Blame Makerules/README

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# BEGIN_ICS_COPYRIGHT8 ****************************************
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# Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Intel Corporation
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# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
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#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
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#       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
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#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
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#       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
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#     * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors
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#       may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
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#       without specific prior written permission.
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# END_ICS_COPYRIGHT8   ****************************************
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# This directory contains makerules files.  These files control the compiler and
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# linker flags and provide mechanisms for individual makefiles to augment the
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# defaults as needed
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## Global Make Settings File
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## ----------------------
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## All project makesettings files (or local makefiles not associated with a
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## specific project) should include this file
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## before the local definitions section.
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## This file allows setting variables which can be used by Makefiles to make
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## decisions on which targets or DIRS to build.  This allows such controls
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## to be placed here as opposed to extending the build system environment
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## variable tools like setenv, target, etc.
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## Global Make Rules File
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## ----------------------
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## All project makerules files (or local makefiles not associated with a
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## specific project) should include this file
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## after the local definitions section and before the local rules section.  The
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## function of the global makerules file is to define the system applications,
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## standardized make targets (rules) and commonly used variables and structure.
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## The makefile is coded so that it is platform independent.  Specifics to a
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## given platform are taken care of in 'ifdef' type statements so that the
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## makefile can be used on all platforms with little or no modification.  Any
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## modifications to the source should be made with portability in mind and
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## should follow the embedded notations.
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## More information about the
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## execution of the makefile can be had by specifying the -d option on the
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## command line to make.
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## NOTE: This makerules file (as well as the project makerules and the template
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##       makefiles) depend on using the GNU version of make.  GNU make 
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##		 (which is included in cygwin) must be
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##       installed on your system prior to using this makefile.
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## The following list is the standard list of definitions which will be defined
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## or are used in other variable definitions or rules in this makerules file.
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## Each global variable name is listed with a definition of the purpose and
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## intended use.  Defaults for items are shown in brackets, and may be
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## overridden by the user in a local makefile or project makerules file.  If
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## no default is shown, the user can use the variable, but should not change
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## the value.
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## Make Control Variables:
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##AUTODEP	= environment defined to enable/disable makedepend during
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##			  make all phase of build (default is yes, set to no to
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##			  disable makedepend)
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##BUILD_CONFIG= Type of build to do: debug or release or loadable [debug]
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##				Debug release includes CDEBUG/CCDEBUG flags and does not use
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##				COPT/CCOPT.  Non-debug omits CDEBUG/CCDEBUG and uses COPT/CCOPT
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##				loadable is only allowed for MIPS/VxWorks builds.  This does:
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##					Libraries build to .rel files which have all objects in
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##					Only SYSLIBS in included in link
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##					Firmware/BSP is built with .rel files, BSP has all symbols
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##					Hence Unit Tests can be built to a .out and downloaded
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##					against a full firmware which was built as loadable as well
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##					loadable builds define -DBUILD_LOADABLE so initialization
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##					code for system libraries can be disabled in unit tests
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##BUILD_PLATFORM= system build is running on (DOS, CYGWIN, LINUX, or DARWIN)
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##				determined dynamically in this file if not pre-defined
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##BUILD_TARGET= Target for build (MIPS, MIPS_BSP, IA32, IA64, X86_64, WIN32, CYGWIN, PPC)
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##BUILD_UNIT_TEST= should build of UNIT_TEST directories be enabled (!="" or "")
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##			when set to != "", the variable $(TEST) is defined as Test
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##			when set to "" $(TEST) is set to ""
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##			$(TEST) should be used in DIRS and DS_SUBPROJECTS to select
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##			unit test directories
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##MAKE		= System make application
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##MAKEFILE	= Name of makefile [Makefile]
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##BUILD_TARGET_OS_VERSION= version of OS to build for (2.4.7-10, etc).
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##BUILD_BRAND= branding for product, default is "SilverStorm Technologies Inc."
