/* BEGIN_ICS_COPYRIGHT7 **************************************** Copyright (c) 2015-2020, Intel Corporation Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ** END_ICS_COPYRIGHT7 ****************************************/ /* [ICS VERSION STRING: unknown] */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ibprint.h" void PrintStlPAImageId(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const STL_PA_IMAGE_ID_DATA *pImageId) { time_t absTime = (time_t)pImageId->imageTime.absoluteTime; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sImageNumber: 0x%"PRIx64" Offset: %d\n", indent, "", pImageId->imageNumber, pImageId->imageOffset); if (absTime) { char buf[80]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", ctime((const time_t *)&absTime)); if ((strlen(buf)>0) && (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n')) buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sImageTime: %s\n", indent, "", buf); } return; } void PrintStlPAGroupList(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const int numRecords, const STL_PA_GROUP_LIST *pGroupList) { int i; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNumber of Groups: %u\n", indent, "", numRecords); for (i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) PrintFunc(dest, "%*sGroup %u: %s\n", indent, "", i+1, pGroupList[i].groupName); return; } void PrintStlPAGroupList2(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const int numRecords, const STL_PA_GROUP_LIST2 *pGroupList) { int i; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNumber of Groups: %u\n", indent, "", numRecords); for (i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) PrintFunc(dest, "%*sGroup %u: %s\n", indent, "", i+1, pGroupList[i].groupName); PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent+2, &pGroupList[0].imageId); return; } void PrintStlPAGroupUtilStats(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const STL_PA_PM_UTIL_STATS *pUtilStat) { int i; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sUtil: Tot %6"PRIu64" Max %6u Min %6u Avg %6u MiB/s\n", indent, "", pUtilStat->totalMBps, pUtilStat->maxMBps, pUtilStat->minMBps, pUtilStat->avgMBps); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sUtil: ", indent, ""); for (i = 0; i < STL_PM_UTIL_BUCKETS; i++) PrintFunc(dest, " %4d", pUtilStat->BWBuckets[i]); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s\n", indent, ""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sPkts: Tot %6"PRIu64" Max %6u Min %6u Avg %6u KiPps/s\n", indent, "", pUtilStat->totalKPps, pUtilStat->maxKPps, pUtilStat->minKPps, pUtilStat->avgKPps); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s NoResp Ports: PMA: %u Topo: %u\n", indent, "", pUtilStat->pmaNoRespPorts, pUtilStat->topoIncompPorts); return; } void PrintStlPAGroupErrorStats(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const STL_PM_CATEGORY_STATS *pErrStat) { int i; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sIntegrity Max %6u Buckets: ", indent, "", pErrStat->categoryMaximums.integrityErrors); for (i = 0; i < STL_PM_CATEGORY_BUCKETS; i++) PrintFunc(dest, " %4u ", pErrStat->ports[i].integrityErrors); PrintFunc(dest, "\n"); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sCongestion Max %6u Buckets: ", indent, "", pErrStat->categoryMaximums.congestion); for (i = 0; i < STL_PM_CATEGORY_BUCKETS; i++) PrintFunc(dest, " %4u ", pErrStat->ports[i].congestion); PrintFunc(dest, "\n"); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sSmaCongestion Max %6u Buckets: ", indent, "", pErrStat->categoryMaximums.smaCongestion); for (i = 0; i < STL_PM_CATEGORY_BUCKETS; i++) PrintFunc(dest, " %4u ", pErrStat->ports[i].smaCongestion); PrintFunc(dest, "\n"); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sBubble Max %6u Buckets: ", indent, "", pErrStat->categoryMaximums.bubble); for (i = 0; i < STL_PM_CATEGORY_BUCKETS; i++) PrintFunc(dest, " %4u ", pErrStat->ports[i].bubble); PrintFunc(dest, "\n"); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sSecurity Max %6u Buckets: ", indent, "", pErrStat->categoryMaximums.securityErrors); for (i = 0; i < STL_PM_CATEGORY_BUCKETS; i++) PrintFunc(dest, " %4u ", pErrStat->ports[i].securityErrors); PrintFunc(dest, "\n"); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sRouting Max %6u Buckets: ", indent, "", pErrStat->categoryMaximums.routingErrors); for (i = 0; i < STL_PM_CATEGORY_BUCKETS; i++) PrintFunc(dest, " %4u ", pErrStat->ports[i].routingErrors); PrintFunc(dest, "\n"); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sUtilization: %3u.