Blame IbaTools/man/opa_osd_dump.manPage

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Packit 857059
.TH opa\(ulosd\(uldump 1 "Intel Corporation" "Copyright(C) 2015\-2019" "IFSFFCLIRG (Man Page)"
Packit 857059
Packit 857059
Packit 857059
Packit 857059
Packit 857059
Packit 857059
Prints the current contents of the distributed SA shared memory database.
Packit 857059
.SH Syntax
Packit 857059
opa\(ulosd\(uldump [--verbose  \fIarg\fR | -v  \fIarg\fR]
Packit 857059
.SH Options
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Packit 857059
.TP 10
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Packit 857059
Packit 857059
Produces full help text.
Packit 857059
Packit 857059
.TP 10
Packit 857059
--verbose/-v \fIarg\fR
Packit 857059
Packit 857059
Specifies the Kernel logging level to perform. Range = 1 - 7.
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Packit 857059
.SH Example
Packit 857059
opa\(ulosd\(uldump >opasadb\(ulcontents