#!/usr/bin/expect -f # BEGIN_ICS_COPYRIGHT8 **************************************** # # Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # END_ICS_COPYRIGHT8 **************************************** #[ICS VERSION STRING: unknown] ######################################################################################### # Name : get_switch_lids_to_ports_map # Input : cmd_host (where can opa commands be run to query SM) # Return . A dict mapping LID to list of ports. # Description : Queries fabric return a dict with all lids of switches and ports that are enabled on them. Only ports with LINK will be returned (no disconnected ports) ######################################################################################### proc get_switch_lids_to_ports_map { cmd_host } { # Build DOM from XML set lids_dom [ run_opareport $cmd_host "-o lids" ] set links_dom [ run_opareport $cmd_host "-o links" ] # Get all switches set lidsList [ $lids_dom selectNodes {/Report/LIDSummary/LIDs/Value[NodeType='SW']} ] #puts "found [ llength $lidsList ] switch lids" set lid_port_map [dict create] # For each switch node foreach item $lidsList { set lid [ $item getAttribute "LID"] set guid [ [ $item selectNodes NodeGUID/text() ] nodeValue ] #puts "lid:$lid; guid:$guid" # Now, using guid as the key, poke into linksDOM to find the ports for this guid. set portList [ $links_dom selectNodes /Report/LinkSummary/Link/Port\[NodeGUID='$guid'\]/PortNum/text() ] # Now you have a list of ports for specific LID/GUID. #puts "found [ llength $portList ] ports" # List of ports per lid set ports {} foreach port $portList { set portNum [ $port nodeValue ] # If don't care about port 1 - skip it #` if { $portNum == 1 } { # continue # } #puts "lid:$lid->port num:$portNum" lappend ports $portNum # I would have a data structure that is a map of lists, i.e. # LID1: port1, port2, port3 # LID2: port5,port6,port7 # ……. } #puts "Added [ llength $ports ] ports" dict set lid_port_map $lid $ports #puts "lid_port_map size: [dict size $lid_port_map]" } # Free memory $lids_dom delete $links_dom delete return $lid_port_map } ######################################################################################### # Name : get_switch_lids_to_hfi_ports_map # Input : cmd_host (where can opa commands be run to query SM) # Return . A dict mapping LID to list of ports that are connect to HFIs. # Description : Queries fabric return a dict with all lids of switches and ports that are enabled and connected to HFIs on them. Only ports with LINK will be returned (no disconnected ports) ######################################################################################### proc get_switch_lids_to_hfi_ports_map { cmd_host } { # Build DOM from XML set lids_dom [ run_opareport $cmd_host "-o lids" ] set links_dom [ run_opareport $cmd_host "-o links" ] set lidsList [ $lids_dom selectNodes {/Report/LIDSummary/LIDs/Value[NodeType='SW']} ] # puts "found [ llength $lidsList ] switch lids" # puts "[$lidsList selectNodes NodeGUID/text()]" set lid_port_map [dict create] # For each switch node foreach item $lidsList { set lid [ $item getAttribute "LID"] set guid [ [ $item selectNodes NodeGUID/text() ] nodeValue ] #puts "lid:$lid; guid:$guid" # Now, using guid as the key, poke into linksDOM to find the ports for this guid. # set portList [ $links_dom selectNodes /Report/LinkSummary/Link/Port\[NodeGUID='$guid'\]/PortNum/text() ] set linkList [ $links_dom selectNodes /Report/LinkSummary/Link ] #puts "found [ llength $linkList ] links" foreach link $linkList { set portNodes [ $link getElementsByTagName Port ] set port1 [lindex $portNodes 0] set port2 [lindex $portNodes 1] set port1_NodeType [[$port1 child all NodeType] asText] set port2_NodeType [[$port2 child all NodeType] asText] set port1_GUID [[$port1 child all NodeGUID] asText] set port2_GUID [[$port2 child all NodeGUID] asText] set port1_PortNum [[$port1 child all PortNum] asText] set port2_PortNum [[$port2 child all PortNum] asText] if { ([string compare $port1_GUID $guid]==0) || ([string compare $port2_GUID $guid]==0) } { if { ([string compare $port1_NodeType SW]==0) && ([string compare $port2_NodeType FI]==0) } { lappend ports $port1_PortNum } elseif {([string compare $port1_NodeType FI] == 0) && ([string compare $port2_NodeType SW] == 0)} { lappend ports $port2_PortNum } } } #puts "Added [ llength $ports ] ports" dict set lid_port_map $lid $ports #puts "lid_port_map size: [dict size $lid_port_map]" } # Free memory $lids_dom delete $links_dom delete return $lid_port_map } ######################################################################################### # Name : get_lid_from_guid # Input : guid # Return : output of opasaquery -o lid -n $guid # Description : get lid from guid ######################################################################################### proc get_lid_from_guid { guid } { ## ## get_lid_from_guid ## -------------- ## Obtain my guid ## assumes that target_root_sh has already been called for the host set cmd "lid=`opasaquery -o lid -n $guid`" #debug_message "running: $cmd" unix_cmd 60 "" $cmd send_unix_cmd { echo "XXX${lid}XXX"; echo DONE } expect_list 60 { "DONE" "XXX" "DONE" } { "exiting" "No such" "Error" "ERROR" "VAPI" "THH" } tmp check_exit_status 60 0 regexp {DONE.*XXX *(.*) *XXX.