# BEGIN_ICS_COPYRIGHT8 **************************************** # # Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # END_ICS_COPYRIGHT8 **************************************** # [ICS VERSION STRING: unknown] # This is an expect (tcl) library of procedures to aid mpi testing ## tcl procedures to support testing: ## ============================================= proc build_mpi_hosts { file host_list } { # create the mpi_hosts file on the present host # Usage: # build_mpi_hosts file host_list # Arguments: # file - file to build # host_list - list of hosts to put in file global env set host_names {} #max number of characters to write to the file over one #ssh connection. set buf_size 500 set current_block_size 0 send_unix_cmd "> $file" expect_unix_prompt 60 foreach h $host_list { # use IPoIB names # When called by FastFabric, CFG_IPOIB_SUFFIX is set to "" # and host_list is already translated as needed set host_entry "[host_basename $h]$env(CFG_IPOIB_SUFFIX)\n" set host_length [string length $host_entry] if { [expr $current_block_size + $host_length ] < $buf_size } { #adding the current host $h does not exceed the character limit #append it to the current block of host_names append host_names $host_entry set current_block_size [expr $current_block_size + $host_length] } else { #adding the current host $h will exceed the character limit, write #already queued up host_names and reset for the next block send_unix_cmd "printf \"$host_names\" >> $file" expect_unix_prompt 60 set host_names {} append host_names $host_entry set current_block_size $host_length } } #writing the final batch of entries send_unix_cmd "printf \"$host_names\" >> $file" expect_unix_prompt 60 } proc build_mpd_hosts { file host host_list } { # create the mpd_hosts file on the present host # Usage: # build_mpd_hosts file host_list # Arguments: # file - file to build # host_list - list of hosts to put in file # # Return: # The length of the mpd file, in lines. global env foreach h $host_list { set hn [host_basename $h] if { [info exists mpd($hn)] } { set mpd($hn) [expr $mpd($hn) + 1] } else { set mpd($hn) 1 } } # unwind the mpd array unix_cmd 10 0 "> $file" foreach hn [array names mpd] { if { $hn == "$host" } { continue } unix_cmd 10 0 "echo $hn >> $file" } unix_cmd 10 0 "echo $host >> $file" return [array size mpd] } proc running_mpi_int_tests { } { # Determine if running MPI Integration tests, in which case # caller will need to get_mpi_info using $env(MPITYPE) # # Returns: # 0 - in Fastfabric, no need to get_mpi_info, MPICH_PREFIX defined # 1 - in integration tests, get_mpi_info using $env(MPITYPE) global env if { ! [ info exists env(MPICH_PREFIX) ] || [ string equal "$env(MPICH_PREFIX)" "" ] || ( [ info exists env(DEV_INT_TESTS) ] && [ string equal "$env(DEV_INT_TESTS)" "y" ] ) } { # only occurs for int tests # this is a little ugly, MPITYPE is passed in env if { ! [ info exists env(MPITYPE) ] || [ string equal "$env(MPITYPE)" "" ] } { set info "MPITYPE not set" return -code error -errorinfo $info $info } return 1 } else { return 0 } } proc determine_mpitype { appdir } { # Determine based on MPICH_PREFIX in $appdir/.prefix which MPI type is selected # Only used in FastFabric since integration tests get this fron MPITYPE env # must match algorithm used in prepare_run to select MPD_MODE # # Usage: # determine_mpitype appdir # Arguments: # appdir - directory where mpi_apps built, .prefix in here will be used # Returns: # mpirunner name # error if unable to determine or unsupported MPI selected global env if { [ catch {set env(MPICH_PREFIX) [exec cat "$appdir/.prefix" 