Blame IbaTools/man/opaallanalysis.manPage

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.TH opaallanalysis 8 "Intel Corporation" "Copyright(C) 2015\-2019" "IFSFFCLIRG (Man Page)"
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opaallanalysis command performs the set of analysis specified in FF\(ulALL\(ulANALYSIS and can be specified for fabric, chassis, esm, or hostsm.
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.SH Syntax
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opaallanalysis [-b|-e] [-s] [-d  \fIdir\fR] [-c  \fIfile\fR] [-t  \fIportsfile\fR]
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[-p  \fIports\fR]
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[-F \fIchassisfile\fR] [-H \[aq]\fIchassis\fR\[aq]] [-G  \fIesmchassisfile\fR]
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[-E  \fIesmchassis\fR]
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[-T  \fItopology\(ulinput\fR]
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.SH Options
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.TP 10
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Produces full help text.
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Sets the baseline mode. Default is compare/check mode.
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Evaluates health only. Default is compare/check mode.
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Saves history of failures (errors/differences).
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-d \fIdir\fR
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Identifies the top-level directory for saving baseline and history of failed checks. Default is /var/usr/lib/opa/analysis
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-c \fIfile\fR
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Specifies the error thresholds configuration file. Default is /etc/opa/opamon.conf
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-t \fIportsfile\fR
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Specifies the file with list of local HFI ports used to access fabric(s) for analysis. Default is /etc/opa/ports
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-p \fIports\fR
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Specifies the list of local HFI ports used to access fabric(s) for analysis. Default is the first active port. Specified as HFI:port as follows:
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First active port in system.
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Port \fIy\fR within system.
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First active port on HFI \fIx\fR.
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HFI \fIx\fR, port \fIy\fR.
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-F \fIchassisfile\fR
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Specifies the file with a chassis in a cluster. Default is /etc/opa/chassis
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-H \[aq]\fIchassis\fR\[aq]
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Specifies the list of chassis on which to execute the command.
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-G \fIesmchassisfile\fR
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Specifies the file with embedded SM chassis in the cluster. Default is /etc/opa/esm\(ulchassis
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-E \fIesmchassis\fR
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Specifies the list of embedded SM chassis to analyze.
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-T \fItopology\(ulinput\fR
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Specifies the name of topology input file to use. Any %P markers in this filename are replaced with the HFI:port being operated on, such as 0:0 or 1:2. Default is /etc/opa/topology.%P.xml. If -T NONE is specified, no topology input file is used. See
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for more information.
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.SH Example
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opaallanalysis -p \[aq]1:1 2:1\[aq]
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.SH Environment Variables
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The following environment variables are also used by this command:
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List of ports, used in absence of -t and -p.
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File containing list of ports, used in absence of -t and -p.
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File containing topology\(ulinput (may have %P marker in filename), used in absence of -T.
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List of chassis, used if -F and -H options are not supplied.
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File containing list of chassis, used if -F and -H options are not supplied.
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List of SM chassis, used if -G and -E options are not supplied.
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File containing list of SM chassis, used if -G and -E options are not supplied.
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Top level directory for baselines and failed health checks.
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List of commands to issue during analysis, unused if -e option supplied.
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Single command to issue to check overall health during analysis, unused if -b option supplied
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.SH Details
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The opaallanalysis command performs the set of analysis specified in \fBFF\(ulALL\(ulANALYSIS\fR, which must be a space-separated list. This can be provided by the environment or using /etc/opa/opafastfabric.conf. The analysis set includes the options: fabric, chassis, esm, or hostsm. For a fabric with only externally managed switches, \fBFF\(ulALL\(ulANALYSIS\fR should be set to -fabric in opafastfabric.conf.
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Note that the opaallanalysis command has options which are a super-set of the options for all other analysis commands. The options are passed along to the respective tools as needed. For example, the -c file option is passed on to opafabricanalysis if it is specified in \fBFF\(ulALL\(ulANALYSIS\fR.
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The output files are all the output files for the \fBFF\(ulALL\(ulANALYSIS\fR selected set of analysis. See the previous sections for the specific output files.