%1u%%\n", indent, "", pErrStat->categoryMaximums.utilizationPct10 / 10, pErrStat->categoryMaximums.utilizationPct10 % 10); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sDiscards: %3u.%1u%%\n", indent, "", pErrStat->categoryMaximums.discardsPct10 / 10, pErrStat->categoryMaximums.discardsPct10 % 10); return; } void PrintStlPAGroupInfo(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const STL_PA_PM_GROUP_INFO_DATA *pGroupInfo) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*sGroup name: %s\n", indent, "", pGroupInfo->groupName); if (pGroupInfo->minInternalRate != IB_STATIC_RATE_DONTCARE || pGroupInfo->maxInternalRate != IB_STATIC_RATE_DONTCARE) PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNum internal ports: %u MinRate: %4s MaxRate: %4s MaxMiBps: %u\n", indent, "", pGroupInfo->numInternalPorts, StlStaticRateToText(pGroupInfo->minInternalRate), StlStaticRateToText(pGroupInfo->maxInternalRate), pGroupInfo->maxInternalMBps); else PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNum internal ports: %u\n", indent, "", pGroupInfo->numInternalPorts); if (pGroupInfo->minExternalRate != IB_STATIC_RATE_DONTCARE || pGroupInfo->maxExternalRate != IB_STATIC_RATE_DONTCARE) PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNum external ports: %u MinRate: %4s MaxRate: %4s MaxMiBps: %u\n", indent, "", pGroupInfo->numExternalPorts, StlStaticRateToText(pGroupInfo->minExternalRate), StlStaticRateToText(pGroupInfo->maxExternalRate), pGroupInfo->maxExternalMBps); else PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNum external ports: %u\n", indent, "", pGroupInfo->numExternalPorts); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sInternal utilization statistics:\n", indent, ""); PrintStlPAGroupUtilStats(dest, indent+2, &pGroupInfo->internalUtilStats); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sSend utilization statistics:\n", indent, ""); PrintStlPAGroupUtilStats(dest, indent+2, &pGroupInfo->sendUtilStats); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sReceive utilization statistics:\n", indent, ""); PrintStlPAGroupUtilStats(dest, indent+2, &pGroupInfo->recvUtilStats); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sInternal Error Summary:\n", indent, ""); PrintStlPAGroupErrorStats(dest, indent+2, &pGroupInfo->internalCategoryStats); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sExternal Error Summary:\n", indent, ""); PrintStlPAGroupErrorStats(dest, indent+2, &pGroupInfo->externalCategoryStats); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sImageID:\n", indent, ""); PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent+2, &pGroupInfo->imageId); return; } void PrintStlPAPortCounters(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const STL_PORT_COUNTERS_DATA *pPortCounters, const STL_LID nodeLid, const uint32 portNumber, const uint32 flags) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s%s controlled Port Counters (%s) for LID 0x%.*x, port number %u%s:\n", indent, "", (flags & STL_PA_PC_FLAG_USER_COUNTERS) ? "User" : "PM", (flags & STL_PA_PC_FLAG_DELTA) ? "delta" : "total", (nodeLid <= IB_MAX_UCAST_LID ? 4:8), nodeLid, portNumber, (flags&STL_PA_PC_FLAG_UNEXPECTED_CLEAR)?" (Unexpected Clear)":""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sPerformance: Transmit\n", indent, ""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Data %20"PRIu64" MB (%"PRIu64" Flits)\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portXmitData/FLITS_PER_MB, pPortCounters->portXmitData); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Pkts %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portXmitPkts); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s MC Xmit Pkts %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portMulticastXmitPkts); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sPerformance: Receive\n", indent, ""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv Data %20"PRIu64" MB (%"PRIu64" Flits)\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portRcvData/FLITS_PER_MB, pPortCounters->portRcvData); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv Pkts %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portRcvPkts); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s MC Rcv Pkts %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portMulticastRcvPkts); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sSignal Integrity Errors: \n", indent, ""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Link Quality Ind %10u\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->lq.s.linkQualityIndicator); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Uncorrectable Err %10u\n", // 8-bit indent, "", pPortCounters->uncorrectableErrors); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Link Downed %10u\n", // 32-bit indent, "", pPortCounters->linkDowned); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Num Lanes Down %10u\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->lq.s.numLanesDown); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv Errors %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portRcvErrors); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Exc. Buffer Overrun %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->excessiveBufferOverruns); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s FM Config %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->fmConfigErrors); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Link Error Recovery %10u\n", // 32-bit indent, "", pPortCounters->linkErrorRecovery); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Local Link Integrity %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->localLinkIntegrityErrors); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv Rmt Phys Err %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portRcvRemotePhysicalErrors); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sSecurity Errors: \n", indent, ""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Constraint %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portXmitConstraintErrors); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv Constraint %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portRcvConstraintErrors); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sRouting and Other Errors: \n", indent, ""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv Sw Relay Err %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portRcvSwitchRelayErrors); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Discards %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portXmitDiscards); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sCongestion: \n", indent, ""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Cong Discards %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->swPortCongestion); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv FECN %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portRcvFECN); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv BECN %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portRcvBECN); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Mark FECN %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portMarkFECN); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Time Cong %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portXmitTimeCong); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Wait %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portXmitWait); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sBubbles: \n", indent, ""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Wasted BW %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portXmitWastedBW); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Wait Data %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portXmitWaitData); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv Bubble %10"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pPortCounters->portRcvBubble); if (flags & STL_PA_PC_FLAG_CLEAR_FAIL) { PrintFunc(dest, "\nPort Counter Clear was Unsuccessful\n\n"); } PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent+2, &pPortCounters->imageId); } void PrintStlPAGroupConfig(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const char *groupName, const int numRecords, const STL_PA_PM_GROUP_CFG_RSP *pGroupConfig) { int i; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sGroup name: %s\n", indent, "", groupName); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNumber ports: %u\n", indent, "", numRecords); for (i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s%u:LID:0x%.*x Port:%u GUID:0x%016"PRIx64" NodeDesc: %.*s\n", indent, "", i+1,(pGroupConfig[i].nodeLid <= IB_MAX_UCAST_LID ? 