Blame IbaTools/man/opaportinfo.manPage

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.TH opaportinfo 1 "Intel Corporation" "Copyright(C) 2015\-2019" "IFSFFCLIRG (Man Page)"
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\fB(Host or Switch)\fR
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Displays configuration and state of a specified Intel(R) Omni-Path Host Fabric Interface (HFI) port on the local host or a remote switch.
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.SH Syntax
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opaportinfo [-l  \fIlid\fR  [-m  \fIdest\(ulport\fR]] [-h  \fIhfi\fR] [-p  \fIport\fR] [-v]
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.SH Options
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.TP 10
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-l \fIlid\fR
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Specifies the destination LID. Default is local port.
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.TP 10
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-m \fIdest\(ulport\fR
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Specifies the destination port. Default is port with given LID. Useful to access switch ports.
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.TP 10
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-h \fIhfi\fR
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Specifies the HFI to send through/to. Default is first HFI.
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.TP 10
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-p \fIport\fR
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Specifies the port to send through/to. Default is first port.
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.SH -h and -p options permit a variety of selections:
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.TP 10
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-h 0
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First active port in system (Default).
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.TP 10
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-h 0 -p 0
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First active port in system.
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.TP 10
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-h \fIx\fR
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First active port on HFI \fIx\fR.
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.TP 10
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-h \fIx\fR \fI\fR-p 0
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First active port on HFI \fIx\fR.
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.TP 10
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-h 0 -p \fIy\fR
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Port \fIy\fR within system (no matter which ports are active).
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.TP 10
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-h \fIx\fR \fI\fR-p \fIy\fR
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HFI \fIx\fR, port \fIy\fR.
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.SH Debug Options
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.TP 10
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Specifies the verbose output. Additional invocations (-v -v ...) turn on debugging, openib debugging, and libibumad debugging.
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.SH Examples
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opaportinfo -p 1
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opaportinfo -p 2 -h 2 -l 5 -m 18
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.SH Description
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To access switch ports using this command, the -l and -m options must be given. The -l option specifies the LID of switch port 0 (the logical management port for the switch) and -m specifies the actual switch port to access.