Blame src/FilePath.mli

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(*  ocaml-fileutils: files and filenames common operations                    *)
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(*                                                                            *)
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(*  Copyright (C) 2003-2014, Sylvain Le Gall                                  *)
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(*                                                                            *)
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(*  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it   *)
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(*  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by  *)
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(*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at   *)
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(*  your option) any later version, with the OCaml static compilation         *)
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(*  exception.                                                                *)
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(*                                                                            *)
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(*  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but       *)
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(*  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                *)
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(*  COPYING for more details.                                                 *)
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(*                                                                            *)
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(*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License  *)
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(*  along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,   *)
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(*  Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA             *)
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(** Operations on abstract filenames.
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    This module allow to manipulate string or abstract representation of a
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    Abstract representation of a filename allow to decode it only once, and
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    should speed up further operation on it (comparison in particular). If you
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    intend to do a lot of processing on filename, you should consider using its
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    abstract representation.
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    This module manipulate abstract path that are not bound to a real
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    filesystem.  In particular, it makes the assumption that there is no
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    symbolic link that should modify the meaning of a path. If you intend to use
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    this module against a real set of filename, the best solution is to apply to
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    every filename to solve symbolic link through {!FileUtil.readlink}.
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    @author Sylvain Le Gall
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(** Filename type. *)
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type filename = string
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(** Extension type. *)
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type extension = string
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(** {2 Exceptions and types} *)
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(** Cannot pass a base filename which is relative. *)
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exception BaseFilenameRelative of filename
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(** We do not have recognized any OS, please contact upstream. *)
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exception UnrecognizedOS of string
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(** The filename use was empty. *)
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exception EmptyFilename
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(** The last component of the filename does not support extension (Root,
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exception NoExtension of filename
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(** The filename used is invalid. *)
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exception InvalidFilename of filename
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(** {2 Ordering} *)
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(** [is_subdir fl1 fl2] Is [fl2] a sub directory of [fl1] *)
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val is_subdir: filename -> filename -> bool
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(** [is_updir fl1 fl2] Is [fl1] a sub directory of [fl2] *)
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val is_updir: filename -> filename -> bool
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(** [compare fl1 fl2] Give an order between the two filename. The
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    classification is done by sub directory relation, [fl1] < [fl2] iff [fl1] is
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    a subdirectory of [fl2], and lexicographical order of each part of the
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    reduce filename when [fl1] and [fl2] has no hierarchical relation
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val compare: filename -> filename -> int
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(** {2 Standard operations } *)
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(** Current dir. *)
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val current_dir: filename
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(** Upper dir. *)
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val parent_dir: filename
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(** Make a filename from a set of strings. *)
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val make_filename: string list -> filename
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(** Extract only the file name of a filename. *)
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val basename: filename -> filename
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(** Extract the directory name of a filename. *)
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val dirname: filename -> filename
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(** Append a filename to a filename. *)
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val concat: filename -> filename -> filename
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(** Return the shortest filename which is equal to the filename given. It remove
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    the "." in Unix filename, for example.
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    If [no_symlink] flag is set, consider that the path doesn't contain symlink
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    and in this case ".." for Unix filename are also reduced.
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val reduce: ?no_symlink:bool -> filename -> filename
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(** Create an absolute filename from a filename relative and an absolute base
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val make_absolute: filename -> filename -> filename
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(** Create a filename which is relative to the base filename. *)
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val make_relative: filename -> filename -> filename
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(** [reparent fln_src fln_dst fln] Return the same filename as [fln]
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    but the root is no more [fln_src] but [fln_dst]. It replaces the
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    [fln_src] prefix by [fln_dst].
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val reparent: filename -> filename -> filename -> filename
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(** Identity for testing the stability of implode/explode. *)
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val identity: filename -> filename
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(** Test if the filename is a valid one. *)
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val is_valid: filename -> bool
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(** Check if the filename is relative to a dir or not.
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val is_relative: filename -> bool
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(** Check if the filename is the current directory.
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val is_current: filename -> bool
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(** Check if the filename is the parent directory.
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val is_parent: filename -> bool
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(** {2 Extension}*)
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(** Extension is define as the suffix of a filename, just after the last ".".
