/* * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Patrick McHardy * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Development of this code funded by Astaro AG (http://www.astaro.com/) */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "parser_bison.h" #define YY_NO_INPUT /* * Work around flex behaviour when reaching the end of buffer: normally, flex * regexes are greedy, when reaching the end of buffer however it tries to * match whatever is left in the buffer and only backs up in case it doesn't * match *any* pattern. Since we accept unquoted strings, this means any partial * token will be recognized as string. * * Make sure to only pass input to flex linewise to avoid this. */ #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \ { \ result = 0; \ errno = 0; \ \ while (result < max_size) { \ int chr = fgetc(yyin); \ \ if (chr != EOF) { \ buf[result++] = chr; \ if (chr == '\n' || chr == ' ') \ break; \ continue; \ } \ \ if (ferror(yyin)) { \ if (errno != EINTR) { \ YY_FATAL_ERROR("input in flex scanner failed"); \ break; \ } \ errno = 0; \ clearerr(yyin); \ } \ break; \ } \ } static void scanner_pop_buffer(yyscan_t scanner); static void init_pos(struct input_descriptor *indesc) { indesc->lineno = 1; indesc->column = 1; indesc->token_offset = 0; indesc->line_offset = 0; } static void update_pos(struct parser_state *state, struct location *loc, int len) { loc->indesc = state->indesc; loc->first_line = state->indesc->lineno; loc->last_line = state->indesc->lineno; loc->first_column = state->indesc->column; loc->last_column = state->indesc->column + len - 1; state->indesc->column += len; } static void update_offset(struct parser_state *state, struct location *loc, unsigned int len) { state->indesc->token_offset += len; loc->token_offset = state->indesc->token_offset; loc->line_offset = state->indesc->line_offset; } static void reset_pos(struct parser_state *state, struct location *loc) { state->indesc->line_offset = state->indesc->token_offset; state->indesc->lineno += 1; state->indesc->column = 1; } #define YY_USER_ACTION { \ update_pos(yyget_extra(yyscanner), yylloc, yyleng); \ update_offset(yyget_extra(yyscanner), yylloc, yyleng); \ } /* avoid warnings with -Wmissing-prototypes */ extern int yyget_column(yyscan_t); extern void yyset_column(int, yyscan_t); %} space [ ] tab \t newline \n digit [0-9] hexdigit [0-9a-fA-F] decstring {digit}+ hexstring 0[xX]{hexdigit}+ numberstring ({decstring}|{hexstring}) letter [a-zA-Z] string ({letter}|[_.])({letter}|{digit}|[/\-_\.])* quotedstring \"[^"]*\" asteriskstring ({string}\*|{string}\\\*|\\\*|{string}\\\*{string}) comment #.*$ slash \/ timestring ([0-9]+d)?([0-9]+h)?([0-9]+m)?([0-9]+s)?([0-9]+ms)? hex4 ([[:xdigit:]]{1,4}) v680 (({hex4}:){7}{hex4}) v670 ((:)((:{hex4}){7})) v671 ((({hex4}:){1})((:{hex4}){6})) v672 ((({hex4}:){2})((:{hex4}){5})) v673 ((({hex4}:){3})((:{hex4}){4})) v674 ((({hex4}:){4})((:{hex4}){3})) v675 ((({hex4}:){5})((:{hex4}){2})) v676 ((({hex4}:){6})(:{hex4}{1})) v677 ((({hex4}:){7})(:)) v67 ({v670}|{v671}|{v672}|{v673}|{v674}|{v675}|{v676}|{v677}) v660 ((:)((:{hex4}){6})) v661 ((({hex4}:){1})((:{hex4}){5})) v662 ((({hex4}:){2})((:{hex4}){4})) v663 ((({hex4}:){3})((:{hex4}){3})) v664 ((({hex4}:){4})((:{hex4}){2})) v665 ((({hex4}:){5})((:{hex4}){1})) v666 ((({hex4}:){6})(:)) v66 ({v660}|{v661}|{v662}|{v663}|{v664}|{v665}|{v666}) v650 ((:)((:{hex4}){5})) v651 ((({hex4}:){1})((:{hex4}){4})) v652 ((({hex4}:){2})((:{hex4}){3})) v653 ((({hex4}:){3})((:{hex4}){2})) v654 ((({hex4}:){4})(:{hex4}{1})) v655 ((({hex4}:){5})(:)) v65 ({v650}|{v651}|{v652}|{v653}|{v654}|{v655}) v640 ((:)((:{hex4}){4})) v641 ((({hex4}:){1})((:{hex4}){3})) v642 ((({hex4}:){2})((:{hex4}){2})) v643 ((({hex4}:){3})((:{hex4}){1})) v644 ((({hex4}:){4})(:)) v64 ({v640}|{v641}|{v642}|{v643}|{v644}) v630 ((:)((:{hex4}){3})) v631 ((({hex4}:){1})((:{hex4}){2})) v632 ((({hex4}:){2})((:{hex4}){1})) v633 ((({hex4}:){3})(:)) v63 ({v630}|{v631}|{v632}|{v633}) v620 ((:)((:{hex4}){2})) v620_rfc4291 ((:)(:{ip4addr})) v621 ((({hex4}:){1})((:{hex4}){1})) v622 ((({hex4}:){2})(:)) v62_rfc4291 ((:)(:[fF]{4})(:{ip4addr})) v62 ({v620}|{v621}|{v622}|{v62_rfc4291}|{v620_rfc4291}) v610 ((:)(:{hex4}{1})) v611 ((({hex4}:){1})(:)) v61 ({v610}|{v611}) v60 (::) macaddr (([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}) ip4addr (([[:digit:]]{1,3}"."){3}([[:digit:]]{1,3})) ip6addr ({v680}|{v67}|{v66}|{v65}|{v64}|{v63}|{v62}|{v61}|{v60}) ip6addr_rfc2732 (\[{ip6addr}\]) classid ({hexdigit}{1,4}:{hexdigit}{1,4}) addrstring ({macaddr}|{ip4addr}|{ip6addr}) %option prefix="nft_" %option outfile="lex.yy.c" %option reentrant %option noyywrap %option nounput %option bison-bridge %option bison-locations %option debug %option yylineno %option nodefault %option warn %% "==" { return EQ; } "eq" { return EQ; } "!=" { return NEQ; } "ne" { return NEQ; } "<=" { return LTE; } "le" { return LTE; } "<" { return LT; } "lt" { return LT; } ">=" { return GTE; } "ge" { return GTE; } ">" { return GT; } "gt" { return GT; } "," { return COMMA; } "." { return DOT; } ":" { return COLON; } ";" { return SEMICOLON; } "{" { return '{'; } "}" { return '}'; } "[" { return '['; } "]" { return ']'; } "(" { return '('; } ")" { return ')'; } "<<" { return LSHIFT; } "lshift" { return LSHIFT; } ">>" { return RSHIFT; } "rshift" { return RSHIFT; } "^" { return CARET; } "xor" { return CARET; } "&" { return AMPERSAND; } "and" { return AMPERSAND; } "|" { return '|'; } "or" { return '|'; } "!" { return NOT; } "not" { return NOT; } "/" { return SLASH; } "-" { return DASH; } "*" { return ASTERISK; } "@" { return AT; } "$" { return '$'; } "=" { return '='; } "vmap" { return VMAP; } "+" { return PLUS; } "include" { return INCLUDE; } "define" { return DEFINE; } "redefine" { return REDEFINE; } "undefine" { return UNDEFINE; } "describe" { return DESCRIBE; } "hook" { return HOOK; } "device" { return DEVICE; } "devices" { return DEVICES; } "table" { return TABLE; } "tables" { return TABLES; } "chain" { return CHAIN; } "chains" { return CHAINS; } "rule" { return RULE; } "rules" { return RULES; } "sets" { return SETS; } "set" { return SET; } "element" { return ELEMENT; } "map" { return MAP; } "maps" { return MAPS; } "flowtable" { return FLOWTABLE; } "handle" { return HANDLE; } "ruleset" { return RULESET; } "trace" { return TRACE; } "socket" { return SOCKET; } "transparent" { return TRANSPARENT;} "tproxy" { return TPROXY; } "accept" { return ACCEPT; } "drop" { return DROP; } "continue" { return CONTINUE; } "jump" { return JUMP; } "goto" { return GOTO; } "return" { return RETURN; } "to" { return TO; } "inet" { return INET; } "netdev" { return NETDEV; } "add" { return ADD; } "replace" { return REPLACE; } "update" { return UPDATE; } "create" { return CREATE; } "insert" { return INSERT; } "delete" { return DELETE; } "get" { return GET; } "list" { return LIST; } "reset" { return RESET; } "flush" { return FLUSH; } "rename" { return RENAME; } "import" { return IMPORT; } "export" { return EXPORT; } "monitor" { return MONITOR; } "position" { return POSITION; } "index" { return INDEX; } "comment" { return COMMENT; } "constant" { return CONSTANT; } "interval" { return INTERVAL; } "dynamic" { return DYNAMIC; } "auto-merge" { return AUTOMERGE; } "timeout" { return