4:8), pGroupConfig[i].nodeLid, pGroupConfig[i].portNumber, pGroupConfig[i].nodeGUID, (int)sizeof(pGroupConfig[i].nodeDesc), pGroupConfig[i].nodeDesc); } PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent, &pGroupConfig->imageId); return; } void PrintStlPAGroupNodeInfo(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const char *groupName, const int numRecords, const STL_PA_GROUP_NODEINFO_RSP *pGroupNodeInfo) { char buf[80]; int i; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sGroup name: %s\n", indent, "", groupName); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNumber nodes: %u\n", indent, "", numRecords); for (i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s%u:LID: 0x%08x Type: %s Name: %.*s\n", indent, "", i+1, pGroupNodeInfo[i].nodeLID, StlNodeTypeToText(pGroupNodeInfo[i].nodeType), (int)sizeof(pGroupNodeInfo[i].nodeDesc), pGroupNodeInfo[i].nodeDesc); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s NodeGuid: 0x%016" PRIx64 "\n", indent, " ",pGroupNodeInfo[i].nodeGUID); FormatStlPortMask(buf, pGroupNodeInfo[i].portSelectMask, MAX_STL_PORTS, 80); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s PortSelectMask: %s\n", indent, " ", buf); PrintSeparator(dest); } PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent, &pGroupNodeInfo->imageId); return; } void PrintStlPAGroupLinkInfo(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const char *groupName, const int numRecords, const STL_PA_GROUP_LINKINFO_RSP *pGroupLinkInfo) { int i; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sGroup name: %s\n", indent, "", groupName); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNumber links: %u\n", indent, "", numRecords); for (i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s%u:LID: 0x%08x -> 0x%08x Port: %3u -> %3u\n", indent, "", i+1, pGroupLinkInfo[i].fromLID, pGroupLinkInfo[i].toLID, pGroupLinkInfo[i].fromPort, pGroupLinkInfo[i].toPort); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s MTU: %5s txRate: %4s rxRate: %4s\n", indent, " ", IbMTUToText(pGroupLinkInfo[i].mtu), StlStaticRateToText(StlLinkSpeedWidthToStaticRate(pGroupLinkInfo[i].activeSpeed, pGroupLinkInfo[i].txLinkWidthDowngradeActive)), StlStaticRateToText(StlLinkSpeedWidthToStaticRate(pGroupLinkInfo[i].activeSpeed, pGroupLinkInfo[i].rxLinkWidthDowngradeActive))); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Local Status: %s\n", indent, "", StlFocusStatusToText(pGroupLinkInfo[i].localStatus)); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Neighbor Status: %s\n", indent, "", StlFocusStatusToText(pGroupLinkInfo[i].neighborStatus)); PrintSeparator(dest); } PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent, &pGroupLinkInfo->imageId); return; } void PrintStlPMConfig(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const STL_PA_PM_CFG_DATA *pPMConfig) { char buf[80]; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sSweep Interval: %u sec PM Flags (0x%X):\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->sweepInterval, pPMConfig->pmFlags); StlFormatPmFlags(buf, pPMConfig->pmFlags); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s %s\n", indent, "", buf); StlFormatPmFlags2(buf, pPMConfig->pmFlags); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s %s\n", indent, "", buf); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sMax Clients: %u\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->maxClients); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sTotal Images: %-7u Freeze Images: %-7u Freeze Lease: %-7u sec\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->sizeHistory, pPMConfig->sizeFreeze, pPMConfig->lease); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sErr Thresholds: Integrity: %-7u Congestion: %-7u\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->categoryThresholds.integrityErrors, pPMConfig->categoryThresholds.congestion ); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s SMA Congest: %-7u Bubble: %-7u\n", indent, "",pPMConfig->categoryThresholds.smaCongestion, pPMConfig->categoryThresholds.bubble); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Security: %-7u Routing: %-7u\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->categoryThresholds.securityErrors, pPMConfig->categoryThresholds.routingErrors ); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Integrity Wts: Lnk Wdth Dngd: %-7u Link Qual: %-7u\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->integrityWeights.LinkWidthDowngrade, pPMConfig->integrityWeights.LinkQualityIndicator ); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Uncorrectable: %-7u Link Downed: %-7u\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->integrityWeights.UncorrectableErrors, pPMConfig->integrityWeights.LinkDowned); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv Errors: %-7u Excs Bfr Ovrn: %-7u\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->integrityWeights.PortRcvErrors, pPMConfig->integrityWeights.ExcessiveBufferOverruns); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s FM Config Err: %-7u Link Err Recov: %-7u\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->integrityWeights.FMConfigErrors, pPMConfig->integrityWeights.LinkErrorRecovery); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Loc Link Integ: %-7u \n", indent, "", pPMConfig->integrityWeights.LocalLinkIntegrityErrors ); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Congest Wts: Cong Discards: %-7u Rcv FECN: %-7u\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->congestionWeights.SwPortCongestion, pPMConfig->congestionWeights.PortRcvFECN); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv BECN: %-7u Mark FECN: %-7u\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->congestionWeights.PortRcvBECN, pPMConfig->congestionWeights.PortMarkFECN); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Tx Time Cong: %-7u Tx Wait: %-7u\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->congestionWeights.PortXmitTimeCong, pPMConfig->congestionWeights.PortXmitWait); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sPM Memory Size: %"PRIu64" MiB (%" PRIu64 " bytes)\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->memoryFootprint/(1024*1024), pPMConfig->memoryFootprint ); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sPMA MADs: MaxAttempts: %-6u MinRespTimeout: %-6u RespTimeout: %-6u\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->maxAttempts, pPMConfig->minRespTimeout, pPMConfig->respTimeout ); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sSweep: MaxParallelNodes: %-6u PmaBatchSize: %-6u ErrorClear: %1u\n", indent, "", pPMConfig->maxParallelNodes, pPMConfig->pmaBatchSize, pPMConfig->errorClear); return; } void PrintStlPAFocusPorts(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const char *groupName, const int numRecords, const uint32 select, const uint32 start, const uint32 range, const STL_FOCUS_PORTS_RSP *pFocusPorts) { int i; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sGroup name: %s\n", indent, "", groupName); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNumber links: %u\n", indent, "", numRecords); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sFocus select: %s\n", indent, "", StlFocusAttributeToText(select)); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sFocus start: %u\n", indent, "", start); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sFocus range: %u\n", indent, "", range); for (i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s%u:LID:0x%04x Port:%u Rate: %4s MTU: %5s nbrLID:0x%04x nbrPort:%u\n", indent, "", i+start, pFocusPorts[i].nodeLid, pFocusPorts[i].portNumber, StlStaticRateToText(pFocusPorts[i].rate), IbMTUToText(pFocusPorts[i].maxVlMtu), pFocusPorts[i].neighborLid, pFocusPorts[i].neighborPortNumber); if (IS_FOCUS_SELECT_UTIL(select)) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Value: %16.1f nbrValue: %16.1f\n", indent, "", (float)pFocusPorts[i].value/10.0, (float)pFocusPorts[i].neighborValue/10.0); } else if (IS_FOCUS_SELECT_NO_VAL(select)) { // Skip print of Values } else { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Value: %16"PRIu64" nbrValue: %16"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pFocusPorts[i].value, pFocusPorts[i].neighborValue); } PrintFunc(dest, "%*s GUID: 0x%016"PRIx64" nbrGuid: 0x%016"PRIx64"\n", indent, "", pFocusPorts[i].nodeGUID, pFocusPorts[i].neighborGuid); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Status: %s Name: %.*s\n", indent, "", StlFocusStatusToText(pFocusPorts[i].localStatus), (int)sizeof(pFocusPorts[i].nodeDesc), pFocusPorts[i].nodeDesc); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Status: %s Neighbor Name: %.*s\n", indent, "", StlFocusStatusToText(pFocusPorts[i].neighborStatus), (int)sizeof(pFocusPorts[i].neighborNodeDesc), pFocusPorts[i].neighborNodeDesc); } PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent, &pFocusPorts[0].imageId); return; } void PrintStlPAFocusPortsMultiSelect(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const char *groupName, const int numRecords, const uint32 start, const uint32 range, const STL_FOCUS_PORTS_MULTISELECT_RSP *pFocusPorts, uint8 logical_operator, STL_FOCUS_PORT_TUPLE *tuple) { int i, j; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sGroup name: %s\n", indent, "", groupName); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNumber links: %u\n", indent, "", numRecords); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sFocus