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rpm-build 0f2925
open ExtBytes
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rpm-build 0f2925
module Buffer = struct
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  include Buffer
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rpm-build 0f2925
#if OCAML < 402
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  (* The uses of unsafe_{of,to}_string above are not semantically
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     justified, as the Buffer implementation may very well capture and
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     share parts of its internal buffer, or of input string given as
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     They are however correct with respect to the implementation being
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     used in OCaml 4.02.0; this implementation must be revisited if
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     the string representation changes. *)
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  let to_bytes b =
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    Bytes.unsafe_of_string (contents b)
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  let add_subbytes b s offset len =
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    add_substring b (Bytes.unsafe_to_string s) offset len
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  let add_bytes b s = add_string b (Bytes.unsafe_to_string s)
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rpm-build 0f2925