TIMEOUT; } "gc-interval" { return GC_INTERVAL; } "elements" { return ELEMENTS; } "expires" { return EXPIRES; } "policy" { return POLICY; } "size" { return SIZE; } "performance" { return PERFORMANCE; } "memory" { return MEMORY; } "flow" { return FLOW; } "offload" { return OFFLOAD; } "meter" { return METER; } "meters" { return METERS; } "flowtables" { return FLOWTABLES; } "counter" { return COUNTER; } "name" { return NAME; } "packets" { return PACKETS; } "bytes" { return BYTES; } "avgpkt" { return AVGPKT; } "counters" { return COUNTERS; } "quotas" { return QUOTAS; } "limits" { return LIMITS; } "synproxys" { return SYNPROXYS; } "log" { return LOG; } "prefix" { return PREFIX; } "group" { return GROUP; } "snaplen" { return SNAPLEN; } "queue-threshold" { return QUEUE_THRESHOLD; } "level" { return LEVEL; } "queue" { return QUEUE;} "num" { return QUEUENUM;} "bypass" { return BYPASS;} "fanout" { return FANOUT;} "limit" { return LIMIT; } "rate" { return RATE; } "burst" { return BURST; } "until" { return UNTIL; } "over" { return OVER; } "quota" { return QUOTA; } "used" { return USED; } "nanosecond" { return NANOSECOND; } "microsecond" { return MICROSECOND; } "millisecond" { return MILLISECOND; } "second" { return SECOND; } "minute" { return MINUTE; } "hour" { return HOUR; } "day" { return DAY; } "week" { return WEEK; } "reject" { return _REJECT; } "with" { return WITH; } "icmpx" { return ICMPX; } "snat" { return SNAT; } "dnat" { return DNAT; } "masquerade" { return MASQUERADE; } "redirect" { return REDIRECT; } "random" { return RANDOM; } "fully-random" { return FULLY_RANDOM; } "persistent" { return PERSISTENT; } "ll" { return LL_HDR; } "nh" { return NETWORK_HDR; } "th" { return TRANSPORT_HDR; } "bridge" { return BRIDGE; } "ether" { return ETHER; } "saddr" { return SADDR; } "daddr" { return DADDR; } "type" { return TYPE; } "vlan" { return VLAN; } "id" { return ID; } "cfi" { return CFI; } "pcp" { return PCP; } "arp" { return ARP; } "htype" { return HTYPE; } "ptype" { return PTYPE; } "hlen" { return HLEN; } "plen" { return PLEN; } "operation" { return OPERATION; } "ip" { return IP; } "version" { return HDRVERSION; } "hdrlength" { return HDRLENGTH; } "dscp" { return DSCP; } "ecn" { return ECN; } "length" { return LENGTH; } "frag-off" { return FRAG_OFF; } "ttl" { return TTL; } "protocol" { return PROTOCOL; } "checksum" { return CHECKSUM; } "lsrr" { return LSRR; } "rr" { return RR; } "ssrr" { return SSRR; } "ra" { return RA; } "value" { return VALUE; } "ptr" { return PTR; } "echo" { return ECHO; } "eol" { return EOL; } "maxseg" { return MAXSEG; } "noop" { return NOOP; } "sack" { return SACK; } "sack0" { return SACK0; } "sack1" { return SACK1; } "sack2" { return SACK2; } "sack3" { return SACK3; } "sack-permitted" { return SACK_PERMITTED; } "timestamp" { return TIMESTAMP; } "time" { return TIME; } "kind" { return KIND; } "count" { return COUNT; } "left" { return LEFT; } "right" { return RIGHT; } "tsval" { return TSVAL; } "tsecr" { return TSECR; } "icmp" { return ICMP; } "code" { return CODE; } "sequence" { return SEQUENCE; } "gateway" { return GATEWAY; } "mtu" { return MTU; } "igmp" { return IGMP; } "mrt" { return MRT; } "ip6" { return IP6; } "priority" { return PRIORITY; } "flowlabel" { return FLOWLABEL; } "nexthdr" { return NEXTHDR; } "hoplimit" { return HOPLIMIT; } "icmpv6" { return ICMP6; } "param-problem" { return PPTR; } "max-delay" { return MAXDELAY; } "ah" { return AH; } "reserved" { return RESERVED; } "spi" { return SPI; } "esp" { return ESP; } "comp" { return COMP; } "flags" { return FLAGS; } "cpi" { return CPI; } "udp" { return UDP; } "udplite" { return