start: %u\n", indent, "", start); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sFocus range: %u\n", indent, "", range); for (j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_FOCUS_PORT_TUPLES; j++) { if (tuple[j].comparator != FOCUS_PORTS_COMPARATOR_INVALID) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*sFocus select: %-22s %-25s %16"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", StlFocusAttributeToText(tuple[j].select), StlComparatorToText(tuple[j].comparator), tuple[j].argument); } } if (logical_operator != FOCUS_PORTS_LOGICAL_OPERATOR_INVALID) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*sTuples joined by logical operator: %s\n", indent, "", StlOperatorToText(logical_operator)); } for (i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s%3u:LID:0x%.*x Port:%u Rate: %4s MTU: %5s nbrLID:0x%.*x nbrPort:%u\n", indent, "", i+start, (pFocusPorts[i].nodeLid <= IB_MAX_UCAST_LID ? 4:8), pFocusPorts[i].nodeLid, pFocusPorts[i].portNumber, StlStaticRateToText(pFocusPorts[i].rate), IbMTUToText(pFocusPorts[i].maxVlMtu), (pFocusPorts[i].neighborLid <= IB_MAX_UCAST_LID ? 4:8), pFocusPorts[i].neighborLid, pFocusPorts[i].neighborPortNumber); for (j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_FOCUS_PORT_TUPLES; j++) { if (tuple[j].comparator != FOCUS_PORTS_COMPARATOR_INVALID) { if (IS_FOCUS_SELECT_UTIL(tuple[j].select)) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s %-22s Value: %16.1f" " nbrValue: %16.1f\n", indent, "", StlFocusAttributeToText(tuple[j].select), (float)pFocusPorts[i].value[j]/10.0, (float)pFocusPorts[i].neighborValue[j]/10.0); } else { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s %-22s Value: %16"PRIu64" nbrValue: %16"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", StlFocusAttributeToText(tuple[j].select), pFocusPorts[i].value[j], pFocusPorts[i].neighborValue[j]); } } } PrintFunc(dest, "%*s GUID: 0x%016"PRIx64" nbrGuid: 0x%016"PRIx64"\n", indent, "", pFocusPorts[i].nodeGUID, pFocusPorts[i].neighborGuid); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Status: %s Name: %.*s\n", indent, "", StlFocusStatusToText(pFocusPorts[i].localStatus), (int)sizeof(pFocusPorts[i].nodeDesc), pFocusPorts[i].nodeDesc); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Status: %s Neighbor Name: %.*s\n", indent, "", StlFocusStatusToText(pFocusPorts[i].neighborStatus), (int)sizeof(pFocusPorts[i].neighborNodeDesc), pFocusPorts[i].neighborNodeDesc); } PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent, &pFocusPorts[0].imageId); return; } void PrintStlPAImageInfo(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const STL_PA_IMAGE_INFO_DATA *pImageInfo) { int i; time_t sweepStart = (time_t)pImageInfo->sweepStart; char buf[80]; ctime_r((const time_t *)&sweepStart, buf); if ((strlen(buf)>0) && (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n')) buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent, &pImageInfo->imageId); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sImageSweepStart: %s Duration: %u.%03u Seconds\n", indent, "", buf, pImageInfo->sweepDuration/1000000, (pImageInfo->sweepDuration%1000000)/1000); if (pImageInfo->imageInterval) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*sImage Interval: %u Seconds\n", indent, "", pImageInfo->imageInterval); } PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNum SW Ports: %u HFI Ports: %u\n", indent, "", pImageInfo->numSwitchPorts, pImageInfo->numHFIPorts); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNum SWs: %u Links: %u SMs: %u\n", indent, "", pImageInfo->numSwitchNodes, pImageInfo->numLinks, pImageInfo->numSMs); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNum NoResp Nodes: %u NoResp Ports: %u Unexpected Clear Ports: %u\n", indent, "", pImageInfo->numNoRespNodes, pImageInfo->numNoRespPorts, pImageInfo->numUnexpectedClearPorts); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNum Skipped Nodes: %u Skipped Ports: %u\n", indent, "", pImageInfo->numSkippedNodes, pImageInfo->numSkippedPorts); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (i != 0 && ! pImageInfo->SMInfo[i].lid) continue; PrintFunc(dest, "%*s%s: LID: 0x%.*x Port: %3u Priority: %2u State: %s\n", indent, "", (i==0)?" Master SM":"Secondary SM", (pImageInfo->SMInfo[i].lid <= IB_MAX_UCAST_LID ? 4:8), pImageInfo->SMInfo[i].lid, pImageInfo->SMInfo[i].portNumber, pImageInfo->SMInfo[i].priority, IbSMStateToText(pImageInfo->SMInfo[i].state)); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s PortGuid: %016"PRIx64"\n", indent, "", pImageInfo->SMInfo[i].smPortGuid); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Name: %.