Blame numpy/distutils/

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from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
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import re
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import sys
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import os
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import subprocess
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__doc__ = """This module generates a DEF file from the symbols in
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an MSVC-compiled DLL import library.  It correctly discriminates between
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data and functions.  The data is collected from the output of the program
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    python [libname.lib] [output.def]
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    python [libname.lib] > output.def
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libname.lib defaults to python<py_ver>.lib and output.def defaults to stdout
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Author: Robert Kern <>
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Last Update: April 30, 1999
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__version__ = '0.1a'
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py_ver = "%d%d" % tuple(sys.version_info[:2])
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DEFAULT_NM = 'nm -Cs'
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DEF_HEADER = """LIBRARY         python%s.dll
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""" % py_ver
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# the header of the DEF file
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FUNC_RE = re.compile(r"^(.*) in python%s\.dll" % py_ver, re.MULTILINE)
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DATA_RE = re.compile(r"^_imp__(.*) in python%s\.dll" % py_ver, re.MULTILINE)
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def parse_cmd():
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    """Parses the command-line arguments.
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libfile, deffile = parse_cmd()"""
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    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
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        if sys.argv[1][-4:] == '.lib' and sys.argv[2][-4:] == '.def':
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            libfile, deffile = sys.argv[1:]
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        elif sys.argv[1][-4:] == '.def' and sys.argv[2][-4:] == '.lib':
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            deffile, libfile = sys.argv[1:]
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            print("I'm assuming that your first argument is the library")
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            print("and the second is the DEF file.")
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    elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
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        if sys.argv[1][-4:] == '.def':
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            deffile = sys.argv[1]
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            libfile = 'python%s.lib' % py_ver
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        elif sys.argv[1][-4:] == '.lib':
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            deffile = None
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            libfile = sys.argv[1]
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        libfile = 'python%s.lib' % py_ver
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        deffile = None
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    return libfile, deffile
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def getnm(nm_cmd = ['nm', '-Cs', 'python%s.lib' % py_ver]):
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    """Returns the output of nm_cmd via a pipe.
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nm_output = getnam(nm_cmd = 'nm -Cs py_lib')"""
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    f = subprocess.Popen(nm_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
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    nm_output =
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    return nm_output
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def parse_nm(nm_output):
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    """Returns a tuple of lists: dlist for the list of data
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symbols and flist for the list of function symbols.
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dlist, flist = parse_nm(nm_output)"""
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    data = DATA_RE.findall(nm_output)
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    func = FUNC_RE.findall(nm_output)
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    flist = []
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    for sym in data:
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        if sym in func and (sym[:2] == 'Py' or sym[:3] == '_Py' or sym[:4] == 'init'):
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    dlist = []
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    for sym in data:
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        if sym not in flist and (sym[:2] == 'Py' or sym[:3] == '_Py'):
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    return dlist, flist
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def output_def(dlist, flist, header, file = sys.stdout):
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    """Outputs the final DEF file to a file defaulting to stdout.
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output_def(dlist, flist, header, file = sys.stdout)"""
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    for data_sym in dlist:
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        header = header + '\t%s DATA\n' % data_sym
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    header = header + '\n' # blank line
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    for func_sym in flist:
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        header = header + '\t%s\n' % func_sym
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if __name__ == '__main__':
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    libfile, deffile = parse_cmd()
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    if deffile is None:
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        deffile = sys.stdout
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        deffile = open(deffile, 'w')
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    nm_cmd = [str(DEFAULT_NM), str(libfile)]
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    nm_output = getnm(nm_cmd)
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    dlist, flist = parse_nm(nm_output)
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    output_def(dlist, flist, DEF_HEADER, deffile)