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             nPth - The New GNU Portable Threads Library
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* Overview
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  This is a library to provide the GNU Pth API and thus a
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  non-preemptive threads implementation.
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  In contrast to GNU Pth is is based on the system's standard threads
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  implementation.  This allows the use of libraries which are not
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  compatible to GNU Pth.  Experience with a Windows Pth emulation
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  showed that this is a solid way to provide a co-routine based
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  See the file AUTHORS for contact and copyright information.
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* License
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  nPth is released under the LGPLv2+ license.
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* Porting hints
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  Documentation is currently missing.  If you are using GNU Pth you
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  should be able to understand the API.  Given that GNU Pth is rarely
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  used, we hestitate to spend work on a migration guide.  If you have
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  questions, please ask on gnupg-devel.  Here are some hints:
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  - Pth mutexes are recursive, that is they will not block if called
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    by the same thread.  In contrast, nPth mutexes are not recursive;
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    it is best to change your code to avoid recursive use of mutexes.
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    nPth uses non-recursive mutexes for performance reasons.