*s\n", indent, "", (int)sizeof(pImageInfo->SMInfo[i].smNodeDesc), pImageInfo->SMInfo[i].smNodeDesc); } return; } void PrintStlPAMoveFreeze(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const STL_MOVE_FREEZE_DATA *pMoveFreeze) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*sOld Freeze Image\n", indent, ""); PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent, &pMoveFreeze->oldFreezeImage); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNew Freeze Image\n", indent, ""); PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent, &pMoveFreeze->newFreezeImage); return; } void PrintStlPAVFList(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const int numRecords, const STL_PA_VF_LIST *pVFList) { int i; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNumber of VFs: %u\n", indent, "", numRecords); for (i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*sVF %u: %s\n", indent, "", i+1, pVFList[i].vfName); } return; } void PrintStlPAVFList2(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const int numRecords, const STL_PA_VF_LIST2 *pVFList) { int i; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNumber of VFs: %u\n", indent, "", numRecords); for (i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*sVF %u: %s\n", indent, "", i+1, pVFList[i].vfName); } PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent+2, &pVFList[0].imageId); return; } void PrintStlPAVFInfo(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const STL_PA_VF_INFO_DATA *pVFInfo) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*sVF name: %s\n", indent, "", pVFInfo->vfName); if (pVFInfo->minInternalRate != IB_STATIC_RATE_DONTCARE || pVFInfo->maxInternalRate != IB_STATIC_RATE_DONTCARE) PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNumPorts: %u MinRate: %4s MaxRate: %4s MaxMiBps: %u\n", indent, "", pVFInfo->numPorts, StlStaticRateToText(pVFInfo->minInternalRate), StlStaticRateToText(pVFInfo->maxInternalRate), pVFInfo->maxInternalMBps); else PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNum ports: %u\n", indent, "", pVFInfo->numPorts); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sInternal utilization statistics:\n", indent, ""); PrintStlPAGroupUtilStats(dest, indent+2, &pVFInfo->internalUtilStats); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sInternal Error Summary:\n", indent, ""); PrintStlPAGroupErrorStats(dest, indent+2, &pVFInfo->internalCategoryStats); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sImage Id:\n", indent, ""); PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent+2, &pVFInfo->imageId); return; } void PrintStlPAVFConfig(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const char *vfName, const int numRecords, const STL_PA_VF_CFG_RSP *pVFConfig) { int i; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sVF name: %s\n", indent, "", vfName); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNumber ports: %u\n", indent, "", numRecords); for (i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s%u:LID:0x%.*x Port:%u GUID:0x%016"PRIx64" NodeDesc: %.*s\n", indent, "", i+1, (pVFConfig[i].nodeLid <= IB_MAX_UCAST_LID ? 4:8), pVFConfig[i].nodeLid, pVFConfig[i].portNumber, pVFConfig[i].nodeGUID, (int)sizeof(pVFConfig[i].nodeDesc), pVFConfig[i].nodeDesc); } PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent, &pVFConfig->imageId); return; } void PrintStlPAVFPortCounters(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const STL_PA_VF_PORT_COUNTERS_DATA *pVFPortCounters, const STL_LID nodeLid, const uint32 portNumber, const uint32 flags) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s%s Controlled VF Port Counters (%s) for node LID 0x%.*x, port number %u%s:\n", indent, "", (flags & STL_PA_PC_FLAG_USER_COUNTERS) ? "User" : "PM", (flags & STL_PA_PC_FLAG_DELTA) ? "delta" : "total", (nodeLid <= IB_MAX_UCAST_LID ? 