Blame src/IO.mli

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 * IO - Abstract input/output
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 * Copyright (C) 2003 Nicolas Cannasse
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 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
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 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
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 * with the special exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
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 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
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 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
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(** High-order abstract I/O.
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  IO module simply deals with abstract inputs/outputs. It provides a
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  set of methods for working with these IO as well as several
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  constructors that enable to write to an underlying channel, buffer,
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  or enum.
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open ExtBytes
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type input
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(** The abstract input type. *)
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type 'a output
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(** The abstract output type, ['a] is the accumulator data, it is returned
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  when the [close_out] function is called. *)
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exception No_more_input
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(** This exception is raised when reading on an input with the [read] or
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  [nread] functions while there is no available token to read. *)
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exception Input_closed
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(** This exception is raised when reading on a closed input. *)
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exception Output_closed
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(** This exception is raised when reading on a closed output. *)
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(** {6 Standard API} *)
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val read : input -> char
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(** Read a single char from an input or raise [No_more_input] if
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  no input available. *)
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val nread : input -> int -> Bytes.t
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(** [nread i n] reads a byte sequence of size up to [n] from an input.
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  The function will raise [No_more_input] if no input is available.
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  It will raise [Invalid_argument] if [n] < 0. *)
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val really_nread : input -> int -> Bytes.t
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(** [really_nread i n] reads a byte sequence of exactly [n] characters
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  from the input. Raises [No_more_input] if at least [n] characters are
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  not available. Raises [Invalid_argument] if [n] < 0. *)
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val nread_string : input -> int -> string
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(** as [nread], but reads a string. *)
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val really_nread_string : input -> int -> string
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(** as [really_nread], but reads a string. *)
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val input : input -> Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int
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(** [input i b p l] reads up to [l] characters from the given input, storing
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  them in buffer [b], starting at character number [p]. It returns the actual
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  number of characters read or raise [No_more_input] if no character can be
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  read. It will raise [Invalid_argument] if [p] and [l] do not designate a
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  valid subsequence of [b]. *)
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val really_input : input -> Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int
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(** [really_input i b p l] reads exactly [l] characters from the given input,
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  storing them in the buffer [b], starting at position [p]. For consistency with
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  {!IO.input} it returns [l]. Raises [No_more_input] if at [l] characters are
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  not available. Raises [Invalid_argument] if [p] and [l] do not designate a
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  valid subsequence of [b]. *)
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val close_in : input -> unit
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(** Close the input. It can no longer be read from. *)
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val write : 'a output -> char -> unit
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(** Write a single char to an output. *)
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val nwrite : 'a output -> Bytes.t -> unit
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(** Write a byte sequence to an output. *)
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val nwrite_string : 'a output -> string -> unit
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(** Write a string to an output. *)
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val output : 'a output -> Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int
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(** [output o b p l] writes up to [l] characters from byte sequence [b], starting at
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  offset [p]. It returns the number of characters written. It will raise
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  [Invalid_argument] if [p] and [l] do not designate a valid subsequence of [b]. *)
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val really_output : 'a output -> Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int
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(** [really_output o b p l] writes exactly [l] characters from byte sequence [b] onto
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  the the output, starting with the character at offset [p]. For consistency with
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  {!IO.output} it returns [l]. Raises [Invalid_argument] if [p] and [l] do not
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  designate a valid subsequence of [b]. *)
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val flush : 'a output -> unit
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(** Flush an output. *)
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val close_out : 'a output -> 'a
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(** Close the output and return its accumulator data.
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  It can no longer be written. *)
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(** {6 Creation of IO Inputs/Outputs} *)
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val input_string : string -> input
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(** Create an input that will read from a string. *)
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val input_bytes : Bytes.t -> input
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(** Create an input that will read from a byte sequence. *)
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val output_string : unit -> string output
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(** Create an output that will write into a string in an efficient way.
