# BEGIN_ICS_COPYRIGHT8 **************************************** # # Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # END_ICS_COPYRIGHT8 **************************************** # suffixes and commands to build targets for: # BUILD_TARGET_OS=WIN32 # BUILD_TARGET_TOOLCHAIN=MSVS # BUILD_TARGET=WIN32 # Target specific defines for building WIN32 Target using WIN32 tools (visual C++) SHLIB_VERSION ?= 0.0 LIB_PREFIX = $(BUILDDIR)/ SHLIB_SUFFIX = .dll SHLIB_VERSION_SUFFIX= .dll # or .$(SHLIB_VERSION).dll ARLIB_SUFFIX = .lib EXE_SUFFIX = .exe OBJ_SUFFIX = .obj EXP_SUFFIX = .exp RES_SUFFIX = .res PRE_SUFFIX = .pre # Paths: SYS_INCLUDE_DIRS= SYS_LIB_DIRS = REGISTER?= # Basic Commands: #RUNDOS = $(TOOLS_DIR)/rundos.exe # Compilation/Build Commands and flags: # Browse Compiler # ---------------------------- BSC = bscmake.exe BSCSYS = /nologo /n BSCLOCAL = # Empty by default BSCFLAGS = $(BSCSYS) $(BSCENV) $(BSCPROJ) $(BSCMOD) $(BSCLOCAL) /o # C/C++ compilation # ---------------------------- CC = cl.exe CCC = cl.exe LINT = lint # TBD # convert include dirs to windows paths so Windows tools can understand # however use forward slashes so make is not confused CINCSRCH = $(foreach inc,$(CINCLUDE_DIRS),/I $(subst \,/,$(shell cygpath -w $(inc)))) #CANSI = /D "__STDC__=1" CANSI = CPIC = CCPIC = CMACH = /D TARGET_CPU_FAMILY_X86 /D WIN32 /D CPU_LE CCEXH = /GX CCNOEXH = /GX- CCRTTI = /GR CCNORTTI = /GR- CSHARED = CCSHARED = CCLIBS = ifdef PCH_TARGET PCHFLAGS = $(addprefix /YX /Fp,$(PCH_TARGET)) endif # Define all variations of C/CC compiler flags. # Subsystem based flags none_CC_Flags = console_CC_Flags =/D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" windows_CC_Flags =/D "_WINDOWS" # Build_Config and UseMFC based flags common_CC_Flags =/D "STRICT" /nologo /W3 $(PCHFLAGS) /Fo /Fd /FR /FD release_none_CC_Flags =$(common_CC_Flags) /Zi /D "NDEBUG" release_no_mfc_CC_Flags =$(common_CC_Flags) /Zi /D "NDEBUG" /ML release_shared_CC_Flags =$(common_CC_Flags) /Zi /D "NDEBUG" /MD /D "_AFXDLL" release_static_CC_Flags =$(common_CC_Flags) /Zi /D "NDEBUG" /MT debug_none_CC_Flags =$(common_CC_Flags) /Gm /Zi /D "IB_DEBUG" /D "_DEBUG" /D "DEBUG" /D "IB_TRACE" debug_no_mfc_CC_Flags =$(common_CC_Flags) /Gm /Zi /D "IB_DEBUG" /D "_DEBUG" /D "DEBUG" /D "IB_TRACE" /MLd debug_shared_CC_Flags =$(common_CC_Flags) /Gm /Zi /D "IB_DEBUG" /D "_DEBUG" /D "DEBUG" /D "IB_TRACE" /MDd /D "_AFXDLL" debug_static_CC_Flags =$(common_CC_Flags) /Gm /Zi /D "IB_DEBUG" /D "_DEBUG" /D "DEBUG" /D "IB_TRACE" /MTd # Config based flags for debug options release_CCDEBUG_Flags = debug_CCDEBUG_Flags = $(CCPROJDEBUG) $(CCLOCALDEBUG) release_CDEBUG_Flags = debug_CDEBUG_Flags = $(CPROJDEBUG) $(CLOCALDEBUG) # Assemble the compiler flags based upon desired build configuration. CCSYS =$($(strip $(SUBSYSTEM))_CC_Flags)\ $($(strip $(BUILD_CONFIG))_$(strip $(USEMFC))_CC_Flags) \ $($(strip $(BUILD_CONFIG))_CCDEBUG_Flags) # for now assume most C++ flags are valid on C compiler CSYS =$($(strip $(SUBSYSTEM))_CC_Flags)\ $($(strip $(BUILD_CONFIG))_$(strip $(USEMFC))_CC_Flags) \ $($(strip $(BUILD_CONFIG))_CDEBUG_Flags) # Define all variations of the C/CC compiler optimization flags. # Config based flags for optimization options release_CCOPT_Flags =/O2 debug_CCOPT_Flags =/Od # Assemble the optimization flags based upon desired build configuration. CCOPT = $($(strip $(BUILD_CONFIG))_CCOPT_Flags) # for now assume C++ flags are valid on C compiler COPT = $(CCOPT) # linking # ---------------------------- LD = link.exe LDMACH = /machine:I386 # convert lib dirs to windows paths so Windows tools can understand # however use forward slashes so make