Blob Blame History Raw
   shadow.c - shadow entry lookup routines
   Parts of this file were part of the nss_ldap library (as ldap-spwd.c)
   which has been forked into the nss-pam-ldapd library.

   Copyright (C) 1997-2005 Luke Howard
   Copyright (C) 2006 West Consulting
   Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Arthur de Jong

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Lesser General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
   02110-1301 USA

#include "config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "common.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "myldap.h"
#include "cfg.h"
#include "attmap.h"

/* ( nisSchema.2.1 NAME 'shadowAccount' SUP top AUXILIARY
 *   DESC 'Additional attributes for shadow passwords'
 *   MUST uid
 *   MAY ( userPassword $ shadowLastChange $ shadowMin
 *         shadowMax $ shadowWarning $ shadowInactive $
 *         shadowExpire $ shadowFlag $ description ) )

/* the search base for searches */
const char *shadow_bases[NSS_LDAP_CONFIG_MAX_BASES] = { NULL };

/* the search scope for searches */
int shadow_scope = LDAP_SCOPE_DEFAULT;

/* the basic search filter for searches */
const char *shadow_filter = "(objectClass=shadowAccount)";

/* the attributes to request with searches */
const char *attmap_shadow_uid              = "uid";
const char *attmap_shadow_userPassword     = "\"*\"";
const char *attmap_shadow_shadowLastChange = "\"${shadowLastChange:--1}\"";
const char *attmap_shadow_shadowMin        = "\"${shadowMin:--1}\"";
const char *attmap_shadow_shadowMax        = "\"${shadowMax:--1}\"";
const char *attmap_shadow_shadowWarning    = "\"${shadowWarning:--1}\"";
const char *attmap_shadow_shadowInactive   = "\"${shadowInactive:--1}\"";
const char *attmap_shadow_shadowExpire     = "\"${shadowExpire:--1}\"";
const char *attmap_shadow_shadowFlag       = "\"${shadowFlag:-0}\"";

/* default values for attributes */
static const char *default_shadow_userPassword = "*"; /* unmatchable */

/* the attribute list to request with searches */
static const char **shadow_attrs = NULL;

static int mkfilter_shadow_byname(const char *name, char *buffer, size_t buflen)
  char safename[BUFLEN_SAFENAME];
  /* escape attribute */
  if (myldap_escape(name, safename, sizeof(safename)))
    log_log(LOG_ERR, "mkfilter_shadow_byname(): safename buffer too small");
    return -1;
  /* build filter */
  return mysnprintf(buffer, buflen, "(&%s(%s=%s))",
                    shadow_filter, attmap_shadow_uid, safename);

void shadow_init(void)
  int i;
  SET *set;
  /* set up search bases */
  if (shadow_bases[0] == NULL)
    for (i = 0; i < NSS_LDAP_CONFIG_MAX_BASES; i++)
      shadow_bases[i] = nslcd_cfg->bases[i];
  /* set up scope */
  if (shadow_scope == LDAP_SCOPE_DEFAULT)
    shadow_scope = nslcd_cfg->scope;
  /* set up attribute list */
  set = set_new();
  attmap_add_attributes(set, attmap_shadow_uid);
  attmap_add_attributes(set, attmap_shadow_userPassword);
  attmap_add_attributes(set, attmap_shadow_shadowLastChange);
  attmap_add_attributes(set, attmap_shadow_shadowMax);
  attmap_add_attributes(set, attmap_shadow_shadowMin);
  attmap_add_attributes(set, attmap_shadow_shadowWarning);
  attmap_add_attributes(set, attmap_shadow_shadowInactive);
  attmap_add_attributes(set, attmap_shadow_shadowExpire);
  attmap_add_attributes(set, attmap_shadow_shadowFlag);
  shadow_attrs = set_tolist(set);
  if (shadow_attrs == NULL)
    log_log(LOG_CRIT, "malloc() failed to allocate memory");

static long to_date(const char *dn, const char *date, const char *attr)
  char buffer[32];
  long value;
  char *tmp;
  size_t l;
  /* do some special handling for date values on AD */
  if (strcasecmp(attr, "pwdLastSet") == 0)
    /* we expect an AD 64-bit datetime value;
       we should do date=date/864000000000-134774
       but that causes problems on 32-bit platforms,
       first we divide by 1000000000 by stripping the
       last 9 digits from the string and going from there */
    l = strlen(date) - 9;
    if (l > (sizeof(buffer) - 1))
      return -1; /* error */
    strncpy(buffer, date, l);
    buffer[l] = '\0';
    errno = 0;
    value = strtol(buffer, &tmp, 10);
    if ((*date == '\0') || (*tmp != '\0'))
      log_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s: non-numeric", dn, attr);
      return -1;
    else if (errno != 0)
      log_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s: out of range", dn, attr);
      return -1;
    return value / 864 - 134774;
    /* note that AD does not have expiry dates but a lastchangeddate
       and some value that needs to be added */
  errno = 0;
  value = strtol(date, &tmp, 10);
  if ((*date == '\0') || (*tmp != '\0'))
    log_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s: non-numeric", dn, attr);
    return -1;
  else if (errno != 0)
    log_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s: out of range", dn, attr);
    return -1;
  return value;