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  When closed, the output returns all the data written into it. *)
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val output_bytes : unit -> Bytes.t output
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(** Create an output that will write into a byte sequence in an efficient way.
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  When closed, the output returns all the data written into it. *)
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val output_strings : unit -> string list output
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(** Create an output that will write into a string in an efficient way.
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  When closed, the output returns all the data written into it.
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  Several strings are used in case the output size excess max_string_length
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val input_channel : in_channel -> input
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(** Create an input that will read from a channel. *)
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val output_channel : out_channel -> unit output
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(** Create an output that will write into a channel. *)
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val input_enum : char Enum.t -> input
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(** Create an input that will read from an [enum]. *)
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val output_enum : unit -> char Enum.t output
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(** Create an output that will write into an [enum]. The
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  final enum is returned when the output is closed. *)
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val create_in :
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  read:(unit -> char) ->
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  input:(Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int) -> close:(unit -> unit) -> input
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(** Fully create an input by giving all the needed functions. *)
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val create_out :
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  write:(char -> unit) ->
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  output:(Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int) ->
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  flush:(unit -> unit) -> close:(unit -> 'a) -> 'a output
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(** Fully create an output by giving all the needed functions. *)
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(** {6 Utilities} *)
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val scanf : input -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) Scanf.scanner
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(** The scanf function works for any input. *)
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val printf : 'a output -> ('b, unit, string, unit) format4 -> 'b
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(** The printf function works for any output. *)
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val read_all : input -> string
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(** read all the contents of the input until [No_more_input] is raised. *)
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val pipe : unit -> input * unit output
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(** Create a pipe between an input and an ouput. Data written from
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  the output can be read from the input. *)
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val pos_in : input -> input * (unit -> int)
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(** Create an input that provide a count function of the number of Bytes.t
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  read from it. *)
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val pos_out : 'a output -> 'a output * (unit -> int)
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(** Create an output that provide a count function of the number of Bytes.t
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  written through it. *)
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external cast_output : 'a output -> unit output = "%identity"
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(** You can safely transform any output to an unit output in a safe way
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  by using this function. *)
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(** {6 Binary files API}
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  Here is some API useful for working with binary files, in particular
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  binary files generated by C applications. By default, encoding of
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  multibyte integers is low-endian. The BigEndian module provide multibyte
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  operations with other encoding.
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exception Overflow of string
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(** Exception raised when a read or write operation cannot be completed. *)
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val read_byte : input -> int
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(** Read an unsigned 8-bit integer. *)
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val read_signed_byte : input -> int
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(** Read an signed 8-bit integer. *)
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val read_ui16 : input -> int
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(** Read an unsigned 16-bit word. *)
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val read_i16 : input -> int
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(** Read a signed 16-bit word. *)
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val read_i31 : input -> int
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(** Read a signed 32-bit integer. Raise [Overflow] if the
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  read integer cannot be represented as an OCaml 31-bit integer. *)
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val read_i32 : input -> int
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(** Deprecated, same as read_i31 *)
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val read_i32_as_int : input -> int
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(** Read a signed 32-bit integer, represented as OCaml integer, wrapping around 31-bit int on 32-bit architecture *)
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val read_real_i32 : input -> int32
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(** Read a signed 32-bit integer as an OCaml int32. *)
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val read_i64 : input -> int64
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(** Read a signed 64-bit integer as an OCaml int64. *)
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val read_float32 : input -> float
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(** Read an IEEE single precision floating point value (32 bits). *)
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val read_double : input -> float
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(** Read an IEEE double precision floating point value (64 bits). *)
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val read_string : input -> string
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(** Read a null-terminated string. *)
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val read_bytes : input -> Bytes.t
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(** Read a null-terminated byte sequence. *)
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val read_line : input -> string
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(** Read a LF or CRLF terminated string. *)
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val write_byte : 'a output -> int -> unit
