(* pa_r.cmo pa_rp.cmo pa_extend.cmo q_MLast.cmo pr_dump.cmo *) (***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Camlp4 *) (* *) (* Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *) (* the special exception on linking described in file *) (* ../../../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) module Plexer = struct open Stdpp; open Token; value buff = ref (String.create 80); value store len x = do { if len >= String.length buff.val then buff.val := buff.val ^ String.create (String.length buff.val) else (); buff.val.[len] := x; succ len } ; value mstore len s = add_rec len 0 where rec add_rec len i = if i == String.length s then len else add_rec (store len s.[i]) (succ i) ; value get_buff len = String.sub buff.val 0 len; value rec ident len = parser [ [: `('A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '\192'..'\214' | '\216'..'\246' | '\248'..'\255' | '0'..'9' | '_' | ''' as c) ; s :] -> ident (store len c) s | [: :] -> len ] and ident2 len = parser [ [: `('!' | '?' | '~' | '=' | '@' | '^' | '&' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '.' | ':' | '<' | '>' | '|' as c) ; s :] -> ident2 (store len c) s | [: :] -> len ] and ident3 len = parser [ [: `('0'..'9' | 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '\192'..'\214' | '\216'..'\246' | '\248'..'\255' | '_' | '!' | '%' | '&' | '*' | '+' | '-' | '.' | '/' | ':' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '?' | '@' | '^' | '|' | '~' | ''' | '$' as c) ; s :] -> ident3 (store len c) s | [: :] -> len ] and ident4 len = parser [ [: `('!' | '?' | '~' | '=' | '@' | '^' | '&' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '.' | '<' | '>' | '|' as c) ; s :] -> ident4 (store len c) s | [: :] -> len ] and base_number len = parser [ [: `'o' | 'O'; s :] -> octal_digits (store len 'o') s | [: `'x' | 'X'; s :] -> hexa_digits (store len 'x') s | [: `'b' | 'B'; s :] -> binary_digits (store len 'b') s | [: a = number len :] -> a ] and octal_digits len = parser [ [: `('0'..'7' as d); s :] -> octal_digits (store len d) s | [: :] -> ("INT", get_buff len) ] and hexa_digits len = parser [ [: `('0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' | 'A'..'F' as d); s :] -> hexa_digits (store len d) s | [: :] -> ("INT", get_buff len) ] and binary_digits len = parser [ [: `('0'..'1' as d); s :] -> binary_digits (store len d) s | [: :] -> ("INT", get_buff len) ] and number len = parser [ [: `('0'..'9' as c); s :] -> number (store len c) s | [: `'.'; s :] -> decimal_part (store len '.') s | [: `'e' | 'E'; s :] -> exponent_part (store len 'E') s | [: :] -> ("INT", get_buff len) ] and decimal_part len = parser [ [: `('0'..'9' as c); s :] -> decimal_part (store len c) s | [: `'e' | 'E'; s :] -> exponent_part (store len 'E') s | [: :] -> ("FLOAT", get_buff len) ] and exponent_part len = parser [ [: `('+' | '-' as c); s :] -> end_exponent_part (store len c) s | [: a = end_exponent_part len :] -> a ] and end_exponent_part len = parser [ [: `('0'..'9' as c); s :] -> end_exponent_part (store len c) s | [: :] -> ("FLOAT", get_buff len) ] ; value valch x = Char.code x - Char.code '0'; value rec backslash s i = if i = String.length s then raise Not_found else match s.[i] with [ 'n' -> ('\n', i + 1) | 'r' -> ('\r', i + 1) | 't' -> ('\t', i + 1) | 'b' -> ('\b', i + 1) | '\\' -> ('\\', i + 1) | '0'..'9' as c -> backslash1 (valch c) s (i + 1) | _ -> raise Not_found ] and backslash1 cod s i = if i = String.length s then (Char.chr cod, i) else match s.[i] with [ '0'..'9' as c -> backslash2 (10 * cod + valch c) s (i + 1) | _ -> (Char.chr cod, i) ] and backslash2 cod s i = if i = String.length s then (Char.chr cod, i) else match s.[i] with [ '0'..'9' as c -> (Char.chr (10 * cod + valch c), i + 1) | _ -> (Char.chr cod, i) ] ; value rec skip_indent s i = if i = String.length s then i else match s.[i] with [ ' ' | '\t' -> skip_indent s (i + 1) | _ -> i ] ; value skip_opt_linefeed s i = if i = String.length s then i else if s.[i] = '\010' then i + 1 else i ; value char_of_char_token s = if String.length s = 1 then s.[0] else if String.length s = 0 then failwith "invalid char token" else if s.[0] = '\\' then if String.length s = 2 && s.[1] = ''' then ''' else try let (c, i) = backslash s 1 in if i = String.length s then c else raise Not_found with [ Not_found -> failwith "invalid char token" ] else failwith "invalid char token" ; value string_of_string_token s = loop 0 0 where rec loop len i = if i = String.length s then get_buff len else let (len, i) = if s.[i] = '\\' then let i = i + 1 in if i = String.length s then failwith "invalid string token" else if s.[i] = '"' then (store len '"', i + 1) else match s.[i] with [ '\010' -> (len, skip_indent s (i + 1)) | '\013' -> (len, skip_indent s (skip_opt_linefeed s (i + 1))) | c -> try let (c, i) = backslash s i in (store len c, i) with [ Not_found -> (store (store len '\\') c, i + 1) ] ] else (store len s.[i], i + 1) in loop len i ; value rec skip_spaces = parser [ [: `' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' | '\026' | '\012'; s :] -> skip_spaces s | [: :] -> () ] ; value error_on_unknown_keywords = ref False; value next_token_fun find_id_kwd find_spe_kwd fname lnum bolpos = let make_pos p = {Lexing.pos_fname = fname.val; Lexing.pos_lnum = lnum.val; Lexing.pos_bol = bolpos.val; Lexing.pos_cnum = p} in let mkloc (bp, ep) = (make_pos bp, make_pos ep) in let err loc msg = raise_with_loc loc (Token.Error msg) in let keyword_or_error (bp,ep) s = try ("", find_spe_kwd s) with [ Not_found -> if error_on_unknown_keywords.val then err (mkloc (bp, ep)) ("illegal token: " ^ s) else ("", s) ] in let rec next_token = parser bp [ [: `('A'..'Z' | 'À'..'Ö' | 'Ø'..'Þ' as c); s :] -> let id = get_buff (ident (store 0 c) s) in try ("", find_id_kwd id) with [ Not_found -> ("UIDENT", id) ] | [: `('a'..'z' | 'ß'..'ö' | 'ø'..'ÿ' | '_' as c); s :] -> let id = get_buff (ident (store 0 c) s) in let is_label = match Stream.peek s with [ Some ':' -> match Stream.npeek 2 s with [ [_; ':' | '=' | '>'] -> False | _ -> True ] | _ -> False ] in if is_label then do { Stream.junk s; ("LABEL", id) } else try ("", find_id_kwd id) with [ Not_found -> ("LIDENT", id) ] | [: `('1'..'9' as c); s :] -> number (store 0 c) s | [: `'0'; s :] -> base_number (store 0 '0') s | [: `'''; s :] ep -> match Stream.npeek 2 s with [ [_; '''] | ['\\'; _] -> ("CHAR", char bp 0 s) | _ -> keyword_or_error (bp, ep) "'" ] | [: `'"'; s :] -> ("STRING", string bp 0 s) | [: `'$'; s :] -> locate_or_antiquot bp 0 s | [: `('!' | '~' | '=' | '@' | '^' | '&' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' as c) ; s :] -> let id = get_buff (ident2 (store 0 c) s) in keyword_or_error (bp, Stream.count s) id | [: `('?' as c); s :] -> let id = get_buff (ident4 (store 0 c) s) in keyword_or_error (bp, Stream.count s) id | [: `'<'; s :] -> less bp s | [: `(':' as c1); (is_label, len) = parser [ [: `(']' | ':' | '=' | '>' as c2) :] -> (False, store (store 0 c1) c2) | [: `('a'..'z' | 'ß'..'ö' | 'ø'..'