4:8), nodeLid, portNumber, (flags & STL_PA_PC_FLAG_UNEXPECTED_CLEAR) ? " (Unexpected Clear)" : ""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sVF name: %s\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->vfName); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sPerformance: Transmit\n", indent, ""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Data %20"PRIu64" MB (%"PRIu64" Flits)\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->portVFXmitData/FLITS_PER_MB, pVFPortCounters->portVFXmitData); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Pkts %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->portVFXmitPkts); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sPerformance: Receive\n", indent, ""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv Data %20"PRIu64" MB (%"PRIu64" Flits)\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->portVFRcvData/FLITS_PER_MB, pVFPortCounters->portVFRcvData); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv Pkts %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->portVFRcvPkts); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sRouting and Other Errors: \n", indent, ""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Discards %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->portVFXmitDiscards); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sCongestion: \n", indent, ""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Congestion Discards %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->swPortVFCongestion); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv FECN %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->portVFRcvFECN); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv BECN %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->portVFRcvBECN); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Mark FECN %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->portVFMarkFECN); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Time Cong %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->portVFXmitTimeCong); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Wait %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->portVFXmitWait); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sBubbles: \n", indent, ""); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Wasted BW %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->portVFXmitWastedBW); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Xmit Wait Data %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->portVFXmitWaitData); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Rcv Bubble %20"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pVFPortCounters->portVFRcvBubble); if (flags & STL_PA_PC_FLAG_SHARED_VL) { PrintFunc(dest, "\nCounters may be shared between Virtual Fabrics\n\n"); } if (flags & STL_PA_PC_FLAG_CLEAR_FAIL) { PrintFunc(dest, "\nPort Counter Clear was Unsuccessful\n\n"); } PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent, &pVFPortCounters->imageId); return; } void PrintStlPAVFFocusPorts(PrintDest_t *dest, int indent, const char *vfName, const int numRecords, const uint32 select, const uint32 start, const uint32 range, const STL_PA_VF_FOCUS_PORTS_RSP *pVFFocusPorts) { int i; PrintFunc(dest, "%*sVF name: %s\n", indent, "", vfName); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sNumber links: %u\n", indent, "", numRecords); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sFocus select: %s\n", indent, "", StlFocusAttributeToText(select)); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sFocus start: %u\n", indent, "", start); PrintFunc(dest, "%*sFocus range: %u\n", indent, "", range); for (i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s%u:LID:0x%04x Port:%u Rate: %4s MTU: %5s nbrLID:0x%04x nbrPort:%u\n", indent, "", i+start, pVFFocusPorts[i].nodeLid, pVFFocusPorts[i].portNumber, StlStaticRateToText(pVFFocusPorts[i].rate), IbMTUToText(pVFFocusPorts[i].maxVlMtu), pVFFocusPorts[i].neighborLid, pVFFocusPorts[i].neighborPortNumber); if (IS_FOCUS_SELECT_UTIL(select)) { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Value: %16.1f nbrValue: %16.1f\n", indent, "", (float)pVFFocusPorts[i].value/10.0, (float)pVFFocusPorts[i].neighborValue/10.0); } else if (IS_FOCUS_SELECT_NO_VAL(select)) { // Skip print of Values } else { PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Value: %16"PRIu64" nbrValue: %16"PRIu64"\n", indent, "", pVFFocusPorts[i].value, pVFFocusPorts[i].neighborValue); } PrintFunc(dest, "%*s GUID: 0x%016"PRIx64" nbrGuid: 0x%016"PRIx64"\n", indent, "", pVFFocusPorts[i].nodeGUID, pVFFocusPorts[i].neighborGuid); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Status: %s Name: %.*s\n", indent, "", StlFocusStatusToText(pVFFocusPorts[i].localStatus), (int)sizeof(pVFFocusPorts[i].nodeDesc), pVFFocusPorts[i].nodeDesc); PrintFunc(dest, "%*s Status: %s Neighbor Name: %.*s\n", indent, "", StlFocusStatusToText(pVFFocusPorts[i].neighborStatus), (int)sizeof(pVFFocusPorts[i].neighborNodeDesc), pVFFocusPorts[i].neighborNodeDesc); } PrintStlPAImageId(dest, indent, &pVFFocusPorts[0].imageId); return; }