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# Super Remote System Update User Guide #
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## Overview ##
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Intel Programmable Acceleration Card (PAC) devices are comprised of multiple processors
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and controllers that execute firmware. Maintaining and updating these firmware images
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manually is error-prone and does not scale well within the Data Center. The solution
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described here is derived with the following goals in mind:
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* The ability to update one or more (possibly all) firwmare images with a single package.
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* The ability to complete all firmware updates within a stipulated time window.
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* The ability to update each PAC in the server, all servers in a Data Center, and multiple
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Data Centers remotely.
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* The ability to remotely initiate download of the package and its installation with a
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single command per server instance.
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* The ability to roll back firmware to a previous revision.
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## Implementation ##
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A single package containing firmware images for all programmable parts on a PAC is delivered
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as an RPM, eg opae-super-rsu-n3000.M.m.p-r.noarch.rpm. The RPM revision will sequentially increase
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with every update.
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Installing or upgrading the RPM invokes the complete update of all programmable parts on all
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PAC boards in the system.
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The standard RPM dependency framework ensures that correct versions of dependecy packages
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opae-intel-fpga-driver and fpga-tools-extra are installed on the system.
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Rolling back is achieved by uninstalling the current version and re-installing a previous
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version of the RPM.
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.. note::
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Note: once Secure Update is deployed, roll back restrictions shall be implemented to prevent
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rollback attacks.
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RPM management on remote systems is standard practice, requiring no new infrastructure/training.
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## Details ##
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The post-install hook of the opae-super-rsu-n3000 RPM is leveraged to call out to the super-rsu
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Python script to update all PAC boards. super-rsu uses the manifest file packaged within
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opae-super-rsu-n3000 to associate a firmware image with its version. Each of the firmware images
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contained in opae-super-rsu-n3000 is placed on the target system in /usr/share/opae/n3000.
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### Algorithm ###
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* Acquire the current firmware versions of all programmable parts.
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* For each programmable image, if the installed version of firmware does not equal the version
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provided in the RPM manifest file, then update the firmware image, and set image_updated to True.
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* After all updates, if image_updated, then initiate a safe reboot of all boards in the system.
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* After safe reboot, verify that the reported firmware versions match those of the RPM manifest.
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If they do not match, then RPM installation exits with a failing status.
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* Run board self test. If the self test fails, then the RPM installation exits with a failing status.
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* If all of the above checks is successful, then RPM installation exits with a success status.
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## Dependencies ##
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* The standard Python package for the distro (version 2.7).
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* The opae-intel-fpga-driver RPM. (version determined by opae-super-rsu-n3000)
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* The opae-tools-extra RPM. (version determined by opae-super-rsu-n3000)