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# nvme-cli
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NVM-Express user space tooling for Linux.
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To install, run:
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    $ make
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    # make install
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If not sure how to use, find the top-level documentation with:
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    $ man nvme
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Or find a short summary with:
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    $ nvme help
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## Distro Support
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### Alpine Linux
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nvme-cli is tested on Alpine Linux 3.3.  Install it using:
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    # apk update && apk add nvme-cli nvme-cli-doc
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if you just use the device you're after, it will work flawless.
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# nvme smart-log /dev/nvme0
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Smart Log for NVME device:/dev/nvme0 namespace-id:ffffffff
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critical_warning                    : 0
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temperature                         : 49 C
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available_spare                     : 100%
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### Arch Linux
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nvme-cli is available in the `[community]` repository. It can be installed with:
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    # pacman -S nvme-cli
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The development version can be installed from AUR, e.g.:
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    $ yay -S nvme-cli-git
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### Fedora
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nvme-cli is available in Fedora 23 and up.  Install it with your favorite
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package manager.  For example:
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    $ sudo dnf install nvme-cli
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### FreeBSD
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`nvme-cli` is available in the FreeBSD Ports Collection.  A prebuilt binary
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package can be installed with:
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# pkg install nvme-cli
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### Gentoo
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nvme-cli is available and tested in portage:
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$ emerge -av nvme-cli
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### Nix(OS)
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The attribute is named `nvme-cli` and can e.g. be installed with:
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$ nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA nvme-cli
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### openSUSE
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nvme-cli is available in openSUSE Leap 42.2 or later and Tumbleweed. You can install it using zypper.
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For example:
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    $ sudo zypper install nvme-cli
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### Ubuntu
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nvme-cli is supported in the Universe package sources for Xenial for
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many architectures. For a complete list try running:
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  rmadison nvme-cli
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   nvme-cli | 0.3-1 | xenial/universe | source, amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x
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A Debian based package for nvme-cli is currently maintained as a
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Ubuntu PPA. Right now there is support for Trusty, Vivid and Wiley. To
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install nvme-cli using this approach please perform the following
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   1. Add the sbates PPA to your sources. One way to do this is to run
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   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sbates
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   2. Perform an update of your repository list:
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   sudo apt-get update
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   3. Get nvme-cli!
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Packit dd4ba5
   sudo apt-get install nvme-cli
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   4. Test the code.
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   sudo nvme list
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   In the case of no NVMe devices you will see
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   No NVMe devices detected.
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   otherwise you will see information about each NVMe device installed
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   in the system.
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### OpenEmbedded/Yocto
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An [nvme-cli recipe](
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is available as part of the `meta-openembeded` layer collection.
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### Buildroot
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`nvme-cli` is available as [buildroot]( package. The
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package is named `nvme`.
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### Other Distros
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## Developers
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You may wish to add a new command or possibly an entirely new plug-in
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for some special extension outside the spec.
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This project provides macros that help generate the code for you. If
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you're interested in how that works, it is very similar to how trace
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events are created by Linux kernel's 'ftrace' component.
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### Add command to existing built-in
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The first thing to do is define a new command entry in the command
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list. This is declared in nvme-builtin.h. Simply append a new "ENTRY" into
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the list. The ENTRY normally takes three arguments: the "name" of the 
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subcommand (this is what the user will type at the command line to invoke
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your command), a short help description of what your command does, and the
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name of the function callback that you're going to write. Additionally,
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You can declare an alias name of subcommand with fourth argument, if needed.
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After the ENTRY is defined, you need to implement the callback. It takes
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four arguments: argc, argv, the command structure associated with the
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callback, and the plug-in structure that contains that command. The
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prototype looks like this:
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  int f(int argc, char **argv, struct command *cmd, struct plugin *plugin);
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The argc and argv are adjusted from the command line arguments to start
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after the sub-command. So if the command line is "nvme foo --option=bar",
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the argc is 1 and argv starts at "--option".
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You can then define argument parsing for your sub-command's specific
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options then do some command specific action in your callback.
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### Add a new plugin
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The nvme-cli provides macros to make define a new plug-in simpler. You
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can certainly do all this by hand if you want, but it should be easier
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to get going using the macros. To start, first create a header file
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to define your plugin. This is where you will give your plugin a name,
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description, and define all the sub-commands your plugin implements.
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There is a very important order on how to define the plugin. The following
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is a basic example on how to start this:
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File: foo-plugin.h
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#define CMD_INC_FILE plugins/foo/foo-plugin
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#if !defined(FOO) || defined(CMD_HEADER_MULTI_READ)
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#define FOO
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#include "cmd.h"
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PLUGIN(NAME("foo", "Foo plugin"),
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		ENTRY("bar", "foo bar", bar)
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		ENTRY("baz", "foo baz", baz)
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		ENTRY("qux", "foo quz", qux)
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#include "define_cmd.h"
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In order to have the compiler generate the plugin through the xmacro
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expansion, you need to include this header in your source file, with
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pre-defining macro directive to create the commands.
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To get started from the above example, we just need to define "CREATE_CMD"
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and include the header:
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File: foo-plugin.c
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Packit dd4ba5
#include "nvme.h"
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#define CREATE_CMD
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#include "foo-plugin.h"
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After that, you just need to implement the functions you defined in each
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ENTRY, then append the object file name to the Makefile's "OBJS".