is not confused LDLIBSRCH = $(foreach lib,$(LD_LIB_DIRS),/libpath:"$(subst \,/,$(shell cygpath -w $(lib)))") LDSTRIP = # the /debug option causes creation of the pdb file, however it does increase # the exe file size significantly LDPDB_RELEASE = /debug /pdbtype:sept /debugtype:both LDPDB_DEBUG = /debug /pdbtype:sept /debugtype:both LDOUTPUT = /out: # Windows does not use -l # DLLs and static libraries use a .lib file to link against LDLIBS = $(foreach lib,$(LOCALLIBS) $(LOCALDEPLIBS) $(MODLIBS) $(MODDEPLIBS) $(PROJLIBS) $(PROJDEPLIBS),$(lib).lib) $(SYSLIBS) LDSTATIC =/noshared # Define all variations of linker flags. none_LD_Flags = console_LD_Flags =/subsystem:console windows_LD_Flags =/subsystem:windows common_LD_Flags =/nologo release_LD_Flags =$(common_LD_Flags) /incremental:no $(LDPDB_RELEASE) debug_LD_Flags =$(common_LD_Flags) /incremental:no $(LDPDB_DEBUG) # Assemble the linker flags based upon desired build configuration. LDSYS =$($(strip $(strip $(SUBSYSTEM)))_LD_Flags) $($(strip $(BUILD_CONFIG))_LD_Flags) # Specify the default Microsoft WIN32 libs to link, if any. # WIN32 libraries based on UseMFC selection none_SYSLIBS = no_mfc_SYSLIBS =kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib\ comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib\ oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib shared_SYSLIBS = static_SYSLIBS = # Assemble the Common libraries based upon desired MFC configuration. SYSLIBS =$($(strip $(USEMFC))_SYSLIBS) # Lexical Analyzer Generator # -------------------------- #LEX_LIB = fl # TBD # makedepend # ---------------------------- MAKEDEPEND = $(SHELL) $(MAKETOOLS_DIR)/makewin32depend.sh # IDL Compiler # ---------------------------- MIDL = midl.exe MIDLSYS = /ms_ext /c_ext /win32 /nologo MIDLLOCAL = # Empty by default MIDLFLAGS = $(MIDLSYS) $(MIDLENV) $(MIDLPROJ) $(MIDLMOD) $(MIDLLOCAL) $(CINCSRCH) # targets to build from IDLFILE during INCLUDES phase IDL_HEADERS = $(IDLFILE:.idl=.h) IDL_OTHER = $(IDLFILE:.idl=_i.c) $(IDLFILE:.idl=_p.c) \ $(IDLFILE:.idl=_dlldata.c) $(IDLFILE:.idl=.tlb) IDL_TARGETS = $(IDL_HEADERS) $(IDL_OTHER) # building libraries # ---------------------------- MKARLIB = link.exe -lib /nologo /out: MKPARTIAL = link.exe /nologo /r /out: MKIMPLIB = link.exe -lib /nologo /def:"$(DEFFILE)" $(IMPLIBLOCAL) /out: MKSHLIB = link.exe /nologo /dll # Only add the /def option to the MKSHLIB link command if there is a .def file and no import # library is being created. ifneq "$(DEFFILE)" "" ifeq "$(strip $(LIB_TARGETS_EXP))" "" MKSHLIB+=/def:"$(DEFFILE)" endif # LIB_TARGETS_EXP endif # DEFFILE ifeq "$(strip $(LIBFILES))" "" ARLIBS= else ARLIBS=$(foreach lib, $(LIBFILES), $(subst \,/,$(shell cygpath -w $(MOD_LIB_DIR)/$(LIB_PREFIX)$(lib)$(ARLIB_SUFFIX)))) endif # updating registry # ---------------------------- REGEXE = $(REGISTER)$(MAKETOOLS_DIR)/regexe.bat REGDLL = $(REGISTER)$(MAKETOOLS_DIR)/regdll.bat # resource compiler # ---------------------------- RSC = rc.exe # this defines the "CodePage" (ie. character set) which the text is in RSCMACH = /l 0x409 # Define all variations of resource compiler flags. none_RSC_Flags = release_RSC_Flags =/D "NDEBUG" nodebug_RSC_Flags =/D "NDEBUG" debug_RSC_Flags =/D "_DEBUG" /D "DEBUG" # Assemble the resource compiler flags based upon desired build configuration. RSCLOCAL = # Empty by default RSCSYS = $($(strip $(BUILD_CONFIG))_RSC_Flags) # stupid RSC compiler uses /i instead of /I for include paths RSCINCSRCH = $(foreach inc,$(CINCLUDE_DIRS),/i $(subst \,/,$(shell cygpath -w $(inc)))) RSCFLAGS= $(RSCMACH) $(RSCSYS) $(RSCENV) $(RSCPROJ) $(RSCMOD) $(RSCLOCAL) $(RSCINCSRCH)