Blame tools/extra/packager/jsonschema-2.3.0/jsonschema/

Packit 534379
import collections
Packit 534379
import itertools
Packit 534379
import pprint
Packit 534379
import textwrap
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
from jsonschema import _utils
Packit 534379
from jsonschema.compat import PY3, iteritems
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
WEAK_MATCHES = frozenset(["anyOf", "oneOf"])
Packit 534379
STRONG_MATCHES = frozenset()
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
_unset = _utils.Unset()
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
class _Error(Exception):
Packit 534379
    def __init__(
Packit 534379
        self, message, validator=_unset, path=(), cause=None, context=(),
Packit 534379
        validator_value=_unset, instance=_unset, schema=_unset, schema_path=(),
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        self.message = message
Packit 534379
        self.path = collections.deque(path)
Packit 534379
        self.schema_path = collections.deque(schema_path)
Packit 534379
        self.context = list(context)
Packit 534379
        self.cause = self.__cause__ = cause
Packit 534379
        self.validator = validator
Packit 534379
        self.validator_value = validator_value
Packit 534379
        self.instance = instance
Packit 534379
        self.schema = schema
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def __repr__(self):
Packit 534379
        return "<%s: %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.message)
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def __str__(self):
Packit 534379
        return unicode(self).encode("utf-8")
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def __unicode__(self):
Packit 534379
        if _unset in (
Packit 534379
            self.validator, self.validator_value, self.instance, self.schema,
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
            return self.message
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        path = _utils.format_as_index(self.path)
Packit 534379
        schema_path = _utils.format_as_index(list(self.schema_path)[:-1])
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        pschema = pprint.pformat(self.schema, width=72)
Packit 534379
        pinstance = pprint.pformat(self.instance, width=72)
Packit 534379
        return self.message + textwrap.dedent("""
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
            Failed validating %r in schema%s:
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
            On instance%s:
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        ) % (
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    if PY3:
Packit 534379
        __str__ = __unicode__
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def create_from(cls, other):
Packit 534379
        return cls(**other._contents())
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def _set(self, **kwargs):
Packit 534379
        for k, v in iteritems(kwargs):
Packit 534379
            if getattr(self, k) is _unset:
Packit 534379
                setattr(self, k, v)
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def _contents(self):
Packit 534379
        return dict(
Packit 534379
            (attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in (
Packit 534379
                "message", "cause", "context", "path", "schema_path",
Packit 534379
                "validator", "validator_value", "instance", "schema"
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
class ValidationError(_Error):
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
class SchemaError(_Error):
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
class RefResolutionError(Exception):
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
class UnknownType(Exception):
Packit 534379
    def __init__(self, type, instance, schema):
Packit 534379
        self.type = type
Packit 534379
        self.instance = instance
Packit 534379
        self.schema = schema
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def __str__(self):
Packit 534379
        return unicode(self).encode("utf-8")
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def __unicode__(self):
Packit 534379
        pschema = pprint.pformat(self.schema, width=72)
Packit 534379
        pinstance = pprint.pformat(self.instance, width=72)
Packit 534379
        return textwrap.dedent("""
Packit 534379
            Unknown type %r for validator with schema:
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
            While checking instance:
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        ) % (self.type, _utils.indent(pschema), _utils.indent(pinstance))
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    if PY3:
Packit 534379
        __str__ = __unicode__
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
class FormatError(Exception):
Packit 534379
    def __init__(self, message, cause=None):
Packit 534379
        super(FormatError, self).__init__(message, cause)
Packit 534379
        self.message = message
Packit 534379
        self.cause = self.__cause__ = cause
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def __str__(self):
Packit 534379
        return self.message.encode("utf-8")
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def __unicode__(self):
Packit 534379
        return self.message
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    if PY3:
Packit 534379
        __str__ = __unicode__
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
class ErrorTree(object):
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    ErrorTrees make it easier to check which validations failed.
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    _instance = _unset
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def __init__(self, errors=()):
Packit 534379
        self.errors = {}
Packit 534379
        self._contents = collections.defaultdict(self.__class__)
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        for error in errors:
Packit 534379
            container = self
Packit 534379
            for element in error.path:
Packit 534379
                container = container[element]
Packit 534379
            container.errors[error.validator] = error
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
            self._instance = error.instance
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def __contains__(self, index):
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        Check whether ``instance[index]`` has any errors.
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        return index in self._contents
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def __getitem__(self, index):
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        Retrieve the child tree one level down at the given ``index``.
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        If the index is not in the instance that this tree corresponds to and
Packit 534379
        is not known by this tree, whatever error would be raised by
Packit 534379
        ``instance.__getitem__`` will be propagated (usually this is some
Packit 534379
        subclass of :class:`LookupError`.
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        if self._instance is not _unset and index not in self:
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        return self._contents[index]
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
Packit 534379
        self._contents[index] = value
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def __iter__(self):
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        Iterate (non-recursively) over the indices in the instance with errors.
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        return iter(self._contents)
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def __len__(self):
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        Same as :attr:`total_errors`.
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        return self.total_errors
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def __repr__(self):
Packit 534379
        return "<%s (%s total errors)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self))
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    def total_errors(self):
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        The total number of errors in the entire tree, including children.
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
        child_errors = sum(len(tree) for _, tree in iteritems(self._contents))
Packit 534379
        return len(self.errors) + child_errors
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
def by_relevance(weak=WEAK_MATCHES, strong=STRONG_MATCHES):
Packit 534379
    def relevance(error):
Packit 534379
        validator = error.validator
Packit 534379
        return -len(error.path), validator not in weak, validator in strong
Packit 534379
    return relevance
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
def best_match(errors, key=by_relevance()):
Packit 534379
    errors = iter(errors)
Packit 534379
    best = next(errors, None)
Packit 534379
    if best is None:
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    best = max(itertools.chain([best], errors), key=key)
Packit 534379
Packit 534379
    while best.context:
Packit 534379
        best = min(best.context, key=key)
Packit 534379
    return best