Blame IbaTools/opatop/opatop_group_focus.hlp

Packit 857059
Packit 857059
The Group/VF Focus screen displays a list of the focus ports in a group/VF,
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including the LID, port number, focus criterion value, node GUID and
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NodeDesc of each.  If the port has a neighbor port, the same information
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is displayed for the neighbor.  The second line of the screen displays
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the group/VF name, the number of ports returned in the group/VF focus query,
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and the number of ports requested in the group/VF focus query.  If more ports
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exist than will fit on a screen, the list can be scrolled forward and
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backward.  Like the BW Stats and Ctg Stats screens which preceed this screen,
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the focus criterion and number of requested focus ports can be changed to
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modify the focus port list.  An index value, shown with each port, can be
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used to select the port and show the port's counters in a Port Stats screen.
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A symbol may be present on the first character of the line to indicate a
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non-ideal condition was observed when calculating this ports data. The
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possible conditions are, the PM was told to ignore this port ('~'), the port
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did not respond to the PM query('!'), and the PM topology does not know
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this port's identity ('?').
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Packit 857059
The Group/VF Focus screen accepts the following input commands.
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  S: Scroll forward (s*) or backward (S*) through port list
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  C: Select group/VF focus criteria forward (c*) or reverse (C*):
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     Utilization (highest first)
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     Utilization Packets (highest first)
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     Utilization (lowest first)
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     Integrity category (highest first)
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     Congestion category (highest first)
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     SmaCongestion category (highest first)
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     Bubble category (highest first)
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     Security category (highest first)
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     Routing category (highest first)
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  Nn: Number of entries n in group/VF focus list
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  Pn: Select port index value n
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