ÿ' | '_' as c); s :] -> (True, ident (store 0 c) s) | [: :] -> (False, store 0 c1) ] :] ep -> let id = get_buff len in if is_label then ("ELABEL", id) else keyword_or_error (bp, ep) id | [: `('>' | '|' as c1); len = parser [ [: `(']' | '}' as c2) :] -> store (store 0 c1) c2 | [: a = ident2 (store 0 c1) :] -> a ] :] ep -> let id = get_buff len in keyword_or_error (bp, ep) id | [: `('[' | '{' as c1); s :] -> let len = match Stream.npeek 2 s with [ ['<'; '<' | ':'] -> store 0 c1 | _ -> match s with parser [ [: `('|' | '<' | ':' as c2) :] -> store (store 0 c1) c2 | [: :] -> store 0 c1 ] ] in let ep = Stream.count s in let id = get_buff len in keyword_or_error (bp, ep) id | [: `'.'; id = parser [ [: `'.' :] -> ".." | [: :] -> "." ] :] ep -> keyword_or_error (bp, ep) id | [: `';'; id = parser [ [: `';' :] -> ";;" | [: :] -> ";" ] :] ep -> keyword_or_error (bp, ep) id | [: `'\\'; s :] -> ("LIDENT", get_buff (ident3 0 s)) | [: `c :] ep -> keyword_or_error (bp, ep) (String.make 1 c) ] and less bp = parser [ [: `'<'; s :] -> ("QUOTATION", ":" ^ get_buff (quotation bp 0 s)) | [: `':'; i = parser [: len = ident 0 :] -> get_buff len; `'<' ? "character '<' expected"; s :] -> ("QUOTATION", i ^ ":" ^ get_buff (quotation bp 0 s)) | [: s :] ep -> let id = get_buff (ident2 (store 0 '<') s) in keyword_or_error (bp, ep) id ] and string bp len = parser [ [: `'"' :] -> get_buff len | [: `'\\'; `c; s :] -> string bp (store (store len '\\') c) s | [: `c; s :] -> string bp (store len c) s | [: :] ep -> err (mkloc (bp, ep)) "string not terminated" ] and char bp len = parser [ [: `'''; s :] -> if len = 0 then char bp (store len ''') s else get_buff len | [: `'\\'; `c; s :] -> char bp (store (store len '\\') c) s | [: `c; s :] -> char bp (store len c) s | [: :] ep -> err (mkloc(bp,ep)) "char not terminated" ] and locate_or_antiquot bp len = parser [ [: `'$' :] -> ("ANTIQUOT", ":" ^ get_buff len) | [: `('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' as c); s :] -> antiquot bp (store len c) s | [: `('0'..'9' as c); s :] -> maybe_locate bp (store len c) s | [: `':'; s :] -> let k = get_buff len in ("ANTIQUOT", k ^ ":" ^ locate_or_antiquot_rest bp 0 s) | [: `'\\'; `c; s :] -> ("ANTIQUOT", ":" ^ locate_or_antiquot_rest bp (store len c) s) | [: `c; s :] -> ("ANTIQUOT", ":" ^ locate_or_antiquot_rest bp (store len c) s) | [: :] ep -> err (mkloc(bp,ep)) "antiquotation not terminated" ] and maybe_locate bp len = parser [ [: `'$' :] -> ("ANTIQUOT", ":" ^ get_buff len) | [: `('0'..'9' as c); s :] -> maybe_locate bp (store len c) s | [: `':'; s :] -> ("LOCATE", get_buff len ^ ":" ^ locate_or_antiquot_rest bp 0 s) | [: `'\\'; `c; s :] -> ("ANTIQUOT", ":" ^ locate_or_antiquot_rest bp (store len c) s) | [: `c; s :] -> ("ANTIQUOT", ":" ^ locate_or_antiquot_rest bp (store len c) s) | [: :] ep -> err (mkloc(bp,ep)) "antiquotation not terminated" ] and antiquot bp len = parser [ [: `'$' :] -> ("ANTIQUOT", ":" ^ get_buff len) | [: `('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' as c); s :] -> antiquot bp (store len c) s | [: `':'; s :] -> let k = get_buff len in ("ANTIQUOT", k ^ ":" ^ locate_or_antiquot_rest bp 0 s) | [: `'\\'; `c; s :] -> ("ANTIQUOT", ":" ^ locate_or_antiquot_rest bp (store len c) s) | [: `c; s :] -> ("ANTIQUOT", ":" ^ locate_or_antiquot_rest bp (store len c) s) | [: :] ep -> err (mkloc(bp,ep)) "antiquotation not terminated" ] and locate_or_antiquot_rest bp len = parser [ [: `'$' :] -> get_buff len | [: `'\\'; `c; s :] -> locate_or_antiquot_rest bp (store len c) s | [: `c; s :] -> locate_or_antiquot_rest bp (store len c) s | [: :] ep -> err (mkloc(bp,ep)) "antiquotation not terminated" ] and quotation bp len = parser [ [: `'>'; s :] -> maybe_end_quotation bp len s | [: `'<'; s :] -> quotation bp (maybe_nested_quotation bp (store len '<') __strm) s | [: `'\\'; len = parser [ [: `('>' | '<' | '\\' as c) :] -> store len c | [: :] -> store len '\\' ]; s :] -> quotation bp len s | [: `c; s :] -> quotation bp (store len c) s | [: :] ep -> err (mkloc(bp,ep)) "quotation not terminated" ] and maybe_nested_quotation bp len = parser [ [: `'<'; s :] -> mstore (quotation bp (store len '<') s) ">>" | [: `':'; len = ident (store len ':'); a = parser [ [: `'<'; s :] -> mstore (quotation bp (store len '<') s) ">>" | [: :] -> len ] :] -> a | [: :] -> len ] and maybe_end_quotation bp len = parser [ [: `'>' :] -> len | [: a = quotation bp (store len '>') :] -> a ] in let rec next_token_loc = parser bp [ [: `' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' | '\026' | '\012'; s :] -> next_token_loc s | [: `'('; s :] -> maybe_comment bp s | [: `'#'; _ = spaces_tabs; a = linenum bp :] -> a | [: tok = next_token :] ep -> (tok, mkloc(bp, ep)) | [: _ = Stream.empty :] -> (("EOI", ""), mkloc(bp, succ bp)) ] and maybe_comment bp = parser [ [: `'*'; s :] -> do { comment bp s; next_token_loc s } | [: :] ep -> let tok = keyword_or_error (bp, ep) "(" in (tok, mkloc(bp, ep)) ] and comment bp = parser [ [: `'('; s :] -> maybe_nested_comment bp s | [: `'*'; s :] -> maybe_end_comment bp s | [: `c; s :] -> comment bp s | [: :] ep -> err (mkloc(bp,ep)) "comment not terminated" ] and maybe_nested_comment bp = parser [ [: `'*'; s :] -> do { comment bp s; comment bp s } | [: a = comment bp :] -> a ] and maybe_end_comment bp = parser [ [: `')' :] -> () | [: a = comment bp :] -> a ] and linenum bp = parser [ [: `'0'..'9'; _ = digits; _ = spaces_tabs; `'"'; _ = any_to_nl; s :] -> next_token_loc s | [: :] -> (keyword_or_error (bp, bp + 1) "#", mkloc(bp, bp + 1)) ] and spaces_tabs = parser [ [: `' ' | '\t'; s :] -> spaces_tabs s | [: :] -> () ] and digits = parser [ [: `'0'..'9'; s :] -> digits s | [: :] -> () ] and any_to_nl = parser [ [: `'\r' | '\n' :] -> () | [: `_; s :] -> any_to_nl s | [: :] -> () ] in fun cstrm -> try next_token_loc cstrm with [ Stream.Error str -> err (mkloc(Stream.count cstrm, Stream.count cstrm + 1)) str ] ; value locerr () = invalid_arg "Lexer: location function"; value loct_create () = ref (Array.create 1024 None); value loct_func loct i = match if i < 0 || i >= Array.length loct.val then None else Array.unsafe_get loct.val i with [ Some loc -> loc | _ -> locerr () ] ; value loct_add loct i loc = do { if i >= Array.length loct.val then do { let new_tmax = Array.length loct.val * 2 in let new_loct = Array.create new_tmax None in Array.blit loct.val 0 new_loct 0 (Array.length loct.val); loct.val := new_loct } else (); loct.val.(i) := Some loc } ; value func kwd_table = let bolpos = ref 0 in let lnum = ref 0 in let fname = ref "" in let find = Hashtbl.find kwd_table in let lex cstrm = let next_token_loc = next_token_fun find find fname lnum bolpos in let loct = loct_create () in let ts = Stream.from (fun i -> let (tok, loc) = next_token_loc cstrm in do { loct_add loct i loc; Some tok }) in let locf = loct_func loct in (ts, locf) in lex ; value rec check_keyword_stream = parser [: _ = check; _ = Stream.empty :] -> True and check = parser [ [: `'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | 'À'..'Ö' | 'Ø'..'ö' | 'ø'..'ÿ'; s :] -> check_ident s | [: `'!' | '?' | '~' | '=' | '@' | '^' | '&' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '.' ; s :] -> check_ident2 s | [: `'<'; s :] -> match Stream.npeek 1 s with [ [':' | '<'] -> () | _ -> check_ident2 s ] | [: `':'; _ = parser [ [: `']' | ':' | '=' | '>' :] -> () | [: :] -> () ] :] ep -> () | [: `'>' | '|'; _ = parser [ [: `']' | '}' :] -> () | [: a = check_ident2 :] -> a ] :] -> () | [: `'[' | '{'; s :] -> match Stream.npeek 2 s with [ ['<'; '<' | ':'] -> () | _ -> match s with parser [ [: :] -> match Stream.peek __strm with [ Some ('|' | '<' | ':') -> Stream.junk __strm | _ -> () ] ] ] | [: `';'; _ = parser [ [: `';' :] -> () | [: :] -> () ] :] -> () | [: `_ :] -> () ] and check_ident = parser [ [: `'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | 'À'..'