#!/bin/bash # BEGIN_ICS_COPYRIGHT8 **************************************** # # Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # END_ICS_COPYRIGHT8 **************************************** # [ICS VERSION STRING: unknown] temp1="$(mktemp)" temp2="$(mktemp)" tmpdir=$PWD/tmp trap "rm -f $temp1 $temp2; exit 1" SIGHUP SIGTERM SIGINT trap "rm -f $temp1 $temp2" EXIT BATCH_SIZE=${BATCH_SIZE:-18} # now many hosts per mpi job MIN_BATCH_SIZE=${MIN_BATCH_SIZE:-2} # now many hosts per mpi job # start the given run_* script as a series of small BATCH_SIZE node jobs. # This approach limits the impact should a few hosts # crash and also allows for quicker job startup. # jobs are nohup'ed so they can run for long duration in the background Usage() { echo "Usage: ./run_batch_script [-e] run_script [args]" >&2 echo " or" >&2 echo " ./run_batch_script --help" >&2 echo " -e - force an even number of hosts in final batch by skipping the last one" >&2 echo " run_script - a run_* script from this directory" >&2 echo " args - arguments for the run_script" >&2 echo " if the 1st arg is 'NP' it will be replaced with the process count" >&2 echo >&2 echo " This will build a set of mpi_hosts.# files with no" >&2 echo " more than BATCH_SIZE hosts each. If -e is specified and an odd number of" >&2 echo " hosts appear in mpi_hosts, the last one is skipped" >&2 echo " Each run_script MPI job will have its output saved to a corresponding" >&2 echo " ./tmp/nohup.#.out file" >&2 echo >&2 echo " This may only used for scripts which do use MPI_HOSTS." >&2 echo " To run run_cabletest use run_batch_cabletest" >&2 echo "Environment:" >&2 echo " MPI_HOSTS - mpi_hosts file to use, default is mpi_hosts" >&2 echo " BATCH_SIZE - max hosts per MPI job, default is 18, if -e must be even" >&2 echo " MIN_BATCH_SIZE - min hosts per MPI job, default is 2, if -e must be even" >&2 echo "Examples:" >&2 echo " ./run_batch_script run_deviation NP ff" >&2 echo " BATCH_SIZE=2 MPI_HOSTS=good ./run_batch_script run_lat2" >&2 echo " BATCH_SIZE=16 MPI_HOSTS=good ./run_batch_script run_deviation ff" >&2 echo " MIN_BATCH_SIZE=16 BATCH_SIZE=16 ./run_batch_script run_hpl2 16" >&2 exit 2 } if [ x"$1" = x"--help" ] then Usage fi even=n if [ x"$1" = x"-e" ] then even=y shift fi if [ $# -lt 1 ] then Usage fi script=$1 shift if [ $(basename $script) = 'run_cabletest' ] then echo "To execute run_cabletest use run_batch_cabletest instead" >&2 exit 1 fi np=n if [ x"$1" = x"NP" ] then np=y shift fi export MPI_HOSTS=${MPI_HOSTS:-mpi_hosts} if [ ! -e $MPI_HOSTS ] then echo "MPI_HOSTS='$MPI_HOSTS': Not Found" >&2 Usage fi if ! [ $BATCH_SIZE -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null then echo "Invalid BATCH_SIZE='$BATCH_SIZE': must be a number > 0" >&2 Usage fi if [ $even = y -a $(($BATCH_SIZE % 2)) -eq 1 ] then echo "Invalid BATCH_SIZE='$BATCH_SIZE': must be an even number" >&2 Usage fi if ! [ $MIN_BATCH_SIZE -gt 0 ] 2>/dev/null then echo "Invalid MIN_BATCH_SIZE='$MIN_BATCH_SIZE': must be a number > 0" >&2 Usage fi if [ $even = y -a $(($MIN_BATCH_SIZE % 2)) -eq 1 ] then echo "Invalid MIN_BATCH_SIZE='$MIN_BATCH_SIZE': must be an even number" >&2 Usage fi if [ $MIN_BATCH_SIZE -gt $BATCH_SIZE ] 2>/dev/null then echo "Invalid MIN_BATCH_SIZE='$MIN_BATCH_SIZE': must be < BATCH_SIZE of $BATCH_SIZE" >&2 Usage fi # ignore blank and comment lines in mpi_hosts cat $MPI_HOSTS|egrep -v '^[[:space:]]*#'|egrep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' > $temp1 echo "Starting $script jobs using $MPI_HOSTS: $(cat $temp1|wc -l) hosts" echo " Max batch size $BATCH_SIZE, Min batch size $MIN_BATCH_SIZE" #set -x mkdir -p $tmpdir loop=1 while [ $(cat $temp1|wc -l) -ge $MIN_BATCH_SIZE ] do head -$BATCH_SIZE $temp1 > $tmpdir/mpi_hosts.$loop if [ $even = y -a $(($(cat $tmpdir/mpi_hosts.$loop|wc -l) % 2)) -eq 1 ] then # need an even number, drop the last one echo "Skipping odd host:" `tail -1 $temp1` head -$(($(cat $temp1|wc -l) - 1)) $temp1 > $tmpdir/mpi_hosts.$loop fi tail -n +$(($BATCH_SIZE + 1)) $temp1 > $temp2; mv $temp2 $temp1 NP=$(cat $tmpdir/mpi_hosts.$loop|wc -l) echo "starting $script job $loop on $NP hosts" [ $np = n ] && NP= # don't insert process count export MPI_HOSTS=$tmpdir/mpi_hosts.$loop export LOGSUFFIX=".$loop" nohup ./$script $NP "$@" > $tmpdir/nohup.$loop.out 2>&1 & loop=$(($loop + 1)) #echo "Enter to Continue" #read trash done if [ $(cat $temp1|wc -l) -gt 0 ] then echo "Skipping odd hosts:" `cat $temp1` fi rm -f $temp1 $temp2 echo "Started $(($loop - 1 )) MPI $script jobs"