UDPLITE; } "sport" { return SPORT; } "dport" { return DPORT; } "tcp" { return TCP; } "ackseq" { return ACKSEQ; } "doff" { return DOFF; } "window" { return WINDOW; } "urgptr" { return URGPTR; } "option" { return OPTION; } "dccp" { return DCCP; } "sctp" { return SCTP; } "vtag" { return VTAG; } "rt" { return RT; } "rt0" { return RT0; } "rt2" { return RT2; } "srh" { return RT4; } "seg-left" { return SEG_LEFT; } "addr" { return ADDR; } "last-entry" { return LAST_ENT; } "tag" { return TAG; } "sid" { return SID; } "hbh" { return HBH; } "frag" { return FRAG; } "reserved2" { return RESERVED2; } "more-fragments" { return MORE_FRAGMENTS; } "dst" { return DST; } "mh" { return MH; } "meta" { return META; } "mark" { return MARK; } "iif" { return IIF; } "iifname" { return IIFNAME; } "iiftype" { return IIFTYPE; } "oif" { return OIF; } "oifname" { return OIFNAME; } "oiftype" { return OIFTYPE; } "skuid" { return SKUID; } "skgid" { return SKGID; } "nftrace" { return NFTRACE; } "rtclassid" { return RTCLASSID; } "ibriport" { return IBRIPORT; } "ibrname" { return IBRIDGENAME; } "obriport" { return OBRIPORT; } "obrname" { return OBRIDGENAME; } "pkttype" { return PKTTYPE; } "cpu" { return CPU; } "iifgroup" { return IIFGROUP; } "oifgroup" { return OIFGROUP; } "cgroup" { return CGROUP; } "classid" { return CLASSID; } "nexthop" { return NEXTHOP; } "ct" { return CT; } "l3proto" { return L3PROTOCOL; } "proto-src" { return PROTO_SRC; } "proto-dst" { return PROTO_DST; } "zone" { return ZONE; } "original" { return ORIGINAL; } "reply" { return REPLY; } "direction" { return DIRECTION; } "event" { return EVENT; } "expectation" { return EXPECTATION; } "expiration" { return EXPIRATION; } "helper" { return HELPER; } "helpers" { return HELPERS; } "label" { return LABEL; } "state" { return STATE; } "status" { return STATUS; } "numgen" { return NUMGEN; } "inc" { return INC; } "mod" { return MOD; } "offset" { return OFFSET; } "jhash" { return JHASH; } "symhash" { return SYMHASH; } "seed" { return SEED; } "dup" { return DUP; } "fwd" { return FWD; } "fib" { return FIB; } "osf" { return OSF; } "synproxy" { return SYNPROXY; } "mss" { return MSS; } "wscale" { return WSCALE; } "sack-perm" { return SACKPERM; } "notrack" { return NOTRACK; } "options" { return OPTIONS; } "all" { return ALL; } "xml" { return XML; } "json" { return JSON; } "vm" { return VM; } "exists" { return EXISTS; } "missing" { return MISSING; } "exthdr" { return EXTHDR; } "ipsec" { return IPSEC; } "mode" { return MODE; } "reqid" { return REQID; } "spnum" { return SPNUM; } "transport" { return TRANSPORT; } "tunnel" { return TUNNEL; } "in" { return IN; } "out" { return OUT; } "secmark" { return SECMARK; } "secmarks" { return SECMARKS; } {addrstring} { yylval->string = xstrdup(yytext); return STRING; } {ip6addr_rfc2732} { yytext[yyleng - 1] = '\0'; yylval->string = xstrdup(yytext + 1); return STRING; } {timestring} { yylval->string = xstrdup(yytext); return STRING; } {numberstring} { errno = 0; yylval->val = strtoull(yytext, NULL, 0); if (errno != 0) { yylval->string = xstrdup(yytext); return STRING; } return NUM; } {classid}/[ \t\n:\-},] { yylval->string = xstrdup(yytext); return STRING; } {quotedstring} { yytext[yyleng - 1] = '\0'; yylval->string = xstrdup(yytext + 1); return QUOTED_STRING; } {asteriskstring} { yylval->string = xstrdup(yytext); return ASTERISK_STRING; } {string} { yylval->string = xstrdup(yytext); return STRING; } \\{newline} { reset_pos(yyget_extra(yyscanner), yylloc); } {newline} { reset_pos(yyget_extra(yyscanner), yylloc); return NEWLINE; } {tab}+ {space}+ {comment} <> { update_pos(yyget_extra(yyscanner), yylloc, 