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##REGISTER	= Enable Registration, set to "#" to disable registration of
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##				Windows DLLs and applications built (Windows Only)
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##VS		= Visible shell commands [""], set to "" to see more
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## 			  set to "@" to see less
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## Make Targets and Byproducts:
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##PRODUCT	= actual product name, used in BSPs and other common code
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##				as needed to create a product specific flavor
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##				created as basename of TL_DIR
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##DIRS		= list of subdirectories to build (for toplevel & middle makefiles)
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##BSP_SPECIFIC_DIRS	= list of subdirectories to clobber when rebuilding
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##				for a different BSP
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##CFILES	= list of C source files to compile (.c suffix)
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##CCFILES	= list of C++ source files to compile (.cpp suffix)
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##LFILES	= list of lex source files to compiler (.lex suffix)
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##LIBFILES	= list of library names to combine into archive/shlib built
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##IDLFILE	= idl source file (.idl suffix) (Windows Only)
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##IDL_TARGETS = files to build from IDLFILE during INCLUDES phase (Windows Only)
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##IDL_HEADERS = .h files to build from IDLFILE during INCLUDES phase
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##					 (Windows Only)
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##IDL_OTHER = .c and .tlb  files to build from IDLFILE during INCLUDES phase
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##					 (Windows Only)
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##RSCFILES	= list of resource source files (.rc suffix) (Windows Only)
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##SOURCES	= list of source files, used to drive dependency generation
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##OBJECTS	= Intermediate object file names [Not Defined]
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##ARLIBS	= Intermediate archive libraries to combine in archive and
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##			shared library targets
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##INCLUDE_TARGETS = include files to install (not clobbered)
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##LIB_TARGETS_IMPLIB = import libraries built during libs phase
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##LIB_TARGETS_ARLIB	= archive libraries built during libs phase
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##LIB_TARGETS_EXP= .exp file built during libs phase (Windows Only)
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##LIB_TARGETS_MISC= Miscellaneous targets built during libs phase
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##LIB_TARGETS = complete set of targets built during libs phase
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##CMD_TARGETS_SHLIB	= shared libraries built during cmds phase
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##CMD_TARGETS_EXE	= executables built during cmds phase
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##CMD_TARGETS_DRIVER= Device Drivers built during cmds phase
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##					can also be a partial link of a device driver
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##					(LINUX and DARWIN only)
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##CMD_TARGETS_KEXT= Final IOKit packaged Kernel Extension built during cmds
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##					phase and packaged using CMD_TARGETS_DRIVER (DARWIN only)
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##CMD_TARGETS_MISC= Miscellaneous targets built during cmds phase
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##CMD_TARGETS = complete set of targets built during cmds phase
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##EXECUTABLE= executable to be run when testing/debugging [Not Defined]
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##MISC_FILES= Miscellaneous files not-build (nor clobbered)
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##CLEAN_TARGETS_MISC= Miscellaneous backup and junk files created during a
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##				 build [Empty], removed during clean
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##CLEAN_TARGETS	= Intermediate build process file names to remove during clean
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##				or clobber (in addition to $(OBJECTS) [Not Defined]
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##CLOBBER_TARGETS_MISC	= Miscellaneous backup and junk files created during a
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##				 build [Empty], removed during clobber
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##CLOBBER_TARGETS	= Targets to remove on a clobber [Not Defined]
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## Suffixes (all include the . ):
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##LIB_PREFIX	= prefix for shared and archive libraries (e.g., lib or "")
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##SHLIB_SUFFIX	= suffix for shared libraries (e.g., .dll, .sl, .so, etc)
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##ARLIB_SUFFIX	= suffix for static/archive libraries (e.g., .a, .lib, etc)
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##EXE_SUFFIX	= suffix for executable files (e.g, "", .exe, .out, etc)
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##OBJ_SUFFIX	= suffix for object files (e.g, .o, .obj, etc)
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##KEXT_SUFFIX	= suffix for kernel extensions (e.g, .kext) (DARWIN only)
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##EXP_SUFFIX	= suffix for export files (e.g, .exp, etc)
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##PRE_SUFFIX	= suffix for preprocessor output files (e.g, .pre, etc)
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##RES_SUFFIX	= suffix for compiled resource object files (e.g, .res, etc)
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##DSP_SUFFIX	= suffix for generated dsp files (e.g, _$(BUILD_TARGET).dsp)
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##DSW_SUFFIX	= suffix for generated dsw files (e.g, _$(BUILD_TARGET).dsw)
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## Basic Commands:
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##CAT		= Unix cat command
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##CHMOD		= change file permissions
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##CP		= copy file
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##ECHO		= echo output to stdout
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##INSTALL	= tool to copy files if changed
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##MV		= command to rename or move files
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##PERL		= Perl Interpreter
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##RM		= command to remove file(s)
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##RMFORCE	= option to RM to ignore missing files and permissions problems
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##RMRECURSE	= option to RM to recursively remove directories
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##SED		= stream editor
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##SHELL		= Default system shell (bash)
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##TOUCH		= update file date (or create empty file)
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## Paths:
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##BIN_SUBDIR= subdirectory to install cmds to within
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##INCLUDE_SUBDIR= subdirectory to install includes to within
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##TOOLS_DIR	- where to get development environment tools [/usr/local/ics/bin]
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##TOOLCHAIN_DIR	- where to get cross compilation tools [varies based on BUILD_TARGET]
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##MAKETOOLS_DIR	- where to get make tools [$(TL_DIR)/MakeTools]
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##TL_DIR	= defines Top Level directory for build
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##			  (ie. where Makerules directory exists.)