Ö' | 'Ø'..'ö' | 'ø'..'ÿ' | '0'..'9' | '_' | ''' ; s :] -> check_ident s | [: :] -> () ] and check_ident2 = parser [ [: `'!' | '?' | '~' | '=' | '@' | '^' | '&' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '.' | ':' | '<' | '>' | '|' ; s :] -> check_ident2 s | [: :] -> () ] ; value check_keyword s = try check_keyword_stream (Stream.of_string s) with _ -> False ; value using_token kwd_table (p_con, p_prm) = match p_con with [ "" -> try let _ = Hashtbl.find kwd_table p_prm in () with [ Not_found -> if check_keyword p_prm then Hashtbl.add kwd_table p_prm p_prm else raise (Token.Error ("the token \"" ^ p_prm ^ "\" does not respect Plexer rules")) ] | "LIDENT" | "UIDENT" | "INT" | "FLOAT" | "CHAR" | "STRING" | "QUOTATION" | "ANTIQUOT" | "LOCATE" | "LABEL" | "ELABEL" | "EOI" -> () | _ -> raise (Token.Error ("the constructor \"" ^ p_con ^ "\" is not recognized by Llexer")) ] ; value removing_token kwd_table (p_con, p_prm) = if p_con = "" then Hashtbl.remove kwd_table p_prm else () ; value text = fun [ ("", t) -> "'" ^ t ^ "'" | ("LIDENT", "") -> "lowercase identifier" | ("LIDENT", t) -> "'" ^ t ^ "'" | ("UIDENT", "") -> "uppercase identifier" | ("UIDENT", t) -> "'" ^ t ^ "'" | ("INT", "") -> "integer" | ("INT", s) -> "'" ^ s ^ "'" | ("FLOAT", "") -> "float" | ("STRING", "") -> "string" | ("CHAR", "") -> "char" | ("QUOTATION", "") -> "quotation" | ("ANTIQUOT", k) -> "antiquot \"" ^ k ^ "\"" | ("LOCATE", "") -> "locate" | ("LABEL", "") -> "label" | ("ELABEL", "") -> "elabel" | ("EOI", "") -> "end of input" | (con, "") -> con | (con, prm) -> con ^ " \"" ^ prm ^ "\"" ] ; value eq_before_colon p e = loop 0 where rec loop i = if i == String.length e then failwith "Internal error in Plexer: incorrect ANTIQUOT" else if i == String.length p then e.[i] == ':' else if p.[i] == e.[i] then loop (i + 1) else False ; value after_colon e = try let i = String.index e ':' in String.sub e (i + 1) (String.length e - i - 1) with [ Not_found -> "" ] ; value gmake () = let kwd_table = Hashtbl.create 301 in {tok_func = func kwd_table; tok_using = using_token kwd_table; tok_removing = removing_token kwd_table; tok_match = Token.default_match; tok_text = text; tok_comm = None} ; end ; open Stdpp; open Pcaml; Pcaml.no_constructors_arity.val := True; do { Grammar.Unsafe.gram_reinit gram (Plexer.gmake ()); Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry interf; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry implem; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry top_phrase; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry use_file; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry module_type; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry module_expr; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry sig_item; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry str_item; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry expr; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry patt; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry ctyp; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry let_binding; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry class_type; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry class_expr; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry class_sig_item; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry class_str_item }; Pcaml.parse_interf.val := Grammar.Entry.parse interf; Pcaml.parse_implem.val := Grammar.Entry.parse implem; value o2b = fun [ Some _ -> True | None -> False ] ; value mkumin loc f arg = match arg with [ <:expr< $int:n$ >> when int_of_string n > 0 -> let n = "-" ^ n in <:expr< $int:n$ >> | <:expr< $flo:n$ >> when float_of_string n > 0.0 -> let n = "-" ^ n in <:expr< $flo:n$ >> | _ -> let f = "~" ^ f in <:expr< $lid:f$ $arg$ >> ] ; external loc_of_node : 'a -> Loc.t = "%field0"; value mklistexp loc last = loop True where rec loop top = fun [ [] -> match last with [ Some e -> e | None -> <:expr< [] >> ] | [e1 :: el] -> let loc = if top then loc else (fst (loc_of_node e1), snd loc) in <:expr< [$e1$ :: $loop False el$] >> ] ; value mklistpat loc last = loop True where rec loop top = fun [ [] -> match last with [ Some p -> p | None -> <:patt< [] >> ] | [p1 :: pl] -> let loc = if top then loc else (fst (loc_of_node p1), snd loc) in <:patt< [$p1$ :: $loop False pl$] >> ] ; value neg s = string_of_int (- int_of_string s); value is_operator = let ht = Hashtbl.create 73 in let ct = Hashtbl.create 73 in do { List.iter (fun x -> Hashtbl.add ht x True) ["asr"; "land"; "lor"; "lsl"; "lsr"; "lxor"; "mod"; "or"]; List.iter (fun x -> Hashtbl.add ct x True) ['!'; '&'; '*'; '+'; '-'; '/'; ':'; '<'; '='; '>'; '@'; '^'; '|'; '~'; '?'; '%'; '.']; fun x -> try Hashtbl.find ht x with [ Not_found -> try Hashtbl.find ct x.[0] with _ -> False ] } ; (* value p_operator strm = match Stream.peek strm with [ Some (Token.Tterm "(") -> match Stream.npeek 3 strm with [ [_; Token.Tterm x; Token.Tterm ")"] when is_operator x -> do { Stream.junk strm; Stream.junk strm; Stream.junk strm; x } | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ] | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ] ; value operator = Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "operator" p_operator; *) value operator = Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "operator" (parser [: `("", x) when is_operator x :] -> x) ; value symbolchar = let list = ['!'; '$'; '%'; '&'; '*'; '+'; '-'; '.'; '/'; ':'; '<'; '='; '>'; '?'; '@'; '^'; '|'; '~'] in let rec loop s i = if i == String.length s then True else if List.mem s.[i] list then loop s (i + 1) else False in loop ; value prefixop = let list = ['!'; '?'; '~'] in let excl = ["!="] in Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "prefixop" (parser [: `("", x) when not (List.mem x excl) && String.length x >= 2 && List.mem x.[0] list && symbolchar x 1 :] -> x) ; value infixop0 = let list = ['='; '<'; '>'; '|'; '&'; '$'] in let excl = ["<-"; "||"; "&&"] in Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "infixop0" (parser [: `("", x) when not (List.mem x excl) && String.length x >= 2 && List.mem x.[0] list && symbolchar x 1 :] -> x) ; value infixop1 = let list = ['@'; '^'] in Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "infixop1" (parser [: `("", x) when String.length x >= 2 && List.mem x.[0] list && symbolchar x 1 :] -> x) ; value infixop2 = let list = ['+'; '-'] in Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "infixop2" (parser [: `("", x) when x <> "->" && String.length x >= 2 && List.mem x.[0] list && symbolchar x 1 :] -> x) ; value infixop3 = let list = ['*'; '/'; '%'] in Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "infixop3" (parser [: `("", x) when String.length x >= 2 && List.mem x.[0] list && symbolchar x 1 :] -> x) ; value infixop4 = Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "infixop4" (parser [: `("", x) when String.length x >= 3 && x.[0] == '*' && x.