added the necessary tests for your changes.
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* Run _all_ the tests to assure nothing else was accidentally broken. If you do
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not have the necessary hardware to run _all_ tests, please write it down to us,
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so we can manage to do the testing for you.
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## Submitting Changes
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* Sign your commits, as mentioned above.
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* There are two ways to submit patches:
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  * If you prefer the old school way of sending patches to a mailing-list, then
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  feel free to send your patch to the [technical discussion mailing-list]( . We will keep you posted as the code review goes by.
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  * If you like GitHub and all the tools it has, then submit a pull request to
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  * the opencryptoki repository on opencryptoki organization.
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* Include test information/results on the email thread of your patch or on the
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pull request.
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* Wait for the Maintainers feedback about your changes. Although we are always
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working on the project, sometimes we have our attention caught up on higher
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priority tasks for the project.
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* Be ready to answer any doubts that we might have about your changes, otherwise
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if we do not get an answer we will not be able to merge your code.
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## Final thoughts
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* Feel free to ask questions, there is no such thing as a stupid question, just
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stupid people.
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* You can find us on the mailing list mentioned above.
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* Have fun in the process, coding is fun!