2>/dev/null] } ] != 0 || "$env(MPICH_PREFIX)" == "" } { return -code error -errorinfo "mpi_apps not built" "mpi_apps not built" } if { ! [file exists $env(MPICH_PREFIX)/] } { return -code error -errorinfo "$env(MPICH_PREFIX) not found, please rebuild mpi_apps against an MPI currently on the system" "$env(MPICH_PREFIX) not found, please rebuild mpi_apps against an MPI currently on the system" } if { [file exists $env(MPICH_PREFIX)/bin/tune] } { set mpitype "intelmpi" } elseif { [file exists $env(MPICH_PREFIX)/bin/mpichversion] } { set mpitype "mvapich2_mpirun" } elseif { [file exists "$env(MPICH_PREFIX)/bin/ompi_info"] } { set mpitype "openmpi" } else { # unknown MPI return -code error -errorinfo "MPI selected is not supported by this operation: $env(MPICH_PREFIX)" "MPI selected is not supported by this operation: $env(MPICH_PREFIX)" } return "$mpitype" } proc test_case_run_mvapich2_mpirun_mpi_app { transport host host_list timelimit dir mpi_cmd mpi_args show_perf case_tag} { ## ## test_case_run_mvapich2_mpirun_mpi_app ## ------------------------- ## run an mpi application initiated by host with host_list processes ## used OFED mvapich2 with mpirun (instead of MPD) ## ## Usage: ## test_case_run_mvapich2_mpirun_mpi_app transport host host_list timelimit dir mpi_cmd mpi_args show_perf case_tag ## Arguments: ## transport - not used for OFED mpich2 ## host - host initiate mpi run ## host_list - hosts/processes to run ## dir - directory (if not absolute assumed relative to tests_dir) with command ## timelimit - time to allow between output by command ## mpi_cmd - MPI appl command ## mpi_args - application args ## show_perf - should results be shown as performance ## case_tag - suffix for test case name ## $env(MPICH_PREFIX) - path to mpi installation ## Returns: ## Additional Information: ## must be used within a test_suite's body, performs test_case calls ## uses case_setup and case_cleanup provided by caller ## no item_setup nor item_cleanup used global tools_case_status upvar mpitype mpitype test_case "$host.$case_tag" "$host starts $mpitype $mpi_cmd" "$host starts $mpitype mpi command $mpi_cmd with args: $mpi_args against hosts: $host_list File: TestTools/mpi.exp" case_setup case_cleanup { upvar host host upvar host_list host_list upvar dir dir upvar timelimit timelimit upvar mpi_cmd mpi_cmd upvar mpi_args mpi_args upvar show_perf show_perf upvar perf perf upvar transport transport global env set paramfile "" target_root_sh $host set target_stack [ target_get_stack_type "y" "$host"] if { "$target_stack" != "OPENIB" } { target_root_sh_exit skip_case "OFED MVAPICH2 tests not supported for this IB stack" } set target_os_type [target_get_os_type] #set param_file "/etc/sysconfig/mpi.param" if { [ string range $dir 0 0 ] != "/" } { unix_cmd 60 0 "cd [get_tests_dir]" } unix_cmd 60 0 "cd $dir" # build it in place, allows other mpi runs to occur for other apps # at same time as this, provided not same app with same initiator build_mpi_hosts "mpi_hosts" $host_list set np [llength $host_list] # for now we have one setting which applies to all MPIs # it typically adds env variables to the command so any not # applicable to the given MPI will be ignored if { [ info exists env(CFG_MPI_ENV) ] } { set add_mpi_env "$env(CFG_MPI_ENV)" } else { set add_mpi_env "" } if { [ running_mpi_int_tests ] } { # this is a little ugly, MPITYPE is passed in env set mpi_info [get_mpi_info "$env(MPITYPE)"] set env(MPICH_PREFIX) [lindex "$mpi_info" 1 ] append add_mpi_env " " [lindex "$mpi_info" 5 ] } if { ! [ info exists env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR) ] || [ string equal "$env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR)" "" ] } { set env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR) "/usr/src/opa/mpi_apps" } if { [ catch {unix_cmd 20 0 "test -e $env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR)/mvapich2.params"} res ] == 0 } { # mvapich2 1.6 no longer supports the -paramfile option # we handle it by exporting MPI_CMD_ARGS in our param script #set paramfile "-paramfile $env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR)/mvapich2.params" unix_cmd 20 0 ". $env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR)/mvapich2.params" unix_cmd 20 "" {echo MPI_CMD_ARGS="$MPI_CMD_ARGS"} } else { unix_cmd 20 0 "export MPI_CMD_ARGS=" } send_unix_cmd "$env(MPICH_PREFIX)/bin/mpirun_rsh $paramfile -np $np -hostfile mpi_hosts \$MPI_CMD_ARGS $add_mpi_env ./$mpi_cmd $mpi_args; echo DONE" if { $show_perf } { set perf_var perf } else { set perf_var "" } expect_progress $timelimit {[0-9]} { "echo DONE" {[0-9]} "DONE" } { "FAIL" "DISCONNECT" "[tT]imeout" "ERROR" "usage:" "Usage:" "THH" "No such" "rejected" "Assertion" "Fatal" "Abort:" "No route to host" "Killing" "Abort signal" "egmentation fault" "died unexpectedly" "Error" "unable to launch"} $perf_var expect_unix_prompt 60 } test_execute {} { if { "$tools_case_status" == "okay" } { if { $show_perf } { show_performance "$mpitype $mpi_cmd for $host_list:\n$perf" } } elseif { "$tools_case_status" != "skip" } { sleep 10 } } } proc test_case_run_mvapich2_mpi_app { transport host host_list timelimit dir mpi_cmd mpi_args show_perf case_tag} { ## ## test_case_run_mvapich2_mpi_app ## ------------------------- ## run an mpi application initiated by host with host_list processes ## ## Usage: ## test_case_run_mvapich2_mpi_app transport host host_list timelimit dir mpi_cmd mpi_args show_perf case_tag ## Arguments: ## transport - not used for OFED mpich ## host - host initiate mpi run ## host_list - hosts/processes to run ## dir - directory (if not absolute assumed relative to tests_dir) with command ## timelimit - time to allow between output by command ## mpi_cmd - MPI appl command ## mpi_args - application args ## show_perf - should results be shown as performance ## case_tag - suffix for test case name ## $env(MPICH_PREFIX) - path to mpi installation ## Returns: ## Additional Information: ## must be used within a test_suite's body, performs test_case calls ## uses case_setup and case_cleanup provided by caller ## no item_setup nor item_cleanup used global tools_case_status upvar mpitype mpitype test_case "$host.$case_tag" "$host starts $mpitype $mpi_cmd" "$host starts $mpitype mpi command $mpi_cmd with args: $mpi_args \nagainst hosts: $host_list \nFile: TestTools/mpi.exp" case_setup case_cleanup { upvar host host upvar host_list host_list upvar dir dir upvar timelimit timelimit upvar mpi_cmd mpi_cmd upvar mpi_args mpi_args upvar show_perf show_perf upvar perf perf upvar transport transport global env target_root_sh $host set target_stack [ target_get_stack_type "y" "$host"] if { "$target_stack" != "OPENIB" } { target_root_sh_exit skip_case "OFED MVAPICH2 tests not supported for this IB stack" } set target_os_type [target_get_os_type] # for now we have one setting which applies to all MPIs # it typically adds env variables to the command so any not # applicable to the given MPI will be ignored if { [ info exists env(CFG_MPI_ENV) ] } { set add_mpi_env "$env(CFG_MPI_ENV)" } else { set add_mpi_env "" } if { [ running_mpi_int_tests ] } { # this is a little ugly, MPITYPE is passed in env set mpi_info [get_mpi_info "$env(MPITYPE)"] set env(MPICH_PREFIX) [lindex "$mpi_info" 1 ] append add_mpi_env " " [lindex "$mpi_info" 5 ] } #set param_file "/etc/sysconfig/mpi.param" if { [ string range $dir 0 0 ] != "/" } { unix_cmd 60 0 "cd [get_tests_dir]" } unix_cmd 60 0 "cd $dir" # stop mpd is if was running stop_all_mpds foreach h $host_list { host_unix_cmd 30 0 $h "'rm -f /etc/mpd.conf && echo MPD_SECRETWORD=password > /etc/mpd.conf && chown root:root /etc/mpd.conf && chmod 600 /etc/mpd.conf && cp /etc/mpd.conf /root/.mpd.conf'" } # use mpd hosts toggle the mpd build_mpd_hosts "/etc/mpd.hosts" $host $host_list set np [llength $host_list] # start mpd send_unix_cmd "/usr/sbin/opacmdall -f /etc/mpd.hosts \"cat /etc/mpd.hosts | wc -l\"; echo DONE" expect_list 60 { "echo DONE" "DONE" } { "failed" "error" "fault" } check_exit_status 20 0 send_unix_cmd "$env(MPICH_PREFIX)/bin/mpirun -n $np $add_mpi_env -hostfile /etc/mpd.hosts ./$mpi_cmd $mpi_args;echo DONE" if { $show_perf } { set perf_var perf } else { set perf_var "" } expect_progress $timelimit {[0-9]} { "echo DONE" {[0-9]} "DONE" } { "FAIL" "DISCONNECT" "timeout" "abort" "ERROR" "usage:" "Usage:" "THH" "No such" "rejected" "Assertion" "Fatal" "Abort:" "No route to host" "Killing" "Abort signal" "forked process failed" "open failed for" "egmentation fault" "died unexpectedly" "aborting" "unable to launch"} $perf_var expect_unix_prompt 60 } test_execute {} { if { "$tools_case_status" == "okay" } { if { $show_perf } { show_performance "$mpitype $mpi_cmd for $host_list:\n$perf" } } elseif { "$tools_case_status" != "skip" } { sleep 10 } } } proc test_case_run_intelmpi_mpi_app { transport host host_list timelimit dir mpi_cmd mpi_args show_perf case_tag} { ## ## test_case_run_intel_mpi_app ## ------------------------- ## run an mpi application initiated by host with host_list processes ## ## Usage: ## test_case_run_intel_mpi_app transport host host_list timelimit dir mpi_cmd mpi_args show_perf case_tag ## Arguments: ## transport - not used for intelmpi ## host - host initiate mpi run ## host_list - hosts/processes to run ## dir - directory (if not absolute assumed relative to tests_dir) with command ## timelimit - time to allow between output by command ## mpi_cmd - MPI appl command ## mpi_args - application args ## show_perf - should results be shown as performance ## case_tag - suffix for test case name ## $env(MPICH_PREFIX) - path to mpi installation ## Returns: ## Additional Information: ## must be used within a test_suite's body, performs test_case calls ## uses case_setup and case_cleanup provided by caller ## no item_setup nor item_cleanup used global tools_case_status upvar mpitype mpitype test_case "$host.$case_tag" "$host starts $mpitype $mpi_cmd" "$host starts $mpitype mpi command $mpi_cmd with args: $mpi_args \nagainst hosts: $host_list \nFile: TestTools/mpi.exp" case_setup case_cleanup { upvar host host upvar host_list host_list upvar dir dir upvar timelimit timelimit upvar mpi_cmd mpi_cmd upvar mpi_args mpi_args upvar show_perf show_perf upvar perf perf upvar transport transport global env target_root_sh $host set target_stack [ target_get_stack_type "y" "$host"] if { "$target_stack" != "OPENIB" } { target_root_sh_exit skip_case "IntelMPI tests not supported for this IB stack" } set target_os_type [target_get_os_type] if { [ string range $dir 0 0 ] != "/" } { unix_cmd 60 0 "cd [get_tests_dir]" } unix_cmd 60 0 "cd $dir" # build it in place, allows other mpi runs to occur for other apps # at same time as this, provided not same app with same initiator build_mpi_hosts "mpi_hosts" $host_list set np [llength $host_list] # for now we have one setting which applies to all MPIs # it typically adds env variables to the command so any not # applicable to the given MPI will be ignored if { [ info exists env(CFG_MPI_ENV) ] } { set add_mpi_env "$env(CFG_MPI_ENV)" } else { set add_mpi_env "" } if { ! [ info exists env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR) ] || [ string equal "$env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR)" "" ] } { set env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR) "/usr/src/opa/mpi_apps" } if { [ catch {unix_cmd 20 0 "test -e $env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR)/intelmpi.params"} res ] == 0 } { unix_cmd 20 0 ". $env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR)/intelmpi.params" unix_cmd 20 "" {echo MPI_CMD_ARGS="$MPI_CMD_ARGS"} } else { unix_cmd 20 0 "export MPI_CMD_ARGS=" } send_unix_cmd "$env(MPICH_PREFIX)/bin/mpirun -np $np -hostfile mpi_hosts \$MPI_CMD_ARGS $add_mpi_env ./$mpi_cmd $mpi_args; echo DONE" if { $show_perf } { set perf_var perf } else { set perf_var "" } expect_progress $timelimit {[0-9]} { "echo DONE" {[0-9]} "DONE" } { "FAIL" "DISCONNECT" "[tT]imeout" "ERROR" "usage:" "Usage:" "THH" "No such" "rejected" "Assertion" "Fatal" "Abort:" "No route to host" "Killing" "Abort signal" "egmentation fault" "died unexpectedly" "unable to launch"} $perf_var expect_unix_prompt 60 } test_execute {} { if { "$tools_case_status" == "okay" } { if { $show_perf } { show_performance "$mpitype $mpi_cmd for $host_list:\n$perf" } } elseif { "$tools_case_status" != "skip" } { sleep 10 } } } proc test_case_run_openmpi_mpi_app { transport host host_list timelimit dir mpi_cmd mpi_args show_perf case_tag { mpi_env_args "" } } { ## ## test_case_run_openmpi_mpi_app ## ------------------------- ## run an mpi application initiated by host with host_list processes ## ## Usage: ## test_case_run_openmpi_mpi_app transport host host_list timelimit dir mpi_cmd mpi_args show_perf case_tag ## Arguments: ## transport - not used for openmpi ## host - host initiate mpi run ## host_list - hosts/processes to run ## dir - directory (if not absolute assumed relative to tests_dir) with command ## timelimit - time to allow between output by command ## mpi_cmd - MPI appl command ## mpi_args - application args ## show_perf - should results be shown as performance ## case_tag - suffix for test case name ## $env(MPICH_PREFIX) - path to mpi installation ## Returns: ## Additional Information: ## must be used within a test_suite's body, performs test_case calls ## uses case_setup and case_cleanup provided by caller ## no item_setup nor item_cleanup used global tools_case_status upvar mpitype mpitype test_case "$host.$case_tag" "$host starts $mpitype $mpi_cmd" "$host starts $mpitype mpi command $mpi_cmd with args: $mpi_args against hosts: $host_list File: TestTools/mpi.exp" case_setup case_cleanup { upvar host host upvar host_list host_list upvar dir dir upvar timelimit timelimit upvar mpi_cmd mpi_cmd upvar mpi_args mpi_args upvar show_perf show_perf upvar perf perf upvar transport transport upvar mpi_env_args mpi_env_args global env target_root_sh $host set target_stack [ target_get_stack_type "y" "$host"] if { "$target_stack" != "OPENIB" } { target_root_sh_exit skip_case "OpenMPI tests not supported for this IB stack" } set target_os_type [target_get_os_type] if { [ string range $dir 0 0 ] != "/" } { unix_cmd 60 0 "cd [get_tests_dir]" } unix_cmd 60 0 "cd $dir" # build it in place, allows other mpi runs to occur for other apps # at same time as this, provided not same app with same