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(*  ocaml-fileutils: files and filenames common operations                    *)
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(*                                                                            *)
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(*  Copyright (C) 2003-2014, Sylvain Le Gall                                  *)
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(*                                                                            *)
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(*  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it   *)
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(*  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by  *)
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(*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at   *)
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(*  your option) any later version, with the OCaml static compilation         *)
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(*  exception.                                                                *)
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(*                                                                            *)
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(*  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but       *)
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(*  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                *)
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(*  COPYING for more details.                                                 *)
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(*                                                                            *)
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(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License  *)
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(*  along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,   *)
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(*  Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA             *)
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open FileUtilTypes
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open FilePath
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open FileUtilMisc
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open FileUtilPWD
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open FileUtilRM
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open FileUtilCP
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open FileUtilTEST
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exception MvError of string
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type mv_error =
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  [ `Exc of exn
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  | `MvCp of filename * filename * string * cp_error
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  | `MvRm of  filename * string * rm_error
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  | `NoSourceFile ]
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let rec mv
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      ?(error=fun str _ -> raise (MvError str))
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      fln_src fln_dst =
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  let handle_error, _ =
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    handle_error_gen "mv" error
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         | `NoSourceFile ->
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             "Cannot move an empty list of files."
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         | `MvCp (fn_src, fn_dst, str, _) ->
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               "Recursive error in 'mv %s %s' for 'cp %s %s': %s"
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               fn_src fn_dst fn_src fn_dst str
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         | `MvRm (fn, str, _) ->
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             Printf.sprintf "Recursive error in 'mv %s ..' for 'rm %s': %s"
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               fn fn str
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         | #exc -> "")
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  let fln_src_abs =  make_absolute (pwd ()) fln_src in
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  let fln_dst_abs =  make_absolute (pwd ()) fln_dst in
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  if compare fln_src_abs fln_dst_abs <> 0 then begin
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    if test_exists fln_dst_abs && doit force fln_dst then begin
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        rm [fln_dst_abs];
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        mv fln_src_abs fln_dst_abs
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    end else if test Is_dir fln_dst_abs then begin
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      mv ~force ~error
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           (basename fln_src_abs))
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    end else if test_exists fln_src_abs then begin
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        Sys.rename fln_src_abs fln_dst_abs
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      with Sys_error _ ->
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        cp ~force
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          ~error:(fun str e ->
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                    handle_error ~fatal:true
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                      (`MvCp (fln_src_abs, fln_dst_abs, str, e)))
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          ~recurse:true [fln_src_abs] fln_dst_abs;
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        rm ~force
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          ~error:(fun str e ->
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                    handle_error ~fatal:true
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                      (`MvRm (fln_src_abs, str, e)))
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          ~recurse:true [fln_src_abs]
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    end else
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      handle_error ~fatal:true `NoSourceFile
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