Blame doc/README

Packit 95bb47
Persistent Memory Development Kit
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Packit 95bb47
This is doc/README.
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Subdirectories of this directory contain source for the man pages for the
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Persistent Memory Development Kit in markdown format (.md files).
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If you're looking for documentation to
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get you started using PMDK, start here: and follow the
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links to examples and man pages. Developers new to PMDK are probably looking
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for libpmemobj.
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To generate web-based documentation or Linux/FreeBSD man pages, you need to
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have groff and pandoc installed. m4 macros are used in the document
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sources to generate OS-specific variants of man pages and web-based
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documentation. The macros are defined in Processing is performed
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by the ../utils/ script.
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All files in the *generated* directory are automatically generated and updated
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by the pmdk-bot. **DO NOT MODIFY THE FILES IN THAT DIRECTORY**. All changes to
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the documentation must be made by modifying the *.md files in the following
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document subdirectories:
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libpmem -- low-level persistent memory support
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libpmemblk -- pmem-resident arrays of blocks
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libpmemlog -- pmem-resident log files
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libpmemobj -- transactional object store
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libvmem -- volatile memory allocation library
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libvmmalloc -- general purpose volatile memory allocation library
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libpmempool -- persistent memory pool management library
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pmempool -- Persistent Memory Pool Management Tool
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librpmem -- remote access to persistent memory (EXPERIMENTAL)
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rpmemd -- remote persistent memory daemon (EXPERIMENTAL)
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daxio -- perform I/O on Device DAX device
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These man pages provide the API specification for the corresponding libraries
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and commands in this source tree, so any updates to one should be tested,
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reviewed, and committed with changes to the other.
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To create more readable text files from the source, use:
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	$ [g]make
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NOTE: This will write man page output into the *generated* subdirectory. Files
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in this directory MUST NOT be included in any pull requests.
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The man(1) command may be used to format generated man pages for viewing
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in a terminal window (includes bold, underline, etc.), for example:
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	$ man generated/libpmem.7
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	$ man generated/pmemobj_create.3
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In addition, for testing purposes ../utils/ will generate a
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preprocessed markdown file with the headers stripped off if the TESTOPTS
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variable is set. For example:
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	$ ../utils/ libpmemobj/ x
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will generate a version of the libpmemobj.7 man page for Windows in markdown
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format. The resulting file may be viewed with a markdown-enabled browser.