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##COMN_INCLUDE_DIRS	= global include directories
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##				 (include in PROJ_INCLUDE_DIRS or LOCAL_INCLUDE_DIRS when
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##				 appropriate)
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##COMN_LIB_DIRS		= global library directories
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##				 (include in PROJ_LIB_DIRS or LOCAL_LIB_DIRS when appropriate)
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##The following paths are of the form:
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##		X_DIR - base directory for the subdirs below
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##		X_BIN_DIR - where to copy executable files built
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##		X_INCLUDE_DIR - where to copy include files built
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##		X_LIB_DIR - where to copy archive lib files built
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##		X_SHLIB_DIR - where to copy shared lib files built
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##		X_SBR_DIR - where to copy sbr files built (Windows Only)
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##Where X is:
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## 		GLOBAL - during basic build pass, use to define PROJ versions
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## 		PROJ - in a local makefile without Makerules.module during
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##				basic build pass [Empty]
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## 		MOD - in a local makefile during basic build pass [Empty]
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## 		STAGE - during stage build pass, use to define PROJ_STAGE versions
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## 		PROJ_STAGE - in a local makefile without Makerules.module during
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##				stage build pass [Empty]
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## 		MOD_STAGE - in a local makefile during stage build pass [Empty]
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## 		RELEASE - during release step,(used to be part of COMN_ paths above)
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##		if the MOD and MOD_STAGE versions are not defined (as would be
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##		the case for a local makefile which is not part of a module)
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##		The PROJ and PROJ_STATE versions will be used.  This occurs on
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##		a path by path basis.  This applies to all the paths above
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##		except X_DIR.
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## Compilation/Build Commands and flags:
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##Within the execution of commands, a common style is used for naming
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##the variables:
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##	X = tool name
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##	XSYS = special windows options required to make tool work properly
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##		for combination of BUILD_TARGET and BUILD_PLATFORM
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##		defined in
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##	XLOCAL = User supplied flags for tool [Empty]
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##		these can be defined in the local makefile
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##	XMOD = User supplied flags for tool [Not Defined]
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##		these can be defined in the local module makefile
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##		for multiple level modules (ie. with sub-directories)
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##		these will drive down into the sub-directories, much as
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##		XPROJ flags drive into all the modules in a project
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##	XPROJ = project level flags for tool [Not Defined]
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##		these should only be defined in the makerules.project file
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##	XENV = environment supplied flags for tool [Not Defined]
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##		these can be defined in the environment
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##	XMACH - flags to tell tool the machine type being built for
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##		(does not apply to all tool types)
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##	XFLAGS = complete set of flags for tool
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##		composed from all the above flags
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##BSC		= Browse File Builder (Windows Only)
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##BSCSYS	= Win32 flags for Browse File Builder
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##BSCLOCAL	= User flags for Browse File Builder [Empty]
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##BSCMOD	= module level flags for Browse File Builder [Not Defined]
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##BSCPROJ	= project level flags for Browse File Builder [Not Defined]
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##BSCENV	= Environment defined Browse File Builder flags [Not Defined]
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##BSCFLAGS	= complete set of flags for Browse File Builder
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##TARGET_BSP	= BSP to be built.  This indicates the sub-directory in
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##		BSP/ to build when doing a maketargets.bsp
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##		If this is not defined, BSP builds do not occur
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##		This only applies to VXWORKS based BUILD_TARGETs
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##BSP_TARGETS	= set of files which are created by the BSP build (e.g. vxWorks, map, sym)
