[ICS VERSION STRING: unknown] Script opaxlattopology and accompanying sample spreadsheet minimal_topology.xlsx and detailed_topology.xlsx (named as topology.xlsx hence forth) provide the capability to document the topology of a customer cluster, and generate a topology XML file based on that topology ("translate" the spread sheet to a topology file). The topology file can be used to bring up and verify the cluster. The exact steps to be used in the verification process are beyond the scope of this description. topology.xlsx provides a standard format for representing each external link in a cluster. Each link contains source, destination and cable fields with one link per line (row) of the spread sheet. Link fields must not contain commas. Source and destination fields each are: Rack Group ("rack row"), Rack, Name (primary name), Name-2 (secondary name), Port Number and Port Type. Cable fields are: Label, Length and Details. opaxlattopology takes as inputs the CSV (Comma-Separated-Values) form of the topology.xlsx cluster tab, and CSV files for (internal) core switch links (100SWD06 and/or 100SWD24). The CSV spread sheet cluster tab is named topology.csv; the core switch links files are linksum_swd06.csv and linksum_swd24.csv respectively. topology.csv is created from topology.xlsx by saving/exporting the tab as 'CSV' to topology.csv. (topology.csv should be inspected to ensure that output rows contain the correct number of link fields; extraneous entries on the spread sheet can cause excel to output extra fields.) opaxlattopology produces as output one or more topology files 'topology.0:0.xml'. Output at the top-level as well as (optionally) Group, Rack, and Switch level can be produced. Input files must be present in the directory from which the script operates. linksum_swd06.csv and linksum_swd24.csv are provided as stand-alone source files. However, they can be recreated (or modified) from topology.xlsx, if needed, by the following: 1) Save/export, individually as CSV files, the 'Internal SWD06 Links' and 'Internal SWD24 Links' tabs of topology.xlsx as 'topology.csv'. 2) For each saved topology.csv file, run opaxlattopology with the -K option. Upon completion of the script save the top-level 'linksum.csv' file as 'linksum_swd06.csv' or 'linksum_swd24.csv' as appropriate. See release notes for more information on using opaxlattopology and topology.xlsx.