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(** Remove extension and the trailing ".". *)
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val chop_extension: filename -> filename
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(** Extract the extension. *)
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val get_extension: filename -> extension
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(** Check the extension. *)
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val check_extension: filename -> extension -> bool
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(** Add an extension with a "." before. *)
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val add_extension: filename -> extension -> filename
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(** Replace extension. *)
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val replace_extension: filename -> extension -> filename
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(** {2 PATH-like operation}*)
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(** PATH-like refers the environment variable PATH. This variable holds a list
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    of filename. The functions [string_of_path] and [path_of_string] allow to
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    convert this kind of list by using the good separator between filename.
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(** Create a PATH-like string. *)
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val string_of_path: filename list -> string
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(** Extract filenames from a PATH-like string. *)
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val path_of_string: string -> filename list
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(** {2 Filename specifications} *)
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(** Definition of operations for path manipulation. *)
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(** Generic operations. *)
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  type filename
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  type extension
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  (** {3 Converting abstract type from/to string } *)
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  (** Create a filename from a string. *)
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  val string_of_filename: filename -> string
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  (** Create a string from a filename. *)
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  val filename_of_string: string -> filename
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  (** Create an extension from a string. *)
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  val extension_of_string: string -> extension
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  (** Return string representation of an extension. *)
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  val string_of_extension: extension -> string
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  (** {3 Standard operations} *)
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  (** See {!FilePath.make_filename} *)
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  val make_filename: string list -> filename
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  (** See {!FilePath.is_subdir} *)
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  val is_subdir: filename -> filename -> bool
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  (** See {!FilePath.is_updir} *)
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  val is_updir: filename -> filename -> bool
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  (** See {!} *)
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  val compare: filename -> filename -> int
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  (** See {!FilePath.basename} *)
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  val basename: filename -> filename
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  (** See {!FilePath.dirname} *)
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  val dirname: filename -> filename
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  (** See {!FilePath.concat} *)
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  val concat: filename -> filename -> filename
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  (** See {!FilePath.reduce} *)
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  val reduce: ?no_symlink:bool -> filename -> filename
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  (** See {!FilePath.make_absolute} *)
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  val make_absolute: filename -> filename -> filename
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  (** See {!FilePath.make_relative} *)
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  val make_relative: filename -> filename -> filename
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  (** See {!FilePath.reparent} *)
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  val reparent: filename -> filename -> filename -> filename
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  (** See {!FilePath.identity} *)
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  val identity: filename -> filename
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  (** See {!FilePath.is_valid} *)
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  val is_valid: filename -> bool
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  (** See {!FilePath.is_relative} *)
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  val is_relative: filename -> bool
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  (** See {!FilePath.is_current} *)
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  val is_current: filename -> bool
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  (** See {!FilePath.is_parent} *)
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  val is_parent: filename -> bool
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  (** See {!FilePath.chop_extension} *)
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  val chop_extension: filename -> filename
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  (** See {!FilePath.get_extension} *)
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  val get_extension: filename -> extension
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  (** See {!FilePath.check_extension} *)
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  val check_extension: filename -> extension -> bool
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  (** See {!FilePath.add_extension} *)
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  val add_extension: filename -> extension -> filename
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  (** See {!FilePath.replace_extension} *)
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  val replace_extension: filename -> extension -> filename
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  (** See {!FilePath.string_of_path} *)
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  val string_of_path: filename list -> string
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  (** See {!FilePath.path_of_string} *)
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  val path_of_string: string -> filename list
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  (** See {!FilePath.current_dir} *)
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  val current_dir: filename
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  (** See {!FilePath.parent_dir} *)
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  val parent_dir: filename
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(** Generic operations, with type filename and extension as strings. *)
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  module Abstract: PATH_SPECIFICATION
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    type filename = string and
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    type extension = string
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(** Operations on filenames for other OS. The {!DefaultPath} always match the
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    current OS.
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(** Default operating system. *)
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(** Unix operating system. *)
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(** MacOS operating system. *)
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(** Win32 operating system. *)
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(** Cygwin operating system. *)
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