[1] == '*' && symbolchar x 2 :] -> x) ; value test_constr_decl = Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "test_constr_decl" (fun strm -> match Stream.npeek 1 strm with [ [("UIDENT", _)] -> match Stream.npeek 2 strm with [ [_; ("", ".")] -> raise Stream.Failure | [_; ("", "(")] -> raise Stream.Failure | [_ :: _] -> () | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ] | [("", "|")] -> () | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ]) ; value stream_peek_nth n strm = loop n (Stream.npeek n strm) where rec loop n = fun [ [] -> None | [x] -> if n == 1 then Some x else None | [_ :: l] -> loop (n - 1) l ] ; value test_label_eq = let rec test lev strm = match stream_peek_nth lev strm with [ Some (("UIDENT", _) | ("LIDENT", _) | ("", ".")) -> test (lev + 1) strm | Some ("", "=") -> () | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ] in Grammar.Entry.of_parser gram "test_label_eq" (test 1) ; value constr_arity = ref [("Some", 1); ("Match_Failure", 1)]; value rec constr_expr_arity = fun [ <:expr< $uid:c$ >> -> try List.assoc c constr_arity.val with [ Not_found -> 0 ] | <:expr< $uid:_$.$e$ >> -> constr_expr_arity e | _ -> 1 ] ; value rec constr_patt_arity = fun [ <:patt< $uid:c$ >> -> try List.assoc c constr_arity.val with [ Not_found -> 0 ] | <:patt< $uid:_$.$p$ >> -> constr_patt_arity p | _ -> 1 ] ; value rec get_seq = fun [ <:expr< do { $list:el$ } >> -> el | e -> [e] ] ; value choose_tvar tpl = let rec find_alpha v = let s = String.make 1 v in if List.mem_assoc s tpl then if v = 'z' then None else find_alpha (Char.chr (Char.code v + 1)) else Some (String.make 1 v) in let rec make_n n = let v = "a" ^ string_of_int n in if List.mem_assoc v tpl then make_n (succ n) else v in match find_alpha 'a' with [ Some x -> x | None -> make_n 1 ] ; value rec patt_lid = fun [ <:patt< $lid:i$ $p$ >> -> Some (i, [p]) | <:patt< $p1$ $p2$ >> -> match patt_lid p1 with [ Some (i, pl) -> Some (i, [p2 :: pl]) | None -> None ] | _ -> None ] ; value type_parameter = Grammar.Entry.create gram "type_parameter"; value fun_def = Grammar.Entry.create gram "fun_def"; value fun_binding = Grammar.Entry.create gram "fun_binding"; EXTEND GLOBAL: interf implem top_phrase use_file sig_item str_item ctyp patt expr module_type module_expr let_binding type_parameter fun_def fun_binding; (* Main entry points *) interf: [ [ st = LIST0 [ s = sig_item; OPT ";;" -> (s, loc) ]; EOI -> (st, False) ] ] ; implem: [ [ st = LIST0 [ s = str_item; OPT ";;" -> (s, loc) ]; EOI -> (st, False) ] ] ; top_phrase: [ [ ph = phrase; ";;" -> Some ph | EOI -> None ] ] ; use_file: [ [ l = LIST0 [ ph = phrase; OPT ";;" -> ph ]; EOI -> (l, False) ] ] ; phrase: [ [ sti = str_item -> sti | "#"; n = LIDENT; dp = dir_param -> MLast.StDir loc n dp ] ] ; dir_param: [ [ -> None | e = expr -> Some e ] ] ; (* Module expressions *) module_expr: [ [ "functor"; "("; i = UIDENT; ":"; t = module_type; ")"; "->"; me = SELF -> <:module_expr< functor ( $i$ : $t$ ) -> $me$ >> | "struct"; st = LIST0 [ s = str_item; OPT ";;" -> s ]; "end" -> <:module_expr< struct $list:st$ end >> ] | [ me1 = SELF; me2 = SELF -> <:module_expr< $me1$ $me2$ >> ] | [ i = mod_expr_ident -> i | "("; me = SELF; ":"; mt = module_type; ")" -> <:module_expr< ( $me$ : $mt$ ) >> | "("; me = SELF; ")" -> <:module_expr< $me$ >> ] ] ; mod_expr_ident: [ LEFTA [ m1 = SELF; "."; m2 = SELF -> <:module_expr< $m1$ . $m2$ >> ] | [ m = UIDENT -> <:module_expr< $uid:m$ >> ] ] ; str_item: [ "top" [ "exception"; (_, c, tl) = constructor_declaration -> <:str_item< exception $c$ of $list:tl$ >> | "external"; i = LIDENT; ":"; t = ctyp; "="; pd = LIST1 STRING -> <:str_item< external $i$ : $t$ = $list:pd$ >> | "external"; i = LABEL; t = ctyp; "="; pd = LIST1 STRING -> <:str_item< external $i$ : $t$ = $list:pd$ >> | "external"; "("; i = operator; ")"; ":"; t = ctyp; "="; pd = LIST1 STRING -> <:str_item< external $i$ : $t$ = $list:pd$ >> | "module"; i = UIDENT; mb = module_binding -> <:str_item< module $i$ = $mb$ >> | "module"; "type"; i = UIDENT; "="; mt = module_type -> <:str_item< module type $i$ = $mt$ >> | "open"; i = mod_ident -> <:str_item< open $i$ >> | "type"; tdl = LIST1 type_declaration SEP "and" -> <:str_item< type $list:tdl$ >> | "let"; r = OPT "rec"; l = LIST1 let_binding SEP "and"; "in"; x = expr -> let e = <:expr< let $opt:o2b r$ $list:l$ in $x$ >> in <:str_item< $exp:e$ >> | "let"; r = OPT "rec"; l = LIST1 let_binding SEP "and" -> match l with [ [(<:patt< _ >>, e)] -> <:str_item< $exp:e$ >> | _ -> <:str_item< value $opt:o2b r$ $list:l$ >> ] | "let"; "module"; m = UIDENT; mb = module_binding; "in"; e = expr -> <:str_item< let module $m$ = $mb$ in $e$ >> | e = expr -> <:str_item< $exp:e$ >> ] ] ; module_binding: [ RIGHTA [ "("; m = UIDENT; ":"; mt = module_type; ")"; mb = SELF -> <:module_expr< functor ( $m$ : $mt$ ) -> $mb$ >> | ":"; mt = module_type; "="; me = module_expr -> <:module_expr< ( $me$ : $mt$ ) >> | "="; me = module_expr -> <:module_expr< $me$ >> ] ] ; (* Module types *) module_type: [ [ "functor"; "("; i = UIDENT; ":"; t = SELF; ")"; "->"; mt = SELF -> <:module_type< functor ( $i$ : $t$ ) -> $mt$ >> ] | [ mt = SELF; "with"; wcl = LIST1 with_constr SEP "and" -> <:module_type< $mt$ with $list:wcl$ >> ] | [ "sig"; sg = LIST0 [ s = sig_item; OPT ";;" -> s ]; "end" -> <:module_type< sig $list:sg$ end >> | i = mod_type_ident -> i | "("; mt = SELF; ")" -> <:module_type< $mt$ >> ] ] ; mod_type_ident: [ LEFTA [ m1 = SELF; "."; m2 = SELF -> <:module_type< $m1$ . $m2$ >> | m1 = SELF; "("; m2 = SELF; ")" -> <:module_type< $m1$ $m2$ >> ] | [ m = UIDENT -> <:module_type< $uid:m$ >> | m = LIDENT -> <:module_type< $lid:m$ >> ] ] ; sig_item: [ "top" [ "exception"; (_, c, tl) = constructor_declaration -> <:sig_item< exception $c$ of $list:tl$ >> | "external"; i = LIDENT; ":"; t = ctyp; "="; pd = LIST1 STRING -> <:sig_item< external $i$ : $t$ = $list:pd$ >> | "external"; i = LABEL; t = ctyp; "="; pd = LIST1 STRING -> <:sig_item< external $i$ : $t$ = $list:pd$ >> | "external"; "("; i = operator; ")"; ":"; t = ctyp; "="; pd = LIST1 STRING -> <:sig_item< external $i$ : $t$ = $list:pd$ >> | "include"; mt = module_type -> <:sig_item< include $mt$ >> | "module"; i = UIDENT; mt = module_declaration -> <:sig_item< module $i$ : $mt$ >> | "module"; "type"; i = UIDENT; "="; mt = module_type -> <:sig_item< module type $i$ = $mt$ >> | "open"; i = mod_ident -> <:sig_item< open $i$ >> | "type"; tdl = LIST1 type_declaration SEP "and" -> <:sig_item< type $list:tdl$ >> | "val"; i = LIDENT; ":"; t = ctyp -> <:sig_item< value $i$ : $t$ >> | "val"; i = LABEL; t = ctyp -> <:sig_item< value $i$ : $t$ >> | "val"; "("; i = operator; ")"; ":"; t = ctyp -> <:sig_item< value $i$ : $t$ >> ] ] ; module_declaration: [ RIGHTA [ ":"; mt = module_type -> <:module_type< $mt$ >> | "("; i = UIDENT; ":"; t = module_type; ")"; mt = SELF -> <:module_type< functor ( $i$ : $t$ ) -> $mt$ >> ] ] ; (* "with" constraints (additional type equations over signature components) *) with_constr: [ [ "type"; tp = type_parameters; i = mod_ident; "="; t = ctyp -> MLast.WcTyp loc i tp t | "module"; i = mod_ident; "="; me = module_expr -> MLast.WcMod loc i me ] ] ; (* Core expressions *) expr: [ "top" LEFTA [ e1 = SELF; ";"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< do { $list:[e1 :: get_seq e2]$ } >> | e1 = SELF; ";" -> e1 ] | "expr1" [ "let"; o = OPT "rec"; l = LIST1 let_binding SEP "and"; "in"; x = expr LEVEL "top" -> <:expr< let $opt:o2b o$ $list:l$ in $x$ >> | "let"; "module"; m = UIDENT; mb = module_binding; "in"; e = expr LEVEL "top" -> <:expr< let module $m$ = $mb$ in $e$ >> | "function"; OPT "|"; l = LIST1 match_case SEP "|" -> <:expr< fun [ $list:l$ ] >> | "fun"; p = patt LEVEL "simple"; e = fun_def -> <:expr< fun [$p$ -> $e$] >> | "match"; x = SELF; "with"; OPT "|"; l = LIST1 match_case SEP "|" -> <:expr< match $x$ with [ $list:l$ ] >> | "try"; x = SELF; "with"; OPT "|"; l = LIST1 match_case SEP "|" -> <:expr< try $x$ with [ $list:l$ ] >> | "if"; e1 = SELF; "then"; e2 = expr LEVEL "expr1"; e3 = [ "else"; e = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> e | -> <:expr< () >> ] -> <:expr< if $e1$ then $e2$ else $e3$ >> | "for"; i = LIDENT; "="; e1 = SELF; df = direction_flag; e2 = SELF; "do"; e = SELF; "done" -> <:expr< for $i$ = $e1$ $to:df$ $e2$ do { $list:get_seq e$ } >> | "while"; e1 = SELF; "do"; e2 = SELF; "done" -> <:expr< while $e1$ do { $list:get_seq e2$ } >> ] | [ e = SELF; ","; el = LIST1 NEXT SEP "," -> <:expr< ( $list:[e :: el]$ ) >> ] | ":=" NONA [ e1 = SELF; ":="; e2 = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> <:expr< $e1$.val := $e2$ >> | e1 = SELF; "<-"; e2 = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> <:expr< $e1$ := $e2$ >> ] | "||" RIGHTA [ e1 = SELF; f = [ op = "or" -> op | op = "||" -> op ]; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:f$ $e1$ $e2$ >> ] | "&&" RIGHTA [ e1 = SELF; f = [ op = "&" -> op | op = "&&" -> op ]; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:f$ $e1$ $e2$ >> ] | "<" LEFTA [ e1 = SELF; f = [ op = "<" -> op | op = ">" -> op | op = "<=" -> op | op = ">=" -> op | op = "=" -> op | op = "<>" -> op | op = "==" -> op | op = "!=" -> op | op = infixop0 -> op ]; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:f$ $e1$ $e2$ >> ] | "^" RIGHTA [ e1 = SELF; f = [ op = "^" -> op | op = "@" -> op | op = infixop1 -> op ]; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:f$ $e1$ $e2$ >> ] | RIGHTA [ e1 = SELF; "::"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< [$e1$ :: $e2$] >> ] | "+" LEFTA [ e1 = SELF; f = [ op = "+" -> op | op = "-" -> op | op = "+." -> op | op = "-." -> op | op = infixop2 -> op ]; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:f$ $e1$ $e2$ >> ] | "*" LEFTA [ e1 = SELF; f = [ op = "*" -> op | op = "/" -> op | op = "*." -> op | op = "/." -> op | op = "land" -> op | op = "lor" -> op | op = "lxor" -> op | op = "mod" -> op | op = infixop3 -> op ]; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:f$ $e1$ $e2$ >> ] | "**" RIGHTA [ e1 = SELF; f = [ op = "**" -> op | op = "asr" -> op | op = "lsl" -> op | op = "lsr" -> op | op = infixop4 -> op ]; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:f$ $e1$ $e2$ >> ] | "unary minus" NONA [ f = [ op = "-" -> op | op = "-." -> op ]; e = SELF -> <:expr< $mkumin loc f e$ >> ] | "apply" LEFTA [ e1 = SELF; e2 = SELF -> match constr_expr_arity e1 with [ 1 -> <:expr< $e1$ $e2$ >> | _ -> match e2 with [ <:expr< ( $list:el$ ) >> -> List.fold_left (fun e1 e2 -> <:expr< $e1$ $e2$ >>) e1 el | _ -> <:expr< $e1$ $e2$ >> ] ] | "assert"; e = expr LEVEL "simple" -> match e with [ <:expr< False >> -> MLast.ExAsf loc | _ -> MLast.ExAsr loc e ] | "lazy"; e = SELF -> <:expr< lazy ($e$) >> ] | "simple" LEFTA [ e1 = SELF; "."; "("; e2 = SELF; ")" -> <:expr< $e1$ .( $e2$ ) >> | e1 = SELF; "."; "["; e2 = SELF; "]" -> <:expr< $e1$ .[ $e2$ ] >> | e1 = SELF; "."; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$ . $e2$ >> | "!"; e = SELF -> <:expr< $e$ . val>> | f = [ op = "~-" -> op | op = "~-." -> op | op = "~" -> op | op = prefixop -> op ]; e = SELF -> <:expr< $lid:f$ $e$ >> | s = INT -> <:expr< $int:s$ >> | s = FLOAT -> <:expr< $flo:s$ >> | s = STRING -> <:expr< $str:s$ >> | c = CHAR -> <:expr< $chr:c$ >> | i = expr_ident -> i | s = "false" -> <:expr< False >> | s = "true" -> <:expr< True >> | "["; "]" -> <:expr< [] >> | "["; el = expr1_semi_list; "]" -> <:expr< $mklistexp loc None el$ >> | "[|"; "|]" -> <:expr< [| |] >> | "[|"; el = expr1_semi_list; "|]" -> <:expr< [| $list:el$ |] >> | "{"; test_label_eq; lel = lbl_expr_list; "}" -> <:expr< { $list:lel$ } >> | "{"; e = expr LEVEL "simple"; "with"; lel = lbl_expr_list; "}" -> <:expr< { ($e$) with $list:lel$ } >> | "("; ")" -> <:expr< () >> | "("; e = SELF; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" -> <:expr< ($e$ : $t$) >> | "("; e = SELF; ")" -> <:expr< $e$ >> | "("; "-"; ")" -> <:expr< $lid:"-"$ >> | "("; "-."; ")" -> <:expr< $lid:"-."$ >> | "("; op = operator; ")" -> <:expr< $lid:op$ >> | "begin"; e = SELF; "end" -> <:expr< $e$ >> | x = LOCATE -> let x = try let i = String.index x ':' in ({Lexing.pos_fname = ""; Lexing.pos_lnum = 0; Lexing.pos_bol = 0; Lexing.pos_cnum = int_of_string (String.sub x 0 i)}, String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1)) with [ Not_found | Failure _ -> (Token.nowhere, x) ] in Pcaml.handle_expr_locate loc x | x = QUOTATION -> let x = try let i = String.index x ':' in (String.sub x 0 i, String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1)) with [ Not_found -> ("", x) ] in Pcaml.handle_expr_quotation loc x ] ] ; let_binding: [ [ p = patt; e = fun_binding -> match patt_lid p with [ Some (i, pl) -> let e = List.fold_left (fun e p -> <:expr< fun $p$ -> $e$ >>) e pl in (<:patt< $lid:i$ >>, e) | None -> (p, e) ] ] ] ; fun_binding: [ RIGHTA [ p = patt LEVEL "simple"; e = SELF -> <:expr< fun $p$ -> $e$ >> | "="; e = expr -> <:expr< $e$ >> | ":"; t = ctyp; "="; e = expr -> <:expr< ($e$ : $t$) >> ] ] ; match_case: [ [ x1 = patt; w = OPT [ "when"; e = expr -> e ]; "->"; x2 = expr -> (x1, w, x2) ] ] ; lbl_expr_list: [ [ le = lbl_expr; ";"; lel = SELF -> [le :: lel] | le = lbl_expr; ";" -> [le] | le = lbl_expr -> [le] ] ] ; lbl_expr: [ [ i = patt_label_ident; "="; e = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> (i, e) ] ] ; expr1_semi_list: [ [ e = expr LEVEL "expr1"; ";"; el = SELF -> [e :: el] | e = expr LEVEL "expr1"; ";" -> [e] | e = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> [e] ] ] ; fun_def: [ RIGHTA [ p = patt LEVEL "simple"; e = SELF -> <:expr< fun $p$ -> $e$ >> | "->"; e = expr -> <:expr< $e$ >> ] ] ; expr_ident: [ RIGHTA [ i = LIDENT -> <:expr< $lid:i$ >> | i = UIDENT -> <:expr< $uid:i$ >> | m = UIDENT; "."; i = SELF -> let rec loop m = fun [ <:expr< $x$ . $y$ >> -> loop <:expr< $m$ . $x$ >> y | e -> <:expr< $m$ . $e$ >> ] in loop <:expr< $uid:m$ >> i | m = UIDENT; "."; "("; i = operator; ")" -> <:expr< $uid:m$ . $lid:i$ >> ] ] ; (* Patterns *) patt: [ LEFTA [ p1 = SELF; "as"; i = LIDENT -> <:patt< ($p1$ as $lid:i$) >> ] | LEFTA [ p1 = SELF; "|"; p2 = SELF -> <:patt< $p1$ | $p2$ >> ] | [ p = SELF; ","; pl = LIST1 NEXT SEP "," -> <:patt< ( $list:[p :: pl]$) >> ] | NONA [ p1 = SELF; ".."; p2 = SELF -> <:patt< $p1$ .. $p2$ >> ] | RIGHTA [ p1 = SELF; "::"; p2 = SELF -> <:patt< [$p1$ :: $p2$] >> ] | LEFTA [ p1 = SELF; p2 = SELF -> match constr_patt_arity p1 with [ 1 -> <:patt< $p1$ $p2$ >> | n -> let p2 = match p2 with [ <:patt< _ >> when n > 1 -> let pl = loop n where rec loop n = if n = 0 then [] else [<:patt< _ >> :: loop (n - 1)] in <:patt< ( $list:pl$ ) >> | _ -> p2 ] in match p2 with [ <:patt< ( $list:pl$ ) >> -> List.fold_left (fun p1 p2 -> <:patt< $p1$ $p2$ >>) p1 pl | _ -> <:patt< $p1$ $p2$ >> ] ] ] | LEFTA [ p1 = SELF; "."; p2 = SELF -> <:patt< $p1$ . $p2$ >> ] | "simple" [ s = LIDENT -> <:patt< $lid:s$ >> | s = UIDENT -> <:patt< $uid:s$ >> | s = INT -> <:patt< $int:s$ >> | "-"; s = INT -> <:patt< $int:neg s$ >> | s = STRING -> <:patt< $str:s$ >> | s = CHAR -> <:patt< $chr:s$ >> | s = "false" -> <:patt< False >> | s = "true" -> <:patt< True >> | "["; "]" -> <:patt< [] >> | "["; pl = patt_semi_list; "]" -> <:patt< $mklistpat loc None pl$ >> | "[|"; "|]" -> <:patt< [| |] >> | "[|"; pl = patt_semi_list; "|]" -> <:patt< [| $list:pl$ |] >> | "{"; lpl = lbl_patt_list; "}" -> <:patt< { $list:lpl$ } >> | "("; ")" -> <:patt< () >> | "("; p = SELF; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" -> <:patt< ($p$ : $t$) >> | "("; p = SELF; ")" -> <:patt< $p$ >> | "("; "-"; ")" -> <:patt< $lid:"-"$ >> | "("; op = operator; ")" -> <:patt< $lid:op$ >> | "_" -> <:patt< _ >> | x = LOCATE -> let x = try let i = String.index x ':' in ({Lexing.pos_fname = ""; Lexing.pos_lnum = 0; Lexing.pos_bol = 0; Lexing.pos_cnum = int_of_string (String.sub x 0 i)}, String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1)) with [ Not_found | Failure _ -> (Token.nowhere, x) ] in Pcaml.handle_patt_locate loc x | x = QUOTATION -> let x = try let i = String.index x ':' in (String.sub x 0 i, String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1)) with [ Not_found -> ("", x) ] in Pcaml.handle_patt_quotation loc x ] ] ; patt_semi_list: [ [ p = patt; ";"; pl = SELF -> [p :: pl] | p = patt; ";" -> [p] | p = patt -> [p] ] ] ; lbl_patt_list: [ [ le = lbl_patt; ";"; lel = SELF -> [le :: lel] | le = lbl_patt; ";" -> [le] | le = lbl_patt -> [le] ] ] ; lbl_patt: [ [ i = patt_label_ident; "="; p = patt -> (i, p) ] ] ; patt_label_ident: [ RIGHTA [ i = UIDENT -> <:patt< $uid:i$ >> | i = LIDENT -> <:patt< $lid:i$ >> | m = UIDENT; "."; i = SELF -> <:patt< $uid:m$ . $i$ >> ] ] ; (* Type declaration *) type_declaration: [ [ tpl = type_parameters; n = type_patt; "="; tk = type_kind; cl = LIST0 constrain -> (n, tpl, tk, cl) | tpl = type_parameters; n = type_patt; cl = LIST0 constrain -> (n, tpl, <:ctyp< '$choose_tvar tpl$ >>, cl) ] ] ; type_patt: [ [ n = LIDENT -> (loc, n) ] ] ; constrain: [ [ "constraint"; t1 = ctyp; "="; t2 = ctyp -> (t1, t2) ] ] ; type_kind: [ [ test_constr_decl; OPT "|"; cdl = LIST1 constructor_declaration SEP "|" -> <:ctyp< [ $list:cdl$ ] >> | t = ctyp -> <:ctyp< $t$ >> | t = ctyp; "="; "{"; ldl = label_declarations; "}" -> <:ctyp< $t$ == { $list:ldl$ } >> | t = ctyp; "="; OPT "|"; cdl = LIST1 constructor_declaration SEP "|" -> <:ctyp< $t$ == [ $list:cdl$ ] >> | "{"; ldl = label_declarations; "}" -> <:ctyp< { $list:ldl$ } >> ] ] ; type_parameters: [ [ -> (* empty *) [] | tp = type_parameter -> [tp] | "("; tpl = LIST1 type_parameter SEP ","; ")" -> tpl ] ] ; type_parameter: [ [ "'"; i = ident -> (i, (False, False)) ] ] ; constructor_declaration: [ [ ci = UIDENT; "of"; cal = LIST1 ctyp LEVEL "ctyp1" SEP "*" -> (loc, ci, cal) | ci = UIDENT -> (loc, ci, []) ] ] ; label_declarations: [ [ ld = label_declaration; ";"; ldl = SELF -> [ld :: ldl] | ld = label_declaration; ";" -> [ld] | ld = label_declaration -> [ld] ] ] ; label_declaration: [ [ i = LIDENT; ":"; t = ctyp -> (loc, i, False, t) | i = LABEL; t = ctyp -> (loc, i, False, t) | "mutable"; i = LIDENT; ":"; t = ctyp -> (loc, i, True, t) | "mutable"; i = LABEL; t = ctyp -> (loc, i, True, t) ] ] ; (* Core types *) ctyp: [ [ t1 = SELF; "as"; "'"; i = ident -> <:ctyp< $t1$ as '$i$ >> ] | "arrow" RIGHTA [ t1 = SELF; "->"; t2 = SELF -> <:ctyp< $t1$ -> $t2$ >> ] | [ t = SELF; "*"; tl = LIST1 ctyp LEVEL "ctyp1" SEP "*" -> <:ctyp< ( $list:[t :: tl]$ ) >> ] | "ctyp1" [ t1 = SELF; t2 = SELF -> <:ctyp< $t2$ $t1$ >> ] | "ctyp2" [ t1 = SELF; "."; t2 = SELF -> <:ctyp< $t1$ . $t2$ >> | t1 = SELF; "("; t2 = SELF; ")" -> <:ctyp< $t1$ $t2$ >> ] | "simple" [ "'"; i = ident -> <:ctyp< '$i$ >> | "_" -> <:ctyp< _ >> | i = LIDENT -> <:ctyp< $lid:i$ >> | i = UIDENT -> <:ctyp< $uid:i$ >> | "("; t = SELF; ","; tl = LIST1 ctyp SEP ","; ")"; i = ctyp LEVEL "ctyp2" -> List.fold_left (fun c a -> <:ctyp< $c$ $a$ >>) i [t :: tl] | "("; t = SELF; ")" -> <:ctyp< $t$ >> ] ] ; (* Identifiers *) ident: [ [ i = LIDENT -> i | i = UIDENT -> i ] ] ; mod_ident: [ RIGHTA [ i = UIDENT -> [i] | i = LIDENT -> [i] | m = UIDENT; "."; i = SELF -> [m :: i] ] ] ; (* Miscellaneous *) direction_flag: [ [ "to" -> True | "downto" -> False ] ] ; END; (* Objects and Classes *) value rec class_type_of_ctyp loc t = match t with [ <:ctyp< $lid:i$ >> -> <:class_type< $list:[i]$ >> | <:ctyp< $uid:m$.$t$ >> -> <:class_type< $list:[m :: type_id_list t]$ >> | _ -> raise_with_loc loc (Stream.Error "lowercase identifier expected") ] and type_id_list = fun [ <:ctyp< $uid:m$.$t$ >> -> [m :: type_id_list t] | <:ctyp< $lid:i$ >> -> [i] | t -> raise_with_loc (loc_of_node t) (Stream.Error "lowercase identifier expected") ] ; value class_fun_binding = Grammar.Entry.create gram "class_fun_binding"; EXTEND GLOBAL: str_item sig_item expr ctyp class_sig_item class_str_item class_type class_expr class_fun_binding; str_item: [ [ "class"; cd = LIST1 class_declaration SEP "and" -> <:str_item< class $list:cd$ >> | "class"; "type"; ctd = LIST1 class_type_declaration SEP "and" -> <:str_item< class type $list:ctd$ >> ] ] ; sig_item: [ [ "class"; cd = LIST1 class_description SEP "and" -> <:sig_item< class $list:cd$ >> | "class"; "type"; ctd = LIST1 class_type_declaration SEP "and" -> <:sig_item< class type $list:ctd$ >> ] ] ; (* Class expressions *) class_declaration: [ [ vf = OPT "virtual"; ctp = class_type_parameters; i = LIDENT; cfb = class_fun_binding -> {MLast.ciLoc = loc; MLast.ciVir = o2b vf; MLast.ciPrm = ctp; MLast.ciNam = i; MLast.ciExp = cfb} ] ] ; class_fun_binding: [ [ "="; ce = class_expr -> ce | ":"; ct = class_type; "="; ce = class_expr -> <:class_expr< ($ce$ : $ct$) >> | p = patt LEVEL "simple"; cfb = SELF -> <:class_expr< fun $p$ -> $cfb$ >> ] ] ; class_type_parameters: [ [ -> (loc, []) | "["; tpl = LIST1 type_parameter SEP ","; "]" -> (loc, tpl) ] ] ; class_fun_def: [ [ p = patt LEVEL "simple"; "->"; ce = class_expr -> <:class_expr< fun $p$ -> $ce$ >> | p = patt LEVEL "simple"; cfd = SELF -> <:class_expr< fun $p$ -> $cfd$ >> ] ] ; class_expr: [ "top" [ "fun"; cfd = class_fun_def -> cfd | "let"; rf = OPT "rec"; lb = LIST1 let_binding SEP "and"; "in"; ce = SELF -> <:class_expr< let $opt:o2b rf$ $list:lb$ in $ce$ >> ] | "apply" NONA [ ce = SELF; e = expr LEVEL "label" -> <:class_expr< $ce$ $e$ >> ] | "simple" [ "["; ct = ctyp; ","; ctcl = LIST1 ctyp SEP ","; "]"; ci = class_longident -> <:class_expr< $list:ci$ [ $list:[ct :: ctcl]$ ] >> | "["; ct = ctyp; "]"; ci = class_longident -> <:class_expr< $list:ci$ [ $ct$ ] >> | ci = class_longident -> <:class_expr< $list:ci$ >> | "object"; cspo = OPT class_self_patt; cf = class_structure; "end" -> <:class_expr< object $opt:cspo$ $list:cf$ end >> | "("; ce = SELF; ":"; ct = class_type; ")" -> <:class_expr< ($ce$ : $ct$) >> | "("; ce = SELF; ")" -> ce ] ] ; class_structure: [ [ cf = LIST0 class_str_item -> cf ] ] ; class_self_patt: [ [ "("; p = patt; ")" -> p | "("; p = patt; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" -> <:patt< ($p$ : $t$) >> ] ] ; class_str_item: [ [ "inherit"; ce = class_expr; pb = OPT [ "as"; i = LIDENT -> i ] -> <:class_str_item< inherit $ce$ $opt:pb$ >> | "val"; (lab, mf, e) = cvalue -> <:class_str_item< value $opt:mf$ $lab$ = $e$ >> | "method"; "private"; "virtual"; l = label; ":"; t = ctyp -> <:class_str_item< method virtual private $l$ : $t$ >> | "method"; "virtual"; "private"; l = label; ":"; t = ctyp -> <:class_str_item< method virtual private $l$ : $t$ >> | "method"; "virtual"; l = label; ":"; t = ctyp -> <:class_str_item< method virtual $l$ : $t$ >> | "method"; "private"; l = label; fb = fun_binding -> <:class_str_item< method private $l$ = $fb$ >> | "method"; l = label; fb = fun_binding -> <:class_str_item< method $l$ = $fb$ >> | "constraint"; t1 = ctyp; "="; t2 = ctyp -> <:class_str_item< type $t1$ = $t2$ >> | "initializer"; se = expr -> <:class_str_item< initializer $se$ >> ] ] ; cvalue: [ [ mf = OPT "mutable"; l = label; "="; e = expr -> (l, o2b mf, e) | mf = OPT "mutable"; l = label; ":"; t = ctyp; "="; e = expr -> (l, o2b mf, <:expr< ($e$ : $t$) >>) | mf = OPT "mutable"; l = label; ":"; t1 = ctyp; ":>"; t2 = ctyp; "="; e = expr -> (l, o2b mf, <:expr< ($e$ : $t1$ :> $t2$) >>) | mf = OPT "mutable"; l = label; ":>"; t = ctyp; "="; e = expr -> (l, o2b mf, <:expr< ($e$ :> $t$) >>) ] ] ; label: [ [ i = LIDENT -> i ] ] ; (* Class types *) class_type: [ [ t = ctyp LEVEL "ctyp1" -> class_type_of_ctyp loc t | t = ctyp LEVEL "ctyp1"; "->"; ct = SELF -> <:class_type< [ $t$ ] -> $ct$ >> | t = ctyp LEVEL "ctyp1"; "*"; tl = LIST1 ctyp LEVEL "simple" SEP "*"; "->"; ct = SELF -> <:class_type< [ ($t$ * $list:tl$) ] -> $ct$ >> | cs = class_signature -> cs ] ] ; class_signature: [ [ "["; tl = LIST1 ctyp SEP ","; "]"; id = clty_longident -> <:class_type< $list:id$ [ $list:tl$ ] >> | id = clty_longident -> <:class_type< $list:id$ >> | "object"; cst = OPT class_self_type; csf = LIST0 class_sig_item; "end" -> <:class_type< object $opt:cst$ $list:csf$ end >> ] ] ; class_self_type: [ [ "("; t = ctyp; ")" -> t ] ] ; class_sig_item: [ [ "inherit"; cs = class_signature -> <:class_sig_item< inherit $cs$ >> | "val"; mf = OPT "mutable"; l = label; ":"; t = ctyp -> <:class_sig_item< value $opt:o2b mf$ $l$ : $t$ >> | "method"; "private"; "virtual"; l = label; ":"; t = ctyp -> <:class_sig_item< method virtual private $l$ : $t$ >> | "method"; "virtual"; "private"; l = label; ":"; t = ctyp -> <:class_sig_item< method virtual private $l$ : $t$ >> | "method"; "virtual"; l = label; ":"; t = ctyp -> <:class_sig_item< method virtual $l$ : $t$ >> | "method"; "private"; l = label; ":"; t = ctyp -> <:class_sig_item< method private $l$ : $t$ >> | "method"; l = label; ":"; t = ctyp -> <:class_sig_item< method $l$ : $t$ >> | "constraint"; t1 = ctyp; "="; t2 = ctyp -> <:class_sig_item< type $t1$ = $t2$ >> ] ] ; class_description: [ [ vf = OPT "virtual"; ctp = class_type_parameters; n = LIDENT; ":"; ct = class_type -> {MLast.ciLoc = loc; MLast.ciVir = o2b vf; MLast.ciPrm = ctp; MLast.ciNam = n; MLast.ciExp = ct} | vf = OPT "virtual"; ctp = class_type_parameters; n = LABEL; ct = class_type -> {MLast.ciLoc = loc; MLast.ciVir = o2b vf; MLast.ciPrm = ctp; MLast.ciNam = n; MLast.ciExp = ct} ] ] ; class_type_declaration: [ [ vf = OPT "virtual"; ctp = class_type_parameters; n = LIDENT; "="; cs = class_signature -> {MLast.ciLoc = loc; MLast.ciVir = o2b vf; MLast.ciPrm = ctp; MLast.ciNam = n; MLast.ciExp = cs} ] ] ; (* Expressions *) expr: LEVEL "apply" [ LEFTA [ "new"; i = class_longident -> <:expr< new $list:i$ >> ] ] ; expr: LEVEL "simple" [ [ e = SELF; "#"; lab = label -> <:expr< $e$ # $lab$ >> ] ] ; expr: LEVEL "simple" [ [ "("; e = SELF; ":"; t1 = ctyp; ":>"; t2 = ctyp; ")" -> <:expr< ($e$ : $t1$ :> $t2$) >> | "("; e = SELF; ":>"; t = ctyp; ")" -> <:expr< ($e$ :> $t$) >> | "{<"; ">}" -> <:expr< {< >} >> | "{<"; fel = field_expr_list; ">}" -> <:expr< {< $list:fel$ >} >> ] ] ; field_expr_list: [ [ l = label; "="; e = expr LEVEL "expr1"; ";"; fel = SELF -> [(l, e) :: fel] | l = label; "="; e = expr LEVEL "expr1"; ";" -> [(l, e)] | l = label; "="; e = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> [(l, e)] ] ] ; (* Core types *) ctyp: LEVEL "simple" [ [ "#"; id = class_longident -> <:ctyp< # $list:id$ >> | "<"; (ml, v) = meth_list; ">" -> <:ctyp< < $list:ml$ $opt:v$ > >> | "<"; ">" -> <:ctyp< < > >> ] ] ; meth_list: [ [ f = field; ";"; (ml, v) = SELF -> ([f :: ml], v) | f = field; ";" -> ([f], False) | f = field -> ([f], False) | ".." -> ([], True) ] ] ; field: [ [ lab = LIDENT; ":"; t = ctyp -> (lab, t) | lab = LABEL; t = ctyp -> (lab, t) ] ] ; (* Identifiers *) clty_longident: [ [ m = UIDENT; "."; l = SELF -> [m :: l] | i = LIDENT -> [i] ] ] ; class_longident: [ [ m = UIDENT; "."; l = SELF -> [m :: l] | i = LIDENT -> [i] ] ] ; END; (* Labels *) EXTEND GLOBAL: ctyp expr patt fun_def fun_binding class_type class_fun_binding; ctyp: AFTER "arrow" [ NONA [ i = LABEL; t = SELF -> <:ctyp< ~ $i$ : $t$ >> | "?"; i = LABEL; t = SELF -> <:ctyp< ? $i$ : $t$ >> ] ] ; ctyp: LEVEL "simple" [ [ "["; OPT "|"; rfl = LIST0 row_field SEP "|"; "]" -> <:ctyp< [ = $list:rfl$ ] >> | "["; ">"; OPT "|"; rfl = LIST1 row_field SEP "|"; "]" -> <:ctyp< [ > $list:rfl$ ] >> | "[<"; OPT "|"; rfl = LIST1 row_field SEP "|"; "]" -> <:ctyp< [ < $list:rfl$ ] >> | "[<"; OPT "|"; rfl = LIST1 row_field SEP "|"; ">"; ntl = LIST1 name_tag; "]" -> <:ctyp< [ < $list:rfl$ > $list:ntl$ ] >> ] ] ; row_field: [ [ "`"; i = ident -> MLast.RfTag i False [] | "`"; i = ident; "of"; ao = OPT "&"; l = LIST1 ctyp SEP "&" -> MLast.RfTag i (o2b ao) l | "`"; i = ident; "&"; l = LIST1 ctyp SEP "&" -> MLast.RfTag i True l | "`"; i = ident; l = LIST1 ctyp SEP "&" -> MLast.RfTag i False l ] ] ; name_tag: [ [ "`"; i = ident -> i ] ] ; expr: LEVEL "expr1" [ [ "fun"; p = labeled_patt; e = fun_def -> <:expr< fun $p$ -> $e$ >> ] ] ; expr: AFTER "apply" [ "label" [ i = LABEL; e = SELF -> <:expr< ~ $i$ : $e$ >> | i = ELABEL -> <:expr< ~ $i$ >> | "?"; i = LABEL; e = SELF -> <:expr< ? $i$ : $e$ >> | "?"; i = ELABEL -> <:expr< ? $i$ >> ] ] ; expr: LEVEL "simple" [ [ "`"; s = ident -> <:expr< ` $s$ >> ] ] ; fun_def: [ [ p = labeled_patt; e = SELF -> <:expr< fun $p$ -> $e$ >> ] ] ; fun_binding: [ [ p = labeled_patt; e = SELF -> <:expr< fun $p$ -> $e$ >> ] ] ; patt: LEVEL "simple" [ [ "`"; s = ident -> <:patt< ` $s$ >> ] ] ; labeled_patt: [ [ i = LABEL; p = patt LEVEL "simple" -> <:patt< ~ $i$ : $p$ >> | i = ELABEL -> <:patt< ~ $i$ >> | "?"; i = LABEL; j = LIDENT -> <:patt< ? $i$ : ($lid:j$) >> | "?"; "("; i = LABEL; j = LIDENT; ")" -> <:patt< ? $i$ : ($lid:j$) >> | "?"; "("; i = LABEL; j = LIDENT; "="; e = expr; ")" -> <:patt< ? $i$ : ( $lid:j$ = $e$ ) >> | "?"; i = ELABEL -> <:patt< ? $i$ : ($lid:i$) >> | "?"; "("; i = ELABEL; "="; e = expr; ")" -> <:patt< ? $i$ : ( $lid:i$ = $e$ ) >> ] ] ; class_type: [ [ i = LABEL; t = ctyp LEVEL "ctyp1"; "->"; ct = SELF -> <:class_type< [ ~ $i$ : $t$ ] -> $ct$ >> | "?"; i = LABEL; t = ctyp LEVEL "ctyp1"; "->"; ct = SELF -> <:class_type< [ ? $i$ : $t$ ] -> $ct$ >> ] ] ; class_fun_binding: [ [ p = labeled_patt; cfb = SELF -> <:class_expr< fun $p$ -> $cfb$ >> ] ] ; ident: [ [ i = LIDENT -> i | i = UIDENT -> i ] ] ; END; type spat_comp = [ SpTrm of Loc.t and MLast.patt and option MLast.expr | SpNtr of Loc.t and MLast.patt and MLast.expr | SpStr of Loc.t and MLast.patt ] ; type sexp_comp = [ SeTrm of Loc.t and MLast.expr | SeNtr of Loc.t and MLast.expr ] ; value strm_n = "__strm"; value peek_fun loc = <:expr< Stream.peek >>; value junk_fun loc = <:expr< Stream.junk >>; (* Parsers. *) (* In syntax generated, many cases are optimisations. *) value rec pattern_eq_expression p e = match (p, e) with [ (<:patt< $lid:a$ >>, <:expr< $lid:b$ >>) -> a = b | (<:patt< $uid:a$ >>, <:expr< $uid:b$ >>) -> a = b | (<:patt< $p1$ $p2$ >>, <:expr< $e1$ $e2$ >>) -> pattern_eq_expression p1 e1 && pattern_eq_expression p2 e2 | _ -> False ] ; value is_raise e = match e with [ <:expr< raise $_$ >> -> True | _ -> False ] ; value is_raise_failure e = match e with [ <:expr< raise Stream.Failure >> -> True | _ -> False ] ; value rec handle_failure e = match e with [ <:expr< try $te$ with [ Stream.Failure -> $e$] >> -> handle_failure e | <:expr< match $me$ with [ $list:pel$ ] >> -> handle_failure me && List.for_all (fun [ (_, None, e) -> handle_failure e | _ -> False ]) pel | <:expr< let $list:pel$ in $e$ >> -> List.for_all (fun (p, e) -> handle_failure e) pel && handle_failure e | <:expr< $lid:_$ >> | <:expr< $int:_$ >> | <:expr< $str:_$ >> | <:expr< $chr:_$ >> | <:expr< fun [ $list:_$ ] >> | <:expr< $uid:_$ >> -> True | <:expr< raise $e$ >> -> match e with [ <:expr< Stream.Failure >> -> False | _ -> True ] | <:expr< $f$ $x$ >> -> is_constr_apply f && handle_failure f && handle_failure x | _ -> False ] and is_constr_apply = fun [ <:expr< $uid:_$ >> -> True | <:expr< $lid:_$ >> -> False | <:expr< $x$ $_$ >> -> is_constr_apply x | _ -> False ] ; value rec subst v e = let loc = MLast.loc_of_expr e in match e with [ <:expr< $lid:x$ >> -> let x = if x = v then strm_n else x in <:expr< $lid:x$ >> | <:expr< $uid:_$ >> -> e | <:expr< $int:_$ >> -> e | <:expr< $chr:_$ >> -> e | <:expr< $str:_$ >> -> e | <:expr< $_$ . $_$ >> -> e | <:expr< let $opt:rf$ $list:pel$ in $e$ >> -> <:expr< let $opt:rf$ $list:List.map (subst_pe v) pel$ in $subst v e$ >> | <:expr< $e1$ $e2$ >> -> <:expr< $subst v e1$ $subst v e2$ >> | <:expr< ( $list:el$ ) >> -> <:expr< ( $list:List.map (subst v) el$ ) >> | _ -> raise Not_found ] and subst_pe v (p, e) = match p with [ <:patt< $lid:v'$ >> -> if v = v' then (p, e) else (p, subst v e) | _ -> raise Not_found ] ; value stream_pattern_component skont ckont = fun [ SpTrm loc p wo -> <:expr< match $peek_fun loc$ $lid:strm_n$ with [ Some $p$ $when:wo$ -> do { $junk_fun loc$ $lid:strm_n$; $skont$ } | _ -> $ckont$ ] >> | SpNtr loc p e -> let e = match e with [ <:expr< fun [ ($lid:v$ : Stream.t _) -> $e$ ] >> when v = strm_n -> e | _ -> <:expr< $e$ $lid:strm_n$ >> ] in if pattern_eq_expression p skont then if is_raise_failure ckont then e else if handle_failure e then e else <:expr< try $e$ with [ Stream.Failure -> $ckont$ ] >> else if is_raise_failure ckont then <:expr< let $p$ = $e$ in $skont$ >> else if pattern_eq_expression <:patt< Some $p$ >> skont then <:expr< try Some $e$ with [ Stream.Failure -> $ckont$ ] >> else if is_raise ckont then let tst = if handle_failure e then e else <:expr< try $e$ with [ Stream.Failure -> $ckont$ ] >> in <:expr< let $p$ = $tst$ in $skont$ >> else <:expr< match try Some $e$ with [ Stream.Failure -> None ] with [ Some $p$ -> $skont$ | _ -> $ckont$ ] >> | SpStr loc p -> try match p with [ <:patt< $lid:v$ >> -> subst v skont | _ -> raise Not_found ] with [ Not_found -> <:expr< let $p$ = $lid:strm_n$ in $skont$ >> ] ] ; value rec stream_pattern loc epo e ekont = fun [ [] -> match epo with [ Some ep -> <:expr< let $ep$ = Stream.count $lid:strm_n$ in $e$ >> | _ -> e ] | [(spc, err) :: spcl] -> let skont = let ekont err = let str = match err with [ Some estr -> estr | _ -> <:expr< "" >> ] in <:expr< raise (Stream.Error $str$) >> in stream_pattern loc epo e ekont spcl in let ckont = ekont err in stream_pattern_component skont ckont spc ] ; value stream_patterns_term loc ekont tspel = let pel = List.map (fun (p, w, loc, spcl, epo, e) -> let p = <:patt< Some $p$ >> in let e = let ekont err = let str = match err with [ Some estr -> estr | _ -> <:expr< "" >> ] in <:expr< raise (Stream.Error $str$) >> in let skont = stream_pattern loc epo e ekont spcl in <:expr< do { $junk_fun loc$ $lid:strm_n$; $skont$ } >> in (p, w, e)) tspel in let pel = pel @ [(<:patt< _ >>, None, ekont ())] in <:expr< match $peek_fun loc$ $lid:strm_n$ with [ $list:pel$ ] >> ; value rec group_terms = fun [ [([(SpTrm loc p w, None) :: spcl], epo, e) :: spel] -> let (tspel, spel) = group_terms spel in ([(p, w, loc, spcl, epo, e) :: tspel], spel) | spel -> ([], spel) ] ; value rec parser_cases loc = fun [ [] -> <:expr< raise Stream.Failure >> | spel -> match group_terms spel with [ ([], [(spcl, epo, e) :: spel]) -> stream_pattern loc epo e (fun _ -> parser_cases loc spel) spcl | (tspel, spel) -> stream_patterns_term loc (fun _ -> parser_cases loc spel) tspel ] ] ; value cparser loc bpo pc = let e = parser_cases loc pc in let e = match bpo with [ Some bp -> <:expr< let $bp$ = Stream.count $lid:strm_n$ in $e$ >> | None -> e ] in let p = <:patt< ($lid:strm_n$ : Stream.t _) >> in <:expr< fun $p$ -> $e$ >> ; value cparser_match loc me bpo pc = let pc = parser_cases loc pc in let e = match bpo with [ Some bp -> <:expr< let $bp$ = Stream.count $lid:strm_n$ in $pc$ >> | None -> pc ] in <:expr< let $lid:strm_n$ = $me$ in $e$ >> ; (* streams *) value rec not_computing = fun [ <:expr< $lid:_$ >> | <:expr< $uid:_$ >> | <:expr< $int:_$ >> | <:expr< $flo:_$ >> | <:expr< $chr:_$ >> | <:expr< $str:_$ >> -> True | <:expr< $x$ $y$ >> -> is_cons_apply_not_computing x && not_computing y | _ -> False ] and is_cons_apply_not_computing = fun [ <:expr< $uid:_$ >> -> True | <:expr< $lid:_$ >> -> False | <:expr< $x$ $y$ >> -> is_cons_apply_not_computing x && not_computing y | _ -> False ] ; value slazy loc e = match e with [ <:expr< $f$ () >> -> match f with [ <:expr< $lid:_$ >> -> f | _ -> <:expr< fun _ -> $e$ >> ] | _ -> <:expr< fun _ -> $e$ >> ] ; value rec cstream gloc = fun [ [] -> let loc = gloc in <:expr< Stream.sempty >> | [SeTrm loc e] -> if not_computing e then <:expr< Stream.ising $e$ >> else <:expr< Stream.lsing $slazy loc e$ >> | [SeTrm loc e :: secl] -> if not_computing e then <:expr< Stream.icons $e$ $cstream gloc secl$ >> else <:expr< Stream.lcons $slazy loc e$ $cstream gloc secl$ >> | [SeNtr loc e] -> if not_computing e then e else <:expr< Stream.slazy $slazy loc e$ >> | [SeNtr loc e :: secl] -> if not_computing e then <:expr< Stream.iapp $e$ $cstream gloc secl$ >> else <:expr< Stream.lapp $slazy loc e$ $cstream gloc secl$ >> ] ; (* Syntax extensions in OCaml grammar *) EXTEND GLOBAL: expr; expr: LEVEL "expr1" [ [ "parser"; po = OPT ipatt; OPT "|"; pcl = LIST1 parser_case SEP "|" -> <:expr< $cparser loc po pcl$ >> | "match"; e = SELF; "with"; "parser"; po = OPT ipatt; OPT "|"; pcl = LIST1 parser_case SEP "|" -> <:expr< $cparser_match loc e po pcl$ >> ] ] ; parser_case: [ [ "[<"; sp = stream_patt; ">]"; po = OPT ipatt; "->"; e = expr -> (sp, po, e) ] ] ; stream_patt: [ [ spc = stream_patt_comp -> [(spc, None)] | spc = stream_patt_comp; ";" -> [(spc, None)] | spc = stream_patt_comp; ";"; sp = stream_patt_comp_err_list -> [(spc, None) :: sp] | -> (* empty *) [] ] ] ; stream_patt_comp_err_list: [ [ spc = stream_patt_comp_err -> [spc] | spc = stream_patt_comp_err; ";" -> [spc] | spc = stream_patt_comp_err; ";"; sp = SELF -> [spc :: sp] ] ] ; stream_patt_comp: [ [ "'"; p = patt; eo = OPT [ "when"; e = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> e ] -> SpTrm loc p eo | p = patt; "="; e = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> SpNtr loc p e | p = patt -> SpStr loc p ] ] ; stream_patt_comp_err: [ [ spc = stream_patt_comp; eo = OPT [ "?"; e = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> e ] -> (spc, eo) ] ] ; ipatt: [ [ i = LIDENT -> <:patt< $lid:i$ >> ] ] ; expr: LEVEL "simple" [ [ "[<"; ">]" -> <:expr< $cstream loc []$ >> | "[<"; sel = stream_expr_comp_list; ">]" -> <:expr< $cstream loc sel$ >> ] ] ; stream_expr_comp_list: [ [ se = stream_expr_comp; ";"; sel = SELF -> [se :: sel] | se = stream_expr_comp; ";" -> [se] | se = stream_expr_comp -> [se] ] ] ; stream_expr_comp: [ [ "'"; e = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> SeTrm loc e | e = expr LEVEL "expr1" -> SeNtr loc e ] ] ; END;