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##		during a BSP build [internal value set in maketargets.bsp]
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##BSP_MAKE_TARGET= which BSP to build (e.g. vxWorks, vxWorks,st, defaults to vxWorks)
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##		[internal value set in maketargets.bsp]
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##BUILDMSGS	= Message Table translator command
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##BUILDMSGS_PL	= Message Table translator script file
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##CC		= Platform C compiler program
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##CCC		= Platform C++ compiler program
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##CLOCALDEBUG= User defined C debugging compilation flags [Empty]
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##				only used when BUILD_CONFIG=debug
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##CCLOCALDEBUG= User defined C++ debugging compilation flags [Empty]
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##				only used when BUILD_CONFIG=debug
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##CDEBUG	= C debugging compilation flags
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##CCDEBUG	= C++ debugging compilation flags
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##COPT		= C optimization options
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##CCOPT		= C++ optimization options
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##CANSI		= C Compilation flags for ANSI C (Use in CLOCAL, CMOD or CPROJ for
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##				ANSI-C compatible C source code)
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##CPIC		= C Compilation flags for Position Indepdent Code
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##				 (Use in CLOCAL, CMOD or CPROJ for Shared Library builds)
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##CCPIC		= C++ Compilation flags for Position Indepdent Code
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##				 (Use in CLOCAL, CMOD or CPROJ for Shared Library builds)
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##CCRTTI 	= C++ compilation flags to enable C++ Run Time Type Information
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##CCEXH		= C++ compilation flags to enable C++ Exception handling
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##CLOCAL	= User defined C flags for compiling [Empty]
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##CCLOCAL	= User defined C++ flags for compiling [Empty]
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##CENV		= Environment defined C compilation flags [Not Defined]
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##CCENV		= Environment defined C++ compilation flags [Not Defined]
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##CENVFS	= Environment defined C compilation flags per feature set [Not Defined]
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##CCENVFS	= Environment defined C++ compilation flags per feature set [Not Defined]
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##CMOD		= module level defined C compilation flags [Not Defined]
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##CCMOD		= module level defined C++ compilation flags [Not Defined]
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##CPROJ		= project level defined C compilation flags [Not Defined]
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##CCPROJ	= project level defined C++ compilation flags [Not Defined]
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##CMACH		= defines for system type
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##CSYS		= target/platform specific C compilation flags
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##CCSYS		= target/platform specific C++ compilation flags
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##SYS_INCLUDE_DIRS	= target/platform specific include directories
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##LOCAL_INCLUDE_DIRS	= User include directories to search for C/C++ headers [Empty]
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##MOD_INCLUDE_DIRS	= module level directories to search for C/C++ headers [Not Defined]
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##PROJ_INCLUDE_DIRS	= project level directories to search for C/C++ headers [Not Defined]
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##CSHARED	= C compilation flags for shared library .o files (include in
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##		  		CLOCAL, CMOD or CPROJ when appropriate)
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##CCSHARED	= C++ compilation flags for shared library .o files (include in
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##		  		CCLOCAL, CMOD or CCPROJ when appropriate)
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##CFLAGS	= Complete set of C compilation flags
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##CCFLAGS	= Complete set of C++ compilation flags
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##CINCLUDE_DIRS	= Complete set of C include directories
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##CINCSRCH = full compiler directives for include paths to search
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##SUBSYSTEM = Subsystem to build for (none, console or windows) (Windows Only)
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##				[default console]
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##USEMFC	= How Windows MFC should be used (none, static, shared, no_mfc)
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##				(Windows Only) [default none]
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##MAKEDEPEND	= System makedepend application (Windows Only, on others
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##					$(CC) $(DEPENDFLAGS) -MT $(BUILDIR)/$*.o -MM is used)
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##DEPENDFLAGS	= makedepend flags for .c files
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##CCDEPENDFLAGS	= makedepend flags for .cpp files
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##DEPENDMOD		= module level defined makedepend flags [Not Defined]
