Blame IbaTools/FastFabric/opafastfabric.conf.LINUX.OPENIB

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# This is a bash sourced config file which defines variables used in
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# fast fabric tools.  Command line arguments will override these settings.
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# Assignments should be scripted such that this file does not override
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# exported environment settings, as shown in the defaults below
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if [ "$CONFIG_DIR" = "" ]
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	export CONFIG_DIR
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# Override default location for HOSTS_FILE
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export HOSTS_FILE=${HOSTS_FILE:-$CONFIG_DIR/opa/hosts}
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# Override default location for CHASSIS_FILE
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# Override default location for ESM_CHASSIS_FILE
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# Override default location for OPASWITCHES_FILE
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# Override default location for PORTS_FILE
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export PORTS_FILE=${PORTS_FILE:-$CONFIG_DIR/opa/ports}
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# Default suffix for IPoIB host names
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# the special value "NONE" is used to indicate a value of ""
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# this value can be used in ff_host_basename_to_ipoib and ff_host_basename
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# below to convert between IPoIB and Ethernet hostnames
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# Alternatively a IPoIB prefix can be provided, commented out
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# examples in ff_host_basename and ff_host_basename can be enabled if desired
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# Default management host
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export MGMT_HOST=${MGMT_HOST:-localhost}
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# The shell functions below are only defined if no existing function/command
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# with given name, hence allowing use of shell functions or creation of a
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# command for this operation
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# shell Function to convert a basic hostname into an IPoIB hostname
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# if FF_IPOIB_SUFFIX is "", this should return $1 unmodified
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# such that commands can be used with -i "" to skip IPoIB operations
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# (special value of NONE will be converted to "" before this is called)
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if ! type ff_host_basename_to_ipoib >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
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	function ff_host_basename_to_ipoib()
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		# $1 = hostname provided
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		echo "$1$FF_IPOIB_SUFFIX"
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		# comment out line above and uncomment line below if using prefixes
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		#echo "$FF_IPOIB_PREFIX$1"
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# shell Function to convert a hostname into a basic hostname
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# (eg. remove IPoIB suffix, etc) should match result of "hostname -s" on host
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# if FF_IPOIB_SUFFIX is "", this should return $1 unmodified
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# such that commands can be used with -i "" to skip IPoIB operations
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# (special value of NONE will be converted to "" before this is called)
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if ! type ff_host_basename >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
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	function ff_host_basename()
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		# $1 = hostname provided (could be ethernet or IPoIB name)
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		echo "$1"|sed -e "s/$FF_IPOIB_SUFFIX\$//"
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		# comment out line above and uncomment line below if using prefixes
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		#echo "$1"|sed -e "s/^$FF_IPOIB_PREFIX//"
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# input to opahostadmin configipoib indicating which mode to
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# use for IP configuration of ipoib interface, valid values are one of
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# static, dhcp, auto
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# for auto, if not found in resolver, will configure static, otherwise uses dhcp
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# IP netmask for IPoIB subnet [-m option], only used for static
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# if "" default will be determined based on class of IP address [A, B, C]
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# IPOIB Connected Mode. Legal values are "yes" (connected) and "no" (datagram).
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# Maximum parallel processes for opahostadmin, opachassisadmin, opaswitchadmin
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# and -p option on other commands
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# set to 1 to avoid parallel execution
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# 1000 is a reasonable default. If a larger number is needed, it is recommended
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# consideration is given to ulimit -u, memory consumption by many scp/ssh sessions,
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# and the total number of TCP connections the system can handle.
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# If the systems are slow for some reason, this can be used to provide a
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# multiplier for all timeouts in opahostadmin, opachassisadmin, opaswitchadmin
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# where to put result files from FastFabric runs of
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# opahostadmin, opachassisadmin, opaswitchadmin
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# IntelOPA product to install during opahostadmin load and upgrade
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export FF_PRODUCT=${FF_PRODUCT:-IntelOPA-Basic.`cat /usr/lib/opa/tools/osid_wrapper`}
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# IntelOPA product version to install during opahostadmin load and upgrade
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export FF_PRODUCT_VERSION=${FF_PRODUCT_VERSION:-`cat /etc/opa/version_wrapper 2>/dev/null`}
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# IntelOPA packages to install during opahostadmin load [-P option]
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#export FF_PACKAGES=${FF_PACKAGES:-oftools ipoib mpi pgas}
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#export FF_PACKAGES=${FF_PACKAGES:-oftools ipoib psm_mpi pgas}
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export FF_PACKAGES=${FF_PACKAGES:-oftools ipoib psm_mpi}
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# Additional INSTALL options during opahostadmin load [-I option]
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# Additional INSTALL options during opahostadmin upgrade [-U option]
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# where to upload server specific files to during opauploadall, opacaptureall
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# [-d option]
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export UPLOADS_DIR=${UPLOADS_DIR:-./uploads}
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# where to download server specific files from during opadownloadall
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# [-d option]
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export DOWNLOADS_DIR=${DOWNLOADS_DIR:-./downloads}
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# where to save history and baselines for cluster analysis and health checks
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# [-d option]
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export FF_ANALYSIS_DIR=${FF_ANALYSIS_DIR:-/var/usr/lib/opa/analysis}
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# topology input file(s) to use for opafabricanalysis, opaallanalysis and
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# opareports operations.  The %P marker will be replaced with the
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# local HFI port/fabric selection string (for example 0:0 or 1:2) for
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# the fabric being selected (see PORTS_FILE for more information)
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# if this file is not found, or the value of this parameter is "NONE"
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# no topology input file will be used
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export FF_TOPOLOGY_FILE=${FF_TOPOLOGY_FILE:-$CONFIG_DIR/opa/topology.%P.xml}
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# How to login to host systems during opahostadmin
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# At this time only ssh is supported.