*DONE} $tmp trash lid return "$lid" } ######################################################################################### # Name : get_switchport_from_lid # Input : cmd_host lid *** LID must be in format 0x0001 (the same format as provided by opareport -o lids) # Return . A list with element 1 being the SWITCH LID and element 2 being the SWITCH PORT where HFI with that LID is directly connected. If not found the list [ none none ] will be returned # Description : For the lid of an HFI return the switch lid and port that that HFI is connected to ######################################################################################### proc get_switchport_from_lid { cmd_host mylid } { set lids_dom [ run_opareport $cmd_host "-o lids" ] set links_dom [ run_opareport $cmd_host "-o links" ] ################################################# #debug/dev only #set lids_file "lids.xml" #set links_file "links.xml" ################################################# # Open lids XML files #set size [file size $lids_file] #set fp [open $lids_file r] #set lidsXML [read $fp $size] ################################################# # Open links XML files #set size [file size $links_file] #set fp [open $links_file r] #set linksXML [read $fp $size] ################################################## #set lids_dom [dom parse $lidsXML] #set links_dom [dom parse $linksXML] set switchLidsList [ $lids_dom selectNodes {/Report/LIDSummary/LIDs/Value[NodeType='SW']} ] set hfiLidsList [ $lids_dom selectNodes {/Report/LIDSummary/LIDs/Value[NodeType='FI']} ] set myguid "none" set return_lid "none" set return_port "none" foreach item $hfiLidsList { set lid [ $item getAttribute "LID"] set guid [ [ $item selectNodes NodeGUID/text() ] nodeValue ] if { [string compare $lid $mylid] == 0 } { set myguid $guid } } if { [string compare $myguid "none"] == 0 } { error "Lid $mylid not found" } # For each switch node foreach item $switchLidsList { set lid [ $item getAttribute "LID"] set guid [ [ $item selectNodes NodeGUID/text() ] nodeValue ] set linkList [ $links_dom selectNodes /Report/LinkSummary/Link ] #puts "found [ llength $linkList ] links" foreach link $linkList { # puts "processing link [$link asXML] [$link asText]" set portNodes [ $link getElementsByTagName Port ] set port1 [lindex $portNodes 0] set port2 [lindex $portNodes 1] set port1_NodeType [[$port1 child all NodeType] asText] set port2_NodeType [[$port2 child all NodeType] asText] set port1_GUID [[$port1 child all NodeGUID] asText] set port2_GUID [[$port2 child all NodeGUID] asText] set port1_PortNum [[$port1 child all PortNum] asText] set port2_PortNum [[$port2 child all PortNum] asText] target_root_sh $cmd_host if { ([string compare $port1_GUID $myguid]==0) } { #set return_lid $lid set return_lid [get_lid_from_guid $port2_GUID] set return_port $port2_PortNum } elseif { ([string compare $port2_GUID $myguid]==0) } { #set return_lid $lid set return_lid [get_lid_from guid $port1_GUID] set return_port $port1_PortNum } } } $lids_dom delete $links_dom delete return [list $return_lid $return_port] } ######################################################################################### # Name : get_switchport_from_guid # Input : cmd_host guid # Return . A list with element 1 being the SWITCH LID and element 2 being the SWITCH PORT where HFI with that LID is directly connected. If not found the list [ none none ] will be returned # Description : For the lid of an HFI return the switch lid and port that that HFI is connected to ######################################################################################### proc get_switchport_from_guid { cmd_host myguid } { set lids_dom [ run_opareport $cmd_host "-o lids" ] set links_dom [ run_opareport $cmd_host "-o links" ] ################################################# #debug/dev only #set lids_file "lids.xml" #set links_file "links.xml" ################################################# # Open lids XML files #set size [file size $lids_file] #set fp [open $lids_file r] #set lidsXML [read $fp $size] ################################################# # Open links XML files #set size [file size $links_file] #set fp [open $links_file r] #set linksXML [read $fp $size] ################################################## #set lids_dom [dom parse $lidsXML] #set links_dom [dom parse $linksXML] set switchLidsList [ $lids_dom selectNodes {/Report/LIDSummary/LIDs/Value[NodeType='SW']} ] set hfiLidsList [ $lids_dom selectNodes {/Report/LIDSummary/LIDs/Value[NodeType='FI']} ] set return_lid "none" set return_port "none" # For each switch node foreach item $switchLidsList { set lid [ $item getAttribute "LID"] set guid [ [ $item selectNodes NodeGUID/text() ] nodeValue ] set linkList [ $links_dom selectNodes /Report/LinkSummary/Link ] #puts "found [ llength $linkList ] links" foreach link $linkList { #puts "processing link [$link asXML] [$link asText]" set portNodes [ $link getElementsByTagName Port ] set port1 [lindex $portNodes 0] set port2 [lindex $portNodes 1] set port1_NodeType [[$port1 child all NodeType] asText] set port2_NodeType [[$port2 child all NodeType] asText] set port1_GUID [[$port1 child all NodeGUID] asText] set port2_GUID [[$port2 child all NodeGUID] asText] set port1_PortNum [[$port1 child all PortNum] asText] set port2_PortNum [[$port2 child all PortNum] asText] #puts "myguid is $myguid port1guid = $port1_GUID port2guid= $port2_GUID lid = $lid" if { ([string compare $port1_GUID $myguid]==0) } { set return_lid $lid set return_lid [get_lid_from_guid $port2_GUID] set return_port $port2_PortNum } elseif { ([string compare $port2_GUID $myguid]==0) } { set return_lid $lid set return_lid [get_lid_from_guid $port1_GUID] set return_port $port1_PortNum } } } $lids_dom delete $links_dom delete return [list $return_lid $return_port] }