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(** Write an unsigned 8-bit byte. *)
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val write_ui16 : 'a output -> int -> unit
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(** Write an unsigned 16-bit word. *)
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val write_i16 : 'a output -> int -> unit
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(** Write a signed 16-bit word. *)
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val write_i31 : 'a output -> int -> unit
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(** Write a signed 31-bit integer as 4 bytes. *)
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val write_i32 : 'a output -> int -> unit
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(** Write a signed 32-bit integer. *)
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val write_real_i32 : 'a output -> int32 -> unit
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(** Write an OCaml int32. *)
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val write_i64 : 'a output -> int64 -> unit
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(** Write an OCaml int64. *)
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val write_float32 : 'a output -> float -> unit
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(** Write an IEEE single precision floating point value (32 bits). *)
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val write_double : 'a output -> float -> unit
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(** Write an IEEE double precision floating point value (64 bits). *)
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val write_string : 'a output -> string -> unit
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(** Write a string and append an null character. *)
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val write_bytes : 'a output -> Bytes.t -> unit
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(** Write a byte sequence and append an null character. *)
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val write_line : 'a output -> string -> unit
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(** Write a line and append a LF (it might be converted
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  to CRLF on some systems depending on the underlying IO). *)
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(** Same as operations above, but use big-endian encoding *)
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module BigEndian :
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  val read_ui16 : input -> int
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  val read_i16 : input -> int
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  val read_i31 : input -> int
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  val read_i32 : input -> int
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  val read_i32_as_int : input -> int
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  val read_real_i32 : input -> int32
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  val read_i64 : input -> int64
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  val read_float32 : input -> float
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  val read_double : input -> float
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  val write_ui16 : 'a output -> int -> unit
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  val write_i16 : 'a output -> int -> unit
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  val write_i31 : 'a output -> int -> unit
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  val write_i32 : 'a output -> int -> unit
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  val write_real_i32 : 'a output -> int32 -> unit
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  val write_i64 : 'a output -> int64 -> unit
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  val write_float32 : 'a output -> float -> unit
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  val write_double : 'a output -> float -> unit
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(** {6 Bits API}
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  This enable you to read and write from an IO bit-by-bit or several bits
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  at the same time.
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type in_bits
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type out_bits
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exception Bits_error
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val input_bits : input -> in_bits
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(** Read bits from an input *)
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val output_bits : 'a output -> out_bits
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(** Write bits to an output *)
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val read_bits : in_bits -> int -> int
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(** Read up to 31 bits, raise Bits_error if n < 0 or n > 31 *)
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val write_bits : out_bits -> nbits:int -> int -> unit
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(** Write up to 31 bits represented as a value, raise Bits_error if nbits < 0
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 or nbits > 31 or the value representation excess nbits. *)
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val flush_bits : out_bits -> unit
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(** Flush remaining unwritten bits, adding up to 7 bits which values 0. *)
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val drop_bits : in_bits -> unit
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(** Drop up to 7 buffered bits and restart to next input character. *)
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(** {6 Generic IO Object Wrappers}
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  Theses OO Wrappers have been written to provide easy support of ExtLib
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  IO by external librairies. If you want your library to support ExtLib
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  IO without actually requiring ExtLib to compile, you can should implement
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  the classes [in_channel], [out_channel], [poly_in_channel] and/or
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  [poly_out_channel] which are the common IO specifications established
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  for ExtLib, OCamlNet and Camomile.
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  (see for more details).
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class in_channel : input ->
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  method input : Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int
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  method close_in : unit -> unit
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class out_channel : 'a output ->
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  method output : Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int
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  method flush : unit -> unit
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  method close_out : unit -> unit
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class in_chars : input ->
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  method get : unit -> char
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  method close_in : unit -> unit
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class out_chars : 'a output ->
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  method put : char -> unit
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  method flush : unit -> unit
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  method close_out : unit -> unit
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val from_in_channel : #in_channel -> input
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val from_out_channel : #out_channel -> unit output
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val from_in_chars : #in_chars -> input
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val from_out_chars : #out_chars -> unit output