Blame src/uTF8.mli

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 * UTF-8 - UTF-8 encoded Unicode string
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 * Copyright 2002, 2003 (C) Yamagata Yoriyuki. 
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 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
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 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
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 * with the special exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
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 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
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 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
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(** UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings. 
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   The Module for UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings.
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open UChar
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(** UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings. the type is normal string. *)
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type t = string
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exception Malformed_code
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(** [validate s]
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   Succeeds if s is valid UTF-8, otherwise raises Malformed_code.
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   Other functions assume strings are valid UTF-8, so it is prudent
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   to test their validity for strings from untrusted origins. *)
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val validate : t -> unit
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(* All functions below assume string are valid UTF-8.  If not,
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 * the result is unspecified. *)
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(** [get s n] returns [n]-th Unicode character of [s].
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   The call requires O(n)-time. *)
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val get : t -> int -> uchar
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(** [init len f] 
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   returns a new string which contains [len] Unicode characters.
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   The i-th Unicode character is initialized by [f i] *)
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val init : int -> (int -> uchar) -> t
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(** [length s] returns the number of Unicode characters contained in s *)
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val length : t -> int
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(** Positions in the string represented by the number of bytes from the head.
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   The location of the first character is [0] *)
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type index = int
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(** [nth s n] returns the position of the [n]-th Unicode character. 
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   The call requires O(n)-time *)
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val nth : t -> int -> index
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(** The position of the head of the last Unicode character. *)
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val last : t -> index
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(** [look s i]
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   returns the Unicode character of the location [i] in the string [s]. *)
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val look : t -> index -> uchar
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(** [substring s i len] returns the substring made of the Unicode locations [i] to [i + len - 1] inclusive.
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   The string is always copied *)
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val substring : t -> int -> int -> t
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(** [out_of_range s i]
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   tests whether [i] is a position inside of [s]. *)
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val out_of_range : t -> index -> bool
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(** [compare_index s i1 i2] returns
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   a value < 0 if [i1] is the position located before [i2], 
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   0 if [i1] and [i2] points the same location,
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   a value > 0 if [i1] is the position located after [i2]. *)
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val compare_index : t -> index -> index -> int
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(** [next s i]
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   returns the position of the head of the Unicode character
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   located immediately after [i]. 
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   If [i] is inside of [s], the function always successes.
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   If [i] is inside of [s] and there is no Unicode character after [i],
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   the position outside [s] is returned.  
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   If [i] is not inside of [s], the behaviour is unspecified. *)
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val next : t -> index -> index
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(** [prev s i]
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   returns the position of the head of the Unicode character
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   located immediately before [i]. 
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   If [i] is inside of [s], the function always successes.
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   If [i] is inside of [s] and there is no Unicode character before [i],
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   the position outside [s] is returned.  
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   If [i] is not inside of [s], the behaviour is unspecified. *)
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val prev : t -> index -> index
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(** [move s i n]
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   returns [n]-th Unicode character after [i] if n >= 0,
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   [n]-th Unicode character before [i] if n < 0.
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   If there is no such character, the result is unspecified. *)
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val move : t -> index -> int -> index
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(** [iter f s]
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   applies [f] to all Unicode characters in [s].  
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   The order of application is same to the order 
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   of the Unicode characters in [s]. *)
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val iter : (uchar -> unit) -> t -> unit
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(** Code point comparison by the lexicographic order.
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   [compare s1 s2] returns
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   a positive integer if [s1] > [s2],
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   0 if [s1] = [s2],
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   a negative integer if [s1] < [s2]. *)
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val compare : t -> t -> int
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(** Buffer module for UTF-8 strings *)
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module Buf : sig
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  (** Buffers for UTF-8 strings. *) 
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  type buf
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  (** [create n] creates a buffer with the initial size [n]-bytes. *)   
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  val create : int -> buf
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  (* The rest of functions is similar to the ones of Buffer in stdlib. *)
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  (** [contents buf] returns the contents of the buffer. *)
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  val contents : buf -> t
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  (** Empty the buffer, 
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     but retains the internal storage which was holding the contents *)
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  val clear : buf -> unit
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  (** Empty the buffer and de-allocate the internal storage. *)
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  val reset : buf -> unit
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  (** Add one Unicode character to the buffer. *)
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  val add_char : buf -> uchar -> unit
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  (** Add the UTF-8 string to the buffer. *)
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  val add_string : buf -> t -> unit
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  (** [add_buffer b1 b2] adds the contents of [b2] to [b1].
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     The contents of [b2] is not changed. *)
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  val add_buffer : buf -> buf -> unit
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