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##DEPENDPROJ	= project level defined makedepend flags [Not Defined]
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##DEPENDLOCAL	= user defined makedepend flags [Empty]
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##DEPENDENV		= Environment defined makedepend flags [Not Defined]
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##LD		= System linker
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##LDSTRIP	= LD option to strip [-s] ("" on Win32)
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##LDPDB_DEBUG	= LD option to create pdb file for debug builds [/debug /pdbtype:sept /debugtype:both] (Windows Only)
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##LDPDB_RELEASE	= LD option to create pdb file for release builds [/debug /pdbtype:sept /debugtype:both] (Windows Only)
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##LDLOCAL	= User defined C flags for linking [Empty]
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##LDENV		= Environment defined linker flags [Not Defined]
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##LDENVFS	= Environment defined linker flags per feature set [Not Defined]
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##LDMOD		= module level defined linker flags [Not Defined]
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##LDPROJ	= project level defined linker flags [Not Defined]
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##LDMACH	= Flags to specify machine type to linker
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##LDSYS		= target/platform specific Linker flags
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##LDOUTPUT	= platform specific linker flag to specify output file
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##LDSTATIC	= platform specific linker flag to specify linking only with static
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##				(eg. non-dynamic) libraries
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##LDFLAGS	= Complete set of Linker flags
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##CCLIBS	= basic C++ libraries (include in MODLIBS, PROJLIBS or LIBS when appropriate)
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##LOCALDEPLIBS	= User archive libraries to include in dependencies [Empty]
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##				(omit the lib prefix and .a suffix)
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##LOCALLIBS		= User libraries to use when linking [Empty]
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##				(in addition to LOCALDEPLIBS)
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##				(omit the lib prefix and .a suffix)
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##LOCAL_LIB_DIRS	= User library directories for libpaths [Empty]
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##MODDEPLIBS	= module level archive libraries to include in dependencies [Empty]
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##				(omit the lib prefix and .a suffix)
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##MODLIBS		= module level libraries to use when linking [Empty]
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##				(in addition to MODDEPLIBS)
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##MOD_LIB_DIRS	= module level library directories for libpaths [Empty]
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##PROJDEPLIBS	= project level archive libraries to include in dependencies [Empty]
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##				(omit the lib prefix and .a suffix)
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##PROJLIBS		= project level libraries to use when linking [Empty]
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##				(in addition to PROJDEPLIBS)
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##				(omit the lib prefix and .a suffix)
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##PROJ_LIB_DIRS	= project level library directories for libpaths [Empty]
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##SYSLIBS		= target/platform specific library link directives
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##SYS_LIB_DIRS	= target/platform specific library directories
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##LD_LIB_DIRS = full list of library paths to search
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##LDLIBSRCH = full link directives for library paths to search
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##LDLIBS	= full link directives for libraries
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##DEPLIBS_TARGETS = target names for make dependencies based on archive libraries
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##LEX		= platform specific Lexical analyzer generator
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##LEX_LIB	= library needed by code compiled with lex
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##LINT		= platform specific Lint code analyzer
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##LINTENV	= Environment defined lint flags [Not Defined]
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##LINTLOCAL	= User defined lint flags [Empty]
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##LINTMOD	= module level lint flags [Not Defined]
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##LINTPROJ	= project level lint flags [Not Defined]
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##LINTFLAGS	= lint flags (includes CFLAGS)
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## Flags for building kernel modules/drivers/kext:
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##CKERNEL	= C/C++ compiler flags to use
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##CKERNELOPS= base C/C++ compiler flags to use [Darwin only]
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##KERNEL_INCLUDE_DIRS= directories to get include files from
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##KERNELLIBS = libraries to link with (and linker options)
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##KERNELDIR = primary path to kernel headers/libs/etc for desired kernel version
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##CPROJKERNEL= project level C compiler flags for use by individual makefiles