1); scanner_pop_buffer(yyscanner); if (YY_CURRENT_BUFFER == NULL) return TOKEN_EOF; } . { return JUNK; } %% static void scanner_pop_buffer(yyscan_t scanner) { struct parser_state *state = yyget_extra(scanner); yypop_buffer_state(scanner); state->indesc = state->indescs[--state->indesc_idx]; } static void scanner_push_file(struct nft_ctx *nft, void *scanner, const char *filename, const struct location *loc) { struct parser_state *state = yyget_extra(scanner); struct input_descriptor *indesc; YY_BUFFER_STATE b; b = yy_create_buffer(nft->f[state->indesc_idx], YY_BUF_SIZE, scanner); yypush_buffer_state(b, scanner); indesc = xzalloc(sizeof(struct input_descriptor)); if (loc != NULL) indesc->location = *loc; indesc->type = INDESC_FILE; indesc->name = xstrdup(filename); init_pos(indesc); state->indescs[state->indesc_idx] = indesc; state->indesc = state->indescs[state->indesc_idx++]; list_add_tail(&indesc->list, &state->indesc_list); } static int include_file(struct nft_ctx *nft, void *scanner, const char *filename, const struct location *loc) { struct parser_state *state = yyget_extra(scanner); struct error_record *erec; FILE *f; if (state->indesc_idx == MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH) { erec = error(loc, "Include nested too deeply, max %u levels", MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH); goto err; } f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (f == NULL) { erec = error(loc, "Could not open file \"%s\": %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); goto err; } nft->f[state->indesc_idx] = f; scanner_push_file(nft, scanner, filename, loc); return 0; err: erec_queue(erec, state->msgs); return -1; } static int include_glob(struct nft_ctx *nft, void *scanner, const char *pattern, const struct location *loc) { struct parser_state *state = yyget_extra(scanner); struct error_record *erec = NULL; bool wildcard = false; glob_t glob_data; unsigned int i; int flags = 0; int ret; char *p; /* This function can return four meaningful values: * * -1 means that there was an error. * 0 means that a single non-wildcard match was done. * 1 means that there are no wildcards in the pattern and the * search can continue. * 2 means that there are wildcards in the pattern and the search * can continue. * * The diffrence is needed, because there is a semantic difference * between patterns with wildcards and no wildcards. Not finding a * non-wildcard file is an error but not finding any matches for a * wildcard pattern is not. */ /* There shouldn't be a need to use escape characters in include paths. */ flags |= GLOB_NOESCAPE; /* Mark directories so we can filter them out (also links). */ flags |= GLOB_MARK; /* If there is no match, glob() doesn't set GLOB_MAGCHAR even if there * are wildcard characters in the pattern. We need to look for (luckily * well-known and not likely to change) magic characters ourselves. In a * perfect world, we could use glob() itself to figure out if there are * wildcards in the pattern. */ p = (char *)pattern; while (*p) { if (*p == '*' || *p == '?' || *p == '[') { wildcard = true; break; } p++; } ret = glob(pattern, flags, NULL, &glob_data); if (ret == 0) { char *path; int len; /* reverse alphabetical order due to stack */ for (i = glob_data.gl_pathc; i > 0; i--) { path = glob_data.gl_pathv[i-1]; /* ignore directories */ len = strlen(path); if (len == 0 || path[len - 1] == '/') continue; ret = include_file(nft, scanner, path, loc); if (ret != 0) goto err; } globfree(&glob_data); /* If no wildcards and we found the file, stop the search (with * 0). In case of wildcards we need to still continue the * search, because other matches might be in other include * directories. We handled the case with a non-wildcard pattern * and no matches already before. */ return wildcard ? 