#define UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD 0x10000

#define GET_OPTIONAL_LONG(var, att, fallback)                               \
  tmpvalue = attmap_get_value(entry, attmap_shadow_##att,                   \
                              buffer, sizeof(buffer));                      \
  if (tmpvalue == NULL)                                                     \
    tmpvalue = "";                                                          \
  errno = 0;                                                                \
  var = strtol(tmpvalue, &tmp, 10);                                         \
  if ((*(tmpvalue) == '\0') || (*tmp != '\0'))                              \
  {                                                                         \
    log_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s: non-numeric",                             \
            myldap_get_dn(entry), attmap_shadow_##att);                     \
    var = fallback;                                                         \
  }                                                                         \
  else if (errno != 0)                                                      \
  {                                                                         \
    log_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s: out of range",                            \
            myldap_get_dn(entry), attmap_shadow_##att);                     \
    var = fallback;                                                         \

void get_shadow_properties(MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry, long *lastchangedate,
                           long *mindays, long *maxdays, long *warndays,
                           long *inactdays, long *expiredate,
                           unsigned long *flag)
  char buffer[64];
  const char *tmpvalue;
  char *tmp;
  /* get lastchange date */
  tmpvalue = attmap_get_value(entry, attmap_shadow_shadowLastChange,
                              buffer, sizeof(buffer));
  if (tmpvalue == NULL)
    tmpvalue = "";
  *lastchangedate = to_date(myldap_get_dn(entry), tmpvalue, attmap_shadow_shadowLastChange);
  /* get other shadow properties */
  GET_OPTIONAL_LONG(*mindays, shadowMin, -1);
  GET_OPTIONAL_LONG(*maxdays, shadowMax, -1);
  GET_OPTIONAL_LONG(*warndays, shadowWarning, -1);
  GET_OPTIONAL_LONG(*inactdays, shadowInactive, -1);
  GET_OPTIONAL_LONG(*expiredate, shadowExpire, -1);
  GET_OPTIONAL_LONG(*flag, shadowFlag, 0);
  /* if we're using AD handle the flag specially */
  if (strcasecmp(attmap_shadow_shadowLastChange, "pwdLastSet") == 0)
    if (*flag & UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD)
      *maxdays = -1;
    *flag = 0;

static int write_shadow(TFILE *fp, MYLDAP_ENTRY *entry, const char *requser,
                        uid_t calleruid)
  int32_t tmpint32;
  const char **usernames;
  const char *passwd;
  long lastchangedate;
  long mindays;
  long maxdays;
  long warndays;
  long inactdays;
  long expiredate;
  unsigned long flag;
  int i;
  char passbuffer[BUFLEN_PASSWORDHASH];
  /* get username */
  usernames = myldap_get_values(entry, attmap_shadow_uid);
  if ((usernames == NULL) || (usernames[0] == NULL))
    log_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s: missing",
            myldap_get_dn(entry), attmap_shadow_uid);
    return 0;
  /* get password */
  passwd = get_userpassword(entry, attmap_shadow_userPassword,
                            passbuffer, sizeof(passbuffer));
  if ((passwd == NULL) || (calleruid != 0))
    passwd = default_shadow_userPassword;
  /* get expiry properties */
  get_shadow_properties(entry, &lastchangedate, &mindays, &maxdays, &warndays,
                        &inactdays, &expiredate, &flag);
  /* write the entries */
  for (i = 0; usernames[i] != NULL; i++)
    if ((requser == NULL) || (STR_CMP(requser, usernames[i]) == 0))
      if (!isvalidname(usernames[i]))
        log_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s: denied by validnames option",
                myldap_get_dn(entry), attmap_passwd_uid);
        WRITE_STRING(fp, usernames[i]);
        WRITE_STRING(fp, passwd);
        WRITE_INT32(fp, lastchangedate);
        WRITE_INT32(fp, mindays);
        WRITE_INT32(fp, maxdays);
        WRITE_INT32(fp, warndays);
        WRITE_INT32(fp, inactdays);
        WRITE_INT32(fp, expiredate);
        WRITE_INT32(fp, flag);
  return 0;

MYLDAP_ENTRY *shadow_uid2entry(MYLDAP_SESSION *session, const char *username,
                               int *rcp)
  const char *base;
  char filter[BUFLEN_FILTER];
  int i;
  /* if it isn't a valid username, just bail out now */
  if (!isvalidname(username))
    if (rcp != NULL)
    return NULL;
  /* we have to look up the entry */
  mkfilter_shadow_byname(username, filter, sizeof(filter));
  for (i = 0; (i < NSS_LDAP_CONFIG_MAX_BASES) && ((base = shadow_bases[i]) != NULL); i++)
    search = myldap_search(session, base, shadow_scope, filter, shadow_attrs, rcp);
    if (search == NULL)
      if ((rcp != NULL) && (*rcp == LDAP_SUCCESS))
        *rcp = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT;
      return NULL;
    entry = myldap_get_entry(search, rcp);
    if (entry != NULL)
      return entry;
  if ((rcp != NULL) && (*rcp == LDAP_SUCCESS))
  return NULL;

  char name[BUFLEN_NAME];
  char filter[BUFLEN_FILTER];
  READ_STRING(fp, name);
  log_setrequest("shadow=\"%s\"", name);
  if (!isvalidname(name))
    log_log(LOG_WARNING, "request denied by validnames option");
    return -1;
  mkfilter_shadow_byname(name, filter, sizeof(filter)),
  write_shadow(fp, entry, name, calleruid)

  const char *filter;
  (filter = shadow_filter, 0),
  write_shadow(fp, entry, NULL, calleruid)