Blame test/

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rpm-build 0f2925
 * ExtLib Testing Suite
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 * Copyright (C) 2004 Janne Hellsten
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 * Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
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 * Copyright (C) 2010 ygrek
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 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
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 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
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 * with the special exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
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 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
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 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
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(* Standard library list *)
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module StdList = List
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open ExtList
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exception Test_Exception
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let check_empty_list_exn f = 
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  try f (); false with List.Empty_list -> true
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(** Random length list with [0;1;2;..n] contents. *)
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let rnd_list () = 
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  let len = 3 in 
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  List.init len Std.identity
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let test_iteri () = 
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  for i = 0 to 15 do
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    List.iteri (fun i e -> assert (i = e)) (rnd_list ());
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let test_mapi () =
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  for i = 0 to 15 do
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    let rnd_list = rnd_list () in
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    let lst = List.mapi (fun n e -> (e,"foo")) rnd_list in
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    let lst' = 
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      List.mapi (fun n (e,s) -> assert (s = "foo"); assert (n = e); n) lst in
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    List.iteri (fun i e -> assert (i = e)) lst'
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let test_exceptions () = 
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  assert (check_empty_list_exn (fun () -> List.hd []));
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  assert (check_empty_list_exn (fun () -> List.first []));
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  assert (check_empty_list_exn (fun () -> List.last []))
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let test_find_exc () =
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  let check_exn f = try f (); false with Test_Exception -> true | _ -> false in
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  assert (check_exn (fun () -> (List.find_exc (fun _ -> true) Test_Exception [])));
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    for i = 0 to 15 do
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      let rnd_lst = rnd_list () in
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        match rnd_lst with
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          [] -> ()
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        | lst -> 
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            let rnd_elem = (List.length lst) in
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            assert (check_exn 
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                      (fun () -> 
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                         List.find_exc (fun e -> e = List.length lst) Test_Exception lst));
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            assert (not (check_exn 
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                           (fun () -> 
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                              List.find_exc (fun e -> e = rnd_elem) Test_Exception lst)))
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  with _ -> assert false
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let test_findi () =
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  let check_fn f = try (let e,i = f () in e<>i) with Not_found -> true in
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    for i = 0 to 15 do
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      let rnd_lst = rnd_list () in
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        match rnd_lst with
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          [] -> ()
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        | lst -> 
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            let rnd_elem = (List.length lst) in
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            assert (check_fn 
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                      (fun () -> 
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                         List.findi (fun i e -> e = List.length lst) lst));
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            assert (not (check_fn 
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                           (fun () -> 
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                              List.findi (fun i e -> e = rnd_elem) lst)))
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  with _ -> assert false
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let test_fold_right () = 
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  let maxlen = 2000 in
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  (* NOTE assuming we will not blow the stack with 2000 elements *)
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  let lst = List.init maxlen Std.identity in
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  let a = StdList.fold_right (fun e a -> e::a) lst [] in
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  let b = List.fold_right (fun e a -> e::a) lst [] in
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  assert (a = b)
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let test_fold_right2 () = 
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  let len = 2000 in
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  let cnt = ref 0 in
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  let lst = List.init len Std.identity in
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  ignore (StdList.fold_right (fun e a -> incr cnt; e::a) lst []);
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  let cnt_std = !cnt in
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  cnt := 0;
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  ignore (List.fold_right (fun e a -> incr cnt; e::a) lst []);
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  assert (cnt_std = len);
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  assert (!cnt = cnt_std)
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let test_map () = 
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  for i = 0 to 10 do
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    let f = ( * ) 2 in
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    let lst = rnd_list () in
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    let a = f lst in
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    let b = f lst in
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    assert (a = b)
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let test_find_map () =
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  let f = function "this", v -> Some v | _ -> None in
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     let r = List.find_map f [ "a", 1; "b", 2; "this", 3; "d", 4 ] in
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     assert (3 = r);
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     let r = List.find_map f [ "this", 1; "b", 2; "c", 3; "d", 4 ] in
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     assert (1 = r);
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     let r = List.find_map f [ "a", 1; "b", 2; "c", 3; "this", 4 ] in
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     assert (4 = r);
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     let r = List.find_map f [ "this", 1; "b", 2; "c", 3; "this", 4 ] in
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     assert (1 = r);
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     let r = List.find_map f [ "a", 1; "b", 2; "this", 3; "this", 4 ] in
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     assert (3 = r);
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     let r = List.find_map f [ "this", 5 ] in
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     assert (5 = r)
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     Not_found -> assert false
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     ignore (List.find_map f []); assert false
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     Not_found -> ()
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     ignore (List.find_map f [ "a", 1 ]); assert false
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     Not_found -> ()
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     ignore (List.find_map f [ "a", 1; "b", 2 ]); assert false
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     Not_found -> ()
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(* Issue 12: List.make not tail-recursive *)
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let test_make () =
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  let l = List.make 10_000_000 1 in
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  assert (List.length l = 10_000_000)
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let () =
rpm-build 0f2925
  Util.register "ExtList" [
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    "iteri", test_iteri;
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    "mapi", test_mapi;
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    "exceptions", test_exceptions;
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    "find_exc", test_find_exc;
rpm-build 0f2925
    "findi", test_findi;
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    "fold_right", test_fold_right;
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    "fold_right2", test_fold_right2;
rpm-build 0f2925
    "map", test_map;
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    "find_map", test_find_map;
rpm-build 0f2925
    "make", test_make;
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