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##				as part of CLOCAL and/or CCLOCAL for makefiles building
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##				drivers, typically composed of $(CKERNEL) [Not Defined]
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##MIDL		= IDL compiler (Windows Only)
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##MIDLSYS	= Win32 specific IDL compiler flags
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##MIDLLOCAL	= User flags for IDL compiler [Empty]
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##MIDLMOD	= module level flags for IDL compiler [Not Defined]
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##MIDLPROJ	= project level flags for IDL compiler [Not Defined]
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##MIDLENV	= Environment defined IDL compiler flags [Not Defined]
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##MIDLFLAGS	= Complete set of IDL compiler flags
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##REGEXE	= command to update registry from a .exe file (Windows Only)
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##REGDLL	= command to update registry from a .dll file (Windows Only)
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##MKSHLIB	= command to build dynamic/shared library from .o's built w/CSHARED
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##MKARLIB	= command to build static/archive library from .o's
Packit Service 3470d1
##MKPARTIAL	= command to partially link .o's into a single .o's
Packit Service 3470d1
##MKMODULE	= command to link .o's into a single kernel module (Linux only)
Packit Service 3470d1
##DEFFILE	= definition file for dynamic/shared library used by MKSHLIB
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##				(Windows Only)
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##IMPLIBLOCAL	= User flags for Object Lirary Manager [Empty]
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##PREP		= File post-processor to prepare files for release, by marking with
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##				build date and version string
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##PATCH_VERSION	= program to patch version into data in code file
Packit Service 3470d1
##PATCH_ENG_VERSION	= program to patch version into data in code file for
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##				engineer non-offical builds/releases
Packit Service 3470d1
##CONVERT_RELEASETAG= program to convert RELEASE_TAG to a doted version format
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##RSC		= resource compiler (Windows Only)
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##RSCMACH	= flags to specify machine type to RSC compiler
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##RSCLOCAL	= User flags for resource compiler [Empty]
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##RSCMOD	= module level flags for resource compiler [Not Defined]
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##RSCPROJ	= project level flags for resource compiler [Not Defined]
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##RSCSYS	= Win32 specific resource compiler flags
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##RSCENV	= Environment defined resource compiler flags [Not Defined]
Packit Service 3470d1
##RSCFLAGS	= Compile set of Resource compiler flags
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## The parameters below control the construction of Visual Studio Project Files
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## These are only used on BUILD_PLATFORMS of DOS and CYGWIN when building
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## for CYGWIN, WIN32 or MIPS.
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##BUILDDSW	= command to build DSW file from a list of project files
Packit Service 3470d1
##FINDDSPFILES= command to expand module names into complete pathnames
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##				to dsp files
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##DS_PROJECT= Developer Studio Project name (set to this directory name),
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##            for use in .dsp and .dsw filenames
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##DS_SUBPROJECTS= User specified other dsp files to include as subprojects
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##            in dsw.  [Not Defined]
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##			  These must be pathnames relative to TL_DIR.  They can be
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##			  directory names (in which case the .dsp is assumed to have the
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##			  same basename as the directory) or dsp filenames.
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##DS_PROJECTS= Base set of projects to include in all dsw files
Packit Service 3470d1
##DSP_SOURCES= User specified list of source files, in the present directory
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##            which are to be included in the dsp file [Not Defined]
Packit Service 3470d1
##DSP_FILE	= dsp file to build
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##DSP_TMP_FILE=temp dsp file to build to
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##DSW_FILE	= dsw file to build
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##DSW_TMP_FILE= temp dsw file to build to
Packit Service 3470d1
##DSP_SRC_DIR= Source directory to use for files in this directory
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##DSP_GROUP	= Group name to use for this source directory in dsp file
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##FUTURE - on windows allow PCH_TARGET to be defined, which will cause a
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## precompiled header to be built or used
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## PCHFLAGS - compiler files to make PCH_TARGET into a precompiled header
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## FUTURE - support SUSYSTEM=posix on Windows
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## FUTURE - rename DEPLIBS as DEPARLIBS and DEPSHLIBS if need to support
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##			dependent shared libraries
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