(****************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *) (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *) (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Camlp4 *) (* source tree. *) (* *) (****************************************************************************) type variable = string and term = | Var of variable | Lam of variable * term | App of term * term | Const of constant and constant = | CInt of int | CString of string ;; class fold = Camlp4Filters.GenerateFold.generated;; (* class fold = Camlp4FoldGenerator.generated;; *) module VarSet = Set.Make(String);; (* Compute free variables with the fold class *) let free_variables_v1 = let o = object (self) inherit fold as super val fv = VarSet.empty method fv = fv method empty_fv = {< fv = VarSet.empty >} method term t = match t with | Var(v) -> {< fv = VarSet.add v fv >} | Lam(v, t) -> let fv1 = VarSet.remove v (self#empty_fv#term t)#fv in {< fv = VarSet.union fv fv1 >} | _ -> super#term t end in fun t -> VarSet.elements (o#term t)#fv ;; (* Let's try to abstract that a little *) let fold_term f t init = let o = object (self) inherit fold as super val acc = init method get = acc method reset = {< acc = init >} method term t = {< acc = f t acc (fun t -> (self#reset#term t)#get) (fun t -> (super#term t)#get) >} end in (o#term t)#get ;; (* A nicer version of free_variables *) let free_variables_v2 t = VarSet.elements begin fold_term begin fun t fv self next -> match t with | Var(v) -> VarSet.add v fv | Lam(v, t) -> VarSet.union fv (VarSet.remove v (self t)) | _ -> next t end t VarSet.empty end ;; let term1 = App( App(Var"x1", Lam("x", App(Var"x", App(Var"y", (Lam("y", Lam("z", (App(Var"y", App(Var"x4",Var"z")))))))))), Var"x3") ;; let fv1 = free_variables_v1 term1;; let fv2 = free_variables_v2 term1;; (* Low cost syntax *) let ( ^-> ) v t = Lam(v, t) let ( @ ) t1 t2 = App(t1, t2) let ( ! ) s = Var s let term2 = !"x1" @ ("x" ^-> !"x" @ !"y" @ ("y" ^-> ("z" ^-> !"y" @ !"x4" @ !"z"))) @ !"x3" ;; let fv1' = free_variables_v1 term2;; let fv2' = free_variables_v2 term2;;