2 : 0; } else if (ret == GLOB_NOMATCH) { globfree(&glob_data); /* We need to tell the caller whether wildcards were used in * case of no match, because the semantics for handling the * cases are different. */ return wildcard ? 2 : 1; } erec = error(loc, "Failed to glob the pattern %s", pattern); /* intentional fall through */ err: if (erec) erec_queue(erec, state->msgs); globfree(&glob_data); return -1; } int scanner_read_file(struct nft_ctx *nft, const char *filename, const struct location *loc) { return include_file(nft, nft->scanner, filename, loc); } static bool search_in_include_path(const char *filename) { return (strncmp(filename, "./", strlen("./")) != 0 && strncmp(filename, "../", strlen("../")) != 0 && filename[0] != '/'); } int scanner_include_file(struct nft_ctx *nft, void *scanner, const char *filename, const struct location *loc) { struct parser_state *state = yyget_extra(scanner); struct error_record *erec; char buf[PATH_MAX]; unsigned int i; int ret = -1; if (search_in_include_path(filename)) { for (i = 0; i < nft->num_include_paths; i++) { ret = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", nft->include_paths[i], filename); if (ret < 0 || ret >= PATH_MAX) { erec = error(loc, "Too long file path \"%s/%s\"\n", nft->include_paths[i], filename); erec_queue(erec, state->msgs); return -1; } ret = include_glob(nft, scanner, buf, loc); /* error was already handled */ if (ret == -1) return -1; /* no wildcards and file was processed: break early. */ if (ret == 0) return 0; /* else 1 (no wildcards) or 2 (wildcards): keep * searching. */ } } else { /* an absolute path (starts with '/') */ ret = include_glob(nft, scanner, filename, loc); } /* handle the case where no file was found */ if (ret == -1) return -1; else if (ret == 0 || ret == 2) return 0; /* 1 means an error, because there are no more include directories to * search, and the pattern does not have wildcard characters. */ erec = error(loc, "File not found: %s", filename); erec_queue(erec, state->msgs); return -1; } void scanner_push_buffer(void *scanner, const struct input_descriptor *indesc, const char *buffer) { struct parser_state *state = yyget_extra(scanner); YY_BUFFER_STATE b; state->indesc = xzalloc(sizeof(struct input_descriptor)); state->indescs[state->indesc_idx] = state->indesc; state->indesc_idx++; memcpy(state->indesc, indesc, sizeof(*state->indesc)); state->indesc->data = buffer; state->indesc->name = NULL; list_add_tail(&state->indesc->list, &state->indesc_list); b = yy_scan_string(buffer, scanner); assert(b != NULL); init_pos(state->indesc); } void *scanner_init(struct parser_state *state) { yyscan_t scanner; yylex_init_extra(state, &scanner); yyset_out(NULL, scanner); return scanner; } static void input_descriptor_destroy(const struct input_descriptor *indesc) { if (indesc->name) xfree(indesc->name); xfree(indesc); } static void input_descriptor_list_destroy(struct parser_state *state) { struct input_descriptor *indesc, *next; list_for_each_entry_safe(indesc, next, &state->indesc_list, list) { list_del(&indesc->list); input_descriptor_destroy(indesc); } } void scanner_destroy(struct nft_ctx *nft) { struct parser_state *state = yyget_extra(nft->scanner); do { yypop_buffer_state(nft->scanner); if (nft->f[state->indesc_idx]) { fclose(nft->f[state->indesc_idx]); nft->f[state->indesc_idx] = NULL; } } while (state->indesc_idx--); input_descriptor_list_destroy(state); yylex_destroy(nft->scanner); }