initiator build_mpi_hosts "mpi_hosts" $host_list set np [llength $host_list] # for now we have one setting which applies to all MPIs # it typically adds env variables to the command so any not # applicable to the given MPI will be ignored if { [ info exists env(CFG_MPI_ENV) ] } { set add_mpi_env "$env(CFG_MPI_ENV)" } else { set add_mpi_env "" } if { [ running_mpi_int_tests ] } { # this is a little ugly, MPITYPE is passed in env set mpi_info [get_mpi_info "$env(MPITYPE)"] set env(MPICH_PREFIX) [lindex "$mpi_info" 1 ] append add_mpi_env " " [lindex "$mpi_info" 5 ] set api [lindex "$mpi_info" 4 ] if { [string match "$api" "PSM"] } { if { ! [ info exists env(CFG_PSM_ENV) ] || [ string equal "$env(CFG_PSM_ENV)" "" ] } { set mpiapi_env "" } else { set mpiapi_env "$env(CFG_PSM_ENV)" } } elseif {[string match "$api" "verbs"] } { if { ! [ info exists env(CFG_VERBS_ENV) ] || [ string equal "$env(CFG_VERBS_ENV)" "" ] } { set mpiapi_env "" } else { set mpiapi_env "$env(CFG_VERBS_ENV)" } } else { set mpiapi_env "" } append add_mpi_env " " $mpi_env_args } else { set mpiapi_env "" } # change env from var=value to -x var=value regsub -all {([A-Za-z0-9_]+=[^[:space:]])} "$add_mpi_env" {-x \0} openmpi_env if { ! [ info exists env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR) ] || [ string equal "$env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR)" "" ] } { set env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR) "/usr/src/opa/mpi_apps" } if { [ catch {unix_cmd 20 0 "test -e $env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR)/openmpi.params"} res ] == 0 } { unix_cmd 60 0 ". $env(FF_MPI_APPS_DIR)/openmpi.params" unix_cmd 20 "" {echo MPI_CMD_ARGS="$MPI_CMD_ARGS"} } else { unix_cmd 20 0 "export MPI_CMD_ARGS=" } send_unix_cmd "$env(MPICH_PREFIX)/bin/mpirun $mpiapi_env -np $np -allow-run-as-root --map-by node -machinefile mpi_hosts \$MPI_CMD_ARGS $openmpi_env ./$mpi_cmd $mpi_args; echo DONE" if { $show_perf } { set perf_var perf } else { set perf_var "" } expect_progress $timelimit {[0-9]} { "echo DONE" {[0-9]} "DONE" } { "FAIL" "DISCONNECT" "[tT]imeout" "ERROR" "usage:" "Usage:" "THH" "No such" "rejected" "Assertion" "Fatal" "Abort:" "No route to host" "Killing" "Abort signal" "Failed to find or execute" "exiting without calling" "egmentation fault" "died unexpectedly" "more processes than the ppr" "revise the conflict and try again" "unable to launch" } $perf_var expect_unix_prompt 60 } test_execute {} { if { "$tools_case_status" == "okay" } { if { $show_perf } { show_performance "$mpitype $mpi_cmd for $host_list:\n$perf" } } elseif { "$tools_case_status" != "skip" } { sleep 10 } } } # stop all mpds of any flavor that might be running. proc stop_all_mpds { } { global env set mpi2dir "/usr/local/mpich2/bin" set impidir "$env(CFG_INTEL_INSTALL_DIR)/bin" set mpichdir "$env(MPICH_PREFIX)/bin" if { [ catch { unix_cmd 20 0 "$mpi2dir/mpdtrace >/dev/null 2>&1" } res ] == 0 } { unix_cmd 20 0 "$mpi2dir/mpdallexit" } if { [ catch { unix_cmd 20 0 "$impidir/mpdtrace >/dev/null 2>&1" } res ] == 0 } { unix_cmd 20 0 "$impidir/mpdallexit" } if { [ catch { unix_cmd 20 0 "$mpichdir/mpdtrace >/dev/null 2>&1" } res ] == 0 } { unix_cmd 20 0 "$mpichdir/mpdallexit" } } # Note: not used by FastFabric, only automated tests use # extract info from an OFED mpitype string # returns a list: { mpirunner MPICH_PREFIX testdir_prefix compiler API {add_mpi_env}} # must be logged in to target host to get_mpich_prefix proc get_mpi_info { mpitype {get_mpich_prefix 1}} { # mpitype is MPIRUNNER_COMPILER_SUFFIX # _SUFFIX is optional (_hfi or nothing) # first look for _opp suffix if { [ string match "*_opp" "$mpitype" ] } { set mpitype [string range $mpitype 0 [ expr [ string length $mpitype ] - 5]] set add_mpi_env "PSM_PATH_REC=opp" set api_suffix "_opp" } else { set add_mpi_env "" set api_suffix "" } # look for _hfi suffix if { [ string match "*_hfi" "$mpitype" ] } { set mpiname_suffix "_hfi" set mpipath_suffix "-hfi" set mpitype [string range $mpitype 0 [ expr [ string length $mpitype ] - 5]] set api "PSM$api_suffix" } else { set mpiname_suffix "" set mpipath_suffix "" # Path Record query and api_suffix N/A set api "verbs" } # next pull off compiler if {![regexp "(.*)_(\[^_]+)" "$mpitype" line mpirunner mpicompiler]} { set info "Cannot parse $mpitype into mpirunner_mpicompiler" return -code error -errorinfo $info $info } # special: mvapich2_mpirun has same testdir and mpich_prefix as mvapich2 if { [ string equal "$mpirunner" "mvapich2_mpirun" ] } { set mpiname "mvapich2" } else { set mpiname "$mpirunner" } # mvapich mpirunner is called mvapich1 if { [ string equal "$mpirunner" "mvapich" ] } { set mpirunner "mvapich1" } set mpifullname "${mpiname}_${mpicompiler}${mpiname_suffix}" if { $get_mpich_prefix } { # determine mpich_prefix set mpi_version [target_get_registered_mpi_version "$mpifullname" ] set mpich_prefix "/usr/mpi/$mpicompiler/$mpiname-$mpi_version$mpipath_suffix" } else { set mpich_prefix "unknown" } set testdir_prefix "$mpifullname" return "$mpirunner $mpich_prefix $testdir_prefix $mpicompiler $api {$add_mpi_env}" } proc test_case_run_mpi_app { mpitype transport host host_list timelimit dir mpi_cmd { mpi_args "" } {show_perf 0 } {case_tag ""} { mpi_env_args "" } } { ## ## test_case_run_mpi_app ## --------------------- ## run an mpi application initiated by host with host_list processes ## ## Usage: ## test_case_run_mpi_app host host_list timelimit dir mpi_cmd [mpi_args] [show_perf] [case_tag] ## Arguments: ## mpitype - mvapich1, mvapich2, openmpi, intel, or variations ## transport - transport layer for MPI, choices are: ## For intel_mpi: sock or rdma ## For others: default ## host - host to initiate mpi run ## host_list - hosts/processes to run ## dir - directory (if not absolute assumed relative to tests_dir) with command ## timelimit - time to allow between output by command ## mpi_cmd - MPI appl command ## mpi_args - application args ## show_perf - should results be shown as performance ## case_tag - suffix for test case name, default is mpi_cmd argument value ## Returns: ## Additional Information: ## must be used within a test_suite's body, performs test_case calls ## uses case_setup and case_cleanup provided by caller ## no item_setup nor item_cleanup used global env if { [ string range $dir 0 0 ] != "/" } { # Automated Integration tests set mpi_info [get_mpi_info "$mpitype" 0] set mpirunner_type [lindex "$mpi_info" 0 ] set testdir_prefix [lindex "$mpi_info" 2 ] set compiler [lindex "$mpi_info" 3 ] set api [lindex "$mpi_info" 4 ] set case_prefix "${api}_${compiler}_" set newdir "${testdir_prefix}_$dir" set mpirunner "test_case_run_${mpirunner_type}_mpi_app" # to avoid large changes to existing code, we pass MPITYPE in env # so test cases can use it to determine MPICH_PREFIX while logged into # target host set env(MPITYPE) "$mpitype" } else { # Fast Fabric set newdir "$dir" set mpirunner "test_case_run_${mpitype}_mpi_app" set case_prefix "" } if { [string equal "$case_tag" "" ] } { set case_tag "$mpi_cmd" } set case_tag "$case_prefix$case_tag" eval $mpirunner $transport $host [list $host_list] $timelimit "{$newdir}" $mpi_cmd [list $mpi_args] $show_perf $case_tag $mpi_env_args }