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# Note: at present opacmdall and opascpall always assume password-less ssh/scp
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# initial user name (cannot be root if CFG_LOGIN_METHOD=telnet)
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# password for FF_USERNAME (not needed if password-less ssh configured)
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# if FF_USERNAME is not root, what is the root password needed when
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# suing to root
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# How to login to chassis
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# can be ssh or telnet
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# password for admin (not needed if password-less ssh configured)
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#base device number for IPoIB devices - IPoIB devices in the systems will
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# be named "ib($FF_IPOIB_BASE_DEV_NUM) ib($FF_IPOIB_BASE_DEV_NUM+1) ..."
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# On Silvertstorm stack it will be "ib1 ib2 ...."
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# On OFED stack it will be "ib0 ib1 ..."
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# shell Function to return the base IPoIB device number for this stack type.
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# For Silverstorm stack installations this function should return 1, for
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# OFED stack installations this should return 0.
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if ! type ff_ipoib_base_dev_num >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
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	function ff_ipoib_base_dev_num()
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		# No arguments to this function
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        # $host is supplied as an arguemnt when this function is called
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        # but it is ignored here. This is a hack to limit the number of
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		# changes required.
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# options for opareport during opafabricanalysis health check
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# alternative would be to use "-i seconds" instead of -C
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# depending on fabric design, more strict link speed checks, such as
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# -o slowconfiglinks or -o slowconnlinks may be appropriate
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export FF_FABRIC_HEALTH=${FF_FABRIC_HEALTH:- -s -C -o errors -o slowlinks}
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# list of CLI commands to issue during opachassisanalysis
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export FF_CHASSIS_CMDS=${FF_CHASSIS_CMDS:-showAllConfig}
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# single CLI command to issue to check overall health during opachassisanalysis
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# hwCheck is prefered, but is not supported on older chassis FW
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# list of CLI commands to issue during opaesmanalysis
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export FF_ESM_CMDS=${FF_ESM_CMDS:-smConfig}
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# list of analysis to perform during opaallanalysis
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# pick appropriate type of SM to analyze
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#export FF_ALL_ANALYSIS=${FF_ALL_ANALYSIS:-fabric chassis hostsm esm}
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export FF_ALL_ANALYSIS=${FF_ALL_ANALYSIS:-fabric chassis}
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# command to perform text files for baseline vs latest snapshot during
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# fabric health analysis commands
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#export FF_DIFF_CMD=${FF_DIFF_CMD:-diff}
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export FF_DIFF_CMD=${FF_DIFF_CMD:-diff -C 1}
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# location to find fastfabric mpi_apps for use by assorted fastfabric tools
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# As needed they can be copied to a global filesystem and adjust this variable
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# This MUST be a absolute path which exists on all nodes
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export FF_MPI_APPS_DIR=${FF_MPI_APPS_DIR:-$HOME/mpi_apps}
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#location of Cable Health Report files
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export FF_CABLE_HEALTH_REPORT_DIR=${FF_CABLE_HEALTH_REPORT_DIR:-/var/opt/opafm/cablehealth}
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# Maximum number of cable health report files to maintain
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# env variables to set within each rank of MPI runs done by fastfabric directly
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# alternatively the $FF_MPI_APPS_DIR/ofed.*.param files can be edited
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# with appropriate values.
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# example of PSM selection of vFabric by PKEY/SL
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#export FF_MPI_ENV=${FF_MPI_ENV:-PSM2_PKEY=0xffff HFI_SL=0 PSM2_MTU=2048}
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# example of PSM selection of path and vFabric by query to dist_sa
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#export FF_MPI_ENV=${FF_MPI_ENV:-PSM2_PATH_REC=opp PSM2_IB_SERVICE_ID=0x1000117500000000}
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# example of PSM selection of path and vFabric by default query to dist_sa
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export FF_MPI_ENV=${FF_MPI_ENV:-}
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# configuration of arguments for MPI performance deviation testing
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# via $FF_MPI_APPS_DIR/deviation/deviation
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# The defaults should work for most fabrics.  This can be made stricter
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# and/or specific to the fabric by using arguments such as -h hostname
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# -bwthres and -latthres.  Samples are provided for various topologies.
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# See run_deviation or the user's guide for more
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# information.
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#export FF_DEVIATION_ARGS=${FF_DEVIATION_ARGS:--bwtol 20 -lattol 50 -c -v}
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#export FF_DEVIATION_ARGS=${FF_DEVIATION_ARGS:--bwtol 20 -lattol 50 -c -h hostname}
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export FF_DEVIATION_ARGS=${FF_DEVIATION_ARGS:--bwtol 20 -lattol 50 -c}
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# 1 hop fabric, 100g links, x16 Hosts
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#export FF_DEVIATION_ARGS==${FF_DEVIATION_ARGS:--bwthres 12000 -latthres 1.07 -c}
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# 3 hop fabric, 100g links, x16 Hosts
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#export FF_DEVIATION_ARGS==${FF_DEVIATION_ARGS:--bwthres 12000 -latthres 1.35 -c}
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# 5 hop fabric, 100g links, x16 Hosts
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#export FF_DEVIATION_ARGS==${FF_DEVIATION_ARGS:--bwthres 12000 -latthres 1.63 -c}
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# location to find fastfabric shmem_apps for use by assorted fastfabric tools
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# As needed they can be copied to a global filesystem and adjust this variable
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# This MUST be a absolute path which exists on all nodes
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#Serialize output of operations running in parallel
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# Directory name for location of script and output target directory
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# on each host used by opaverifyhosts 
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